1200+ entries in 0.214s
asciilifeform: if i were writing logtron, i'd go for green text , and names inverted (black on green) letters.
mircea_popescu: there's bonus points for the "right kind" of jobs - for instance hiring black people detracts from the fundamental racism of the entire scheme (really, why should schmuck be deemed entitled to "fair wage" because his mother dropped him on his head in new jersey rather than golania ?) and so it's + points etcetera.
asciilifeform: now in some cheap gear there IS light leakage at the connector. but nothing black varnish wouldn't solve.
asciilifeform: 'Let me tell you about young Bernardine. She was a strikingly attractive woman. Beautiful clear olive skin. Busty and she showed it off all the time. And usually in high black boots. Not working class engineer boots, shiny black fetish gear. Have you seen the Weather movie? Through the entire “underground” period she wore that gear. They were “underground” on the Upper West Side, in the
ben_vulpes: me too! my wardrobe is all black and my g2's all pink.
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: how's dat black hole sun
mircea_popescu: it's becoming quite evidently a poor-white-vs-poor-black dynamic, now that i think of it. "engineer" is there in the sense "ceo" is there in soap operas as the symbolic job of the husband. not like he ever does any ceo-ish things.
mircea_popescu: no, no, the pointy hair boss isn't in this strip. it's more in the line of "good white boy goes on deployment, meanwhile his derpopotamus falls in the lures of black pimp/drug dealer, lives like her black sistas"
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: every year in washington there is a parade of grim motorcyclists with long, white beards. they served in vietnam. and naive description could be 'patriot' but they have the specific patriotism of folx who sat in same jail together. specifically focus on 'missing POWs', parading with black flags with barbed-wire head, etc.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: my last summer near the black sea, there was ~no beach, closed, sewage.
mircea_popescu: somehow exactly nobody in the idiocratic party stood up at the convention and said "the reason we couldn't get our girl elected is that for 30 years while we had the resources, we squandered them on sucking black dick instead of spending them on whips for the same blacks"
asciilifeform: not for the reason mircea_popescu suspected tho. being a city, in usa, it is mostly black, and they vote the democrat ticket.
BingoBoingo: !~later tell indiancandy im quarter black does that make me a sister << Traditionally yes, because black blood is stronger
indiancandy: im quarter black does that make me a sister
phf: well, some black men refer to me as brother, i don't see any reason not to respond in kind
indiancandy: why do you refer to black men as brothers
mircea_popescu: (qs i will remind stands for quantum sufficit, or else satiem. satiem is the word that gave sated. the presumption here, etymologically-amusing as it is, is that something can be qs only if there's no "black hole" of appetite. mmkay.)
asciilifeform: only if you have a miniature black hole, with endless appetite, in your city.
mircea_popescu: and WHY does everythiong look&feel exactly like black mirror these days! wtf, they went from reality-tv to the same sort of twilight zone docudrama.
ben_vulpes: something tells me the only black guy left canada a long time ago
mircea_popescu: spends most of his productive years filling in for all the black slave jobs abraham lincoln disappeared out of the south to recreate in the north ?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-09#1599727 << i'm with her. a woman may be assumed to be cowardly, and a black man may be assumed to be a thief, and an asian guy may be assumed to have a small dick, and if that works for you all the better. but it dun work in general, i don't think, nor in my experience. all children are born cowardly, all modern society tends to encourage it, the few who get out of infantilism aren't very gen ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-01-08 04:16 BingoBoingo does not have time to watch advertising videos unless they are selling black girl pussy.
BingoBoingo does not have time to watch advertising videos unless they are selling black girl pussy. ☟︎
pete_dushenski: gotta love the implied values of the colour of those dots on that linked graph : pink for women, black for 'other adults', light gray for men.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/01/sears-selling-craftsman-brand-to-stanley-black-decker/ << Qntra - Sears Selling Craftsman Brand To Stanley Black & Decker
mircea_popescu: lafond broadly has it, you can cut up and boil for soup a whole "gang" of black kids flashing miniguns (with crazy shit stuck on all sides of coars). with a shovel.
mircea_popescu: i dunno what you ended up believing about black doods because that lisa kudrow imbecile told you, but they're exactly like gypsies in ru : cowardly, and inept.
asciilifeform: eh the black d00dz returnfire
davout: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-03#1595836 <<< my image is more like: "trb is this thing from which more and more is removed, until only the radioactive code consisting in ball of tightly packed hot wires which we proceed to put in a little box in which epoxy is poured, and is only interacted with as some black box" ☝︎
jurov: Framedragger: hard to have sophisticated cache algorithm when apps are black boxes, it usually backfires (there's very bad worst-case)
a111: Logged on 2015-12-20 20:26 jurov: they're not pathological, just black swans. with a toupee.
mircea_popescu: "first black president" was "a great victory for the progressives", then "only nigger ever lost in the white house was impeached!" will be "a great victory for the patriots", this is how politics works - everyone gets the maximal great victories possible.
mircea_popescu: trinque btw, the cinematic productions of teh empire in the past 3-5 years are showing very specific distress. ~everything is really a redo of "black mirror", it's shockingly this very specifig thing : politico-ideological refuge.
