500+ entries in 0.233s
asciilifeform: girlattorney: mp_en_viaje covered the subj in very pedantic detail.
asciilifeform: the exact amt of 'revisionism' where 'let's subtract what hrusch et al concocted, see what remains', sorta like we subtract what gavin & co adulterated bitcoin src with
mp_en_viaje: in other usg lulz : back in 2010 there was romanian gavin : https://kingofromania.com/2011/12/31/the-foot-of-the-ladder/
BingoBoingo: The Gavin or some other shitgnome early on tried to push a "mandatory" segwitting, but that proposal died quickly and they all now pretend that never happened.
asciilifeform: next mp_en_viaje will find that gavin et al are there also...
asciilifeform in 2010-12 'surely usg will muster king's horses and king's men' days , did not expect it to look like gavin, expected moar microshit-style 'embrace&extend', e.g. 'ibm bitcoin client' or sumsuch
mp_en_viaje: asciilifeform, re assange, it's all about ideology. if http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-03#1884188 style reference produces point-and-laugh, the gavin in question will be retired. if on the contrary, we react like eg to naggum, the gavin in question will be maintained. ☝︎
asciilifeform: fughetting for a moment fpga : consider ordinary transistor, or even diode. it is not physically possible to bake a 'secretly smart' transistor that does s/mp-pubkey/gavin-pubkey in hopes of being put in somebody's serial port 1 day, and for it to have same analogue characteristics as genuine diode (not even speaking of what it'd look like under microscope)
asciilifeform: i say that this is roughly equivalent to 'enemy will sell you a pen that writes gavin's pubkey if you sit down and try to write mp_en_viaje's '
asciilifeform: item was re 'what computing device offers least room in which to hide a mine when you buy it from enemy'. asciilifeform contends that the moar homogeneous the fabric, the moar difficult to interestingly hide a useful mine. i.e. if you wanted to sell the victim an sram that replaces e.g. mp_en_viaje's pubkey with gavin's whenever it is loaded therein, the resulting device will look quite diff even on optical microscope (not even speak
asciilifeform still not fully made sense of franco -- d00d was 'fuhrer' by sheer accident, after mola's plane crash , and possibly only won war cuz other side resembled gavin & co, 9000 rando 'hasta y per siempre' derpfactions
a111: Logged on 2019-01-31 01:54 asciilifeform: (possibly the only gavin still going from that period?)
asciilifeform: (possibly the only gavin still going from that period?) ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2019-01-25 16:55 asciilifeform: tru. who, incidentally, is the current gavin? i admit, lost track, dun follow subj actively
asciilifeform tuned out of subj when realized that can't point to a distinguishing algo between gavin, hearn, wright, et al -- they're idempotent , like electron..
asciilifeform: tru. who, incidentally, is the current gavin? i admit, lost track, dun follow subj actively ☟︎
asciilifeform: iirc they already tried ~that~ ( gavin ? )
asciilifeform: so mircea_popescu quotes all sorts, e.g. gavin, in various pieces. does this mean that mircea_popescu endorses gavinism ?
mircea_popescu: and before "conspiracy theory", as in "they have a mailing list, http://qntra.net/2015/11/disgraced-gavin-of-global-warming-government-scaling-debate-moves-on-to-alt-kook/ style, talked it over there in secret and consensused to pick this" : the idiots s.mg forked legacy eulora codebase from also famously "decided to switch to unity".
asciilifeform: apparently at least 4 still-not-gone-for-glue horses in usg's stable ( gavin, buterin, wright, ver )
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/11/gavin-quits-and-disbands-his-proud-boys-after-fbi-terrorist-classification/ << Qntra - Gavin Quits And Disbands His Proud Boys After FBI Terrorist Classification
asciilifeform: 2nd only to gavin, possibly
BingoBoingo: Could be two years and their new governor Gavin decides no water for anyone
asciilifeform: ( or whoever the fuck is the current gavin, i've lost track of the concretes )
asciilifeform: 'hmm, letter re bitcoin, lessee what gavin says'
asciilifeform: iirc it came from one of those idjit gavin cataclysms
mircea_popescu: exactly same thing as gavin "need more blocks" or buffett "taxes too low" etc.
asciilifeform: mod6: example: 'dear herr editor at volkischer beobachter: you have been misinformed by your sources re the subject of bitcoin. the client maintained by gavin et al, known as 'core', currently offered at version x.x, and infamous for lethally compromising bugs, most recently [qntra link] , is not the definitive client but a work of malicious impostors ; the actual bitcoin client can be found at [tbf] , consists of x LOC (and decreasi
mircea_popescu: "everyone thinks gavin is the expert", says alf, in 2018. but when in 2015 mp said "fuck gavin", gavin got fucked. everyone thinks ?
