1300+ entries in 0.213s
mircea_popescu: apparently they did one of the very few honest attempts at 3d, with spinning half-black disk and everything.
a111: Logged on 2016-10-15 18:27 mircea_popescu: in other shock-lulz from the other side : there's a douche calls himself "tyga", who being black and vapid is evidently "a rapper". while going out with some underage runt in the kardashian litter, he also had a child with a stripper with the innovative and revolutionary name of "blac chyna" ; who meanwhile dumped him and is going with some dude named rob kardashian, who also impregnated her. so in a decade or so, the best re
mircea_popescu: in other shock-lulz from the other side : there's a douche calls himself "tyga", who being black and vapid is evidently "a rapper". while going out with some underage runt in the kardashian litter, he also had a child with a stripper with the innovative and revolutionary name of "blac chyna" ; who meanwhile dumped him and is going with some dude named rob kardashian, who also impregnated her. so in a decade or so, the best re ☟︎
mircea_popescu: because you know, calling your jewish friend to fire the hot black cashier so she has nowhere to turn and therefore has to suck your cock for a living is racism
ben_vulpes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbxJSDlrKRU << hahaha shit remember when black eyed peas tried to retcon themselves out of the "get retarded" pr problem? minaj did a whole verse as an aside in 07
BingoBoingo: North side, in the part that isn't black or gay.
pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-10-10#1554335 << speaking of which, i really dun care about jews either in the "they r eating our babiez" sense nor the "we r the chozen peeple" sense. the former is out of fashion thanks to black organics and the latter is a napoleonically monumental delusion. ☝︎
thestringpuller: black holed at SetBestChain: new best=00000000000000001bcb height=292969
mircea_popescu is surprised to discover the dude is neither vaguely black nor approximately female. seriously, somebody who's surprisingly not a minority is going to get somewhere ?
mircea_popescu: ie, pointing and laughing at whatever "rape" "black lives matter" "occupy wallstreet" etc fashion of the day ?
mircea_popescu: they'll even let them do it with black dudes and rappers, still dun do much.
mircea_popescu: so girl bought "brazilian grapes". they're indescribably aptly named. colored this luscious black, like a brazilian chick's tone ; big, and round, and tough and sweet.
mircea_popescu: i spent 100s of engineer-hours fixing the idiocy of "int" not being 64 bit ; it's a disaster for human productivity directly comparable to the black death.
pete_dushenski: diana_coman: it's true that the over-polished vilnius area is scarcely larger than a football pitch, but it's still a chunk of real estate devoid of the character of the rest of the country. eu-ification for all! rationalism uber alles! it's a shame, yes, but mostly for the inconsistently - the partial transplant - like the handsome black man with a single emaciated white arm surgically attached where his
asciilifeform pictures toady in tempest black van, on sat phone: 'yessir, start the fleanode ddos right NOW'
phf: "A.I. Doesn't Get Black Twitter (inverse.com)"
PeterL: well, black men seem to be targeted most by police, so therefore they have that excuse to run away
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-22: [17:32:15] <PeterL> http://reason.com/blog/2016/09/21/mass-high-court-rules-black-men-may-have legitimate reason to run from police << USG.MA admits it is bad at policing
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160922/#573 << ahahaha what, black men only ?
PeterL: http://reason.com/blog/2016/09/21/mass-high-court-rules-black-men-may-have legitimate reason to run from police << USG.MA admits it is bad at policing
asciilifeform: 'Do you grasp this? Bitcoin will never exist as a toy for five idiots. You will never get to matter inasmuch as what you want to do is have this little black box the world reveres that only you are allowed to peer inside. This is not how the world works, currently (and past about 1800 or so). This is not how the world should work, either. Specifying the code does not "result in fiascoes like this one". Your idiotic codebase results i
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this "purple under a blacklight" stuff is pretty lulzy. "a blacklight" ? what wavelength is this black.
