500+ entries in 0.313s
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2020/02/trace-mayer-pumps-dorkcoin-at-conference/ << Qntra -- Trace Mayer Pumps DorkCoin At Conference
dorion_road: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-12-25#1956032 << the conference was mentioned, but I don't remember when or by who - josh rossi is also in that pic and moved to panama in 2013. the importance of who was meeting wasn't seriously discussed with me and I didn't have the smarts at the time to ask and figure it out.
spyked: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-30#1953986 <-- approved, I'll be away today, so will answer tomorrow. otoh, 2014 /me had much less of an idea about politix in software than nao (didn't even start reading the logz back then). e.g. my lunix conference run fails to cover the broken parts I saw there and couldn't properly verbalize at the time
diana_coman: BingoBoingo: oh hey, how did the conference call go then?
BingoBoingo: 16 minutes from my solicitation to: "Let's schedule a conference call. What time works for you?"
mp_en_viaje: meanwhile in unrelated lulz, https://cryptonewsmonitor.com/2019/10/16/transylvania-crypto-conference-2019-the-transition-to-bitcoin-only/ << rotards trudge forward, on ~same legends
mp_en_viaje: there's the conference remnants, greatly beloved for purely prop-qualities, hawkings et al. but no real muscle left.
mp_en_viaje: well looky, your conference call, inasmuch as it was predicated on "talk to dc about my soda & 2 large popcorn budget" was a waste of your time.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-24 08:48 mp_en_viaje: which 4. made me exclaim "what the fuck is wrong with these idiots, ~I~ am the world's greatest erotica writer, and by such a fat margin that if i were the mvp of the winning team, nobody else writing erotica would be even good enough to be accepted as last choice in one of the feeder clubs of the conference's weakest team.
mp_en_viaje: which 4. made me exclaim "what the fuck is wrong with these idiots, ~I~ am the world's greatest erotica writer, and by such a fat margin that if i were the mvp of the winning team, nobody else writing erotica would be even good enough to be accepted as last choice in one of the feeder clubs of the conference's weakest team. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-06-30 00:11 BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: I am suspecting it is a conference joke I missed http://trilema.com/2014/ca-tot-s-a-tras-tot-s-a-fumat-tot-s-a-baut-tot-cum-e-peste-tot-la-fel-ca-peste-tot/#footnote_2_54005
mp_en_viaje: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-30#1920631 << dude you're fucking right, it WAS a conference joke most everyone apparently meanwhile forgot. ☝︎
BingoBoingo: mp_en_viaje: I am suspecting it is a conference joke I missed http://trilema.com/2014/ca-tot-s-a-tras-tot-s-a-fumat-tot-s-a-baut-tot-cum-e-peste-tot-la-fel-ca-peste-tot/#footnote_2_54005 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: easy fix, at peace conference post ww1, instead of "here's what we want" could've been, "oh, romania, sacred mother of our people, plox forgive us"
mircea_popescu: id cow "from twitter" explaining @whatever conference "how serious they take banning" blinks incomprehendingly just as she's done with her soundbytes. yeah, why is it ??? there's entirely no difference between any of them and any other aspiring-writers-in-new-york, philosophy of art history studies rejects the world over. why those, why not these ? blink blink ?
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/03/rsas-shamir-did-not-receive-us-visa-for-rsa-conference/ << Qntra -- RSA's Shamir Did Not Receive US Visa For "RSA Conference"
mircea_popescu: maybe it's moving to be closer to the conference grounds.
BingoBoingo: In local developments the growshop across the street which made a big point of paying and having a booth at the expocannabis appears to either be shuttering or moving. Conference monkeying for the win!
mircea_popescu: ie, yes, jenkins sings to carnegie hall, koch cryptograpies to the conference plastic carpet, some kids in egypt http://trilema.com/2011/bine-ati-venit-la-noi-in-tara/#selection-177.0-177.14 and so following.
a111: Logged on 2019-01-29 03:04 BingoBoingo: The latest noise is stroked out John Bolton doing a press conference while holding a notepad with 5000 troops to Colombia written on it. https://archive.is/TYi6x
BingoBoingo: The latest noise is stroked out John Bolton doing a press conference while holding a notepad with 5000 troops to Colombia written on it. https://archive.is/TYi6x ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-09-08 17:31 asciilifeform: the #1 entry is gut-bustingly lulzy to asciilifeform , because i spend ~half year auditing a multilinear-map thing for $rupturefarm, and even was sent to a 'conference' where 'serious cryptographers' did not even blink when someone walked in with a proof that whole thing was crock of shit
mircea_popescu: memorable because he came to trilema conference before #trilema/tmsr/bitcoin even, and impressed the girls with his "manly" odours.
