500+ entries in 0.375s
diana_coman: !!reputation mike_c
BingoBoingo omitted from the notes post that I did during the closing chit chat bring up that "folks from my part of the US have a reputation for naivety, to the point some go so far as to call us rubes" as we discussed the insanity of common law systems.
diana_coman: hanbot_abroad it's !!reputation hanbot_abroad you want there.
diana_coman: !!reputation girlattorney
lobbes: Add in the feedback cycle, digging into mpwp mysql guts, new additions to spec tacked on (here I would link to various documented pieces on blog, if I had a working one) and I don't come anywhere close to 5-hours. It will be serving Trilema, and it is needed to be correct in one go; no do-overs. My reputation's on the line here. Spot of work my foot!
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, you never discussed WHY it just added to reputation of charlatan. why did it ?
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: then what was topic ? the lack of a per-ch release calendar ? attempted already, all it did is to add to asciilifeform's reputation as charlatan. and for that matter i dun recall any successes among the other folx with day jobs re multiweek calendars for pro-bono worx.
mp_en_viaje: incidentally : one should absolutely not trust any norwegian. assholes scam like they breathe ; i dunno why various africans have a bad reputation, i have literally never been scammed by a hotel before, ever.
mircea_popescu: !!reputation stjohn_piano_2 -10 yet another self-sufferer / impudent lout.
diana_coman: stjohn_piano_2: note the dissonance in your approach - if you want reputation here, you need to do stuff that is useful here (there's a long list of such stuff that needs doing, pick, start on it and document as you go/ask politely and intelligently for help when you need it); onth if you want "reputation" for landing a programming job irl, dropping links here won't help (I doubt the Edgecase thing will help either but that's entirely up to
mp_en_viaje: well yes, but not if you get a reputation for doing inane bs.
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, or as buffett put it back in the day his brain still worked, "when a manager with a reputation for success attempts to tackle a problem with a reputation for intractability, it is the manager's reputation that ends up tarnished"
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-12#1895192 << before this gets lost -- irix has reputation as stable, but porous as all fuck ( sgi never apparently gave half a shit ) ; not that we're at risk of cribbing from it, as you pointed out, 0 src ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-12-18 14:51 mircea_popescu: the exact same thing applies universally and throiughout. the world works a certain way, and it will continue to do so. if you build a blog on the strength of being interesting, you will destroy it with crap ; and if you build a reputation on being sane, you will destroy it with insanity. and so on. at no point is your "conviction" at issue (nor is it interesting, nor important). what's at issue is ~reality~, and reality does
mircea_popescu: the exact same thing applies universally and throiughout. the world works a certain way, and it will continue to do so. if you build a blog on the strength of being interesting, you will destroy it with crap ; and if you build a reputation on being sane, you will destroy it with insanity. and so on. at no point is your "conviction" at issue (nor is it interesting, nor important). what's at issue is ~reality~, and reality does ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-18#1881342 << this, for the record, is exactly how things go. one can build himself a reputation as a director, on the strength (on the ~strength~!!!) of shit like pulp fiction, or reservoir dogs, or w/e the hell. but if the one then continues in the vein of bullshit, directing animation and whatnever kill bill nonsense, uma thurman's deformed toes, that someone will ~destroy~ his reputation, an ☝︎
trinque: !!reputation echelon
asciilifeform: funnily enuff, an almost ~exact opposite~ of asciilifeform's experience in digging up ada ( reputation for gnarl, turns out actually simple & clean 'when used as prescribed' ) , risc-v - reputation for 'simple and clean', turns out ball o' hair
billymg: and at this point i'm just trying to build my reputation so wouldn't be looking for anything beyond a fair rating
trinque: !!reputation Mocky
trinque: !!reputation
Mocky: !!reputation
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: I find it entirely natural and to reputation's credit that it would have puta
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo don't you find it distinctly amusing that reputation has "puta" in it ?
billymg: !!reputation billymg
asciilifeform: !!reputation billymg
a111: Logged on 2018-10-09 18:54 asciilifeform: Mocky: does the place live up to the reputation for 'top smog' ?
asciilifeform: Mocky: does the place live up to the reputation for 'top smog' ? ☟︎
diana_coman: !!reputation diana_away
mircea_popescu: !!reputation mocky
diana_coman: the !!reputation thing is correct there though; so it might be only the visualizer
diana_coman: !!reputation Mocky
asciilifeform: !!reputation truffles
mircea_popescu: consider by way of ilustration that frank sinatra has this reputation, unexamined, apodictic, of some kind of smooth, very sexually powerful operator. this reputation was built on the basis of a bunch of idiotic films written and directed by gene kelly, the adam sandler of the 40s, in which frank sinatra is POINTEDLY SEXUALLY INEPT.
mircea_popescu: do me a favour and add #Do not change this if you're not entirely sure ; talk in #pizarro to make sure ; messing up the routing will cost you your reputation.
diana_coman: that's what it sounded to me too although I'd have thought there was more than "they know stuff" to whatever reputation there might be there; then again, sorrying one's way out of answering a question is the same pick and choose approach so not surprising
mircea_popescu: diana_coman i suppose we have a "reputation" among the script kiddies ahem i mean "hackers" etcetera.
asciilifeform: asciilifeform is specifically curious, re why brazil, afaik the 1 serious country in the whole landmass, is also half dour shithole ( asciilifeform's extended wot includes at least 1 d00d who went to brazil for physics conf and came back as 'cargo 200' , so i suspect the reputation aint entirely mythical )
asciilifeform: !!reputation rassah
trinque: if you're trying to guard reputation, all you need to do is communicate clearly about the mechanism, and be done with it.
