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phf: !#s dog notfrom:mircea
mircea_popescu: "If pet food companies used the same business model as startups: Jim creates a dog food factory and gives away dog food for free. 450 million dogs line up for free dog food. Purina Dog Chow understands that non-paying dog food consumers are currency, and buys Jim’s factory for $42 per dog." << in other historical elaineo lulz. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: all the dogs i ever met were thrilled to be scratched behind ears whenever and whichever way you felt like, the warm glow of "omfg, i am being handled BY HUMAN!!!" visibly overpowering all "thoughts" such as they had in their dog brain.
mike_c: wife and two kids, if I just get a dog and sell my motorcycle I'm about as typical as they come.
mircea_popescu: "hello, this is dog!" "hello sr mr dog, this is mr james. jack james. harry. please write down some money numbers"
mircea_popescu: did this schmuck actually have the dog call some nigerian off the internets ?!
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-08#1711493 << am i the only one thinking "rita" is a dog's name ?! ☝︎
asciilifeform: also bonus, i expect they are working to kick the dog, hoping for a mcveigh
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform recall that thing with the dog ?
mircea_popescu: so does the average dog.
phf: yeah, i don't remember the details. i think g_l just wanted to be the top dog on the project, and, to quote trinque, swing a dick that he didn't have by running the whole thing in faux tmsr way (lots of calling everyone cunt), which got him marginalized, and eventually completely sidelined
asciilifeform pictures ben_vulpes opening box by dog grabbing one end with teeth and son, other end
asciilifeform: rest of time - sow, dog, leech, take yer pick.
asciilifeform: well yes. stray dog works exactly like so
mircea_popescu: not much of a learning machine. we're seeing a dog's mind.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-30#1706369 << how about focusing on your own fucking problems! clean up that pizza wrapper! cook for fucking once. go out and walk that misfortunate dog of yours. instead of pretending to "solve" the problems of distant others for the transparent reason that you can avoid having to confront not having done ANYTHING in a whole decade this way. ☝︎☟︎
ben_vulpes: also the ahistoricity of "omfg stop burning things, slow the warming". dog, the damage was done when the first nuggets of coal came out and went up.
mircea_popescu: i can't. it's as incomprehensible to me as the girls. a boy that dun wanna fight, really ? exactly like a girl that dun wanna fuck, i look at these like a dog looks at a painted bone. "nice work i guess lol. but..."
kanzure: "".. isn’t the only one working to clone a mammoth. There’s also Hwang Woo-suk’s Korean dog-cloning lab, Soaam Technologies [....] He was the one who claimed to clone human cells, but it turns out he had been forcing his students to donate their eggs, and secondly that his clone cells are fraudulent, so he’s trying to resurrect his reputation by being the first to clone ...
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: that was dog's version of writing.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i'm sure i told the story of the dog ?
asciilifeform: 'kick the dog till it bites'
mircea_popescu: the reason people don't fuck dog/rat is principally that woman cheaper.
asciilifeform: can instrument dog, or rat, for all you like.
mircea_popescu: aaand in other lulz, teh metizos heard of things "many people know" and also have opinions on matters : http://www.nacion.com/opinion/columnistas/Mad-Dog-Trump_0_1652634727.html
mircea_popescu: dog is perfect for up to 10 or so. then can take it riding.
ben_vulpes: monster dog has been excellent for toughening up the tyke
mircea_popescu: i can't discern if this dude has no fucking idea how the sexual parts work, or if some deeper insanity on the level of "transsexual dog" is afoot
mircea_popescu: and in other ustardian sads : this gringo has a dog. he refers to the dog as she, and got it a pink collar and everything. it got flipped on its back while playing with a puppy (which, at six weeks old, is way the fuck more dominant, and generally rounded than the gringo's misfortunate mongrel) and lo! penis. ballsac.
mircea_popescu: to them, feinstein is nothing more than any other old bitty. she dun fuck, she dun twerk, she's as interesting as a printed picture of a bone is to a dog.
mircea_popescu: now, iconoclasm is necessarily a sort of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688192 bullshit. but this does not make the iconolater anything more than the common dog, seriously now. manufactured gods ? and what, with a family ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: sorta like mircea_popescu's man , boy and dog trio
asciilifeform: if i were crashed on the proverbial starvation island with this animal and a dog, i would eat her first , before the dog
asciilifeform: i wouldn't keep one of these around. better a dog, a horse.
mircea_popescu: the finer points of forum scheduling still elude me. but nevertheless -- let it be said each dog wil lget his day in the sun and nothing will remain buried in the logs, forgotten. so.
