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mircea_popescu: generally, the black-powered underground in the us is very much migratory, it wants to move towards the places with teenage fuckbunnies, and away from the dead zones.
mircea_popescu: literal kabuki, "and then we pretend the man with a black headband is invisible". exactly the same, "secret".
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in the cellars of the shitreich, https://archive.is/mpbcX >> '...ederal prosecutors also attempted to block Hutchins' request for bail on grounds he had shot firearms at a shooting range last week while in Vegas for the Black Hat and Defcon security gatherings'
mircea_popescu: not even black as much as you know, ir dark.
asciilifeform: ideally you'd put a black hose around it.
asciilifeform: but 'black archaeology' imbecile gets to feel warm an' speshul.
mircea_popescu: some cultures are a boon, but some cultures are a baboon, and i've yet to meet the (actual, as opposed to "african-usian" ersatz) black person whose black culture wasn't a terrible burden on their mind.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-14 04:18 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1669938 >> 'Replace your public email with an inbox that pays you Set up a 21 profile to receive paid messages from people outside your network. Keep the money, or donate it to charities like Black Girls Code. It's like LinkedIn InMail, except you get paid!'
asciilifeform: it's a black hole.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/07/black-man-paroled-the-juice-is-once-again-loose/ << Qntra - Black Man Paroled: The Juice Is Once Again Loose
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-20#1687247 << they didn't work. but yes, early 90s you could buy su nuke parts on black market. ☝︎
pete_dushenski: great, now i'm imagining black footlong dongs as ceiling mobiles. THIS IS BAD FOR CHILDREN MKDAY
mircea_popescu: moreover, explain. what DOES make such a new member in good standing ? trinque goes riding through poor neighbourhood, sees fetching negress, goes "hey ho! wanna be my slave ?" she goes "Sure loverboy". he takes her home, wipes her laptop and installs tmsr os. next you know it, black chix code.
mircea_popescu: i suppose the first time black fucktoy whispers nonsense in the bedroom it's rather condiment than a reason to flay her kind alive.
trinque drives a black gas guzzling 8cyl truck through 100 degree heat, working on that megawatt
mircea_popescu: which is why they have to "educate" the black chix so they get out of the netflix reservation
mircea_popescu: but at least black chix code.
mircea_popescu: i'm writing an article about it, but at the gist -- allowing one who is neither productive on their own (ie, as a black box) nor competend to examination any degree of autonomy whatsoever.
mircea_popescu: yes. if you permit the woman to act out her "worry" about "What may happen" you will sink. if you beat her black and blue every time she worries -- about anything, you'll suddenly get great parties.
mircea_popescu: there shall be no equality, and there shall be no tolerance. black man either dresses like white man or picks cotton.
mircea_popescu: just as the black worker on the plantation thought he is a slave because god made him stupid ; just so the redditard of today thinks he has easy equal access to everything.
mircea_popescu: inb4 somebody comes up with the idea of forbidding black students in missouri from involvement with the dnc.
mircea_popescu: the 2017 benchmark report has online fraud at about 12% of us gdp, which is to say -- bigger than black people. twice over.
asciilifeform still lulz at the perverse englishism 'black light'
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i should hope saiod machine had casemod with black light everywhere ?
mircea_popescu: but, in correct terminology, it is very directly v-for-thought, and nothing else, and no more. "i thought i was writing code" "where's your press ?" "fuck. i understand now i was actually, and literally, and without remainder, just pouring sand on my dick for the novelty of the sensation, exactly like 3 yo first-time-at-black-sea does!"
mircea_popescu: (and yes -- for girls it IS prostitution. works exactly like black girl booty shaking, if there's music they WILL move. which is how you get 12yos throwing passes at all passers by.)
mircea_popescu: hot topic muzak, now from black people!!1
mircea_popescu: just think that somehow "race" is a legitimate topic of conversation in a country undergoing full economic collapse where black people are 12% by headcount and 5% if that by capital.
mircea_popescu: black chicks finjourna-ho-ing!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform do they do the "i am a black man fighting THE man therefore only white people gotta pay" thing ?
asciilifeform: the way i see it, it is the duty of a serious n00b , who wants to become an adult practitioner of whatever black art , to learn a human lang like french, english, german, etc , rather than to expect the learned folx to learn his piglang, quechua, whichever...
