▁▁▁▁▁▁⏐︎▁▁ 3082
asciilifeform: !!up gabriel_laddel
deedbot: gabriel_laddel voiced for 30 minutes.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: paged. Busy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tsmqrk7Wgsk
asciilifeform: lolk
asciilifeform: !!up iangeker
deedbot: iangeker voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: iangeker welcome
BingoBoingo: iangeker: While you await mircea_popescu there are logs you may browse. I take it you are here for the China embassy position?
BingoBoingo: !!up iangeker
deedbot: iangeker voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: <ben_vulpes> doubtless attends the best parties at burning man too, but what man would eat from that hand, party with those tools << AHA, appropriates hippy backpacker/sailing culture
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'd propose 'a moxie' , a la 'a preet', fairly large group of very similar kanzure-style politruks
asciilifeform: in contrast with, e.g., a boeck : who is 'technically' flavoured ( i.e. mouthpiece for dropping vulns usg wants 'burned' )
asciilifeform: a moxie is more of a 'gift of gab' item. writes 'trendy' 'pgp is obsolete' treatises, appears at 'best' parties , inevitably consulted at 'seekooority cons', 'podcasts', inevitably shills for multicoloured-phone-of-the-day vendors, never skips a chance to 'plug for' other moxies ; appeals to boecks for 'technical cred'.
asciilifeform: afaik krebs is -- possibly -- the best-known moxie .
shinohai: zing
asciilifeform: ( who's krebs ? http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1719 << biography. )
shinohai: Sometimes the stars align nicely, and the universe sends German girls that are curious to know what ancient woodworking tools are and are willing to show tits for said knowledge: http://i.4cdn.org/b/1513380843137.jpg
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-15#1752025 << yes, but by now piddlepiss. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-15 20:02 BingoBoingo: Any waterfalling continues to fail: "In a court filing, prosecutors noted that due to the volatility of the Bitcoin market, both coins risk losing value. Both the BTC and the BCH have already been transferred to government-controlled wallets. The new round of seized digital currency belonged to a Utah man named Aaron Shamo, whom prosecutors say led a multimillion-dollar ring of counterfeit pharmaceuticals, including oxycodone and
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-15#1752040 << to isis eh ? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-15 23:04 asciilifeform: the deathray treason and plot!111
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-15#1752041 <<< bwahahaha. still, of course, no mention of "trilema > 9000x whole usg disinfo establishment". ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-15 23:05 asciilifeform: 'Shahnaz took out more than a dozen credit cards earlier this year and used the money she borrowed to buy cryptocurrency and send it abroad, according to an indictment filed by US attorneys in federal court.'
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-15#1752059 << hey, assets gotta ass-et. ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-15 23:28 asciilifeform: previously specialist in 'stop using pgp' and 'wot dunwork' etc
asciilifeform: the bonus lul is that this deathray case seems to revolve around < 3-4 coinz
asciilifeform: if that.
mircea_popescu: aha. well, it IS a lot of worthless fiat nao.
mircea_popescu: think : victim missed the opportunity to stuff magic marker in butt for TEN coins, not so long ago.
asciilifeform: just about 'за колоски' (tm)(r)
mircea_popescu: now gets larger, warmer implement for much less.
asciilifeform: could as easily say that the arse inserter in turn missed buying 10btc for the 5bux the marker cost, few yrs before
asciilifeform: everybody missed sumthing
mircea_popescu: word.
asciilifeform: picture, chix gets 20y , for less than the 5btc asciilifeform cremated at bitbet
mircea_popescu: seems fair.
asciilifeform awaits the first fractional-btc deathray trial.
mircea_popescu: year or two ?
mircea_popescu: technically .5 btc is "more money than zek is pewrmitted to have" as it is. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'They looked at me like I was a fucking videocard artefact, "something that can't exist", and I didn't insist.' << lol!!
mircea_popescu: aha!
mircea_popescu: bi8g fucking whoop, peeling her panties off on calle colon
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2017/so-heres-what-i-did-today/ << Trilema - So here's what I did today :
mircea_popescu: incidentally asciilifeform , re the question of "where's pantsuit rembrandt" : perhaps that 88 yo
mircea_popescu: he has all the makings of could-have-been-euler-but-married.
mircea_popescu: "instead of the speed of light, favoured other speeds that '''are much more important to (((us)))'''".
asciilifeform: for some reason reminds me of the su prisoners who , legendarily , got 5, 6 school diplomas each, because kept signing up again and again, teacher is the only chix in the joint after all
mircea_popescu: kek
RagnarDanneskjol: mircea_popescu iangeker is here to interview. she's around for a little while longer today and then tomorrow after 2pm China Standard Time
BingoBoingo: !!up iangeker
deedbot: iangeker voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: !!Up iangeker
deedbot: iangeker voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: You are now voiced
BingoBoingo: To talk in the channel, type and hit enter
iangeker: it means I can send a message to the channel now?
iangeker: thank you!