mircea_popescu: the whole fucking pile of fail consists of the vague hope someone may be dumb enough to take a barking caterpillar for a dog.
trinque: meanwhile, dog has been living with "put everything in my mouth" for how many million years, still here
a111: Logged on 2017-06-27 03:04 mircea_popescu: tis true. bigots = fixated people with beards you couldn't convince of your reasonable position, such as "the rabid dog doesn't bite" on the grounds of it not having bit yet, or "marrying your first cousin is fine" on the basis of hey, cunt that doesn't scare me!
a111: 2 results for "kick the dog till it bites", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=kick%20the%20dog%20till%20it%20bites
asciilifeform: !#s kick the dog till it bites
mircea_popescu: are you allowed to peruse drawings of little squares labeled mom "fucking" littler squares labeled daugther and/or dog ?
mircea_popescu: tis true. bigots = fixated people with beards you couldn't convince of your reasonable position, such as "the rabid dog doesn't bite" on the grounds of it not having bit yet, or "marrying your first cousin is fine" on the basis of hey, cunt that doesn't scare me! ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-25#1674362 << speaking of bigots : so i'm walking with girl through utter shithole, true poverty area. stench of sewage in the air, houses made out of $200 in materials and so on. i spot a rabid dog by that sure sign of drooping salivation, so i go in between and keep my eye on it. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: you have nfi. you keep going "oh, we have fruits also in soviet union." no, you don't, your ethylene pinkomatoes aren't fit for a dog salad.
trinque: that chick that made the psychedelic dog video claims to be a nazi.
a111: 5 results for "right to marry her dog", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=right%20to%20marry%20her%20dog
asciilifeform: !#s right to marry her dog
a111: Logged on 2015-08-19 23:55 mircea_popescu: what, "i'm a boy from tenesee here to die for some fat bitch's right to marry her dog" ?
mircea_popescu: besides, one day i found a correspondence between the direction in which my dog barked and whether it was gonna rain that day.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-12 14:27 phf: the interface is not very thought through because there's not enough dog fooding happening. vpatches require higher overhead than git blobs by design following the principle of measure ten times, cut once. but that means that it takes longer to evolve a workflow around them since the trickle of new updates is much slower
phf: the interface is not very thought through because there's not enough dog fooding happening. vpatches require higher overhead than git blobs by design following the principle of measure ten times, cut once. but that means that it takes longer to evolve a workflow around them since the trickle of new updates is much slower ☟︎
mod6: "hello, this is dog."
pete_dushenski: this is actualy the legacy of the whole gay right movement innit : everyone and their dog is *-oriented. such human social progress this advent.
asciilifeform: or consider the elaborate dog&pony show of ameri-courts. also works strictly in absence of much serious organized uppitiness.
asciilifeform: has mircea_popescu ever built so much as a dog house with own hands?
asciilifeform: black text, 'toilet, prisoner,non consensual, kidnap, chained, caged, urinal, piss, spit, suck, slave, capture, bondage, extreme, abuse, sex, sexual, animal, pig, sub-human, subhuman, inferior, lick, mouth, pathetic, bitch, stupid, worthless, snuff, obedience, loyalty, dog, fun, pleasure, service, servitude, b&d, s&m, knine,submission, slave, sub.'
asciilifeform: yeah nobody at or above city dog catcher political level, in usa, would survive this procedure
mircea_popescu: ~all comes back to the eternal "i'm a dog that thinks on the internet nobody can tell i'm a dog."
mircea_popescu: anyway, as far as "headless whatever" item is concerned trinque it seems to me something you can rack is a better choice than something you gotta keep around the house / out of dog's mouth etc.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is the fundamental limit of "democracy" in ~any sense~. no sort of consultative body, no matter what kind or type, would have ever fallen on the correct solution cca 1939, which was to say to hitler "hey, you seem like a strapping young chap, tell you what, each dog must have his day says our poet. would you like india ?"
asciilifeform: 'He recruited a former hedge fund salesman named Kyle Ferguson as co-founder and launched Wags Lending, thinking dog leases would mark just the first step in a vertically integrated pet-financing company that would eventually include food deliveries, chew-toy subscriptions, and veterinary loans. Then their point-of-sale lease financing became a hit, and they decided to double down on it.'
mod6: mircea_popescu: anyway, as far as dog, 100 years ago; your dog got cancer? you take it out and shoot the poor thing.
mod6: you know the damnable misery of the whole thing? i woudln't have let my dog go through the same suffering.
