186 entries in 0.605s
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-02-27#1899468 << the thing didn't work out, but principally owing to ustardian incompetence (they failed to pay protection money, because they think they're mussolini or some duim shit). little to do with your ideal of humanity, merely a practical application of the superiority of patriarchy. ☝︎
diana_coman: well yes, the noob part being that a. I had not realised that a good book was actually something rare - I had just put it all on the teachers' incompetence/lack of interest in recommending something useful b. it took me that long to realise fully the difference between the bullshit stuff that was abundantly provided and something useful
mircea_popescu: this thing was some shit to behold, a "grandmaster of masonic lodge" plus some ex-unesco http://trilema.com/2017/in-case-you-were-wondering-where-all-the-worthless-nuland-drones-ended-up/ , ex government ministers, assorted http://trilema.com/2013/the-sops-or-what-might-you-expect-from-government-clerks/ and other nexi of gross malignant incompetence got together and declared "how things should be", free from any involvement
BingoBoingo: I suspect it's more of a cultural thing. Someone set the basket of letters in not exactly the right spot. Being ever so off to the side it was studiously ignored because civil servants here "work to rules" deviating from the rules only when their incompetence intervenes.
trinque: mircea_popescu: incompetence or malice, what the fuck is this 6am to 9am as a service window shit?
mircea_popescu: the fact that works and his shit didn't already is an indication of incompetence.
ben_vulpes: rank incompetence.
asciilifeform: ( in asciilifeform's experience, nda in 100% of cases exists to hide screaming incompetence , astronomical prices, stolen material, or often all 3 )
davout: bear with my temporary incompetence, still working on air law
asciilifeform: mccain is almost a human embodiment of usa per se. destroyed several jets through, legend has it, militant incompetence with ~own hands~, and by some accounts - entire battleship. result: promotion. (father was an admiral)
phf: traditionally cloak and dagger indicates incompetence. even alphabet gives you ~some~ details, before you commit to "full time contribution"
phf: so i called the new branch of the bank i'm transferring to, they confirmed the ifsc number. i'm not sure what i prefer, the fed theory or the incompetence theory. either...
jurov: This is not incompetence, but unsolved problem in CS.
mircea_popescu: does either of you see how this is the db writer outsourcing his incompetence on the user ?
Framedragger: right, right. and also the whole "incompetence ~= malice" thing.
the_scourge: mircea_popescu: billions of dollars and big data on every mutherfucker on the planet can make up for a lot of incompetence :(
mircea_popescu: bahamas' ineptitude, and the aparat's incompetence also helped, of course.
mircea_popescu: how the fuck do these people always pick up this sort of incompetence ? oh, "dating advice from a loser who admits to spending four hours trying to get some derp to whatever, play dead fish for three minutes. presumably after spending 95 minutes trying to start his 1983 honda."
ben_vulpes: phf: nobody's pushing the incompetence line
phf: asciilifeform: ~one~ thread. every time bot goes down i get a "wtf" treatment from you. bot disconnects because there's a connection issue. it doesn't reconnect because there's no reconnection code. i will fix that eventually. i've said as much every time the subject comes up. so i'm supposed to just work on this shit to a chorus of "loooooog dooooown wtf incompetence"?
asciilifeform: incompetence on the scale of hitler's.
mircea_popescu: so you're basically bringing an argument of incompetence ?
ben_vulpes: pick either malice or incompetence
mircea_popescu: for instance, i'm deliberately keeping my ongoing "war on the web" as far as attacking forums goes on a very low roar. not that i couldn't scale it up and end ~any web-based forum, owing to the incredible incompetence of the scammers involved. but then, millions of derps would in a voice go "ok so these are bad, what should we do ?"
mircea_popescu: it's a sad day in any man's life, when he's squeezed into admitting that personal connection be damned, incompetence and malice aren't usefully distinguishable.
