577 entries in 0.697s
mircea_popescu: yes there's a json one sec
mike_c: Jezzz: bitbet provides json with all the bet information. just add ?json to end of bet url.
mike_c: paging kakobrekla: need moar json :) http://bitbet.us/stats/18bCNXjdT2NUjcip6KdbFR5EEFAu3oTgTq/?json
Naphex: B. JSON-NP Callbacks - For easier integration with current systems
kakobrekla: json would been better
mod6: pankkake: so not sure why it died there. it didn't get back a null result, or it would have spit out an error, but whatever it was, wasn't valid JSON. needs some debugging in there.
mod6: *shrug* it's in the JSON: http://atc.blockr.io/api/v1/block/info/last
Naphex: ;;later tell Naphex fork BitcoinD, and implement clearing notifications via JSON-RPC
kakobrekla: <mike_c> kakobrekla feature request: it would be nice to have yes/no bets confirmed/weighted sum in the BB json. it can be calculated from the bets, so not high priority, but if you're bored :) < hm maybe but that is basic algebra, i try not to pass things that one can easily calc
mike_c: kakobrekla feature request: it would be nice to have yes/no bets confirmed/weighted sum in the BB json. it can be calculated from the bets, so not high priority, but if you're bored :)
fluffypony: and once an amount is available in an address for the minimum number of confs it's in the json
mod6: ahh, im gonna write to them. my atc bot sends up http requests to get some json back so we can do things like: last_block, diff, etc. but from time to time, my host/ip seems to get tar-pitted. even for a low threshold.
bounce: actually using the json version of same, yes. and yes, it's fairly trivial to do the filtering. just noticed that it does give you ways to filter, only the available criteria are exactly not what I need
bounce: the way I'm doing it now is simply recording all the info and printing it. I suppose that getting the results for a single nick would be better done taking the set union of everyone assbot has rated with everyone the target has received ratings from. that's only two json queries (or a single select given access to the database)
turbo_ac100: ehm python -mjson.tools that is
turbo_ac100: I use python -json.tools.
bounce: a bit of C code that turns json in something vaguely suitable for awkification
turbo_ac100: what is dejson btw?
pankkake: json is safe. beware of its cousin yaml though
fluffypony: JSON is an actual data store, XML can't decide if it's a data store or a language
jurov: i only hope there is no such feature in json
Mats_cd03: (i didnt know jsend is json and a cursory goog search of jsend wasnt helpful)
mike_c: ah. well, for future reference: import json; json.loads(data) will give you a python dict with all the info.
mike_c: ooh, you know bitbet serves up json?
turbo_ac100: response body is json http://www.opensearch.org/Specifications/OpenSearch/Extensions/Suggestions/1.0
mircea_popescu: so it needs a suggestqueries subdomain and what, json output ? or ?
AccountantPierre: benkay: enjoy https://github.com/NakamotoInstitute/nakamotoinstitute.org/blob/master/satoshiposts.json
kakobrekla: the status of the bet is in json
kakobrekla: i guess we need some ?json on /browse/
kakobrekla: benkay http://bitbet.us/bet/786/xyz/?json
mike_c: benkay: there's a json feed by tacking ?json on the end of the bet url
Bugpowderr: kakobrekla: I need a JSON of all transactions that have 1 input and two outputs from block 156631 thru 156900.
Bugpowder: Need to figure out a better JSON parser for Matlab first.
r3wt: because json rpc returns an array, not a boolean
pankkake: I remember once when I had to do a replace of '[]' by '{}', to fix the php json export
pankkake: and thus, if you export to json, empty "arrays" can end up as lists when you wanted dicts
davout: r3wt: if it parses the json it returns a hash, or a dictionary, whatever you call it in PHP, with the "isvalid" key pointing to a bool
davout: r3wt: looks to me like the JSON is simply parsed so you should end up with a bool from validateaddress, no.
ThickAsThieves: http://api.bitcoincharts.com/v1/weighted_prices.json
ThickAsThieves: data source seems to be working fine, no? http://api.bitcoincharts.com/v1/weighted_prices.json
jurov: only now, after a year some figured out how to reach json decoder
mircea_popescu: but srsly, the data is free, query mpex, get the jsons, store them, in a week or w/e you have your sample.
pankkake: bitbet json, nice
mod6: ahh, cool json
mircea_popescu: hey mike_c : http://bitbet.us/bet/619/bitcoin-difficulty-at-or-above-2b-before-feb/?json http://bitbet.us/bet/619/whatever-optional/?json http://bitbet.us/bet/619/?json etc.
pankkake: well, that json feeds would be nice. write a spec and patch software!