mircea_popescu: burning man is for white wanna-bes, the black dudes have different rubspots.
phf: it's already the de facto rule. i think i saw maybe 5 black people in the whole 7 days. (one said that his nickname is "nerdy digger")
mircea_popescu: almost worth it to do it and then exclude all black people.
phf: i think the way it works is that bmorg technically rents out the entire black rock desert, and then puts the festival somewhere in the center
phf: asciilifeform: well, i don't know the details of "white ocean" camp in question, but it usually involved souped up rv's, a staff of paid employees to do your cooking for you, often direct flight from wherever to black rock city airport, etc.
shinohai: mircea_popescu may have inhaled toxic black smoke from poorly manufactured Argentine electronics mod6
asciilifeform: the 'black deflorators' thing or what was it
trinque: lol check it out, black superior seed fanfic
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: if u.s. lost 400 mn heads, you will have a gaping black hole in which ~80 mn. randos will get immediately sucked in. or the like.
mircea_popescu: large part of how black death worked, sure.
BingoBoingo: Inception http://qntra.net/2016/09/black-man-shot-in-north-saint-louis-county/#comment-69578
scriba: [3/5] [21:28:45] <deedbot> http://qntra.net/2016/09/black-man-shot-in-north-saint-louis-county/ << Qntra - Black Man Shot In North Saint Louis County
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/09/black-man-shot-in-north-saint-louis-county/ << Qntra - Black Man Shot In North Saint Louis County
mircea_popescu: it's not mirror, it's just girl with black shoes has right leg behind white shoe's lef
mircea_popescu: http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/20160906/from:145/to:145#145 <<< which reminds me, all the white knight butthurt at the slow, crushing discovery that an allegedly-black-certainly-male candidate is significantly more acceptable to the geenral public than an allegedly-female-certainly-white one.
asciilifeform: the ~approach~ i am seeing among monerists - 'it's a black box, i'ma assume it does the claimed magic' is also concerning.
boolcrap: black power.
trinque: prolly saw all that educational material on the superior black seed or w/e
mircea_popescu: (amusingly, the reverse is impossible : black people ever so often end up with entirely white kid, because slavery.)
asciilifeform: why do american gurlz put on entire can of eyebrow black.
asciilifeform does often wonder whether there exists a black market in old-new stock parts such as toilet valve.
mircea_popescu: it's one thing to say "most black people are uneployed". it is another thing to say "this man is unemmployed because black"
a111: Logged on 2016-08-27 05:09 BingoBoingo: "Somehow the thought that he could have just taken that [shiny new BMW, by the way] ride of his over to Burbank or something and picked up one (or two, or three) of the black girls that perenially prop the street lights waiting for something [such as private movie theatres in Malibu mansions] to happen never occurs. Hell is other people for some people ; but apparently sometimes hell is just the hole in one's own head." << "And through w
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-27#1530249 << maybe did not care for black chix? ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-08-27 04:48 BingoBoingo: Starting to seem like the only thing that could have saved broken elliot would have been going all in on the booze. Not getting girls drunk, but getting himself black out drunk until he developed the alcoholism and his life became unmanageable for relateable reasons.
BingoBoingo: "Somehow the thought that he could have just taken that [shiny new BMW, by the way] ride of his over to Burbank or something and picked up one (or two, or three) of the black girls that perenially prop the street lights waiting for something [such as private movie theatres in Malibu mansions] to happen never occurs. Hell is other people for some people ; but apparently sometimes hell is just the hole in one's own head." << "And through w ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Starting to seem like the only thing that could have saved broken elliot would have been going all in on the booze. Not getting girls drunk, but getting himself black out drunk until he developed the alcoholism and his life became unmanageable for relateable reasons. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: If there were complaints though I'd expect them to actually have increased over the past two weeks as I've taken to walking around with athletic black girl to trigger fat white bitches into hopefully eating less.
mircea_popescu: "i'm not at greater risk because i'm black, i'm at greater risk because your mother's a whore."