BingoBoingo: Yes, generally it isn't polite to talk to strangers privately except to ask for a loan of voice
BingoBoingo: iangeker: Introduce yourself
iangeker: I am introduced to here by Shannon, I am suppose to have an interview with Mircea. So I am waiting for the interview. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: iangeker: Ah, if he doesn't respond now he will be on later to read what you type.
BingoBoingo: The channel has logs here http://btcbase.org/log/
BingoBoingo: It probably would not hurt your cause here if you offered some information on your background while we await mircea_popescu ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Go over the basics. Mandarin or Cantonese? Where are your from? Where are you now? What have you done with your life?
BingoBoingo: !!Up esthlos
deedbot: esthlos voiced for 30 minutes.
esthlos: hello
BingoBoingo: Como estas vos?
esthlos: bien, e tu?
BingoBoingo: Muy bien, porque en Uruguay.
esthlos: sounds nicer than the -10C here
BingoBoingo: Ah ~30 here atm
esthlos: I've been trying to wrap my head around TMSR
esthlos: my background is as a lisper and mathematician ☟︎☟︎
BingoBoingo: esthlos: Well, what portions do you stub the toes on in your dark?
esthlos: BingoBoingo: i'll put it this way
esthlos: BingoBoingo: i know enough about computing to know that asciilifeform is right about the general idiocy
esthlos: BingoBoingo: and my guess is that you guys view fiat currency like lispers view most programming ☟︎
BingoBoingo: esthlos: So what that idiocy does to machines supposedly made to do math... Understand that same idoicy is pointed at far softer targets for great destruction.
BingoBoingo: TMSR is not primarily a currency thing.
BingoBoingo: TMSR is a self and world improvement society of fellows and fellas working to maximally empower the smart and maximally handicap the idiocy
BingoBoingo: There's even a TMSR fiat currency which operates alongside Bitcoin here, see http://trilema.com/2017/the-ecu/
esthlos: BingoBoingo: interesting
BingoBoingo: Consider the problem where the pantsuit regime has declared flirting bad unless fat chicks do it.
esthlos: BingoBoingo: i've been considering hacking around with eurola, its seems like a game which actually rewards intelligence ☟︎
esthlos: unlike most, where beating the underlying game (through code) is woefully out of scope
BingoBoingo: I've heard great things about it as well, but my work has sucked me down a different Republican rabbit hole.
BingoBoingo: Anyways, the thing to do now is register a GPG key with deedbot, preferrably before you depart.
BingoBoingo: That way when you return it is possible to know you are you.
esthlos: alright
BingoBoingo: There's also logs to read, 2013 is a good read.
esthlos: i've been reading, but its hard to pull together a narrative ☟︎
esthlos: so i've been blasting through the blogs of the 'lords'
BingoBoingo: Ah, the general admission exercise is reading six months of logs. Sometimes this is interpreted as the most recent, others suppose there is a "most correct" six months.
esthlos: !!register http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/b1G73/?raw=true
deedbot: EDB93AD2CAB28398010B46D025C71657FDA71DC2 registered as esthlos.
BingoBoingo: !!up iangeker
deedbot: iangeker voiced for 30 minutes.
BingoBoingo: iangeker: Consider leaving an introduction as suggested for when mircea_popescu wakes up http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752133 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:13 BingoBoingo: It probably would not hurt your cause here if you offered some information on your background while we await mircea_popescu
BingoBoingo: !!rate esthlos 1 Fresh off the boat
deedbot: Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/peOnZ/?raw=true
esthlos: BingoBoingo: thank you
BingoBoingo: !!v 1143C33A5ED25279C6BF15EA1388574D1BD9306E39B26F85678CBCB12C12416C
deedbot: BingoBoingo rated esthlos 1 << Fresh off the boat
BingoBoingo: esthlos: You may now voice yourself
BingoBoingo: !!down esthlos
BingoBoingo: This is the part where you figure out the voicing
BingoBoingo: !!help
deedbot: http://deedbot.org/help.html
BingoBoingo: !!Up esthlos
deedbot: esthlos voiced for 30 minutes.
esthlos: well
esthlos: i'm messaging deedbot
esthlos: oh duh i have to decrypt the msg
esthlos: nice system
esthlos: BingoBoingo: i will start reading some logs. enjoy your sun and beautiful women
esthlos: !!down
shinohai: I need coffee, I'm sitting here listening to asciilifeform 's txt Romanian dictionary through espeak. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: !!up iangeker
deedbot: iangeker voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: hey there.
