500+ entries in 0.526s
mp_en_viaje: then lulz like https://radar.cedexis.com/1556296336/radar.html?customer-id=11326 and https://i2-zuvofetrjalsubyssxcwblzgemxbus.init.cedexis-radar.net/i2/1/11326/j1/20/115/1558044281/0/0/providers.json?imagesok=1&n=0&p=1&r=0&t=1
asciilifeform: 'var Fingerprinting={sendFingerprint:function(b,d,e){var a=Fingerprinting.getFingerprintData(),c=new XMLHttpRequest;a["x-f-uc"]=e;a.csrf_token=d;c.open("POST",b);c.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/json");c.send(JSON.stringify(a))},collectInitialFingerprint:function(b,d,e,a){setTimeout(function(){Fingerprinting.sendFingerprint(b,d,e)},a)}...' lol
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-01#1846496 << it's json neh ? ☝︎
mats: as for the tls collection work, i purchased a 4tb hdd feralhosting box and walked the various Certificate Transparency log servers https://www.gstatic.com/ct/log_list/log_list.json using https://github.com/CaliDog/Axeman to yield ~1tb / 400mn+ certs after deduplication
lobbesbot: trinque: Sent 2 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> lemme know if this needs additional knobs (jsonism ?) to work with deedbot
asciilifeform: !Q later tell trinque lemme know if this needs additional knobs (jsonism ?) to work with deedbot
Mocky: ok, so looking for documentation on how to use: it still works like this: https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/API_reference_(JSON-RPC)
asciilifeform: ( the other change, is not interesting to anyone but asciilifeform , but i will put it on the record : the thing has a 'json' api nao )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dudes implemented their own json thing.
ben_vulpes: use more null-cipher cryptosuites: https://auth0.com/blog/critical-vulnerabilities-in-json-web-token-libraries/
lobbes: !~later tell mircea_popescu ^^ 'help sexpr' and 'help json' also working. lobbesbot has been brought up to spec
a111: Logged on 2017-10-05 18:20 mircea_popescu: ok so results of audit : Framedragger, shinohai, phf : your bot has no help implemented whatsoever, in spite of spec. trinque Framedragger you don't follow the json/sexpr portion, bot simply puts out the same help.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-05 18:20 mircea_popescu: ok so results of audit : Framedragger, shinohai, phf : your bot has no help implemented whatsoever, in spite of spec. trinque Framedragger you don't follow the json/sexpr portion, bot simply puts out the same help.
Framedragger: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-05#1721301 << fwiw `/msg scriba help sexpr` (and json) works, but iirc cuts off line, so need to fix the cutoff. and obvs fix all the other by now accumulated stuff. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: the part what's under discussion is the ~why~ nobody implemented the json/sexpr part of the spec./
mircea_popescu: ok so results of audit : Framedragger, shinohai, phf : your bot has no help implemented whatsoever, in spite of spec. trinque Framedragger you don't follow the json/sexpr portion, bot simply puts out the same help. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: !$help json
BingoBoingo: http://www.jsonline.com/story/news/crime/2017/09/26/milwaukee-woman-charged-mayhem-followed-chase-loaded-tow-truck/703536001/?from=global&sessionKey=&autologin= << An actual reality winner
phf: there's ISLISP standard, which was supposed to create a subset of multiple different lisps (like common lisp and scheme, but also eulisp, since designed by europeans). i don't think anyone (particularly sexp library authors for other languages) ever tried to conform to it. typical solution is to have a JSON-like subset of sexps, so that you can express (FOO "abc" 2), i.e. symbol, string, number and list and nothing else
a111: Logged on 2017-07-08 07:23 sina: mircea_popescu: I am guessing tmsr is not fond of things like JSON or YAML
a111: 555 results for "\"json\"", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22json%22
mircea_popescu: !#s "json"
sina: mircea_popescu: I am guessing tmsr is not fond of things like JSON or YAML ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'OSX El Capitan. SSD + 32 GB RAM, ENS app super sluggish yesterday and same problems as OP. backed-up everything, deleted Mist and support files, re-installed. imported jsons after merging, working fine now, except for the fact that owned domains to be finalized are disappearing from the side bar. Domains cannot be finalized when typed in, mist refuses address lookup, type in a different domain and the retype the domain to be finaliz
trinque: looks like trb was not pleased with python's json.dumps() taking upon itself to use scientific notation after I changed fee and deed amounts.
