203 entries in 0.644s
mats: why do any work when you can generate an altcoin from a bootstrap website and watch netflix
nubbins`: my netflix streaming quality *has* improved since i got a cloak
mircea_popescu: so... i go to watch a film with netflix, pay in btc. they see the tx and let me watch
mircea_popescu: ". This is less than ideal, especially for some kinds of digital products – a Netflix-type of service that sells movies on demand, for instance."
thestringpuller has been watching too much netflix
nubbins`: maybe i was being ddosed yesterday when my netflix stream quality was slightly reduced
mircea_popescu: veloper using Selenium to exercise his hand-cobbled JavaScript to those of Netflix and their Chaos Gorilla), but to distill the reference implementation into something that can fit in a single human’s head and rip out braindamaged code-arson like the moronic “wallets” and their change behavior."
BingoBoingo: On the plus side though B movies have never been this profitable ever in history thanks to netflix
assbot: NFLX: Summary for Netflix, Inc.- Yahoo! Finance
Apocalyptic: <pete_dushenski> http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=nflx << netflix just lost 1/4 of its value o_O
assbot: NFLX: Summary for Netflix, Inc.- Yahoo! Finance
pete_dushenski: http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=nflx << netflix just lost 1/4 of its value o_O
bounce: could be, but it boomed for a goodly bit, because it could. netflix took over torrent in biggest traffic (oh woe is the mafiaa and their pr-war), and so on.
gribble: Netflix Remains King of Bandwidth Usage, While YouTube Declines ...: <http://variety.com/2014/digital/news/netflix-youtube-bandwidth-usage-1201179643/>; Report: Average U.S. Broadband Prices Are Below World Average ...: <http://www.telecompetitor.com/report-average-u-s-broadband-prices-are-below-world-average-of-76-61/>; Measuring Broadband America - February 2013 | FCC.gov: (1 more message)
bats_cd03: i've been watching Attack on Titan, on netflix. is p good.
mircea_popescu: basically hes' been mostly doing netflix these days. getting fat on teh couch
assbot: 63 results for 'netflix' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=netflix
mircea_popescu: !s netflix
thestringpuller: i need to stop binge watching netflix
mircea_popescu: pre-netflix dvd shop owner
teward: it causes netflix to stop working after a while
teward: also, good advice to everyone: don't ever set your computer that watches netflix to a bandwidth-restricted, rate-limit-triggering firewall subnet...
teward: oh dear, netflix and my firewall are not cooperating... and I was just getting into the third season of DS9... >.>
assbot: Caveat Emptor On Goldman Sach's Call On Netflix - Netflix, Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) | Seeking Alpha
ThickAsThieves: i'm not crazy http://seekingalpha.com/article/2296575-caveat-emptor-on-goldman-sachs-call-on-netflix
assbot: Netflix Inc. (NASDAQ:NFLX) News Analysis: Goldman Sachs Group Inc (NYSE:GS) Upgrades Netflix To Buy
ThickAsThieves: motherfuckers http://www.bidnessetc.com/22360-netflix-rallies-premarket-on-goldman-sachs-upgrade/
ThickAsThieves: it wont be long before TV is computer and channels are websites, etc, just as netflix gains ground, theyll gain competition from all over
ThickAsThieves: netflix will do fine
mike_c: netflix is doing good original content. it's a new HBO.
mircea_popescu: ThickAsThieves fwiw i don't see the case for netflix. what are they going to do ?
ThickAsThieves: hilarious, now media says SELL! "Barclays has given Netflix an Underweight rating, with a price target of $390, which is around 11% lower than its current stock price."
assbot: Netflix Shutters Its Public API - Slashdot
mircea_popescu: but daily call logs have at the end : "spam - comcast, netflix, pizzahut" etc
Vexual: i never knew netflix was tradable
assbot: Options Play For Tapping Into Strength Of Netflix - Forbes
ThickAsThieves: like this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/greatspeculations/2014/06/20/options-play-for-tapping-into-strength-of-netflix/
assbot: WiTopia Personal VPN Services Providers. Easily unblock Skype, Hulu, Netflix and Facebook - WiTopia
bitcoinpete: fluffypony: well if he lived in the uk, seaman could replace lattes with netflix, just like momma cpi said
ThickAsThieves: i learned this the hard way with netflix
Mats_cd03: (i got netflix recently)
ThickAsThieves: (i'm viewing my netflix rated section)
ThickAsThieves: if you have netflix, watch pontypool
MisterE: finally found it BingoBoingo http://techcrunch.com/2014/03/11/popcorn-time-is-like-netflix-for-pirated-content/?ncid=rss
ThickAsThieves: this is still an issue with netflix
mike_c: "Though Netflix holds the streaming rights for "House of Cards," Sony is in charge of distribution internationally and through home video."
mike_c: ah, no. apparently it had nothign to do with netflix.