mircea_popescu: hm i wonder what china standard time is in ticotime lessee
mircea_popescu: 1 am now ; so 10 hrs behind. that's not even so terrible.
shinohai: He said something about her returning @ 2am local time here to chat I believe?
mircea_popescu: he said pm tho.
shinohai: My bad 2pm
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752130 << aite, catch you tonight then. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:08 iangeker: I am introduced to here by Shannon, I am suppose to have an interview with Mircea. So I am waiting for the interview.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752144 << anything i could look at in either direction ? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:18 esthlos: my background is as a lisper and mathematician
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752148 << this is actually quite apt. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:24 esthlos: BingoBoingo: and my guess is that you guys view fiat currency like lispers view most programming
mircea_popescu: hmm where'd he go.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752155 << really, everything is specifically designed with the single goal in mind of rewarding intelligence, be it v, the wot, ANYTHING. in fact, if something didn't reward intelligence i'd very much like to hear about it, because that's the one and only cause for reform. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:30 esthlos: BingoBoingo: i've been considering hacking around with eurola, its seems like a game which actually rewards intelligence
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752162 << this may be because cult rumours greatly exaggerated. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:34 esthlos: i've been reading, but its hard to pull together a narrative
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752189 << i find it hard to picture anything but randomsoup coming from such a thing ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 16:33 shinohai: I need coffee, I'm sitting here listening to asciilifeform 's txt Romanian dictionary through espeak.
shinohai: It was soup, therefore why I slapped myself to stop laughter, drank coffee, continued day.
asciilifeform: shinohai: if yer doing ro , mircea_popescu and diana_coman posted some quite handy links to audio , in thread http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-24#1728247 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-10-24 20:51 mircea_popescu: 100% chances of native speaking not having any fucking clue what you're saying
shinohai: ty asciilifeform those would be handy.
asciilifeform: afaik there is not a ro-outputting machine synth worth a broken penny
mircea_popescu: pretty sure i heard some
asciilifeform: would be quite handy, can haz link , if mircea_popescu or anyone else finds it
mircea_popescu: but possibly rotting away under stacks of other female studies in $rando obscure uni
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752144 << how come n00bs never append 'and here are some words that i published on the subject' to this ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 13:18 esthlos: my background is as a lisper and mathematician
asciilifeform: oh hm loox like mircea_popescu already asked same q !
mircea_popescu: they will.
asciilifeform to tea, bbl
mircea_popescu: !~ticker --market all
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 18740.52, vol: 9956.57952973 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 18638.0, vol: 44101.27374891 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 18774.8, vol: 2412.02276688 | Volume-weighted last average: 18661.9191821
mircea_popescu: !!pay danielpbarron 0.00112981
deedbot: Get your OTP: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/5gjuX/?raw=true
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752219 <- perhaps because other than here, nobody actually asks them to or indeed bothers to look at it if they do ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 17:30 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752144 << how come n00bs never append 'and here are some words that i published on the subject' to this
mircea_popescu: ^
mircea_popescu: the whole "reward intelligence", ie the positive republican value, is entirely unheard of in empire lands
mircea_popescu: let ALONE the heresy of all heresies, unthinabler than incestouous-rape-while-vivisecting-right-of-life-chipmunk-dolphins-babyseals, which is ACTUALLY HANDICAP STUPIDITY, so dumbass gets LESS per unit than less dumbass ?!
mircea_popescu: holy hell what.
mircea_popescu: ~black~ seals, ie artical-american, i forgot to add.
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in dept of entomology, https://archive.is/Mli5z << a dekulakization-flavoured phorqcoin , 'Active bitcoin wallets will receive UBTC at a rate of 1:1, and inactive wallet funds will go toward supporting other high quality blockchains or other projects in the ecosystem' . 'active' appears to mean 'moved in last month'. and, bonus, '30% ... ... will be used to support at least 10 other projects in the crypto-currency eco-syst
asciilifeform: em' while '70% will be used as collateral, to back the issuance of digital currencies pegged to fiat currencies'
mircea_popescu: high quality lol.
asciilifeform: they also baked in some scheme whereby you have to, apparently, nuke yer btc to get their shitcoin
asciilifeform: but asciilifeform can't muster the givingashit to investigate in detail.
asciilifeform: meanwhile in world of cokemachine, https://archive.is/ooxkA >> new jersey , 'Louis Meza, 35, lured his pal into a minivan, where a gunman pointed a pistol at the victim and demanded his 24-word passphrase on Nov. 4, authorities said. The code was given to Meza, a cryptocurrency investor, and allowed him access to the victim's Ether wallet.'
mircea_popescu: aaaahahaha
mircea_popescu: ether huffing at a gunpoint. was it a daisy ?
asciilifeform: a disney deathhose 9000, for all i know.
mircea_popescu: pretty lulzy shit imo
PeterL: so I was trying to follow the ffa series, started at loper-os, followed the link to v, ended up at http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2016-January/000200.html and I am getting <title>404 Not Found</title> when I tried to download the links in 0x02, did I do something wrong or am I not looking at the most up to date v source or what?
asciilifeform: PeterL: afaik current-day vtron, by mod6 , is the one at http://thebitcoin.foundation/index.html
PeterL: ah, yes, I see it now.