ben_vulpes: im also evaluating this claim that the lone star state is somehow not the same thin plastic veneer over zamac the rest of the country's made of. it at least has endogenous oil stores and the locals carry a reputation for being profit minded
asciilifeform: ( anyone who wonders why 'programmer' worldwide has roughly same reputation as 'untouchable latrine cleaner in calcutta' -- wonder no longer )
mod6: !!reputation stjohn_piano
mod6: !!reputation adlai
mod6: !!reputation mats
mircea_popescu: !!reputation shinohai
mircea_popescu: if it operates but poorly i suppose the argument could be brought mocky's good reputation is being stained ; however it's so damned easy to check.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-17 00:25 lobbes: douchebag: at least keep reading the logs. I wager that if you do, within 5 years time you may start seeing the value of building reputation with the world's only sovereign
lobbes: douchebag: at least keep reading the logs. I wager that if you do, within 5 years time you may start seeing the value of building reputation with the world's only sovereign ☟︎
cnomad: well that's where reputation comes into play
diana_coman: cnomad, do you specifically want to *not* develop a reputation here ?
cnomad: i don't want to develop reputation, just wanna say hi and observe
asciilifeform: and you can start developing reputation.
lobbes: http://logs.bvulpes.com/pizarro?d=2018-5-31#366191 << You know, I was still going to rate you positively on the basis of your service to the republic, but then I thought "why?". You decide that on your way out the door you'll try and casually attack my reputation on the basis of... what exactly? Yeah, I made those comments. But then I sat, thought, came to my senses, left kako to rot, joined #t, built an auction bot, built an archive process, lea
lobbes: asciilifeform: Ftr, my original !!unrate of shinohai was reflective of the fact that I could not at the time discern if he was coming/going/passive-aggressively-whatevering. When I return to my key I'll rate the guy positively as this satisfies my earlier stated criteria of "there are ways to gracefully exit while preserving reputation"
danielpbarron: that you care about your bad reputation goes a long way for me, but i can't say there is anything in particular you can do to remedy. if you don't do anything else annoying i'll prolly switch it to positive the next time i go through my ratings.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-23 00:37 douchebag: ben_vulpes, esthlos, and danielpbarron - is there anything I can do to to repair my reputation? Let me know, and get back to me.
douchebag: ben_vulpes, esthlos, and danielpbarron - is there anything I can do to to repair my reputation? Let me know, and get back to me. ☟︎
douchebag: !!reputation douchebag
a111: Logged on 2018-05-20 18:34 trinque: this is a pretty shitty reputation all around.
trinque: this is a pretty shitty reputation all around. ☟︎
mod6: !!reputation douchebag
trinque: mod6: contracts often have a cure period, eh? suppose it's "negrated party has $time to fix his reputation"
mod6: !!reputation fettiffany
fromdeedbot: and your reputation means something and can be quantified
trinque: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-15#1542346 << uiop hasn't the best reputation ftr ☝︎
asciilifeform: phf: and yes also it's a 'job creation language', and imho undeservedly gets good reputation among thinking people ( e.g. mircea_popescu ) because it is the 'jobs for greybeards' type, rather than 'for 19yo shits' a la perl
ascii_lander: !!reputation adlai
phf: !!reputation ckang
asciilifeform: !!reputation avgjoe
mircea_popescu: word. you're building quite the diplomatic reputation for yourself, you know that ?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-11 06:07 lobbes: ^ que pasa contigo, shinohai? There's a way to step back gracefully that would preserve your solid reputation, but abandoning your post ain't that way.
lobbes: ^ que pasa contigo, shinohai? There's a way to step back gracefully that would preserve your solid reputation, but abandoning your post ain't that way. ☟︎
trinque: cassidy3: in here your recourse if I steal your money is to tarnish the reputation held on deedbot that to date says I've stolen from no one. out there, what, sue?
phf: !!reputation david_francois
douchebag: !!reputation douchebag
asciilifeform: !!reputation douchebag
asciilifeform: !!reputation douchebag
ben_vulpes: !!reputation douchebag
trinque: I am not tarnishing my reputation by the wallet operating as anything other than a mechanism.
BingoBoingo: And any potential saviors looking for a vanity project ought to mind that likely the best thing for my health and reputation is going to be returning to familiar AA meetings and the humble, anonymous life working in a hardware store.
asciilifeform: !!reputation ReadErr
mp_en_viaje: you get an interesting blog and a great reputation.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform admire the recursive gift : his "reputation in the community" doth indeed grow. what now.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-23 06:19 douchebag: mircea_popescu: I want a career as a pentester, so far I feel I'm doing pretty good in terms of getting experience and reputation in the community. Do you have any suggestions for ways I that could get further on my career path?
a111: Logged on 2018-01-23 06:19 douchebag: mircea_popescu: I want a career as a pentester, so far I feel I'm doing pretty good in terms of getting experience and reputation in the community. Do you have any suggestions for ways I that could get further on my career path?
douchebag: mircea_popescu: I want a career as a pentester, so far I feel I'm doing pretty good in terms of getting experience and reputation in the community. Do you have any suggestions for ways I that could get further on my career path? ☟︎☟︎
caaddr: something from the same book: gpg2 does not allow export of the two RSA primes, p and q, from a password protected key. it does not think that you *own your own primes*. the primes upon which your reputation rests
asciilifeform: !!reputation caaddr
mircea_popescu: !!reputation spyked
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: Error: "reputation" is not a valid command.
mircea_popescu: !~reputation spyked
trinque: !!reputation Birdman
danielpbarron: !!reputation DangG
ben_vulpes: !!reputation ReadErr
mircea_popescu: !!reputation ReadErr
ReadErr: !!reputation l0de
mircea_popescu: !!reputation revnja
trinque: !!reputation revnja
ben_vulpes: !!reputation MTW