1100+ entries in 0.17s
mircea_popescu: anyway, cold hardness is very much developed trait. i think i told the story of the pubescent girls at the black sea playing around in the freezing water like fucking sirens.
mircea_popescu: was some black dude with tv show
mircea_popescu: and to continue the penitentiary discussion : i don't seem to see all the fuckwits insisting that black dudes being jailed constitutes some kind of racism etc notice that a) google will serve you the "37% non-hispanic blacks" figure on a search for "us inmate population by gender" front and center, because who cares what you're actually searching for, have some nigger figures in any case and b) there's only 12k women for 175k
mircea_popescu: http://www.npr.org/2010/04/06/125630808/orange-is-the-new-black-in-federal-womens-prison
BingoBoingo: Anyways, the point is Working White America likes the idea of wall, Black America NEEDS wall
jhvh1: BingoBoingo: Attack on family in Compton latest incident in wave of anti- black ...: <http://articles.latimes.com/2013/jan/25/local/la-me-0126-compton-20130126>; ' Compton : A Soundtrack,' and Dr. Dre's L.A. legacy - LA Times: <http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/music/la-ca-ms-sasha-frere-jones-straight-outta-compton-la-rap-20150816-story.html>; Demographic shift: Compton's new Latino majority | Al Jazeera ...: (1 more message)
BingoBoingo: !~google compton black genocide
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: re: black genocide, Soldiers of Aztlan have captured *COMPTON*, KKKalifornia from the blacks. The same Compton of "Straight out of Compton" fame.
mircea_popescu: really, black dude's gonna be the carefee highway robber of 2020 ? what next, samoan ballerinas, gypsy wrestlers, what.
mircea_popescu: kinda why the black genocide ongoing in the us is so lulzy. here are some ~africans, dedicated fundamentally an' by nature to being lazy, confronted with either become wasps, "tryinna make it in this game" or else indians, part of the bureaucracy. possibly the two LEAST adequate passtimes for black man, ghetto gangsta or university professors, are what they must do!!!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform gotta love the folx who buy 12-cyl mazeratis to go REALLYREALLYFAST!!! between same red lights as the toyota goes << oh i had the lulz of all time with this yest. so we were coming back, in cab. on other side, porsche SUV! black! dude just peels off like crazy, in the middle of the night. i go "hey, i think he won" and dun think more of it. till... guess who's lined up at next stop ? oh, us and them. so i turn a
Framedragger: phf`: ah ok that makes sense. i checked bob black (lols), yeah gotcha. lulzy re "art"
phf`: Framedragger: that's colloquial use of "anarchist" by the way, i.e. when i was growing up that was post-punk, post-left (in a marxist leninist sense) people. think bob black, rather than murray bookchin
mircea_popescu: fortunately the soil isn't very good. if it were the rich black stuff, that sucks a lot of water, forget about it.
mircea_popescu: socialist paradise of the future to be enacted through having more people involved. just like they think the country will fare better, politically, by having more low information voters added to the rolls, and just like clinton genuinely thought the economy will gain by having more black morons with "home ownership". even if it was a purely scriptural matter.
BingoBoingo: <lobbes> http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651737 << probably follows standard path of percocet abuse (around $30 per pill on black market iirc) to eventual (much cheaper) heroin << You mean under $1 a pop at Walgreens to street price sticker shock to "One trick the drug companies don't want you to know" ☝︎
lobbes: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-04#1651737 << probably follows standard path of percocet abuse (around $30 per pill on black market iirc) to eventual (much cheaper) heroin ☝︎
mircea_popescu: phf eh, the whole satanism thing is all about mock-catolicism. "oh, it's a cross, but it's BLACK!!1 oh it's a mass but it's DARK!111".
mircea_popescu: pantsuit party is a very volatile hodge podge of single issue fascists ("gender rights", "Ecologists", radical black activists, some latino weirdos etc) and multi-issue socialists that used to masquerade as "market oriented liberal capitalists" (the dudes who keep pushing the "science" narrative etc) and are now about as confused wrt their identity as dude trying to wear a suit on wall street by day and suck cock on knees in
mircea_popescu: (the principal driver for large penii is female sluttery ; there is no such thing as "the naiton of africa" and there's black or ~black people living from brazil to india. there's no homogenity of female sluttery in everyone's history and so...)
