176 entries in 0.274s

TomServo ok, but i'm more interested in... do you have some way to discern whether more cores or more clock speed are more valuable ?
TomServo how is this related to what we're discussing ?
TomServo coming or going ? 2014 new blood rating ain't gonna stand as such.
TomServo i count that like i count microsoft windows offering. it's the anti-item. gia is all about fucking, not all about being a dork.
mircea_popescu: <
TomServo> I've finally got a node past the wedge, and there was much rejoicing << wd.
TomServo yeah it's required if you want to sync, bdb as shipped with original btc croaks on larger blocks
TomServo incidentally, they being your machines, you can take a hammer at parts.
TomServo colocation is a service, ship them to fucking malysia if you care.
TomServo you couldn't have missed it in the logs ? we want a bitcoin hosting corp.
TomServo sorta in the middle here, we're just about to have danielpbarron write a noobs manual
TomServo i dunno why he's so strung up on it ; semicolon is perfectly fine way to end things ; it also happens to be the traditional english ending of "separable entities that are for ulterior reasons strung together".
TomServo might be. but ntp sucks and gossipd don't exist yet.
TomServo conversation is meaningless outside context. how do you supply context ?
TomServo: I'd probably take steps to avoid this place if my first taste was the sexyginger video. << would you ? what wouldhave the contrary effect ?
mircea_popescu: <
TomServo> Am I crazy for suggesting that assbot be subordinate to gribble until the exchange of ratings is sorted out? << why would it be ?
mircea_popescu: xanthyos:
TomServo: care to play monopoly? we can use our own boards and everyone gets to be the car << i always play the hat!
TomServo welll... some guy i never heard of presented on some webpage i never saw before as important, turns out he's another gavin, doing parlour tricks atparties and whatnot.
TomServo that's the one where kramer got bit while molesting the real jon voight
TomServo turns out kid soldiers do best if they die pre pubescence. latr life doesn't really work out for them all that often.
TomServo yeah i dunno how good that gribble estimate is.
TomServo: Curious, block 338710 had only 1 transaction (the new coins) - is that common? << empty blocks used to make up 10-20% of the chain a year or so ago.
TomServo herbi stopped by ? you two are liek friends ?
TomServo just as long as it works. i imagine nubbins` ec idea is pretty good.
TomServo: I'm surprised ol' Brucey Bruce isn't parroting the "OMG NK!!1" line. << "Tellingly, the FBI's press release says that the bureau's conclusion is only based "in part" on these clues. This leaves open the possibility that the government has classified evidence that North Korea is behind the attack. The NSA has been trying to eavesdrop on North Korea's government communications since the Korean War, and it's rea
mircea_popescu: <
TomServo> I've little experience with this and wanted a working node anyway - figured it was a decent place to get feet wet. << it's not bad.
TomServo best way to loosen up neurotic sort of chick is half white wine / half warm water enema.
TomServo the theory is that you don't get that advanced human in any unverse that doesn't include beating as a possibility.
TomServo such wives exist only in a world where people are WILLING TO slap them.
TomServo decimation is this a matter of you not resolving the domain ? what's dig qntra.net say ?
TomServo you know, i'm too old for the cross bullshit.
TomServo you ever encountered that situation where you had a smaller island, but pushed tech, surrounded yourself with fortified mech infantry and railroaded all the firlds back when the idiots around still klonked each other with knights
TomServo whatever asciilifeform linked earlier. something with "total base acreage", as fucking if.
mircea_popescu: <
TomServo> 2014-09-09 Note: We have sold out and are waiting on the next production run batch which will be delivered in a few months. We are sorry for the wait, but if you pre-order now we will send you a $20 gift certificate. <<< this is so braindamaged.
TomServo something danielpbarron was on yest, dank something
TomServo i have nfi. bounce sure, teh future's an open book.
TomServo are you setting me up ? yeah, i know, i got no kids bla bla. but i speak for the romanian school of psychology, pre 1990 god damn it. i know shit.
mircea_popescu: <
TomServo> "I talked with the Guardian editors about publishing the manual. In the end, we decided not to, because the information in it wasn't useful to understanding the story." << lel
TomServo> Holy shit this 'seamonster' "crash analysis podcast" is a train wreck. << but that's what you were there for right ?
TomServo: Is this bizarro world? <<< well lenovo isn't a us state corp.
TomServo> Where are all the phones with hardware keyboards, is what I'd like to know. << africa and my vaults.
TomServo: Would an audit even be useful without a specification? << perhaps, yes.
TomServo you know his famous explanation as to what like a virgin is all about i imagine
TomServo: Pff. Schneier says "Matthew Green << are you surprised ? if not, why not :D
mircea_popescu: <
TomServo> Now you had better !up him, in case he should care to comment. <<, your dry humour has been recorded :D
TomServo well it's a complex matter, like all history. for one thing, mtgox was a (diminishing, constantly diminishing) part of the total pool. it looked for a while like the problem may solve itself.
TomServo he prolly doesn't know the old meaning of the term
mircea_popescu: <
TomServo> Funnily enough, she proclaimed 'And I'm not pregnant' in the same breath she introduced herself. << cirrhosis ?
TomServo its neither common knowledge nor actually ever documented
TomServo the best part is where they discuss how "a stiff sentence was appropriate" and then the sentence is... 4 years.
TomServo, its dawning of me that for it to be a perforated colon rather than a torn anus it'd have had to be... in
TomServo: wasn't there a wife too? << yeah lol. she wanted me to not condescend her.
mircea_popescu: <
TomServo> "You buy Doge for the community not as an investment." << thus spoke socialisthustra.
TomServo i don't have that many ideas, i just reuse a few.