sina: black box doesn't have to be invoking from CLI each time tho, you could write a daemon around each impl and measure how long it takes to return a value
a111: Logged on 2017-07-02 04:33 ben_vulpes: no i do intend to black box it
ben_vulpes: no i do intend to black box it ☟︎
sina: ben_vulpes: oic. and why not just using black box testing?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-21 14:25 mircea_popescu: and speaking of black chix code : https://www.google.com/search?q=Elena+Istode&tbm=isch
mircea_popescu: all she got was a buncha black hos giving her a lap dance, once.
mircea_popescu: the crazy batshit they have to argue. "oh, ethereum is rapemeat but totally worth the money also ethereum never happened also ethereum has nothing to do with the enthusiams, also black chix code, also that doesn't matter, also"
mircea_popescu: which leaves you with a bankrupt 5mn strong portugal and 25mn brazillians with 1mn to blow on black hookers.
mircea_popescu: ~the entire raison d'etre of portugal altogether is as "that place where black chicks from africa go to learn portuguese before being shipped to work in brazil brothels."
sina: rly? because in Portugal posession of an ounce of weed is nothing, here it's up to officer discretion (above 1oz is trafficking!), in US if you're black that can be jail, in Indonesia you could get death
asciilifeform: ecl is a 'black art' incidentally. for instance, it runs 'backwards' voltagewise, with ground-as-positive, and needs negative supply ☟︎
shinohai: If a black mayogendered tgirl writes code, will the universe implode?
mircea_popescu: well, at least there's (11.5/2)% or so black chicks among them yes ?
mircea_popescu: "github presents -- black chix code. this is what's important. we'd know because be bamboozled 5mn sinas into giving us free shit!"
mircea_popescu: "if enough black chicks coded we wouldn't have to think about when was the last time anyone wrote any usefu lcode"
mircea_popescu: and, ironically, they're registered by the very shit black chix coded.
mircea_popescu: 2k black dudes registered as sex offenders for buying a can of canada dry are a-ok
mircea_popescu: let's worry if enough black chicks code. that's the issue.
BingoBoingo: <js-of-mp> check it out, la moved into frisco over the past three decades. << Aztlan kicked them out of LA. Compton of "Straight Outta Compton" fame was ethnically cleansed of black people by the Aztecs. Note how little the Reverend Al Sharpton spoke of this.
erlehmann: ben_vulpes i think identifying as trans-black or something might top it, depending on circumstances
erlehmann: e.g. i rarely encounter black people when going to the supermarket
mircea_popescu: and so the poor kid has allergy to clothes and the black kid to learnin and the injun to sitting still.
mircea_popescu: to this day my idea of "who can be bothered to read "other americas" or "trainspotting" or you know, watch coffy fightin' crime for the black "homeland" is, 11 yo boy.
mircea_popescu: and speaking of black chix code : https://www.google.com/search?q=Elena+Istode&tbm=isch ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672689 << the other major problem with "race" as a wholly-devoid-of-meaning anglotard subcultural construct is that... well... it's a brand, see. licenseable, negotiable like any other "negotiable instrument" ie paper money. there's no substantial difference between "Black & Decker power tools hecho en Mexico" and "African with tribal tatoo made in Chicago" and finally http://trilema.com/201 ☝︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: black, note, not amerind
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-20#1672660 << loads, actually. it become fashionable to have black vallet sometime late 18th century, under french influence ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2017-06-20 18:27 phf: they heard that sometime long time ago cool people were doing tmsr (like maybe black panthers in the 60s), but back then was doing, now it's long long fashion. and it's obviously fashion because none of these posers have it in them to make a clean cut with a sword so to speak. an act that comes from conviction or desperation that is an act in itself. with no "purpose" to it
phf: they heard that sometime long time ago cool people were doing tmsr (like maybe black panthers in the 60s), but back then was doing, now it's long long fashion. and it's obviously fashion because none of these posers have it in them to make a clean cut with a sword so to speak. an act that comes from conviction or desperation that is an act in itself. with no "purpose" to it ☟︎
erlehmann: neither black nor white, male or female, adult or child (… and now: dead or alive)
mircea_popescu: isn't this whole "shit black chicks say" or w/e meme done to death already ?
mircea_popescu: amusingly, black communities are the forward thinkers on this score.
mircea_popescu: binary could scare black chix coding into going back to twerking
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes because then an outsider can and therefore will observe the black box behaviour differentials, thereby giving away the keys.
