577 entries in 0.685s
gesell: curl -s https://data.mtgox.com/api/2/BTCUSD/money/depth/full | python -c 'import sys,json;data=json.loads(sys.stdin.read()); print data["data"]["bids"]' | awk -v RS='{' '{print}' | tr -d '[]{}' | egrep "price_int': u'[1-9][0-9][0-9]{6}'," | egrep "amount': [1-9][0-9]{3}\." | awk '{print $2 $5 $6 $9 $10}' | sed "s/u'/ /g" | sed "s/[',]//g" | sort -n | cut -b 2-11 -b 18- && date +%s
jurov: in the Dividend statjson part
mircea_popescu: mpex has no api. it's just some public json/jsonp calls
mircea_popescu: o you mean the mpex json ?
jurov: in statjson output
smickles: THE order book json?
Bugpowder: what is the order book json?
Diablo-D3: blockchain.info doesn't have a json api does it
mircea_popescu: http://bitcoincharts.com/t/weighted_prices.json
mircea_popescu: you know it's trivial to pull tctm's json
smickles: ofc, the full one delivered via pastbin is still the json
smickles: oh? was FabianB using it for the json?
jurov: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home/polimedi/public_html/bitcoin/mpex-mktdepth-jsonp.php on line 37
jurov: Unterminated comment starting line 6 in <b>/home/polimedi/public_html/bitcoin/mpex-mktdepth-jsonp.php</b> on line <b>6</b>
mircea_popescu: the jsons are not sorted, could that give the impression the book is different ?
mircea_popescu: totally forgot the json part
jurov: not a proper json, i daresay
smickles: are you trolling me via my statjson?
mircea_popescu: json been there for a while. sierra recent addition
gesell: and json
gesell: mircea_popescu: well i would be happy to make some spreadsheets to pull the order books but this would require some sort of mpex api (json or xml or whatever) for that and again, leave you open to ddos. but if you pushed the data onto your own public spreadsheet you would avoid any ddos on your public facing graphs and orderbooks
smickles: mircea_popescu and myself can add to the list with $proxies <pastebin paste key to a signed json array of proxies>
jurov: and i left jsonp part there
jurov: hi all, http://mpex.coinbr.com/mpex-mktdepth.php fixed to be plain json
mircea_popescu: benkay full json what ?
benkay: bigotry aside, i'd actually like the full json in this irc channel
benkay: y u no give me plain json?
smickles: both mpex-mktdepth.php / mpex-mktdepth-jsonp.php have that JurovP bit at the beginning
mircea_popescu: mpex-vwap.php / mpex-vwap-jsonp.php
mircea_popescu: mpex-mktdepth.php / mpex-mktdepth-jsonp.php
mircea_popescu: you using the jsonp ?
mircea_popescu: smickles one's vwap-json and the other jsonp
smickles: er, "JurovP(" and ends with a ")", that's not json :P
bgupta: json is human readable.. but… I need to whip out cli shit to deal.. one moment.. (I'm slow)
bgupta: JSON?
mircea_popescu: Ukto can't you just make a json somewhere ?
mircea_popescu: anyway : in case our proxies get taken down, you can use mpexbot to check the json for vwap prices and market depth.
mircea_popescu: BitHub not really an api but still, i don't think so, it's all json after all.
mircea_popescu: Error getting json fileThe current exchange rate we accept for Bitcoin:
smickles: you can send a STATJSON or whatever you want through that proxy
mircea_popescu: the 30 day volume comes from the json there for instance
thestringpuller: how do we get ticker json of mpex?
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller no, inasmuch as it's the statjson of that account.
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: is there away to get the STATJSON without mpex account?
mircea_popescu: go into the vwap json, calculate the implicit breakeven of each option line
Namworld: Is there other stuff in JSON format other than vwap?
jurov: you can't use statjson output?
jurov: mircea_popescu, was i supposed to get data in "Exercises" statjson output when I held C200T ?
mircea_popescu: jurov untraded ones aren't listed at all in the json
topace: hey mircea_popescu: if someone PUSH's shares to my account, would i receive any sort of notification? in STATS? or STATSJSON?
DeadWeasel: json is easy though, right
pizzaman1337: it's json
mjr_: anyway, anyone know how to pull a value from a json object in google docs?
jurov: no you have to extract it from json
mircea_popescu: you can get either the book or the prices json, its in the faq
mircea_popescu: jurov there's a json there too
mircea_popescu: jurov you'll be happy tho. look at a statjson.
mjr__: i guess you can get your own stuff with a statjson
mjr_: like depth of book is offered as json
mjr_: i mean accepting one feed from xml and one feed from json
mjr_: hate mixing json and xml...
mjr_: it's all just json in mongo
mjr_: so i am just grabbing the jsonmarket depth
jurov: well. so after it will be able to serve files, one just throw there some javascript that can do jsonrpc calls
jurov: it's jsonrpc "driver" for mpex
mjr_: would be nice i suppose, but parsing sql and parsing json is about the same effort
Namworld: JSON API would stay?
mjr_: then just keep track of your orders using statjson i guess
mjr_: but you have to send statjson command signed by pgp
mircea_popescu: stat being stat or statjson
mjr_: reporting being the json right?
jurov: empty statjsons
mircea_popescu: raw data is in the jsons/rss
mjr_: is the json feed the only way?
mod6: one thing im gonna work on today is wrapping up json stat stuff. but then i gotta get that encryption stuff wrapped up.
jurov: it sent me valid json but no balances/orders
jurov: you mean the "TradeHistory" part of statjson?
Namworld: Sadly, MPEx has no JSON api I think
Namworld: I'm having fun with google spreadsheets and JSON
gesell: yeah this is in yaml JSON processing, and we know btc looooves them some JSON
mircea_popescu: <smickles> STATJSON <Bugpowder> fuuuuck <smickles> rtfm << mwahaha.
smickles: STATJSON
Bugpowder: is there json form my stat?
smickles: are you not using a json parser for that?
mircea_popescu: json is evil in the sense lube is evil.
Bugpowder: JSON is my new friend
jurov: then you'll just jsonrpc call it and gpg key will stay safer
jurov: and it isn't necessarily good for coinbr..next time some lunatic decides to call statjson 10x in second and mircea decides to add a fee to it
jurov: mircea, you did not restart twitter/assapi yet? and rss/json output scriptslike mktdepth.php hang
jurov: at least stat was superseded with statjson, to give some credit
kakobrekla: err twitter thing in the json api?
kakobrekla: its not in the json
kakobrekla: 19:41.01 ( mircea_popescu ) http://mpex.co/mpex-mktdepth-jsonp.php
mircea_popescu: http://mpex.co/mpex-mktdepth-jsonp.php
smickles: google doc can't handle json?
markedathome: i'm surprised that no one had implemented a json decoder in xml for a brainfuck interpreted client running on java for a 3 page forum thread on the use of vinegar for descaling kettles.
Ukto: but anythen below the last block doesnt even give you a json error
Ukto: mostly just json blockchain infos
Ukto: i have reported an problem with like 3 json responses
mircea_popescu: prices and mkt depth json