kakobrekla: json and gtfo
benkay: thugs and goons making more noise in the united socialist states of america: http://www.jsonline.com/watchdog/watchdogreports/atf-uses-rogue-tactics-in-storefront-stings-across-the-nation-b99146765z1-234916641.html
davout: i see a 'Track' field in the statjson that i don't have in the regular stat but it doesn't look like an order id
davout: mircea_popescu: so i did a quick test but i couldn't find an order id in the stat or statjson for me to know which order the reported execution is related to
thestrin1puller: mircea_popescu: when you retrieve depth stat and matches to json stat, no? So is it possibly to just take current top ask/bid depth value and translate it into market buy or market sell?
benkay: json
thestringpuller: http://api.bitcoincharts.com/v1/weighted_prices.json - average price doesn't seem to be
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell smickles hey, tactm changed bitcoincharts api json url cause he could. gotta use http://api.bitcoincharts.com/v1/weighted_prices.json now
markedathome: not to mention the wallet is a glorified single stream. FFS who uses json as a database storage mechanism on disk when wallets get above 10-20MB
mircea_popescu: kako is working on json yeah ☟︎
mircea_popescu: bitbet feature request: bitbet.us/bet/[id]/data.json returns json object with relevant bet information. weighted no/yes, current weight, etc. <<< kakobrekla that's prolly a good idea, stops people from scraping pages in desperation.
mike_c: bitbet feature request: bitbet.us/bet/[id]/data.json returns json object with relevant bet information. weighted no/yes, current weight, etc.
pankkake: http://live.coinbr.com/trades1m.json?mpsic=S.MPOE that's better
gribble: coinflow was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 13 weeks, 1 day, 12 hours, 20 minutes, and 8 seconds ago: <coinflow> NameError: global name 'json' is not defined (file "/app/Coinflow/exchanges/models.py", line 66, in send_to_redis)
pankkake: yeah I saw that. and the offical way seems to have it *replace* jsonrpc which is dirty :/
jurov: start by installing bitcoinrpc, cuz normal jsonrpc will convert everything to floats
jurov: in JSON
thestringpuller: json stat be broked yo
jurov: 3. next statjson, only balances change
jurov: 2. you call statjson, but no change
bloctoc: thanks mircea_popescu. is there a depthjson command for the !mp thingy?
kakobrekla: looks like it is json after all mod6
kakobrekla: dunno i forgot i think its not json
mod6: or what does the socket feed that you provide look like? is it JSON or something?
thestringpuller: you should get a bunch of json
thestringpuller: it'll bring up the raw JSON for you
coinflow: NameError: global name 'json' is not defined (file "/app/Coinflow/exchanges/models.py", line 66, in send_to_redis)
jurov: i'm still seeing s.dice in statjson output
parseval: http://coinflow.co/json/HAVELOCK/AM100
parseval: Nope, but you can pull it in JSON format off my website
enclosurefrednom: btct's json messages are so ... wrong >_<
ozbot: [Tools] Google Spreadsheets auto-updating portfolio JSON functions.
jurov: i just stretched the chart to max date range and pulled the json. no bjs.
furuknap: Nobody should pay for it; it would be based on HTML and JSON only so source would be fully visible.
inhies: its either a json array, or its not
Namworld: I can't manage to retrieve some JSON data correctly
deadweasel: ### exception in _http_thread_func: No JSON object could be decoded BTCUSD/money/order/add
ezdiy: optimator: i think some json api for pools would be in order
optimator: ezdiy: yeah, maybe. I think you are coming at it from the bitcoind level and I'm coming at it from the json-rpc level
mjr_: they also have the following packages coming soon: btcjson, btcdb
parseval: I'm doing the initial imports, it's about 1gb of json data up through the end of april
inhies: notice the length of old.json is longer than new.json
benkay: i've been grappling with json parsing lately as well
inhies: unformatted and probably un sorted json doesnt play well
inhies: ive been dumping the resulting json, im not seeing any discrepencies
inhies: benkay: say i get trade history now, and thers 2270 trades in the resulting json
MJR_: you just need to use JSON.stringify on the message first...
mircea_popescu: i thought you wanted the btccharts json
Guest42002: i was asking for mpex stat there is a public url for json feed from mpex yes?
mircea_popescu: http://bitcoincharts.com/t/weighted_prices.json
Guest42002: that wasn't what I was pointing out but I guess you're right in that sense, what was the url for stat json feed?
unbalanced: I see the orderbook is JSON, that's good
pgp: anyone know of a historical repository for this data that doesn't require me to grab individual exchange json's from bitcoincharts for tiny intervals that won't return most of the time anyway?