203 entries in 0.578s

mp_en_viaje: people, generally, ineptly failing to make ~good~ websites back in 2001 meant, necessarily, that the space'll eventually be taken up by "platforms". foss retards failing to make useful software back in 2006 meant, necessarily, that the space'll eventually be taken up by ubuntus. similarly with dcs, the "vibrant market" for many independent people's boxes is being eaten by
netflix in the wake of googleamazon ops, and has been.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: By all appearances Latecho can't pay Uruguayos, and I did make their surviving sales and telecom managers pale this week. Guy seems to have gone oldgendered coverting Latecho to low investment
netflix box pension
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-08 21:25:23 asciilifeform: dc was bought out (presumably 'to make
netflix cache' tho i dun specifically know its fate) and all subscribers hung to dry.
mp_en_viaje: either because indeed, some ustard bought them out, thinking to cut down 90% of expense ie personnel and keep 50% of income by moving away from dc business to
netflix cache
mircea_popescu: eh you kidding me, 3rd rate corporate orientation videos of the 90s were funnier than that
netflix special
BingoBoingo: <trinque> they want to watch HBO from lithuania or w/e << More to the point they want to watch US HBO/
Netflix/etc from wherever rather than the local mirrors on their own ISP's network
mp_en_viaje: once
netflix or whoever bought it, they bought a very valuable franchise : now they can "continue" the "famous work of fiction" but ~without~ killing anyone anymore. this is what they're mass-marketing : "come ye herds, and watch the a) famous work of fiction where everyone dies but b) without anyone dying while you watch".
mp_en_viaje: now they're commenting
netflix, while not properly shoveling cow dung.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-27 00:39 asciilifeform: soon enuff , when no moar castros, those bananistani will be living in mortgaged cardboard, eating mcd, and watching '
netflix', shitting out 'blogs' fulla malapropisms , an' ~nobody will remember any other time.
BingoBoingo: Well, Maduro's folk have mcd,
netflix, and Pnohes
BingoBoingo: It's
Netflix, Youtube, the Porntubes, and the prformer side of the porn Camgirls
BingoBoingo: If your endpoints hits
Netflix for 5gbps they'll let you leverage 1.2 gbps every half day for 20gbps+
a111: Logged on 2017-10-16 19:33 mircea_popescu: so your idea of how
netflix works is that a bunch of couch dwelling "Criminology" majors queue up before a dc to be shown their inane shit on the dc's wall mounted display ?
BingoBoingo would be VERY surprised if the
netflix appliance takes more than 4U in a rack
BingoBoingo: FTR local mobile phone companies have been advertising Whatsapp gratis since before I arrived. They new point of competition is move up to a postpaid plan and get "
netflix gratis"
mircea_popescu: the way to pretend to be part of the republic without being part of the republic is AT A DISTANCE. like all those schmucks "working on their phd" telling chicks "o yea, i totally know mp, we
netflix and chill all the time" at "tech conferences". not by fucking dribbling here.
Mocky: this next generation is going to be epic, with the way schools are now, and raised by ipads and
netflix a111: Logged on 2018-03-20 23:00 trinque: "Information Domain Counter to Belt and Road" << these fucking idiots. yes, China's actual manufacturing and actual trade routes will be no match for usg.tmobile's
netflix stream quality.
trinque: "Information Domain Counter to Belt and Road" << these fucking idiots. yes, China's actual manufacturing and actual trade routes will be no match for usg.tmobile's
netflix stream quality.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: same place amherst, oh goes on sundays, they raise awareness on facebook and watch
BingoBoingo: But makes it clear why
Netflix tries to plant a cage full of VCRs as clost to every customer as possible.
mircea_popescu: so your idea of how
netflix works is that a bunch of couch dwelling "Criminology" majors queue up before a dc to be shown their inane shit on the dc's wall mounted display ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: asciilifeform and those don't run boxes then ? what is it, come out of a
netflix toothpaste tube ?
mircea_popescu: what do you suppose you give 16 yo bedouin girl as a love gift ? smartphone enouigh to watch
netflix, neh ?
a111: Logged on 2017-08-01 14:35 shinohai: heya mod6 .... thought of you earlier, Mighty Ducks was on
netflix shinohai: heya mod6 .... thought of you earlier, Mighty Ducks was on
netflix ☟︎ mircea_popescu: phf and fucking anthony hopkins! wasting his time with the inane
netflix crap! and ...
BingoBoingo: In his current straight to
netflix gig's he's been Stalone in the 1970's and Arnold in the early 80's type 8-4% bodyfat sorta cut, but that mass dun impress on screen no more
mircea_popescu: which is why they have to "educate" the black chix so they get out of the
netflix reservation
netflix interprets maersk as damaged and just routes around teh censor ships!
erlehmann: as a free-software enthusiast myself, i have managed to experience many invitations to “
netflix and chill” entirely without
netflix. freedoms preserved!
erlehmann: > A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using
Netflix. I declined, saying that
Netflix was such a threat to freedom that I felt uncomfortable with promoting its use in this way.
mircea_popescu: anyway. so now imagine ~half of all the chicks her age are also blessed with her mentality and it should be plain obvious there's NO POSSIBILITY of satisfying them in any other way than through
netflix. because, even if you bougth them all ferraris, through buying half a billion of the thing they wouldn't be veblen goods anymore and so no longer serve the purpose. because they don't want all this shit for itself ; they just w
mircea_popescu: and the
netflix scum nod along, "oh yes, terrible, terrorism, moo, moo"
mircea_popescu: apparently a bunch of idiots watch too much
netflix and don't encounter nearly enough clubs to the mouth to know better than trying to apply in life what they saw in the cartoons.
