577 entries in 0.611s
empyex: FabianB: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
punkman: Pierre_Rochard: well you know one guy wants JSON, other guy wants CSV, make it so it's not hard to use something other than the default
Pierre_Rochard: I remember you have an aversion to JSON so I shied away from that
empyex: BingoBoingo: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
empyex: mircea_popescu: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
mircea_popescu: it doesn't have an api, but you can get json/rss iirc.
empyex: jurov: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
nubbins`: i grab the base64 deed via json when verifying
empyex: jurov: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
empyex: mircea_popescu: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
punkman: assbot trust list (combined L1/L2), updated every 6 hours: http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/trust.json
mircea_popescu: Download bundle: JSON | Raw << raw part
nubbins`: yeah, if i pull the hex down via json it verifies ok
punkman: nanotube: any chance I could get current irc hostmask via http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewgpg.php?nick=punkman&outformat=json ?
ben_vulpes: json file describing what needs provisioning, and a script to stand it all up on aws.
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2014 04:46:15; asciilifeform: e.g., json rpc
Pierre_Rochard: I’m curious to know what JSON-RPC will be replaced by? http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-10-2014#901505 ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: me - i don't want jsonism in my book. << anything actually solidified in your head as to what you actually want ? sigs, really ?
asciilifeform: me - i don't want jsonism in my book.
punkman: also http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2i/json
punkman: and http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/bundle/149LB8VY/json
punkman: also, now there is http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2i/json and http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/deed/BXZKQx2i/raw
asciilifeform: e.g., json rpc ☟︎
mircea_popescu: jurov yeah, stat/statjson are not protected against replay. this, on the principle that the response being encoded anyway, the attacker needs the key to do anything useful.
mircea_popescu: uh you telling me gpg takes "STATJSON" and "STATJSON " as validly signed by the same signature ?
jurov: in the end of STATJSON
jurov: at least in case of statjson mpex accepts the same ecrypted blob twice. so the point is moot.
empyex: jurov: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
empyex: mircea_popescu: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
mircea_popescu: that means the json crap stays for now doesn't it ?
asciilifeform: json parser - crap
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform well the discussion is if the json-rpc part is in the obvious crud or in the eventual crud group
decimation: asciilifeform: json rpc api: out!
ben_vulpes: at some point calling bitcoind cli args started talking to the json rpc api
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, jurov, ben_vulpes, decimation, (who else?) --- is there a reason to keep the json rpc apparatus in bitcoind ? imho all of its functions can be carried out by crafted command line arguments and parsing stdout...
empyex: jurov: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
empyex: FabianB: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: ✗
empyex: mircea_popescu: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
othernubs`: asciilifeform, you want the JSON code or no? i'd deem it crufty unless you particularly want it
mircea_popescu: recent prices you can query the bots or the jsons. historical gotta talk to someone who has been doing the querying.
BingoBoingo: JSON as XML
BingoBoingo: http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wsdatap/v6r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fcom.ibm.dp.xm.doc%2Fjson_jsonx.html << IBM being IBM
empyex: FabianB: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
empyex: mircea_popescu: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
MolokoDesk: http://www.postalrocket.com/DEEDS_TEST/ASSBOT_TRUST_LEVELS.json this is updated by a cron job ever 15 minutes.
MolokoDesk: side effect is that a json digest of the assbot trust web is available.
MolokoDesk: http://www.postalrocket.com/DEEDS_TEST/ASSBOT_TRUST_LEVELS.json this gets updated every 15 minutes 5 minutes after the mark 5,20,35,50
Darkstone1: punkpan: i use doubles. It's bad, i know. But it does not really matter as most exchanges send you the amounts in json floats anyway..
RagnarDanneskjol: mod6 - P2Pool comes with a json api embedded. returns a json string that has the pool information. does this fit requirements for teh bot?
mod6: so, if they ever get a JSON feed, let me know, will add right away.
mod6: so, this interface looks just like CoinMiner.net, and I recall, before they had a JSON feed to parse, I had a lot of trouble scraping the HTML because the pool hashrate is buried in a span
empyex: mircea_popescu: Health-Indicators: Homepage: ✗ MK Depth JSON: ✗ VWAP JSON: ✗
empyex: FabianB: Health-Indicators: Homepage: √ MK Depth JSON: √ VWAP JSON: √
decimation: asciilifeform: apparently the guy was a retiree http://www.jsonline.com/news/milwaukee/coast-guard-ends-search-for-brookfield-pilot-missing-after-crash-b99342068z1-273395281.html
MolokoDesk: I notice that cryptsy has so many altcoins now that trying to load the entire json spew for them all crashes the quote-reading module.