bvt: https://www.dyalog.com/uploads/conference/dyalog12/presentations/U23_MultidigitAlgorithms/Optimization%20of%20parallel%20multi-digit%20algorithms.pdf
mircea_popescu: yes perl scripts issued by the original perl interpreter ( http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-26#1111325 ) rather than ulterior models ~prefer~ to "conference butterfly". but this personal preference does not enact a difference. ☝︎
asciilifeform: what precisely is 'shy withdrawing' about spam-'conference'-circuit butterflies ?
mircea_popescu: heck, odds are they met "at a conference" where they "being professional" to each other etc (ie, didn't fuck, notwithstanding how dimly regarded teens who don't do it are)
mircea_popescu: the conference crowd, what. community.
mircea_popescu: aaanyways, i will go on the record to say that the ENTIRE instagram ~culture~, which includes the website, the "content creators", the clones, the conference circlejerk and everything else is an inferior replacement of 90s merkley???
mircea_popescu: anyway, speaking of which, isn't it a wonder all the "secret services assassinations" etc don't involve a simple "replace shower gel with nitrobenzene" ? evidently they can get hotel maids to perjure themselves in the most ridoinculous way possible, why not something incomparably safer ? not like the usual fucktards would ever give up the "conference" life
mircea_popescu: sure does. walk into any us conference of professionals
mircea_popescu: o look at that, "I helped run plenty of conferences. I do have an idea. The priority is to make sure you have a conference that runs well enough that people don't notice the problems, and that everyone who paid to attend it gets their money's worth. Who actually paid to make it happen is a bit lower on the priority."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i guess. dun seem like any difference to me, write on blogspot, slideshow at conference, whatever. then again, entomology.
asciilifeform: state of art afaik re emp probe , https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/woot17/woot17-paper-cui.pdf ( sorry , pdf )
a111: Logged on 2017-09-15 23:48 asciilifeform: kanzure: i spilled the beans from a similar darpa conference that i attended, in the heart of the beast itself, few yrs back ( it's in the l0gz, spoiler : multilinear map homomorphic crypto is bunkum ) and still waiting for gasenwagen
asciilifeform: meanwhile, in choice redditisms : 'I used to work as a security researcher - if I thought this subject was interesting I'd have to look for another source talking about the same thing because there's no way in hell it'd be acceptable to reference this level of unprofessionalism in a conference or to my superiors.'
douchebag: Also made friends with a couple of people I had no idea were even going, they just happened to mention they were at the same conference in chat so we met up
douchebag: Yeah, I went there with 2 people from class one was a female and she introduced me to a bunch of her coworkers which were primarily female so we just got drunk and watched conference talks
Mocky: i don't remenmber, some bigish security consultancy, do a lot of conference talks, anyway almost interviews with those lying bastards, after spending a month doing their 'hack the firmware' challenge and 'find all the security holes in this web site' challenge
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-05-17#1815086 << oh, mod6 was at the fabled conference when we went to the club, wasn't he! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, zx2c4 's "academics" or w/e you'd call them. the rubber chicken guzzlers, the conference goers, the code-of-conducted, the everyday cuck
zx2c4: i dont think they post the reviews? except that it was "accepted" to the conference
zx2c4: yea usually there's lots of information on the conference and board and whatnot
mircea_popescu: it could be "one dood's blog", if rms could ever muster enough cogency to keep a blog. but in fact, it's a loose association of conference-goers. for the same money they could be a "polyamory club" or w/e.
BingoBoingo: Guess where the conference is?
BingoBoingo: !~later tell pete_dushenski There is also the BBisp mini conference http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/02/04/the-first-bbisp-mini-conference-and-montevideo-tourism-guide/ if you are inclined to make a trip.
deedbot: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2018/02/04/the-first-bbisp-mini-conference-and-montevideo-tourism-guide/ << Bingo Blog - The First BBISP Mini Conference And Montevideo Tourism Guide
BingoBoingo: And for the mini bbisp conference, any guests other than just phf?
mircea_popescu: the alf methjod, and i expect is correct, is "i got technical samples, i am taking to $conference" or w/e.