mircea_popescu: this DOESN'T constitute some sort of misandrism, and it's NOT time to change the laws to you know, punish more girly shit ? how about 5 years in jail for watching
netflix without a partner, speaking in a shirll tone, being fat or being obnoxious ? and striking male crimes suck as you know, fucking, from the books ?
jhvh1: shinohai:
netflix and chill :: It means that you are going to go over to your partners house and fuck with
Netflix in the background. [ex:] "Yeah we just watched
Netflix and chilled.""Damn nigga how deep?""Four knuckles deep" [/ex] | code for two people going to each others houses and [fucking] or doing other [sexual] related acts [ex:] Brad: "Hey Julia wanna come over and watch [
Netflix] and chill"Julia: (6 more messages)
Framedragger: phf: i agree with the latter. if nothing else - why not; sure. and sure, a *lot* of busy activity reduces to
netflix in one way or another.
phf: and i will double down on "never amount to anything", even if to the bulk of those people busy activity might feel very meaningful. "i'm watching
netflix, it's important to relax!" etc.
mircea_popescu: these idiots, they get entirely disrupted by admittedly heavy rains twice a year, they flail about helplessly on tv about it THAT DAY and that's that, that's it, go right back to their regularly scheduled dickholding and
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform>
netflix has hardware box?! << Usually "
netflix box" is built into newer, shittier tvs
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform at least media consumption data comes from their
netflix boxes spying onthem
shinohai: I watched the Narcos show on
Netflix ... was kinda tolerable
mircea_popescu: god damned this black mirror shit is unwatchable. where the fuck do they find these dumb bitchez that can't act to save their life, it's like they're not even b list.
netflix has invented the c-list. and who the fuck writes this inane crap, it's like they're trying for a reboot of the venerable twilight zone / tales from the crypt, except failing to reach that high.
mircea_popescu: no, it simply will be "nobody knows how to turn it on without the talking paperclip, and they can't muster the energy to try and find out". that's it. what, you think argentines fail because they're not connected to the same internet we are ? they're connected, i'm living proof. but to them, it's all
mod6: they s/buttlifts/
mircea_popescu: anyway. "the pleasure of whiteness" in particular denotes this peculiar view of human existence, which is very deeply puritan (which they usually call white or white-patriarchy, neither of which have anything to do). ie, typical middle class us female enjoys being in herself, which is why she loves nothing more than to grow fat while watching
trinque: oh, and
netflix received cash from you, did it
thestringpuller: trinque: from my point of view it's better to buy 1 year of
netflix in cash from a store than to have them charge your debit card 12 times throughout the year.
mircea_popescu: and the shit they
netflix isn't even fit for in-flight entertainment, admittedly a low bar.
mircea_popescu: you should see the local herps. "i like staying home and
mircea_popescu: just like the new generation of cunny is "i love to watch
netflix", the new generation of cocklet is, "computer security and i like to travel". post-postmodernity.
mircea_popescu: that's the whole argentinian life. that's what derpy chick does : dreams about being stewardess, watches
netflix and plays slots.
thestringpuller: I guess using my machine for single purpose-
Netflix and Steam, has limited risk.
mircea_popescu: EVERY SINGLE, i don't mean just the fat/ugly, EVERY SINGLE female's FAVOURITE past time is watching
BingoBoingo: But "
Netflix and chill" is the new "come in for coffee"
punkman: "A friend once asked me to watch a video with her that she was going to display on her computer using
Netflix. I declined, saying that
Netflix was such an affront to freedom that I could not be party to its use under any circumstances whatsoever." -- RMS
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes the one thing that boggles my mind the most in all this is that none of them seem to realise that yes there's something fucking wrong with not owning a cocktail dress and spending all your time on
pete_dushenski: tried watching some jeremy piven show on
netflix last night where he plays an american entrepreneur in london who starts his own department store circa 1909 and the only way i could stand it was with the volume off. the set design is the ~only~ redeeming quality of that show.
pete_dushenski: might take a while to show up, the intertubes are full of
netflix mats: lots of folks vulnerable to those -- people not on Chrome that use
Netflix for example
assbot: BitBet -
Netflix Inc will trade at least 790 USD per share before July 24th :: 1.26 B (21%) on Yes, 4.64 B (79%) on No | closed 23 hours 38 minutes ago ... (
http://bit.ly/1Mbt0xs )
punkman: "
Netflix, Spotify and other streaming services just got more expensive in Chicago as an update to the city’s amusement tax went into effect Wednesday. The change adds a 9 percent tax to Chicago residents’ subscriptions."
thestringpuller: asciilifeform: been watching this dumb
netflix show "Orange is the new black" the russian mobster woman says a lot of the same stuff you do.
BingoBoingo: Typical imagined customer is small business that wants to support other local business. Connosieur customer wants access to pipe without fucking up their
netflix at home.
nubbins`: given that more people are familiar with changing DNS servers as a result of wanting to watch american
netflix, you'll see the turnaround on these things get shorter
nubbins`: unfortunately the
netflix app is hard-coded to USA service (!!!!)
netflix, youtube, etc players built in as well