66 entries in 0.548s

mircea_popescu: it would be a little rich if the thing became "but mp, you said man -- responsibilities -- rhodesia ???" "yes well, sorry,
beobachter did not list you on rhodesia list" "oh I SEE!!!"
mircea_popescu: whichever
beobachter you choose can NOT drive enough traffic to make up a trilema minute.
phf: asciilifeform: well to do middle aged ru dentist types talked to me of bitcoin mining with a "please explain what the hell is going on". it's very much the opposite of the
beobachter take, still as lulzy.
mircea_popescu: (when preparing to read the
beobachter, pick up the closest. it doesn't matter if it's the newest.)
mircea_popescu: mats btw how's mosul ? the
beobachter surprisingly speaks of "tough resistance" and "slowed advance" ?
ascii_butugychag: so there is a kind of phree volkischer-
beobachter they hand out in the train station here. and it had a full page ad in it today, melted my brain, full pyongyang mode
ascii_field: meanwhile buterin's waterfall reloaded by usg with another 44,000 btc, or so tells völkischer