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-02#1621348 << curl https://kukuruku.co/post/the-collapse-of-the-unix-philosophy/|tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'|awk 'BEGIN{RS=" "} /json/{print $0}'|wc -l ☝︎
asciilifeform: ' It would be much easier if we used JSON or XML for system configs. Or maybe some binary format. Especially for those configs that are constantly read by different programs. As a result, they need a good read rate (it’s higher in binary formats).' << gold.
mircea_popescu: whereas "copy this code snippet to do json bro" is EVERYWHERE.,
gabriel_laddel_p: shapefiles are heathen nonsense, but it turns out they can be easily converted to json, which CL has plenty of parsers for.
trinque: ben_vulpes: www-wot package farts out a bunch of json index files for the search
mircea_popescu: no more of this should it be json or sexpr and pass via urls bs
Framedragger: (as in, if it's requested by a non-browser it'll return json - e.g. `curl ipinfo.io/`)
Framedragger: (just fyi http://ipinfo.io/IP_ADDRESS gives nice json incl AS number and name)
shinohai: Forgive the json brackets, will try to sort that crud out
trinque: and don't worry; there's probably a migration to JSON underway
a111: Logged on 2016-09-13 08:11 mircea_popescu: trinque asciilifeform & everyone : without detracting from the more important gossipd spec work, im thinking of making a bot spec. it'd require bots to answer in pm to help, help json and help sexpr. comments/ideas ?
mircea_popescu: trinque asciilifeform & everyone : without detracting from the more important gossipd spec work, im thinking of making a bot spec. it'd require bots to answer in pm to help, help json and help sexpr. comments/ideas ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: trinque http://wiki.deedbot.org/ 502s, how the hell did the json thing work ?
mircea_popescu: znort987 deedbot has a json for that, lemme find it for it
phf: ben_vulpes: well, json integer is number without fractional part, but from my reading of "standard" it's not mandatory to treat number as such. as far as numerics it has type "number", which is up to client to interpret. here on rum island we do not believe in rum
phf: ben_vulpes: http://json.org/number.gif
phf: ben_vulpes: json also doesn't have integers
ben_vulpes: 'jq' is this mostly-c-thinger that parses json.
ben_vulpes: in json you mean? or are you talking about the jslib 'jquery'?
mircea_popescu: in other lulz : jsawk is like awk, but for json.
asciilifeform: 'Reg reader Rob has uncovered evidence that a botnet (i.e. automated computer program rather than human) is stuffing the second referendum ballot. There are 2,371 signatures from The Vatican - a place that only has a population of 1,000,” Rob notes. Also the json data shows 2735 signatures from the Antarctic and 23,694 signatures from North Korea.” A blackhat hacker from Syria claimed responsibility for the “hack” which he cl
asciilifeform: then somebody ( mircea_popescu ? ) suggested that it could be used to replace the idiot json rpc.
ben_vulpes: whatever it is that returns the JSON that sends mircea_popescu scrambling and screaming for the "programmer's view"
mike_c: no - it seemed too duplicative of http://w.b-a.link/trust/assbot/kakobrekla/json
mike_c: <ben_vulpes> ;;later tell mike_c does your wot thinger spit out json anywhere?
jurov: JsonParserExceptionTooTesty
phf: ben_vulpes: i dunno, i've seen some pathological cases in json readers, "too nesty" at 10kb could be one of them
ben_vulpes: holmes i can read 10mb of json into memory naively and not even begin to sweat the phone.
ben_vulpes: "is the JSON too nesty?"
nubbins`: he sends a special packet and the node dumps its mempool, json format
assbot: Logged on 28-02-2016 04:08:36; mircea_popescu: phf> i think ascii short term plan is specifically rewrite of rpc, because it's an easily achievable low hanging fruit, which when done completely will let us get rid of json/http << quite.