mircea_popescu: notwithstanding the flattering aspects -- my cock is actually quite normal. the theory whereby black dudes have huge cocks is ~false.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-28 23:25 asciilifeform: it worx great; done in same clinic where they paint you black to lengthen cock
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-28#1649658 << no, actually. ~black chick wanted to know if my penis is really big ; i told her it's normal. she later saw it and her comment was "oh that's not normal!!1" (her english is approximative. other girl chuckled at the implicationz.) ☝︎
asciilifeform: it worx great; done in same clinic where they paint you black to lengthen cock ☟︎
asciilifeform: red, black, ..., what 'colour' pnoje nao ?
mircea_popescu: the jpm school, not being jewish, simply aims to you know, resolve THE PROBLEM of this property, like they'd cure the common cold or the misfortune of being black.
ben_vulpes: a few black, a few a dark green, kiddo's room is blue
trinque on 80char black and white display atm. obsd doesn't know what to do with this gpu
a111: Logged on 2015-09-21 21:39 phf: mostly amusing, at the local coworking i've probably seen all the stereotypes in flesh. girls with social sciences ph.d. doing research projects, guys pushing feminist rhetoric in every conversation, black transgender talking about white oppression, all manner of "you can do anything" mentality. it's like irl tumblr out there
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> also, she's not white. she prefers to be referred to as "buttery" << i.e. wants to trap a black man and get Obeast on him
ben_vulpes: glorious socialist republic, at the forefront of socialist innovations claimed and actual, from right to die to filthy black-brigaders messing up all of our lovely peaceful protests
mircea_popescu: in other wins for "social justice" and just being a retard generally, pretty much every online game defaults to making your avatar brown-skinned with the next option being some sort of african black. because TOTALLY not a vast majority of white boys play these things, and there's ABSOLUTELY nothing ridiculous about a bunch of teenaged male drones going around with the equivalent of little gril pillows of themselves.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> or wait, bile's green is it. << Black or neon yellow depending on saturation
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-13#1642888 <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-10#1500604 in which vein, let me guess, this is because black, yes ? not because pantsuited, middle aged woman ? ☝︎☝︎
Framedragger: i'm hangover af after $party, everything is black currently (doesn't happen often, tbh)
mircea_popescu: back in 1938 THIS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjJry0vhHj4 was a fucking thing. why ? i have no idea, because a black woman lost her fucking basket. who cares, what difference does it make ? i dunno, none that anyone can discern. NEvERTHELESS!!!!! there she is. she's there. with her stupid basket that only could possibly matter to her. yes, "and half a million black women entirely indistinguishable from her", but this as a
mircea_popescu: 1. girl introduced me to local chick who hjas a job she hates and tries to study "metaphysics" which she explains as "life" and "healing". basically a large pile of hooey (she has the disadvantage of being black , which comes packaged with a bunch of stupid fat old women and their self-sufficient notions of "life" and "healing", tribal bullshit that should have been extirpated by whip and fire but apparently wasnt).
phf: but i don't think that working with a black box of rdbms will
asciilifeform: as it is, sql db is a very effectively opaque black box, full of liquishit, that reliably generates full employment for millions of 'perlists' who memorized the trivia.
BingoBoingo: Have planted Black Krim, Cherokee x Carbon heirloom cross, Juliet Roma x Grape cross, Obligatory yellow cultivar, Beefmaster hybrid, and obligatory cherry tomatoe cultivar
asciilifeform: (they eventually resorted to 'credit card' and ended up simply making a titanic black hole for entire ~industry~ to fall into, when it finally imploded)
asciilifeform: ditto grey/black
Framedragger: now, complexity management-wise.. maybe; having same person manage both boxes may not be best idea (and the alternative has its own advantages). but the current "phuctor is down, i don't know why, it's a black box" isn't the greatest example of current setup, either. (this may be a red herring, i'm not sure)
mircea_popescu: "black woman and former Mary Kay sales professional Ella Jones" ahaha
CompanionCube: 'Wakanda is a fictional nation appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.[1] It is the most prominent of several fictional African nations in the Marvel Universe, and it is home to the superhero Black Panther. Wakanda first appeared in Fantastic Four #52 (July 1966), and was created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.'