gribble: Cast, nuanced writing keep Peninsula Players' 'Tin Woman ...: <http://www.jsonline.com/entertainment/arts/cast-nuanced-writing-keep-peninsula-players-tin-woman-compelling-b99296580z1-264240141.html>; Playwright Sean Grennan Talks About "The Tin Woman," a Medical ...: <http://www.bykennethjones.com/playwright-sean-grennan-talks-tin-woman-medical-transplant-comedy-heart/>; The Tin (1 more message)
mod6: i'd be preferable to me if x-bt would provide that in the JSON
assbot: Preventing XSS attacks when embedding JSON in HTML – Ben Alpert
RagnarDanneskjol: http://benalpert.com/2012/08/03/preventing-xss-json.html
assbot: JSON-RPC method idea: list transactions newer than a given txid
penguirker: New blog post: http://www.bcoinnews.com/json/
kuzetsa: benkay: well my bot only works with REST APIs (json or otherwise) so ... I kinda need APIs to use it sanely --- https://github.com/kuzetsa/gekko/releases
mircea_popescu: anyway, bitcoin as made by saotshi is eminently blind-friendly. you can get everything as json from bitcoind and put it through your favorite reader.
pankkake: otherwise you'd have to write the JSON config yourself
artifexd: Bitbet's search can return json so it isn't a problem. Just add /.json to the end.
pankkake: thestringpuller: with the url, I was thinking "this may be a json like doge but that's such a silly thing why do I even think about that"
dignork: Naphex: you can show them full json on site/send by email w/e
Naphex: davout: yep, but you need to make a json array with the redeemScript, inputs and script-pubkey
kakobrekla: but aside that, i can make you ?json to parse the stuff from logs if you want
kakobrekla: no i dun run gribble, assbot will take care of this - but, my thought was just to make assbot build the url query for you on the chan, no json needed
mthreat: kakobrekla: add &output=json for json. I can change the JSON output if you like, for gribble (do you run gribble?)
mthreat: - Add JSON output for IRC bot integration
kakobrekla: i will do base64 encode of the json, motherfucker.
davout: kakobrekla: "yes but 99.99% of the time its used by machines, so lets optimize for that." <<< if you follow this logic, all APIs would be better off using some binary protocol instead of JSON :D
Mats_cd03: benkay: i forget exactly what it was you wanted. tx ids and a json api?
Mats_cd03: no but parts of the jsonrpc code is written
kakobrekla: anyway http://bitbet.us/propositions/?json and http://bitbet.us/propositions/?json&limit=123
mircea_popescu: so do json
kakobrekla: id rather to json tbh
mike_c: that would be more json than rss
mike_c: old skool. it should grab the json.
mthreat: davout: and if assbot can do a REST request and interpret a JSON result, that part should be straightforward too
FabianB: kakobrekla: mpexbot used to make a pastie with a copy of the json
FabianB: kakobrekla: yeah, but not with raw json
asciilifeform: more interesting (linked from above) - http://www.jsonline.com/news/milwaukee/hundreds-of-zombie-homes-plague-milwaukee-neighborhoods-b99276701z1-260613161.html
moiety: asciilifeform: http://www.jsonline.com/news/crime/waukesha-police-2-12-year-old-girls-plotted-for-months-to-kill-friend-b99282655z1-261534171.html
benkay: maybe i want that thing to poop out a json/rpc api.
artifexd: ;;later tell mod6 It looks like pitythepool has the current network hashrate in their json stats. I don't know the source or how it is calculated, but it may be easier for you to grab it from there than calculate it. Less accurate, but easier.
kakobrekla: ;;later tell artifexd bitbet.us/browse/ now supports ?json
kakobrekla: even jsonlint doesnt fail on jurovs url
pankkake: what is there to lint in json? it's a pretty strict format
ozbot: JSONLint - The JSON Validator.
mike_c: http://jsonlint.com/ didn't complain
jurov: http://bitbet.us/stats/1JfDCqAV5EGtVx1tezT79uocfThcJviAKS/?json is not valid json
kakobrekla: ;;later tell mike_c http://bitbet.us/stats/ + ?json is up
kakobrekla: artifexd you know you can parse all the bets in json yourself
mike_c: kakobrekla: stats page in json still somewhere in your todo list?
mod6: heh, JSON api = new bitbetbot?
artifexd: Speaking of bitbet, is there a way to get search results in json?
artifexd: ;;later tell kakobrekla Going to http://bitbet.us/bet/842?json results in a redirect loop. http://bitbet.us/bet/842/?json works fine.