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2016/mps-harem-level-black-russian/ << Trilema - MP's Harem Level Black Russian
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes a black and white cookie. you know, because solstice is like equinox.
tb0t: Project: trb, ID: 35, Type: I, Subject: Investigate blackhole, Antecedents: , Notes: Investigate what might be occuring with the so-called black-hole, described here: btcbase.org/log/2016-12-20#1586635
mod6: !%a trb I "Investigate blackhole" "Investigate what might be occuring with the so-called black-hole, described here: btcbase.org/log/2016-12-20#1586635"
mircea_popescu: we're discussing what software runs on black box. you propose "hey, it's trying to cut gangrene in such a way as to do maximal damage to enemies". yes, this may be, as a generous interpretation. the more common interpretation however is to say there's exactly no cutting.
mircea_popescu: are you fucking kidding me ? bad media is becoming deeply universalized ; i made the mistake to try and watch "black mirror" because omsone said here, it's TERRIBLE from a cinematic point of view (the idiots can't act, can't block, can't speak, can't anyfucking thing ; the whole thing's a droned on ted talk, which is the point) and now i see it everwhere. last night tried to watch film with harvey keitel and michael cain, it
mircea_popescu: sorta obama, but in "woman" rather than "black" theme.
trinque: kanye just gotta get his retweets from black twitter and #2024
shinohai: http://www.thedp.com/article/2016/12/shakespeare-portrait-removed ".....replaced it with a photo of Audre Lorde, a black female writer." Such inclusiveness !
mircea_popescu: whereas most computing jobs require identity in terms entirely impossible in the brief modernist interlude. what cares the cotton ginny whether you are white or black skinned ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so if i give you a lined mat and a pile of all black tiles you thereby "still have a game of go" ?
asciilifeform: the fitness value of getting into the first black van that offers the proverbial candy -- is computable.
mircea_popescu: and as per the "Won't fucking yield" disbelief, they'll go to their shallow grave kicking and screaming about how great the reich is and how black women matter or some dorkage.
mircea_popescu: except things like dog vomit, or the previously discussed black alcohol modl. they've been here fopr a long long time now.
asciilifeform: and black city dopewarriorz
a111: Logged on 2016-12-02 18:50 asciilifeform: aha, in the 'black schools' there is neverending fight, like in a prison, and even bouncers to pry apart especially eager folk. and everyone with 'room temperature iq' however you measure it, also
asciilifeform: aha, in the 'black schools' there is neverending fight, like in a prison, and even bouncers to pry apart especially eager folk. and everyone with 'room temperature iq' however you measure it, also ☟︎
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo not just inflation. yields are higher and growing rapidly ; the dollar is strengthening and stocks are going up. this is the classical desperation run-up to black tuesday.
mircea_popescu: oh wait, blonde chicks surf cuz they're from california right ? and black chicks basketball. makes perfect sense. wanna bet the swimmer's a brunette ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: what does 'glxgears' proggy output on that box? also black ?
asciilifeform: 1) zap it 2) revv up xorg 3) run black screen proggy 4) paste log
a111: Logged on 2016-11-28 06:21 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey listen, i have this t42 wich works fine EXCEPT if i try to emulate old games. at first i thought whatever, bad emulation package, but no - be it via dosbox, wine, whatever, same behavior : game works fine (sound, etc) but the screen stays black. seems to be some unhapiness somewhere between radeon mobility 7500 and xorg. do i recall you saying something very similar ? did you ever manage to get display sub
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform hey listen, i have this t42 wich works fine EXCEPT if i try to emulate old games. at first i thought whatever, bad emulation package, but no - be it via dosbox, wine, whatever, same behavior : game works fine (sound, etc) but the screen stays black. seems to be some unhapiness somewhere between radeon mobility 7500 and xorg. do i recall you saying something very similar ? did you ever manage to get display sub ☟︎
BingoBoingo should have color tested it because black laffs matter
mircea_popescu: god damned this black mirror shit is unwatchable. where the fuck do they find these dumb bitchez that can't act to save their life, it's like they're not even b list. netflix has invented the c-list. and who the fuck writes this inane crap, it's like they're trying for a reboot of the venerable twilight zone / tales from the crypt, except failing to reach that high.
ben_vulpes: put the black dude in charge of the projects
asciilifeform: jurov: i get a black screen
mircea_popescu: more importantly c) intelligent folks know about it but dun seem inclined to try it ; perhaps because preconceived notions (oh, a game is below my intelligence and i couldn't be happy with a black woman), perhaps for whatever other cause.
mod6: Framedragger: black mirror is pretty good -- im halfway through the latest series.
Framedragger: (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_Christmas_(Black_Mirror) - episodes are disjoint in terms of narrative and actors, and are stand-alone.)