mircea_popescu: phf> i think ascii short term plan is specifically rewrite of rpc, because it's an easily achievable low hanging fruit, which when done completely will let us get rid of json/http << quite. ☟︎
phf: i think ascii short term plan is specifically rewrite of rpc, because it's an easily achievable low hanging fruit, which when done completely will let us get rid of json/http
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: multifold point. most realistically, and in the short term, to abolish the json rpc crapolade.
kuzetsa: very jsonical
jurov: in statjson output
mircea_popescu: https://www.bitcoin.com/src/json/LICENSE.txt
ben_vulpes: bitcoin/src/json/LICENSE.txt
ben_vulpes: who is john w. wilkinson and is there any reason to keep his json spirit license around?
mircea_popescu: trinque i dunno, jurov was saying something about email, but that seems silly. just allow the import of files and piss them out as a json i guess ?
polarbeard: aha I see, but maybe ascii can trash the jsonrpc part and keep the functionality itself?
copypaste: kakobrekla: I'd like to make a request if you have a moment. When I get my OTP from assbot, it sends the header `Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8` ... This causes my browser to incorrectly interpret GnuPG documents as JSON, so it spews annoying errors which prevent me from just doing Ctrl-A Ctrl-C...to wit, "There was an error parsing the JSON document. The document may not be
mircea_popescu: and yes, both json and rpc are broken by design
adlai: asciilifeform: isn't shiva supposed to be an optimal point BETWEEN sentient-AGI-bitcoinOS and jsonrpc on port 8332?
assbot: Logged on 27-01-2016 15:13:14; mircea_popescu: the idea is to replace json with sexpr which means you'll have to have some sort of scheme in there. and once you do, it'll replace the retarded format of coin scripts too, eventually.
mircea_popescu: the idea is to replace json with sexpr which means you'll have to have some sort of scheme in there. and once you do, it'll replace the retarded format of coin scripts too, eventually. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so you added tinyscheme to have sexpr rather than json, and now you telnet into scheme ?
polarbeard: s/jsonrpc/ipc socket/g
asciilifeform: anyway i did not touch the json thing for the same reason i did not touch the whitespace formatting
asciilifeform: json is really sexpr but was dropped as a baby
punkman: well, something for the foundation to decide, whether json is to be kept or replaced with something else
punkman: there are some tiny json libraries
mircea_popescu: yes but fuck that, we have a protocol that then imports json ?
mircea_popescu: incidentally, why the fuck does bitcoin have json support ? do we actually want this ?
mircea_popescu: after all... we have fucking json in there for reasons!
jurov: Stratum protocol is based on JSON-RPC 2.0 (although it doesn’t include “jsonrpc” information in every message).
ben_vulpes: ;;later tell mike_c does your wot thinger spit out json anywhere?
mircea_popescu: just pipe it from json to iptables -A INPUT -s x -j DROP through your favourite perl ?
asciilifeform: and no i don't feel like writing a json parser
assbot: AWS Public IP Address Ranges Now Available in JSON Form | AWS Official Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/22p5gNR )
mircea_popescu: via https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/aws-ip-ranges-json/
mircea_popescu: https://ip-ranges.amazonaws.com/ip-ranges.json
fluffypony: json rpc api compatibility, I guess
ben_vulpes: BingoBoingo: note the giant blob of json in the middle
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: likely thing is that the box returns 'json' turds (javascript lists populated with crud)
adlai: tl;dr: "DAE STATJSON?"
davout: re jurov's comments suggesting an mpex-style API, there's a slot for signed receipts in the returned JSON
mircea_popescu: this can be readily verified for the entire list visible there, not so much for json because well, json doesn't have the links baked in, being json
HostFat: https://bitbet.us/propositions/?json&limit=500
mircea_popescu: and archive dies on http://happut-fopnys.urbit.org/~/on/0v4.fr10a.u9sem.37m45.gtp52.qui8p.json
assbot: Logged on 19-09-2015 14:41:47; mircea_popescu: it looks exactly like someone gutted lisp and replaced it with "easier to use" javascript.json
mircea_popescu: it looks exactly like someone gutted lisp and replaced it with "easier to use" javascript.json ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer/636e02 << this incidentally is very nice because most of those signatures were verified f2f and are consequently signed. pretty strong cornerstone.
punkman: example output http://codebeautify.org/jsonviewer/636e02
punkman: kakobrekla: I think that means XML instead of json