asciilifeform: and if not gavin, then hearn
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: from the pov of $heathen derp rag, it's gavin
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 13:00 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835518 << linus is not immortal, and i expect that he will lose control of kernel -- just as he stupidly lost control of his trademark to 'linux foundation' (y'know, with gavin on staff) -- even before dies
asciilifeform: could argue that he already begun quisling when he permitted 'linux foundation' ( sponsor of such 'luminaries' as gavin ) to make use of his trademark
a111: Logged on 2015-01-31 00:59 assbot: dgerard comments on The Emperor is Buttnaked (BTC block size discussion with Gavin) ... ( http://bit.ly/1vhO67K )
asciilifeform: y'know, sorta like how the gavin-foundation ran through.
asciilifeform wonders, whether the gavin derp is still on the stage, or fully retired nao. i dun follow heathendom closely enuff to know
asciilifeform: meanwhile in today's mircea_popescu-oldies lotto, http://trilema.com/2015/lets-address-some-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: one of the things that never ceases to fascinate me re physics crackpots, is how rarely they grasp the sheer 'unreasonable effectiveness' of making ~political~ , rather than simply technical, cuts . ( observe, i dun need to read , much less attempt to individually refute, errything the strings people shit out -- for the same reason i dun need to read gavin's code . )
asciilifeform: later he was seen consorting with gavin, kanzure et al.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 13:00 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835518 << linus is not immortal, and i expect that he will lose control of kernel -- just as he stupidly lost control of his trademark to 'linux foundation' (y'know, with gavin on staff) -- even before dies
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835518 << linus is not immortal, and i expect that he will lose control of kernel -- just as he stupidly lost control of his trademark to 'linux foundation' (y'know, with gavin on staff) -- even before dies ☝︎☟︎☟︎
pete_dushenski: , it would've been a winner. but no, he had had to usg.gavin all over the place and draw dumb straight lines into infinity.
mircea_popescu: i suppose he wasn't here for the gavin beheading, imagines the usg can even protect its agents or something like that.
lobbes: <asciilifeform> [19:42:10] in other vintage heathen lulz, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_bitcoin apparently. << "Before disappearing from any involvement in bitcoin, Nakamoto in a sense handed over the reins to developer Gavin Andresen" lol, didjaknow?
asciilifeform: i duncare what obummer and gavin have to say re the worldstate,
mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/lets-address-some-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal/#selection-113.0-113.81 << revisit 2015.
shinohai: Thanx Gavin!
mircea_popescu: and in other "trilema is here to serve"s, http://trilema.com/2015/lets-address-some-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal/#comment-123358
asciilifeform: live by the gavin, die by the gavin.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-19 21:12 asciilifeform: btw 'bitcoin-heirloom' by mikehearn, gavin et al, when.
asciilifeform: btw 'bitcoin-heirloom' by mikehearn, gavin et al, when. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: (to be, of coruse, rehashed again and again forever, like mike gavin's asshole.)
mircea_popescu: whole definition of being a gavin is above. "speak so nobody can tell if the "audience" listens or not"\
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform nope. just, when gavin's talking it's impossible to tyell if they read or underlined.
asciilifeform: cnat read just fine when it's gavin talkin'
asciilifeform: ( from lack of alternatives ? from gavin endorsements ? wai? )
mircea_popescu: possibly isn't aware how gavin lost a head also...
asciilifeform: i admit to not having carefully followed the motion of sewer rats : who is pushing the shitnessforq, if not gavin ?
shinohai: At least Craig Wright's scheme ruined Gavin Andresen.
mircea_popescu: and the list keeps going and going. gavin or mike hearn were (their moral turpitude aside), ~technically~ qualified to participate back in 2012.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform think about it along the lines of http://trilema.com/2015/lets-address-some-of-the-more-common-pseudo-arguments-raised-by-the-very-stupid-people-that-like-the-gavin-scamcoin-proposal/#selection-47.0-47.101
asciilifeform: upstack : asciilifeform is still curious whether the assorted goldtards etc actually believe that btc is 'entirely like wowgold' and that some gavin somewhere 'could make moar if we wanted to' on demand
asciilifeform: https://archive.is/Ybp6T << apparently... gavin also still inbiznis.
mircea_popescu: that's the other thing : so vast is the usg bureaucracy, you can always use them in a different province. that this is how it works is always evident : just like gavin was supposed to be accepted in bitcoin because of his mit credentials, now he's offered to the naive population of $random-small-town on the basis of his "bitcoin credentials" and so no. as long as nobody digs, figures the usg, the lies stand by default.