BingoBoingo: In still further lulz, professionally black people criticize black people of Ferguson https://archive.is/yqwEV
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/04/majority-black-ferguson-missouri-re-elects-white-man-as-mayor/ << Qntra - Majority Black Ferguson Missouri Re-Elects White Man As Mayor
mircea_popescu: lol ben_vulpes running his kindergarten with proper red/black stars an errythang!
mircea_popescu: "what is stronger, titan or black dragon ?"
phf: the need to not treat the binary as a black box and also the need for non-linear compilation
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: other observation re taleb -- i find his works quintessentially 'american', in the most damning sense of the word -- they are exactly 'salvation through method' - 'do-s and dont-s', 'don't use black-scholes', 'do worship at my feet, and have my esteemed pedigree tree, and sit on the sunny shores of the levant, and You Too Could Be A God Like Me' etc.
ben_vulpes: there are conditions beyond "being black"
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: iirc it already happens, but you gotta paint yerself black 1st
mircea_popescu: what, you think black and decker power tools hanging from power cords around the neck could NEVER become a "music industry" standard ?
pete_dushenski: you warn folks about looking out window, asciilifeform. watch out for black van stealing your turkey recipes!
mircea_popescu: brazil has some incredibly hot black women, but it's too hot altogether.
mircea_popescu: be maintained in the mid-60s, which facilitated her preferred daily uniform of a black turtleneck with a puffy black vest—a homogeneity that she had borrowed from her idol, the late Steve Jobs."
trinque: that may be the one actual advantage with the black hoodie kids. if nothing else, they haven't got sky-dad keeping them up at night.
mircea_popescu: gotta love the "routine" device of the SOPS also. "john smith, why did you wait in a black van behind the highschool for the cheerleaders to come out, then chased one down, stripped her naked, tied her and took her to your van ?" "oh, i ALWAYS DO THIS!"
asciilifeform: not only 'not black' but they are dressed like 'stereotypical capitalist devil', sharp suit, tie, sitting in respectable-looking study, or in office with obvious subordinates, etc
mircea_popescu: it wasn't ok top be black, then
mircea_popescu: large items are hard for the brain to grasp, but it makes a fucking difference if it's pea sized or black hole sized. not SIMPLY because "oh, can't lift it", but because the universe does not scale liniarily.
mircea_popescu: incidentally dorky black men get sent up for "drugs" now. it could readily be dorky white girls for "whoredom".
mircea_popescu: suppose you're born and a perfect and ideal bride is destined to you. suppose 15 years later a black immigrant from the arab nation of africa gets her drunk at a party and fucks her. is it now too late for you ?
mircea_popescu: en) and, lulzily, they came up with a system to "guess" based on reasons (such as zip codes and last names) who is a black applicant for loans, and then fined various usg agencies masquerading as banks by the 100s of millions for these alleged abuses. and they got it too, because settlement culture. and they didn't, of course, pay as much as a dime to the "estimated" victims, they being you know, "estimated" aka hallucinated,
Framedragger: yeah the sarcasm is probably not black enough tbh
mircea_popescu: Framedragger the mystery of the black box that manages to require 59kb to store 8 x 4byte directories, ie a whooping 99.99% wastage....
asciilifeform: 'all you need is a miniature black hole and some duct tape! otherwise, 100% solid physics!1111'
mircea_popescu: here's a pic of a nice black girl going over backwards to suck some cock. http://68.media.tumblr.com/ca595189778e5688d585a0dbdda6f5e3/tumblr_mn2n4qplLe1s5v9c7o1_1280.png
mircea_popescu: bout the same thing, occupy wallstreet, black lives matter, student choice in education, i will fix bitcoin,
mircea_popescu: in the background, there's this steve martin - kathleen turner movie in which she's a black widow and he's a brain surgeon. woman has nice legs and a fine disposition ; what a fucking waste of a reel.