mircea_popescu: of course you two could also fly independently and meet there for mini bbisp conference
asciilifeform: 'everything has already been decided in NDA-protected conference rooms' etc
spyked: (ftr, /me got his first ubuntu cd "for free" at a "computer conference" mid-2000s; fortunately, his first linux install was a red hat at a now defunct internet cafe in bucharest; to this day I have no idea why they wanted me to install that, 90% of the people went there for "counter strike", the other 10% for diablo 2)
asciilifeform: meanwhile in entomology dept, https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2018/01/10/levchin << 'Today I have had great pleasure in attending the Real World Crypto 2018 conference in Zürich in order to receive the Levchin prize on behalf of the OpenSSL team. The Levchin prize for Real World Cryptography recognises up to two groups or individuals each year who have made significant advances in the practice of cryptography and its use in real-w
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-01-11#1769458 << i find these lulshits, "alien conference" held by the la comicon whores in the la comicon hangars as a very useful sugar trap. rms -- opted to go to nefario's lulference, is now fucked. ☝︎
shinohai: http://archive.is/xTrVe <<< "Bitcoin Conference Stops Accepting Bitcoin For Tickets, Blames ‘Network Congestion’ "
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform here's something you'll appreciate (and perhaps also phf) : https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/da/2017_East_Africa_Security_Synchronization_Conference_170124-Z-HS473-0041.jpg/800px-2017_East_Africa_Security_Synchronization_Conference_170124-Z-HS473-0041.jpg
mircea_popescu: "Since Travels with Samantha was getting 100,000 hits/day, the spillover from there into my research area was actually good for more exposure than my paper would have gotten from the conference proceedings." << way the fuck truer in 2017 than it was in 1994.
mircea_popescu: so conference fodder, a buncha slideshares. cool.
asciilifeform: 'The conference was spearheaded by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, who is pushing an ambitious reform plan that is aimed at reducing the country's dependence on oil over the next decade. The prince is also leading the anti-corruption committee that has the authority to investigate, arrest, issue travel bans and freeze the assets of those it finds corrupt.' << lol!
mircea_popescu: this all ended in 2011, when a crack team of damien trevatt + gf (one jasmin choudhury ; split cca 2016 to whore out for deloitte uk) took over and pushed it in a "new direction", which consists of trying to make friends with the tedx zone of the blue usg. dood runs some minor conference organizer http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-11#1723924 item on the side. ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/usenixsecurity16/sec16_paper_svenda.pdf << equally dubious, and on top of it all plagiaristic, long ver )
asciilifeform: https://www.usenix.org/sites/default/files/conference/protected-files/security16_slides_svenda.pdf << the very dubious orig item. ( can skip straight to last pic )
mircea_popescu: pay a coupla dumb hos who don't even hooker for a living to sit among some plastic shits at a "conference", spend 10x that much ?
mircea_popescu: all this "conference" bs is much a subleaf of that, for the loser/womenz to try hand at.
mircea_popescu: "Will bitcoin ever be a safe investment or always a gamble? - The boss of JP Morgan was unequivocal about bitcoin at a recent conference in New York: the digital currency was only fit for drug dealers"
mircea_popescu: phraseology she no doubt picked off some "conference" or whatever they call the corporation-organized "social life" for the drones. and she actually believed this.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-09-30#1718796 << re this, the ~whole objection re trump is that he didn't go into the first press conference with "1. nobody who worked for us govt in the past five years can continue to do so ; 2. i will propose at most one name to congress. they have 48 hour to approve. if i don't propose, or they don't approve, or they approve in 48h01m, the whole dept in question gets unwound, including by publ ☝︎
mircea_popescu: for instance, a "conference" ; an "Agreement", other consensuses. the so and so protocol. you name it.
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2012/the-conference-freakshow/#selection-103.17-103.95 << 2012 pioneers of industree.
mircea_popescu: and then they want to sit there and derp on about how mit is the premiere science and technology something or the other and someone gives a shit about whatever conference and so on and so following in this manner.
mircea_popescu: people-who-talk-at-conferences, ie indie bands, will at any point also be in a conference hall.
mircea_popescu: people-who-go-to-conferences, ie bar flies, will at any point be in a conference hall. this has no relation to anything else.
asciilifeform: kanzure: i spilled the beans from a similar darpa conference that i attended, in the heart of the beast itself, few yrs back ( it's in the l0gz, spoiler : multilinear map homomorphic crypto is bunkum ) and still waiting for gasenwagen ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, sent letters urging Gregory Wasson, CEO of Walgreens, to reconsider. Groups sending letters were National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, the Congress of Racial Equality, Hispanic Leadership Fund, and others." https://archive.is/MrxS1
kanzure: i built out a voip demo for business conference call transcription
gabriel_laddel_p: there is supposed to be a lisp conference in sf in like 10 months I have to prepare for
mircea_popescu: "Weclome to the conference. I am the local WMD coordinator for the SF division. I've been working with the biocurious folks in SV. Welcome to SF, you guys have a great time, the weather is fantastic." in other lulz.