Framedragger: maybe i have. look, i know those folks personally, by which i mean, not only over the internets. however, malice/incompetence are the same in terms of effects
mircea_popescu: "The #bitcoin-assets aristocracy is not incompetent. Whether in anyone's estimation others not named are just as or even more competent is immaterial : arbitrariety is not the problem, incompetence is. The #bitcoin-assets aristocracy is not particularly fixed, at least in the sense of it being extensible (in fact the list was 25 names long earlier). Therefore, objections on this line will have to be a lot more refined than si
nubbins`: then you're back to straight-up incompetence, releasing two separate-input tx's into the wild for the same bill.
asciilifeform: if incompetence is indistinguishable from wrecking, it ~IS~ wrecking.
asciilifeform: i suppose it was all incompetence.
jurov: i have not seen anything that can't be explained by gross incompetence
nubbins`: danielpbarron you're assuming this was not borne of incompetence
nubbins`: jurov incompetence
mircea_popescu: it's merely a question of incompetence, not of will.
mircea_popescu: takes me straight to "The #bitcoin-assets aristocracy is not incompetent. Whether in anyone's estimation others not named are just as or even more competent is immaterial : arbitrariety is not the problem, incompetence is."
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller true incompetence has a major advantage - it disperses.
mats: it is fitting the fella that won pulitzer for reporting on my lai, penned the piece on potus incompetence in syria
shinohai: Every problem needs a scapegoat to cover incompetence !
asciilifeform: and yes, incompetence. i do not have the competences of mircea_popescu, this is not a seekrit.
mircea_popescu: consequently, /me suspects that this is more an artefact of incompetence and fear than actual nature.
ben_vulpes: that just speaks to the incompetence of your own managerial staff.
Adlai finds himself confused; must be that incompetence, acting up again
shinohai: "due to there incompetence in securing there system" >>> http://redd.it/3c1n6r
asciilifeform: '... On the available evidence it seems the aspirations of a small arrogant bunch of men who decided to impose a "New World Order'" on a host of very unwilling small sovereign nations, did not think the exercise through to its perhaps inevitable conclusion. Those same arrogant men have placed tens of millions of citizens at risk because of their own gross incompetence and thirst for absolute power. The "New World Order" now se
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> the goal here is to do maximal damage to the system. << This. On my misdemeanor charge which it was suggest I settle organizational incompetence on the part of the police and prosecution seems to be scuttling whatever case they may or may not have had. Because people normally plea evidence was never collected or lost according to intel. Alleged "victim" is reportedly now a joke subject to taunts from coworkers wit
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 18:54:56; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-06-2015#1159096 << you personally misrepresent your income, for whatever reasons, but you actually are mostly working for warrants these past coupla years. the others - probably a combination of incompetence (note that high functioning autism is still mental incompetence) and similar misrepresentation, similarly for whatever reasons.
assbot: Logged on 10-06-2015 18:54:56; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-06-2015#1159096 << you personally misrepresent your income, for whatever reasons, but you actually are mostly working for warrants these past coupla years. the others - probably a combination of incompetence (note that high functioning autism is still mental incompetence) and similar misrepresentation, similarly for whatever reasons.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=10-06-2015#1159096 << you personally misrepresent your income, for whatever reasons, but you actually are mostly working for warrants these past coupla years. the others - probably a combination of incompetence (note that high functioning autism is still mental incompetence) and similar misrepresentation, similarly for whatever reasons. ☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: cantor fitzgerald's been in the news recently due to their vice chair's fraudulent shenanigans and separately due to their general incompetence and gross mishandling of OPM.
mircea_popescu: <mats> such incompetence. how hard is it to use sed? << real muppets use excel.
mats: such incompetence. how hard is it to use sed?
ben_vulpes: see malice and incompetence.
fluffypony: thestringpuller: mistakes don't always stem from incompetence
asciilifeform: mats: see the old thread re: malice and incompetence
assbot: 21 results for 'malice incompetence' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=malice+incompetence
ascii_field: !s malice incompetence
assbot: 19 results for 'malice incompetence' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=malice+incompetence
Adlai: !s malice incompetence
mircea_popescu: incompetence is the parsimonious explanation
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so is this sheer incompetence, or is china ever so delicately strangling them ? "first, you get them made for free. then, you get them made for ten dolla, but you have to give us the blueprints. then, we only make them for you out of 2nd best items. and then... wait, you're still here ?!"
assbot: Logged on 21-12-2014 02:50:50; asciilifeform: the best place to hide a little malice is a gigantic pile of incompetence.
