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ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-17 19:38:00 asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i actually have a pogo in stock, if you like just-for-you it can be plugged in.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-17#1946199 << the spirit of service-eagerness is fine, but you're going overboard with the options. no, he doesn't want a pogo, simmer down.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Is the pogo 128 or 256 mb of RAM?
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i actually have a pogo in stock, if you like just-for-you it can be plugged in.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It requires very little of anything. It si something that could probably fit on pogo if pogo wasn't physically bulkier than RK
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: iirc you have 20 'pogo' . ( not aware of other 'detritus' )
asciilifeform: with the modest ram, not a rk competitor, but potentially useful for other applications ( has 3 serial ports, so can eat FG ) ; runs 'pogo'-style linux, so can stuff even classic gpg in ; can have nic plug attached, so potentially even host small net proggies ; pulls coupla milliwatt, so could work in radio relays or similar.
dorion: asciilifeform: ok, thank you. I've looked into the pogo experiment and will adapt was needed. I have box with >2GB ram: the rockchip.
asciilifeform: already in the 'pogo' experiment we had a working 32bit arm trb. so i expect it is doable with existing toolchain for 32-under-64.
asciilifeform only ever built embeddeds (e.g. for 'm', for 'pogo', etc) via 'buildroot', never made a gentoo for'em
asciilifeform: and you can plug'em into virtually any box, from 'vax' to 'pogo', all you need is a serial port of whatever description.
asciilifeform: no need to cross compile unless you're building for something too small to run gcc itself ( and chances are it won't run trb , if so small , as with 'pogo' )
asciilifeform: mp_en_viaje: defo, all of the moving parts already in place for it. ( and apparently nao there is a $49 pogo-cum-2GB ? )
a111: 1185 results for "pogo", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=pogo
asciilifeform: !#s pogo
asciilifeform: hey look at that, mp_en_viaje , finally 'pogo' with 2GB
a111: Logged on 2019-05-12 19:14 asciilifeform: i.e. asciilifeform ported to pogo (even had working, save for the flash disk, netbsd port) , then the iron vanished from market long before achieved anyffin useful on it
asciilifeform: i.e. asciilifeform ported to pogo (even had working, save for the flash disk, netbsd port) , then the iron vanished from market long before achieved anyffin useful on it ☟︎
asciilifeform: i was able to bake a musl 'busybox' linux for pogo in '15, but admittedly this was not a gentoo
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-14#1896276 << notably ye olde trb-on-pogo asciilifeform recipe ran off initramfs ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-12-01 22:11 mircea_popescu: i suppose they'd host a pogo for you, but latest thinking here is that not rly worth the amps.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-01#1877608 << pogo is a 256MB ram / 2core / 800MHz box, and takes up considerable vertical space if you mount the sata disk ; rk is a 2GB / 4core / 1.8GHz box, and takes up 2cm of vertical ( and there is existing rack of'em ) ☝︎
mircea_popescu: i suppose they'd host a pogo for you, but latest thinking here is that not rly worth the amps. ☟︎
asciilifeform: btw i'd kinda like to give those ivories to mircea_popescu for safekeep, if he agrees ( they're pocket-sized, so not 'pogo crate' )
mircea_popescu: he certainly is the one that deserves the pogo storage headache >D
a111: Logged on 2018-04-05 22:40 asciilifeform: come to think of it, a little proxy box ( make out of ~anything, even pogo ) would handily do the job. think 'chinese firewall https stripper' for home lan.
asciilifeform: all i really need from the bootrom is to do what uboot on pogo did, i.e. see the disks ( internal ssd, usb, sd ) , read some classic partitions ( e.g. ext3 ), load kernels ( in human, not google, format ) and present pogo-style uboot cmdline for these.
shinohai: asciilifeform my system is by no means perfect .... but yeah periodic stops, I only scheduled rsync for twice weekly to pogo, to minimize downtime. Never results in more than half-hour downtime.
shinohai: pogo also makes a handy local binhost, for those who don't wish to build the same 500 packages when trying new stuff on gentoo.
shinohai: Thankfully, pogo turned out to be great NAT device, I run a mech hdd in the dumb-as-bricks vertical hdd slot, and a samsung t3 portable ssd from the top usb connector.
asciilifeform: shinohai: consider taking a short at porting cuntoo to pogo, oughta be relatively simple
asciilifeform: conceivably, even 256MB-pogo-cum-mech-hdd-cum-swap-partition-cum-aggression might work.
asciilifeform: ( i had it, fwiw, on pogo )
mircea_popescu: what loose what glue trap ? you're either looking or you're not looking ; and if you're not looking a) age dun improve anything and b) god himself riding on a pogo stick can'd help you.
asciilifeform: pogo container
asciilifeform: in re pogo in particular, i dun recall a particular +ev biznis plan for'em . they were , in mircea_popescu's exact, iirc, words, a reserve fleet.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: pogo ? they're as usable as ever as soon as somebody gets trb into 256MB, lol
asciilifeform: not to mention that it seems to be a ~pogo with eeprom proggy (these dun show on micrograph anyway)
asciilifeform: i introduced this for pogo, mod6 et al generalized to pc.