a111: Logged on 2017-08-28 20:03 asciilifeform: in other noose, https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/usenixsecurity17/sec17-tang.pdf >> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Gw8Sr/?raw=true << ever wonder what 'power management' controller is actually for ? ( answer: fault injection, so nsa can help your, e.g., chineseremaindertheorem-using rsatron, shit out privkey )
asciilifeform: 'I think we are interested in any and all opportunities to collaborate. We will try to setup a commercial circle. We hope that the Core developers will join. In the afternoon, we can come back after we visit Stanford. We have an hour gap and we can come back here. I have reserved the conference room for the whole day. We can still come back here. Googleplex is not very far from here. It takes 30min to get there or less. We can still
kanzure: i met her in 2010 at a harvard transhumanism conference. i recognized her profile pic (rotated) on a scihub site.
asciilifeform: in other noose, https://www.usenix.org/system/files/conference/usenixsecurity17/sec17-tang.pdf >> http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/Gw8Sr/?raw=true << ever wonder what 'power management' controller is actually for ? ( answer: fault injection, so nsa can help your, e.g., chineseremaindertheorem-using rsatron, shit out privkey ) ☟︎
mircea_popescu: "tell that to some guy a little younger than you, who just fell off the turnip truck. there is no publicity value in my talk being at your conference. what, if you sell 2000 of them it'll be a miracle. and what, what are people going to say, uuuuuu i like how that erlehmann talks, i wonder if he's got a blog or anything".
erlehmann: mainly i realized why my talk to the conference was rejected
mircea_popescu: i have nfi what these folk are sniffing, but it must be some sort of heavily psychotropic mold infected their conference centers.
trinque: the libertarian derps that talk about him, mises, et al, apparently get their fill of social interaction renting a conference room in a shitty hotel, eating terrible food, listening to Ron Paul or whoever doublefirstname speaks.
BingoBoingo: Apparently according to his fake news outlet: "Most people know that online firearm sales create big loopholes that allow customers to bypass background checks—but who knew e-commerce pioneer Jeff Bezos was hawking guns like these?! The Amazon CEO and Washington Post owner showed up to an Idaho conference in a skintight T-shirt last week, displaying a set of arms most reasonable observers would classify as assault weapons."
mircea_popescu: ima start doing this to you with whores working the wash dc conference circuit.
erlehmann: asciilifeform wiles announced proofs at math conference, no?
mircea_popescu: anyway. is passage there about "football glories" who expect they already did their work and will be getting conference chicken free for life.
js-of-mp: a good dose of the conference clap = gnologee.
mircea_popescu: "the united states has agreed during a conference in #trilema to cede florida back to spain"
erlehmann: worst thing on conference was drunk guy who wanted to have my contact details after i told him that his captive portal will be truly fucked soon-ish and every other stranger at the lunch table agreed.
mircea_popescu: if i were a woman, i'd be seriously put off by some dude who wanted to give me anal fissures and isntead of fucking asking me about it, recited some recipe he had found online / at some conference / whatever the fuck.
erlehmann: at the conference i was at the weekend there was a workshop on anal exploration
mircea_popescu: meanwhile chasing manufactured nonsense such as "core devs" and "miner consensus conference" and etcetera.
erlehmann: second: “i have written a redo implementation, does it work correctly?”, i again lost him. he suggested to meet at a place at a time during the conference and i thought i knew the place but apparently i erred because there was no place with the name i thought he had said.
erlehmann: i once met rms at a conference and asked him about viability of free hardware. his answer was along the lines of 1. apparently non-free hardware has worked for decades 2. whoever makes your board can still subvert your trustworthy design, you can't check that 3. maybe if we have star-trek-style replicators one day, hahaha
shinohai: "A conference sponsored by the Ethereum,1 Dash,2 and Ripple3 scams produces an agreement on how to scale Bitcoin". <<< twas him from twitter
a111: Logged on 2017-05-23 13:18 diana_coman: it's ok, I hear they got now a CS conference in Buenos Aires and they get therefore to steal participants' laptops,it's all a craze
diana_coman: and all the "they stole my laptop" "they entered conference rooms and tried to steal a laptop"