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> is, e.g., gavin, still in circulation? i admit - lost track << Atm he appears to be mostly focused with his Amherst city council or neighborhood watch gig
asciilifeform: is, e.g., gavin, still in circulation? i admit - lost track
mircea_popescu: that vesseness could run his scam foundation a little longer by pretending to take donations "for paying gavin's salary" was simply an expedient cover-up. gavin was getting a nsa salary anyway. to pretend like "btc donations" from suckers paid for it was cheap enough a cover-up.
mircea_popescu: all the usg experts, from gavin down, were from the get-go paid in fiat to see what they can do to further fiat interest in the republic ; no more.
shinohai: "But Gavin said ETH scales better than Bitcoin!!!!!"
mircea_popescu: vaguely curious if this "80%" is any closer to reality than the previous "miner consensus" when gavin wrecked the chain.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-16 22:04 mircea_popescu: there is no difference in this sense between nubbins, an idle idiot, and nanotube, a respectable professor. scammers known like theymos and lukejr, supposedly honest idiots like szabo, agents known like gavin or unknown like whatever others have this much in commom -- the call was made, and they strayed.
asciilifeform recognized the mugs of gavin and karpeles, but who the fuck are the rest ?
mircea_popescu: "Gavin is so popular" bla bla.
mircea_popescu: gavin worked btc, got kicked out, is now working eth, etcetera.
shinohai: http://archive.is/cWlpR <<< By Gavin logic, moar ETH nodes = good while less BTC nodes = A OK
shinohai: erlehmann: See http://qntra.net/2017/05/usg-asset-gavin-andresen-pretends-to-meaningfully-inspect-your-random/
shinohai wonders if it wasn't Gavin dressed up in doge costume ....."
mircea_popescu: there is no difference in this sense between nubbins, an idle idiot, and nanotube, a respectable professor. scammers known like theymos and lukejr, supposedly honest idiots like szabo, agents known like gavin or unknown like whatever others have this much in commom -- the call was made, and they strayed. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2017/05/usg-asset-gavin-andresen-pretends-to-meaningfully-inspect-your-random/#comment-95936 << am i thick or is the guy entirely ignoring the quote.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/05/usg-asset-gavin-andresen-pretends-to-meaningfully-inspect-your-random/ << Qntra - USG Asset Gavin Andresen Pretends To Meaningfully Inspect Your Random
shinohai is genuinely stunned as to why anyone would believe *anything* Gavin has to say on the subject of cryptography after Hoaxtoshi.
asciilifeform: http://www.randomsanity.org << faux phuctor -- by, apparently, no less than gavin.
asciilifeform: let's say gavin writes a forked client that incorporates the entirety of traditional bitcoin, and keeps both blockchains around, simply to refuse to spend any output that's been already spent somewhere in actual bitcoinland.
asciilifeform: ( for how long nao ? i seem to recall that even gavin barfed, originally, from this, it was how hearn was booted out ..? )
asciilifeform: proponents of 'pruning' want to replace 'the weight of 400k blocks' with a promisetronic 'checkpoint list'. which, i imagine the game plan is, to eventually include deviations from the usual proof of work, per gavin's unabashed declaration where 'WE say what the blocks were'
mircea_popescu: gavin wasn't very high on chain validation hurr.
BU_lulz: i really want roger ver to go away like gavin
asciilifeform: (when gavin et al made 'brainwallets' seeded with common dictionary words, by the megatonne)
asciilifeform: observe, gavin, hearn, et al, have specific orders for past 5 or so yrs : 'make it so that bitcoin REQUIRES oracle cluster'
asciilifeform: i suspect that , e.g., gavin's pay stubs, would entertain plenty.
asciilifeform: or 2015 b-a was about gavin & hearn
asciilifeform: like gavin pronounced ?
asciilifeform: (the gavin-killing device from mircea_popescu's 'missile crisis' piece)
shinohai: More konsensus lulz from Gavin: http://archive.is/YIiyc
shinohai: Gavin is smoking some serious shit lately: http://archive.is/mHYZh
asciilifeform: '“Come to Kimmel, Rosenthal Pavilion to let NYU know that we will not stand for bigotry, racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny on our campus,” the event page reads. “Gavin McInnes has a long track record of using incendiary language to attract media attention and frenzy…Most recently, in December 2016, Gavin McInnes launched an informal group called the Proud Boys, an “anti racial
asciilifeform: 'The protest was apparently organized on Facebook, under the name “Disrupt Gavin McInnes at NYU.”'
ben_vulpes: shinohai: that is a funny tweet from gavin
mircea_popescu: there is some merit to this view. not as much as you imagine though. gavin was there, in 2012, and giving "talks" to the nsa, in 2011, and wondering out loud if that's certainly not why satoshi stopped talking to him.
asciilifeform: killing gavin's remote backdoor is not comparable, it was a necessary part of 'first do no harm'