ThickAsThieves: there's more foreign films on netflix than any other option
KRS-One: netflix pisses me off...90% of the titles I never heard of..9% were from 1980 and 1% recent/goodmovies.
Mats_cd03: Comcast is dying, netflix is just fucking the corpse
mike_c: well, hbo and netflix want to kill each other
ThickAsThieves: netflix should be signing up with hbo and the like
ThickAsThieves: why on earth did Netflix make House of Cards available to Comcast?
ThickAsThieves: next is millenials hating cable cuz commercials (cuz netflix)
ThickAsThieves: well i'd rather see that money go to netflix subsciptions or whatever the hell else it may have gone to instead
greenspan_fan: since the netflix for prostitutes was immediately rejected by y combinator
nubbins`: mircea_popescu: netflix-only television show based on a bbc television show based on a novel. the netflix version centers around u.s. political intrigue, specifically kevin spacey's machinations towards the presidency
greenspan_fan: amazing idea: netflix for prostitution
diametric: and by netflix i mean amazon aws
diametric: asciilifeform: what appears to be happening now, is verizon and comcast are pushing netflix through their already saturated links
davout: for those who read franch http://www.legorafi.fr/2014/02/18/hbo-netflix-la-ministre-de-la-culture-veut-imposer-une-baisse-du-quota-de-creativite-dans-les-series-americaines/
BingoBoingo: Elephant routing == transmit messages through error reports to Netflix
Duffer1: 4. we're crapping our pants over here, please don't do to us what netflix did to blockbuster
ThickAsThieves: In a live support chat with a Verizon representative, Raphael asked if there was any throttling of websites hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS), which include Netflix, and was told, "Yes, it is limited bandwidth to cloud providers."
ozbot: Net Neutrality battle begins as Verizon appears to throttle Netflix- The Inquirer
asciilifeform: http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/2327327/net-neutrality-battle-begins-as-verizon-appears-to-throttle-netflix
ThickAsThieves: netflix wont accept btc in 2014
jayk: i expect someone like netflix to offer payments in bitcoin soon
Diablo-D3: BingoBoingo: its already on my netflix queue
truffles: house of cards on netflix pretty good
KRS-: I had to wait to watch it on netflix because i can't tolerate commercials.
ThickAsThieves: oh yeah, http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/The_Signal/70066355?trkid=496715
ThickAsThieves: http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Pontypool/70109421?trkid=496715
ThickAsThieves: http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/Splinter/70109677?trkid=496715
ThickAsThieves: http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie/The_Corridor/70235272?trkid=496715
ThickAsThieves: if it aint on netflix
Diablo-D3: Im considering getting netflix's bluray plan just so I can watch stuff in the original klingon
Diablo-D3: netflix has fullmetal alchemist and fullmetal alchemist brotherhood
hollywoodundead: yeah, couldnt pass it up for 13 bucks after the netflix code
hollywoodundead: I got the netflix code too
thestringpuller: do they have netflix in romania?
thestringpuller: netflix needs to take fucking bitcoin
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: buy me netflix
thestringpuller: kakobrekla: buy me netflix
mircea_popescu: i mean, don't like netflix cause it's too expensive ? try gtrl. http://polimedia.us/trilema/2012/gtrl-or-gtfo/
MJR__: great for earnings...aapl and Netflix, you would have KILLED it last month
ThickAsThieves: also netflix doesnt have everything
mircea_popescu: why not just get netflix
mjr_: maybe go straight to netflix or something
mjr_: so i went to suggest to netflix
mjr_: but, i kinda appreciate not having to think about netflix, just automatically take my $7...if i had to call or actually do something...probably wouldn't be worth the effort
mjr_: just saying that would be a great feature to offer a netflix
mjr_: netflix, hulu plus, spotify, pandora, etc
iz: netflix also secured big exclusive contracts with 2 major studios in the future
mircea_popescu: ya well, netflix didn't have every hipster tard on their wagon
mircea_popescu: netflix beat earnings and it went up 908534905034%
Diablo-D3: well, all I want is netflix in hd
mircea_popescu: smickles amusingly, netflix not mentioned on his wiki page :DF
smickles: i'd be like that one guy and netflix or soemthing
Ukto: pigeons: netflix/anime: none