thestringpuller: "ur at greater risk lil' stringpuller cuz ur black"
thestringpuller: oh i kno. unfortunately for america, it's "pop culture" like the sitcom now. teen pregnancies ain't just for black folk no mo'
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller black society is a bad model for just about anything.
asciilifeform: in other 'olds', material pertinent to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-10#1517688 thread, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X27-2WDIZR0 (gold in the comments, 'Seems like a nice tool to capture exotic and endangered birds for my Black Market sales.') ☝︎
pete_dushenski: for black on black vehicles these are sine qua non
phf: i was following menswear scene at some point, and could never understand the obsession with italian pigeons. there's an american equivalent, which i call kanye blacks, where straight black guys dress in tight fitting over the top preppy clothes (ascots and vests in aggressive patterns are usually involved, or odd mismatched shit like http://i1020.photobucket.com/albums/af328/pynk747/louis-vuitton-party-pharrell-751800.jpg), but at least
phf: you do proper квас-ing by pacing yourself, but also eating appetizers and small meals (traditional shit like pickles or black bread or salted herring). also there are some rules, like "always go from lower abv to higher"
thestringpuller: as dave chappelle says, we know the dope laws like lawyers. everytime we do something felonious, an old black dude pops out and says, "hey nigga thats 10-20"
asciilifeform: e your living room. The correct solution in the case of the retarded girlfriend obviously is turning off the main and beating her black and blue, rather than entertaining her idiocy. Similarly in the case of the retarded Internet, the correct solution is turning off the main and beating these idiots black and blue, rather than entertaining their idiocy.'
mircea_popescu: take that, white supremacists everywhere : all white argentina is as bad as an all-fungus erection. i came here for the all-black argentina and didn't even know it at the time ;/
mircea_popescu: today there's maybe fifty black dudes in all 10mn of buenos aires, and they came in the past decade from spanish speaking ex african colonies.
mircea_popescu: oh btw, re tango : it is a living testament to the ignorant, molasses-thick hypocrisy of these people that they regard tango as "their national heritage", when tango was invented and developed by BLACK DUDES. who then got a little bit of genocide, deliverately (argentina declared war with peru, told black people they make better fighters, sent them to fight, got them exterminated by the mountain folk. this is not unlike telli
mircea_popescu: mod6 alf's black holing, it seems.
asciilifeform: on black planet they have maxim, 'bros before hos', against this rot.
a111: Logged on 2013-07-27 16:08 ThickAsThieves: "Jack had been due to speak at the 2013 Black Hat cyber security conference in Las Vegas next Thursday, August 1st. He was allegedly going to present a method of wirelessly hacking a pacemaker"
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: the article is merely observing that 48yo pack-a-day smoking whoor looks black inside ~and~ outside
mircea_popescu: road was paved by countless, nameless, black chicks shaking booty.
BingoBoingo: <pete_dushenski> asciilifeform: there's no one better than chinese gymnasts atm. just watch the olympics.<< I thought black american hobbits were winning?
asciilifeform: well sorta like how a fire forces being black, dead, sooty, and smelling of cooked meat.
asciilifeform: the story never seems to end with 'i filed suit # .... and then four dudes in black van came and told me to withdraw or there will be problems'
mircea_popescu: "How does the bitter black fungus keep out the tasty lactic bacteria ? Certainly not directly ; it's a terraforming process you see. Which is why you can't "just want to" : either you permit it or you don't permit it. There's no third option available."
asciilifeform: 'Egypt’s central bank has closed 48 foreign exchange bureaus since the start of the year for trading at black market rates and other violations, banking sources said on Wednesday, as the country tries to end speculation against the Egyptian pound. Egypt has accelerated a crackdown against black market traders it blames for growing pressure to devalue the currency. The dollar is being sold on the black market for about 12.65 to 12.7
asciilifeform: in other nyooz, seems like they moved argentina to egypt: http://english.alarabiya.net/en/business/markets/2016/08/10/Egypt-closes-48-forex-bureaus-in-black-market-crackdown.html
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform black people are like 11.5%. of those, two thirds are wiggers, and the remainder just too obtuse to admit to it, wank it to "rap" and otherwise try to show up on time for work.