BingoBoingo: Could be incompetence
ascii_field: quite a few people have not made the conceptual leap to seeing the malice behind the incompetence
mircea_popescu: decimation> I guess. Like is he literally comparing fread(20MB) vs 20x fread(1MB)? << the guy's technical incompetence is not just amusing in itself,
PeterL: davout: they think they can differentiate between fraudulent intent and incompetence?
ben_vulpes: nubbins` this comes back to the trouble of identifying malice vs incompetence
mircea_popescu: this constant trying to unload blame for very personal, very peculiar, very speciffic and very narrow incompetence and idiocy on facts of math, physics and the world generally is ridoinculous.
asciilifeform: the best place to hide a little malice is a gigantic pile of incompetence. ☟︎
decimation: asciilifeform: I suspect more incompetence than malice, but it's still a good point
pete_dushenski: incompetence is just so adorable!
asciilifeform: sufficiently advanced incompetence is equivalent to malice, or how did it go.
decimation: asciilifeform: but what we have seen from the cdc et. al. is incompetence at coordination
Adlai: BigBitz: i volunteer to translate. "don't trust bitfinex with your money, because they're potentially unwitting scammers through a combination of fecklessness and incompetence"
gabriel_laddel: mats_cd03: RagnarDanneskjol: oh, the fuzzy border between fraud and incompetence.
mircea_popescu: and it all stems from the boneheaded tolerance to idiocy and incompetence that has become part of western culture.
BingoBoingo: The impression of incompetence offers tha failed agent quite a bit of plausible deniability
mircea_popescu: because the troop has proven, multiple times, that they're not to be trusted. plenty of those are simple incompetence, but at least three or so can be well argued as malice.
mircea_popescu: the local secret service is a monument to incompetence
ben_vulpes: to return to the previous topic of conversation: the incompetence of the prisoners implies incompetence of ratcatchers, non?
assbot: 156 results for 'incompetence' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=incompetence
asciilifeform: !s incompetence
ben_vulpes: one man's incompetence another's malice.
ben_vulpes: incompetence, malice, who can ever tell.
BingoBoingo: "For example, make physicians increasingly dependent on complex systems outside their domain of expertise, such as information technology and coding and billing software. Ensure that such systems are very costly, so that solo practitioners and small groups, who naturally cannot afford them, must turn to the hospital. And augment their sense of incompetence by making such systems user-unfriendly and unreliable. Where possible, chan
mircea_popescu: hanbot yes, because managerial incompetence.
fluffypony: a country led by a visionary will be let down by the incompetence of those executing that vision
mircea_popescu: i mean asciilifeform needs it to prop up his "competence behind the incompetence" theory, but otherwise in practice it's not observed.
benkay: it's gotta be incompetence, right?
Mats_cd03: i generally presume incompetence before malice
mircea_popescu: and even if you do make it huge, the ops will just start charging you for THEIR carry capacity, which you've now made a scarce resource through your managerial incompetence)
BingoBoingo: bitcoinpete: More parents Derping their kids to incompetence.
mikaeldice: True, but the goal would be to generate red flags on incompetence more than anything
benkay: in an odd turn of events that no doubt indicts my past masters for incompetence i've always had root on der boxen
benkay: incompetence, greed, malice.
benkay: rank incompetence is the baseline in the space; so what?
benkay: the incompetence
mircea_popescu: possibly my favourite incompetence story in the history of btc. that and the early polish dudes.
benkay: in conclusion, i have determined that the PMs incompetence is undermining his malice.
mircea_popescu: "And yes European Antitrust Laws protect companies before things happen like that here, it is not only a scandal it shows me how unprofessional and jealous you people works, there is a lot of incompetence in the room now but not on my site."
benkay: BCB: impossible to differentiate incompetence and malice from this dimension