mats: bonus footage: dog takes a dump at the end
mircea_popescu: this isn't a nation you're discusing, it's a spot of dog vomit, a chimera of isolated cultural pockets.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i betcha it's been in the old dog eared yellowed looseleaf notes the posix copied.
asciilifeform: ^ 'unabomber'(tm) d00d had a very cogent discussion of this principle, with the coffee grinding and meaningless lives, and wheel dog.
mircea_popescu: but then again! ever saw young dog in car ? going fast ? woooooh wuf wuf wuf!!!11 ?
mircea_popescu: dog on wheels!
mircea_popescu: what that most productive activity is depends on the woman, or man, or dog. to replace others may be a good idea (or not -- how smart is it to not walk because car and then gym because no exercise ?) but entirely replacing the poor sod out of productive activity and thereby world relevancy is psychological poison.
asciilifeform: dog.
mircea_popescu: there can be such a thing as a beautiful dog, though no dog ever proved a theorem.
asciilifeform: 'die for a fat broad's right to marry her dog' (tm)(r)(trilema)
asciilifeform: '... the complainant's dog is running around the house, strangely, as if it senses someone... '
mod6: just install jabber and talk to the dog, w00f!
mod6: hello, this is dog!
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-05#1317715 << bee dog dances to communicate ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and since nobody's taking the bait : similarities between dog and engineer : both have intelligent eyes and neither can express itself.
mircea_popescu: and unrelatedly, ancient romanian joke : what are the similarities between dog and engineer ?
BingoBoingo: Or cat-dog
BingoBoingo: perhaps asciilifeform is bodily and mentally different from his fellows, is dog-cat
mircea_popescu: anyway, today watched sunset by the pool, with dog and woman. dog is a friendly pitbull, woman has nice tits. there could be worse fates.
mircea_popescu: i mean rms, i understand, stray dog mit took in, he'd bark at st peter if st peter came by. but the rest of 'em ?
BingoBoingo: Surely Putin must know of American dog wagging rituals.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/04/the-dog-has-been-wagged-trump-fires-60-cruise-missiles-into-syrian-airfields-pussy/ << Qntra - The Dog Has Been Wagged: Trump Fires 60 Cruise Missiles Into Syrian Airfield's Pussy
BingoBoingo: Not necessarily yet. Dog wagging has long tradition in US politics as way to beat the media up with itself. "Support our troops/missiles" gambit
ben_vulpes: so i read a bit about datura, "moonflower, that sounds familiar...hey baby aren't you doing something with moonflower in the backyard this year?" "yeah! it's going to be beautiful" "..." "is this about how daturas are poisonous?" "..." "it's going in on the carport where dog and child can't get to it"
mircea_popescu: (no, noticing a nail and going "oh, i remember hammer can hit nails" is NOT technical ability. a ditzy blonde / bright dog can do the fucking same. technical ability is when you can say ~use x, because no other tool is more adequate here~. that's technical fucking ability.)
asciilifeform: not long ago i walked to post office along different, for no good reason, path, to mail a FG, and saw the largest and most impressive dog i ever saw
trinque: also http://i.imgur.com/LaG8aNd.gif vs https://thesciencedog.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/baby-sitting-on-dog.jpg
mircea_popescu: dog-pets work fine for 5 to maybe 11 or 12yo boys, but this mostly because the kid will pull its ears etc.
phf: well, it's a telling selection of canine behaviors is my point. my dog was a lot more useful than "sit" and "shut up"
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes notrly. i mean i dunno, to my eyes the whole "dog as pet" thing is kinda inept. get a hunting dog, go hunting with it, suddenly it's a lot more respectable an animal.
Framedragger: reminds me of your story about observing a dog which attempted to systematically find a new owner. sanest mammal in town sorta deal
asciilifeform: we had a lively thread not long ago, where asciilifeform complains re primary activity of the top bolixologists seems to consist of sitting quietly, dog-in-the-manger-style, on piles of unpublished goodies
mircea_popescu: their problem, however, is that they have nfi what they're doing, like that dog driving van on trilema.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if my cock were one of 10 in existence, and the chicks all knew, and still avoided, i would have to seriously wonder wtf, maybe it points in wrong direction, or i have dog's head, or what.
asciilifeform: i don't know precisely why not. but it is in asciilifeform's lived experience, fwiw, a 'man bites the dog'
mircea_popescu: in fact -- if ANY professor is better through video than writing, and i don't mean better overall - if he is better in any one definite way, then THEREFORE that person is not a professor but a hunting dog.