asciilifeform: http://www.isssource.com/fixing-an-internet-security-threat << moar 'black hole lulz'
phf: eh, i'm not too worried about it, i'm playing "spot the eastern european" game at the ocean city board walk. tall check, skinny check, fit check, not surrounded by 4 bros check. there are some easy matches though. fat +100 to american. not busted, but with a black guy +100 slav.
mats: http://www.eweek.com/security/risk-from-linux-kernel-hidden-in-windows-10-exposed-at-black-hat.html << http://btcbase.org/log/2016-03-30#1442290 microsoft delivers ☝︎
mircea_popescu: THIS is the deep reason so many black kids get shot, incidentally : that it's not fashionable to be a "ceo", it's fashionable to be a "gangsta". and the idiots get shot. humongo boon for the black community, and ~the only reason they don't suck as bad as whitey.
BingoBoingo: Oh, a commentor! http://qntra.net/2016/08/black-lives-matter-releases-segregationist-demands/#comment-66023
mircea_popescu: no they were the black sort interested in bugs and whatnot.
asciilifeform: also there is an almost inevitable black dude singing to himself, and/or pumping what must be 50w through his earbuds, can be heard from 3 cars away
BingoBoingo: lol http://qntra.net/2016/08/black-lives-matter-releases-segregationist-demands/#comment-65822
deedbot: [Qntra] Black Lives Matter Releases Segregationist Demands - http://qntra.net/2016/08/black-lives-matter-releases-segregationist-demands/
deedbot: [Qntra] RBG Black Rebel Sanctioned Further As Police Apparently Fear Mysterious Organization - http://qntra.net/2016/07/rbg-black-rebel-sanctioned-further-as-police-apparently-fear-mysterious-organization/
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2016/07/rbg-black-rebel-sanctioned-further-as-police-apparently-fear-mysterious-organization/ << Mega lulz I nearly missed
BingoBoingo: The first time mammals show interest in a plant you gotta shut that shit down. Black pepper around the perimeter as a warning and Cayenne pepper on the plant to protect it.
BingoBoingo: Has aspies, black man named Charles, too many lulz almost to be purely coincidental
mircea_popescu: there's only 1/9 or so black dudes around in the us, prolly even less seeing how illegals are mostly non black and blacks don't have enough skillz to even be illegal in the first place. so then 1/4 ain't enough.
mircea_popescu: "8. The police are more likely to attack black suspects than whites. Untrue. [Look, Tyrone 4 times as many pale faces are killed by pigs every year than are blacks." << this is a broken argument. if there's one baby and a hundred sluts and the police kills one baby and one slut, it is therefore fair to say the police is more likely to attack babies than sluts.
asciilifeform: https://www.modelfkeyboards.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/animation-final-black-2.gif
mircea_popescu: damn, i thought it was the black knight always triumphs.
asciilifeform: the actual function of the black limos, ss jeeps, etc. is roughly same as roman lictors:
mats: anyway, other stuff includes 'Under the Black Flag' by Cordingly, Johnson's 'A General History of the Pyrates', and 'Empire of Blue Water' by Talty
asciilifeform: various poor black folk, did, i saw alive.
BingoBoingo: "There are fewer Pokemon Go locations in black neighborhoods, but why? "
mircea_popescu: constanta is no match for ru ports ; and turkey holds the straits. strategically the position of nato in black sea is much worse than its generally tenuous standing on land in europe.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform had an agreement over closing nato out of black sea sometime tues.
phf: well, clinton was first "black" present, clitler is going to be first "female" president
BingoBoingo: One white, One Black, one Other!