ascii_lander: and 'marvell' (of 'pogo' fame) also
ascii_lander: i had a musltronic selfmade buildrootlinuxoid on pogo, it had this attribute (unsurprisingly)
asciilifeform: come to think of it, a little proxy box ( make out of ~anything, even pogo ) would handily do the job. think 'chinese firewall https stripper' for home lan. ☟︎
asciilifeform: i find busybox to be useful on ancient routers , pogo , & similar , but quite unusable as a unixutils substitute on actual workstation
asciilifeform: ~= pogo.
asciilifeform: pogo for that matter is also an arm7 (32)
a111: Logged on 2016-03-17 16:30 danielpbarron: pogo really shouldn't be used for this purpose :<
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: pogo has the minus of taking up much vertical space when disk is in
BingoBoingo will search local ads for pogos and pogo likes.
asciilifeform: ( this is not even entirely in jest: a considerable quantity of pogo could fit in a 2u vertical )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: pogo!11
asciilifeform: WHAT is on your pogo
shinohai: My pogo has the pl2303x driver :/
asciilifeform: shinohai: what's on your pogo ?
shinohai: I use https://mpv.io/now, has API so u can stream from pogo ala asciilifeform
asciilifeform: you likewise need exactly same voltage converter for pogo , and most other small devices.
asciilifeform: ( even, say, a pogo )
asciilifeform: pogo's only got 1 nic
mircea_popescu: pogo ?!
kanzure: http://bioinformatics.org/pogo/
danielpbarron: can get up-to-date on big box and copy to pogo
asciilifeform: how long your longest run of trb on pogo, danielpbarron ?
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-09#1695538 "the pogoplug experiment had nothing to do with scaling" << also it worked fine on my pogo. the only issue was i was doing it on some systemd monstrocity of a linux. There's no reason it wouldn't also work on a cuntoo-pogo as well ☝︎
asciilifeform: or cemented pogo, etc.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform move the pogo cpu ? lol.
mircea_popescu: nah. easier to make new board for pogo than to make new cpu for zoolag.
asciilifeform: ( incl. pogo )
asciilifeform: ( and in fact it ran on my pogo. but that doesn't produce a usable trb node. )
danielpbarron: i must admit, working with the pogo makes me feel quite stupid. brings back that fear I used to get when working on normal computers "oh no will it no longer boot? i'm screwed!"
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-08-01#1692017 << very much so yes, but I have not figured out how to gentoo a pogo unfortunately. I wasn't aware that there was a published recipe for it but i'll check out the loper OS article on the MyCloud Mini thing ☝︎
shinohai: asciilifeform: You had recipe to gentoo-ize the pogo?
asciilifeform: i also have a port for that other pogo-like thing, whose name escapes me at the present moment, 4 core beast, fiddybux or so
asciilifeform pictures pogo stick stake
shinohai: HDD is ok, and pogo containing my backup chain survived so at least I don't have to start over *there*
asciilifeform: ( i had a pogo going like this for a while )
asciilifeform: main weakness of apu1 is that it is approx. the pogo
asciilifeform: we had this thread, in re pogo's marvell cpu.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 731 Wh is approx enough to run.. a pogo.
mircea_popescu: i think we're not talking of the same thing. so, i have, for the sake of argument, a 50k line bcc, which builds c and doesn't optimize. it's my bootstrapping compiler. it runs on musl, say. i fire up a pogo, put this on, and proceed to build a kernel during the next week.
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: see the pogo build articles.
asciilifeform: as asciilifeform did for, e.g., pogo.
mircea_popescu: but yes, fanless pogo has some major mojo
asciilifeform: trinque: for 'microscopic task but needs own box', i prefer something more like pogo, which is fanless, solidstate, and zero-maintenance. vs ancient clunking monster , howling like vacuum cleaner and filled with dying mechanical hdds
asciilifeform: re upstack -- i actually have here an earlier mips from imagination co. -- it is notbad.jpg (tested back in the day as potential pogo replacement)
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu, mod6 : next mega-advance will probably be to make it self-reproducing - i.e. to shit out a bootable hdd with itself. i experimented with this in the pogo era but hung up at the time on buildroot freezing, which was since solved by mod6
asciilifeform: the only cpp in my pogo build was trb.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-07 17:38 asciilifeform: trinque: you can tell that d00d took 0 trouble to read, e.g., the pogo archives
a111: Logged on 2017-01-07 17:38 asciilifeform: trinque: you can tell that d00d took 0 trouble to read, e.g., the pogo archives
asciilifeform: trinque: you can tell that d00d took 0 trouble to read, e.g., the pogo archives ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: "pogo is cheap" no it's not, i'm not buying one.
asciilifeform: if you remove 'portage', you have, magic!111, working gentoo. but it is then ~same as just generic linux a la my pogo build.
mircea_popescu: afaik the pogo is to date the only tmsr-certified digital computer.
asciilifeform: the pictured converters are quite common and the folks who played with 'pogo' already have some.
asciilifeform: ( in a much earlier even thread , about the marvell chipset used in pogotron, i found same thing -- the chip is simply not www-orderable in the west, at least not at any kind of price point that isn't a laugh when stood next to the price of whole pogo )
asciilifeform: as, e.g., pogo with mechanical hdd does not.
asciilifeform: (or on pogo. or,or.)
asciilifeform: and i realize now that all of my boxes that 'only have sh' are actually busyboxtrons (e.g., pogo)
shinohai: (as pogo upgrade)
asciilifeform: (which is still 8x moar than pogo...)
asciilifeform: pogo is great if your proggy isn't a memory hog.
mircea_popescu: wait what ? pogo is no good now ?