PeterL: http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system was the page where I went to the ml with the dead links, ben_vulpes maybe that should be updated? ☟︎
asciilifeform: i could've sworn there was a mod6 thread about this not long ago ☟︎
asciilifeform: possibly ben_vulpes hadn't yet had time to update his www .
asciilifeform: !~later tell ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752248 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 20:27 PeterL: http://cascadianhacker.com/07_v-tronics-101-a-gentle-introduction-to-the-most-serene-republic-of-bitcoins-cryptographically-backed-version-control-system was the page where I went to the ml with the dead links, ben_vulpes maybe that should be updated?
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
PeterL: I tried to press the ffa with the mod6 v, and I am getting this error: http://p.bvulpes.com/pastes/30JHp/?raw=true
asciilifeform: holyshit wat
asciilifeform: PeterL: tar up whole thing for me ?
asciilifeform: and post
asciilifeform: patches, seals, wot, v.pl, all.
asciilifeform: fwiw i tested with his vtron, and mine, prior to releasing each ch 1-3
asciilifeform: oh lemme guess, are you on crapple box PeterL ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: those don't have sha512sum utility
asciilifeform: they have some other, heathen name for it, that escapes me presently
asciilifeform: memo to all crapple victims : yer choices are 1) stop, cold turkey 2) learn the broken pieces and learn to work around, on yer own
PeterL: umm, yes
asciilifeform: PeterL: the null string output for 'Actual:' is telltale.
PeterL: that's kinda what I was thinking might be the problem
PeterL: because the file is where it is supposed to be
asciilifeform: iirc the command on crapple is shasum -a 512 filegoeshere
asciilifeform: rather than sha512sum as in human boxes.
PeterL: aha, that works
PeterL: bah, my kids are making a mess, I will have to continue this later
ben_vulpes: and i am to update my blog every time someone takes down matter linked from a mailing list post?
ben_vulpes: don't contribute to linkrot, folks. at least put in a redirect when you take things down.
mircea_popescu: there is that.
ben_vulpes: meanwhile, what was the ml link now points to the foundation website, as that's where mod6 's v is most sensibly linked from
asciilifeform: redirects dun do much good for signed matter, do they
mircea_popescu: why not ?
asciilifeform: hm oughta work, if sig also redirect
PeterL: asciilifeform: I have succesfully built the FFA chapters 1-3 (on this here mac), and they give the expected respones using the included demo.
asciilifeform: congrats PeterL
asciilifeform: !~later tell mod6 plox to consider http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-16#1752260 case , vtron really oughta barf informatively if a req'd unix util is notfound, imho ☝︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-16 21:00 asciilifeform: oh lemme guess, are you on crapple box PeterL ?
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: this particular problem will go away when phf bakes his new-type vdifftron . but until then it will prolly recur.
PeterL: I guess it is good I built in on a mac, exposes some bugs that would not have been seen if everybody used linux
PeterL: they are so close but have the wierdest quirky differences
ben_vulpes: http://btcbase.org/log/2014-10-26#896379 ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2014-10-26 03:33 decimation: osx looks good from the outside, but when you walk into the engine room you find chairs glued to the ceiling and rotating clown cars
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: that's possibly circa-2004, at latest, thinking. today it dun look so hot even from outside, to naked eye. 'update and MUST REBOOT NAO' popups, a la microshit, crashes, even shitware beginning to bloom, whole orchestra, 'regression to mean'
asciilifeform sat down and tried to think of something good to say about it, 'at least it ships with compiler' then remembered that.. it doesn't, not after jobs died
asciilifeform: in other noose, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1913&cpage=1#comment-18418 << congrats to PeterL, the first (self-proclaimed, but there ain't gonna be any other kind, i dun run a usg-style school, 'diploma' is a matter of yer own conscience) ffa ch1 graduate .
asciilifeform: !~later tell phf plox to intern http://www.loper-os.org/pub/ffa/ffa_ch1_genesis.vpatch.peterl.sig
jhvh1: asciilifeform: The operation succeeded.
asciilifeform: !!up colorics
deedbot: colorics voiced for 30 minutes.
asciilifeform: colorics: who might you be ?