a111: Logged on 2017-06-17 03:45 mircea_popescu: the cogent objection to x is that "design irrespective, something this fucking long can never be good." the redditard objection to x is "omaygerd, black chix code!"
mircea_popescu: the cogent objection to x is that "design irrespective, something this fucking long can never be good." the redditard objection to x is "omaygerd, black chix code!" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: black chicks coding have better loc productivity than you
mircea_popescu: maybe black lives matter, cuz white lives sure don't.
mircea_popescu: yet phf no black in the south had it as terribly as the black "free" workers in the north.
phf: the trick is to contrast the worst of black lives of the past with the best of the privileged lives of today. today everyone's equal by decree, so if you're not equal it's crime and travesty and someone ought to be punished
mircea_popescu: if white people discuss black chicks coding, they're not going to discuss http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1669923 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: guess what, more black girls ride black cock than azns! THE INJUSTIwhat ?
asciilifeform: so when 'Black Gurlz Weld' ?
erlehmann: 1. person rarely sees black girls code 2. person decides this to be an injustice 3. person founds charity with intention to align world with personal sense of justice
asciilifeform: next : 'black code MATTERS' (tm)(r)
mircea_popescu: i have never seen a african-american (which is very dubiously black, but anyway) female coding.
mircea_popescu: black girls code ?!
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-14#1669938 >> 'Replace your public email with an inbox that pays you Set up a 21 profile to receive paid messages from people outside your network. Keep the money, or donate it to charities like Black Girls Code. It's like LinkedIn InMail, except you get paid!' ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: moreover, it'd seem on the first pass that the "possible hidden fragility" of disallowing "large codebases" aka piles of crap nobody's ever read is preferable to the VERY LOUDLY OBVIOUS vulnerability of running black boxes
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform actually us has the largest black medical services market of any place with pretense of civilisation i ever saw. and ALWAYUS DID
mircea_popescu: loller. is she looking for a black master to slavegirl @ etc ?
asciilifeform: to what did you attach the black crocodile ?
mircea_popescu: fwiw, and not so long ago, the ~same "academics" would have hid that they were born black, say, for same vague "fear of reprisals". or, for that matter, gay. what exactly changed, there's no more reprisals nao because what, let me guess, awareness has been risen ?
mircea_popescu: judging by the weapon, i take this was a white man opressing innocents as opposed to black man righteously punishing dnc defectors ?
Framedragger: it's more black innit... yeah what can i say, i like her face!
mircea_popescu: could just have him shot. what, black men work for pay.
mircea_popescu: by now the usgtronic bestiary is getting pretty well fleshed out. "black man" assassin and "latino hotel maid" lying-under-oath and so on.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform how are you going to prosecute "black man" ? collective personage.
BingoBoingo: Got a black man to shoot him
asciilifeform: black text, 'toilet, prisoner,non consensual, kidnap, chained, caged, urinal, piss, spit, suck, slave, capture, bondage, extreme, abuse, sex, sexual, animal, pig, sub-human, subhuman, inferior, lick, mouth, pathetic, bitch, stupid, worthless, snuff, obedience, loyalty, dog, fun, pleasure, service, servitude, b&d, s&m, knine,submission, slave, sub.'
shinohai: Black guy i=on sideline for interpretations?
mircea_popescu: but anyway -- was a major victory for the us dept of nuland, because thsi was the first time local aristocracy actrually got the black treatment. guy took it verypersonal, tried to shoot self, had a hole in jaw for a while.
mircea_popescu: what for ? well, for being a contemptible low life. plenty of shit to convict her of, if you actually were to apply you know, "the iron hand of teh law" that black dudes with a nickle bag keep running into.
gabriel_laddel_p: Incidentally, hacked the "black diamond" CLIM-web hack a few nights ago. IE, tying graphics to IRC messages via BEIRC.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 01:52 ben_vulpes: on a floor where very nearly every door features a black lives matter and "in our democracy love wins"
ben_vulpes: on a floor where very nearly every door features a black lives matter and "in our democracy love wins" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: the amusing thing being that these are in the vast majority male. for all the black eyes women get for free.
mircea_popescu: trinque the adventure of say rhodesia is instructive. suddenly the imbecile twitter horde is trying to play counterstrike around your borders "for democracy", while the idiots are cheering them on. god fucking forbid black dudes with machine guns start pouring over border in us, at the rate of a few thousands a year.