Framedragger: (also, if there was one tv series you may want to watch, it'd be "black mirror". i watched their "christmas special" ("white christmas") yesterday, and somehow on an emotional level it made me feel easier about not having much hope in the "populace". the smarter the technological tools that the populace gets to play with, the more they fuck themselves and others up.)
asciilifeform: woah, black d00d in a trailer?!
BingoBoingo: Well bahamas is still in the white house till June 20th. Prolly ought to publish a something before the black bag comes.
mircea_popescu: yeah that entire strip, from dalmatian coast to black sea, epic watermelons. ~where danube flows
mircea_popescu: (eg if you only ever want 500 cannons and the ratio for the research is 1:1000 whereas the black box ratio is 1:500, then you're better off doing the black box if available)
mircea_popescu: also "sports" with black dudes kneeling in them.
asciilifeform: (~black~ d00d finally shoots into the 'protester' crowd)
mircea_popescu: maybe they get a fat and pimply black guy from tennessee
asciilifeform: they all grew in cultural vacuum created by sucking black hole of americana.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-09#1564836 << well, the niggers are racist. they despise women, black people, everyone. so yes, a nigger DOES expect all women to vote on the basis of such superficial nonsense. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: including black people who aren't lazy imbeciles ; who actually go to school, actually work, actually educate themselves etc.
mircea_popescu: imagine, to be an affirmative action dork from kenya who has ruined the presidential office for all black people.
mircea_popescu: and i very much doubt there will be another black man president ever.
BingoBoingo: http://trilema.com/2016/black-snake-moan/#comment-119651
shinohai: ha I recall Black Snake Moan a few years ago, some weird chick watched it with me.
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2016/black-snake-moan/ << Trilema - Black Snake Moan
asciilifeform: 'Rs 500 and 1000 currency notes stand abolished from midnight: PM Modi Live update of PM Narendra Modi's address to the Nation. Corruption, terrorism, black money weakening the nation.'
mircea_popescu: much like black mold, they took advantage of a dirty environment and spread.
mircea_popescu: the girls just think he's a tall black man with a small dick.
mircea_popescu: PeterL and the fundamental reason is that he's black and they're racist. in their minds, he's subhuman, and consequently incapable of action, intent, responsibility etc.
mircea_popescu: trinque that piece is particularly scandalous. imagine, the only writer worth two shits to ever crawl out of that god forsaken hole, not only a living testament to how smoking twenty cigars a day doesn't give you cancer ; but even daring to represent black slavery as a carefree life of exact equivalency to the shenanigans of today's barristas and waitresses with jezbel aspirations!
asciilifeform: (crt gotta be redrawn at 100+hz or 'flicker' because it is now too often black. lcd -- not)
ben_vulpes: long black hair in front of the eyes and all i imagine
pete_dushenski: http://archive.is/EJZTx << $82 for frozen collard greens in neiman marcus xmas catalogue. because being a poor black person is en vogue!
pete_dushenski: "A senior Trump adviser told Bloomberg Businessweek last month that the campaign is working on a three-pronged voter suppression strategy that includes an effort to depress black turnout. Though other Trump advisers later pushed back on the report, Anglin’s partners say they are hoping to put Trump over the top by doing just that."
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-03#1562552 << ahahaha new yorker! do you have an old black dude that moves the cars every 40 minutes for 50 bux a week, also ? ☝︎
pete_dushenski: http://www.vox.com/identities/2016/11/2/13497234/mississippi-black-church-trump <--> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-16#1325385 ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Anyways Make Great, Great Again. A bunch of hillary supporters burned a black church and wrote "Vote Trump" on it to mobilize the black vote.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-02#1562181 << same way you teach white chicks to twerk and black chicks to handjob. ☝︎
phf: you could probably have one black two red machines, wire node, tx crafting node, and a signing machine
phf: afaik wallet relies on some knowledge of blockchain, so airgapped solution will be a combination of blockchain eater and an augmented wallet. so you have two parallel nodes red and black. black sits on the wire and receives transaction, spitting blocks. you batch carry blocks to red, red eats them, you do your wallet operations, pick up serialized byte lists, carry them back to black, inject. etc
phf: there's a joke in a su commedy set in 16th century russia, where a character is listing dishes at a lavish feast, black caviar in a giant container, red caviar in a smaller plate, and "caviar from foreign lands, eggplant caviar" barely a spoonful. i sort of always assumed because of that movie that at some point eggplants were near impossible to source around where the term "eggplant caviar" originated
asciilifeform: folks in the land of double-digit hiv (u.s. black cities)
BingoBoingo: "To fight the evil patriarchy a young hussy barebacked a darky. The result of their sins were quadruplets, not twins : one black, one white and two khaki." << roflmao
trinque: reminds me of a documentary I watched recently on chicago. a young black gang member says more or less "they killed all the gang leaders, and then everything collapsed"
asciilifeform: this gedankenexperiment strikes me as quite similar to the one where you 'defeat' 2nd law of thermo. by dumping heat into a black hole, and similar.