mircea_popescu: that's why all the efforts to help "black people" as they were understood by white people created a thin sliver of black people tuned to entertain white people atop a large mass of exceptionally disenfranchised if somewhat authentic black people.
mircea_popescu: much like say "composites" today is a lot more than the "glass fiber" making the better motor boats on the black sea at the period.
mircea_popescu: why the fuck is holywood half-black and all fatty, and how the fuck does it expect to hang on to any kind of relevancy in this manner ? bollywood has better women.
mircea_popescu: as far as these assemblages go, there isn't a substantial difference between the black pimp's hussle&flow and the white cuckold's hussle&flow. neither of them can act substantially and deliberately. gotta pick one.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform for this discussion, every inner city black thug who sits down to start his own brothel is (like, say, http://trilema.com/2016/hustle-flow/ ) is laying down a new cognitive capacity farm.
asciilifeform: sooooooo.... ACHTUNG, PANZERS! i found ~one~ heretofore-undiscovered cause of black hole:
mircea_popescu: trump stonewalled them, the whole thing went nowhere, now he's going to make an example out of the woman retracing the "congrats on geting obama elected ; no black man will ever be president again he did such a shiot job of it" and it's yet another 1-0 for him.
asciilifeform: ^ these include strictly those folx who built with versionstring knob. or rather, some quite arbitrary subset thereof (i.e. those not in a black hole atm)
mats: somehow not surprised both whiners that appeared on tv are black...
mircea_popescu: this is entirely correct, "black thug" is generally the neglected son of a respectable black accountant with an earned college degree.
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Black - Zet Feat. Teakă - Aurolacii (Cassette) at Discogs: <https://www.discogs.com/Black-Zet-Feat-Teak%25C4%2583-Aurolacii/release/5458734>; De ce sufla aurolacii in pungi? - Forumul Softpedia: <https://forum.softpedia.com/topic/848482-de-ce-sufla-aurolacii-in-pungi/>; aurolacii si passat_ul(b31uzzi) - YouTube: <https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DiZVK_O2uAEU>
mircea_popescu: "he's black, of course he's retarded, you're supposed to not say anything about it" being the dem ideology.
trinque: probably had nonzero amount to do with him being black
asciilifeform: china is 'black box' -- i for instance have genuinely nfi whether they nixed their equiv. of 'elbrus', or merely hid it. (and i know of nobody showing any symptom of publicly having half a clue re subj)
mircea_popescu: at which juncture, mp warmly recommends http://trilema.com/2016/black-book/
asciilifeform: vietnamese would not even take the rifles. 'this little black rifle is of no use to our cause.' --actual order
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu also likes how the "black lives matter" court clerk is "a federal judge appointed by g w bush" depending where one looks. << Tradition is for the lower bowels of the court Pres takes Senator's suggestion in return for favors later
mircea_popescu also likes how the "black lives matter" court clerk is "a federal judge appointed by g w bush" depending where one looks.
mircea_popescu: i suppose indian style he could be "the incompetent fuckwad who got ahead through affirmative action and ruined being black for everyone else"
trinque: the 80s aliens with big black eyes
asciilifeform: (canceled by judge previously known for shouting 'black lives matter' from the bench after reading a verdict)
mircea_popescu: old dr levy shows up with his black suitcase, sorts out the woman's nerves, the baby's colic and the master of the house's tooth ?
asciilifeform: btw dream-mp 'never took it off', had the long black thing on his right hand in every dream-trilema photo, etc.
mircea_popescu: which fundamental reasons entirely consist of "alf the bee dog with his magical black and white spots vision managed to read the expliciting of the < vs <= difference SIX TIMES and ignore it every time"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in all fairness this was only a surprise to asciilifeform because he is a n00b; the b00k warns explicitly, in black on white letters.
asciilifeform: consider obummer, the long-awaited, at last found, 'black head'
mircea_popescu: amusingly the whole "he's black so of course he knows what he's doing" thing in the 70s (which yes, was an actual thing in the heads of all the retarded jew princesses, sarah schneiders of their time both felt they're personally insufficient and imagined they can find the missing parts on their own)
mircea_popescu: the chances of black person without a twenty dollar bill making it in the us today is ~0.
mircea_popescu: i dunno, i'm not black.