165 entries in 0.95s
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: we'll be ridin' them horsies. cuz aint got shortwave net yet.
asciilifeform: i suspect that mp_en_viaje will yet have occasion to say 'thank you' to asciilifeform for having 'wasted time' discovering how to undetectably and reliably shortwave.
asciilifeform: my contention 'clock is luxury' is based on thought similar to mircea_popescu's, i.e. it dun make sense to bother unless yer doing shortwave or similar application where the intervals gotta be utterly fixed or no go entirely
asciilifeform: the ro people have 1 thing tho : the afaik single biggest shortwave antenna in the whole city. ( pictured e.g. here )
a111: Logged on 2013-04-15 00:28 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: possibly relevant to your future "Bitcoin over shortwave" station: http://www.dtic.mil/dtic/tr/fulltext/u2/a207831.pdf
asciilifeform: can even learn from a half-working shortwave set, if must.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: lulzy -- apparently cia forgot how to shortwave ?!
a111: Logged on 2017-12-18 01:18 phf: "The l0de radio hour is a long-running live call-in show that irregularly broadcasts over the internet, and to pirate shortwave and FM stations. It is hosted by Lode Ray Dio, a gypsy hustler with a long history of fraud, grifting, and treason. The show is notable for its frequent cancellations, obscene and bizarre content, and a high rate of listener suicide."
a111: Logged on 2017-12-18 01:18 phf: "The l0de radio hour is a long-running live call-in show that irregularly broadcasts over the internet, and to pirate shortwave and FM stations. It is hosted by Lode Ray Dio, a gypsy hustler with a long history of fraud, grifting, and treason. The show is notable for its frequent cancellations, obscene and bizarre content, and a high rate of listener suicide."
a111: Logged on 2018-06-15 16:47 asciilifeform surveyed what remains of shortwave , it's mostly empty, and what remains is largely these derps, 'texas can you hear me' 'this is utah, we can hear you' etc etc
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 03:24 Mocky: if shortwave repeater was in l1 confidence and one day i became l1, i wouldn't see having to keep that secret as a burden.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 02:13 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i thought of 1 far-conveyor item where i actually had it in my notes 'to be for l1 encyclical only' -- the shortwave repeater
Mocky: if shortwave repeater was in l1 confidence and one day i became l1, i wouldn't see having to keep that secret as a burden. ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i thought of 1 far-conveyor item where i actually had it in my notes 'to be for l1 encyclical only' -- the shortwave repeater ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-06-15 16:47 asciilifeform surveyed what remains of shortwave , it's mostly empty, and what remains is largely these derps, 'texas can you hear me' 'this is utah, we can hear you' etc etc
asciilifeform: the ubiquitous realtek sdr dongle is unfortunately wholly worthless for shortwave work
asciilifeform: ( when asciilifeform was running number for a -- so far, paper-only , gedankenexperiment -- shortwave gossipd station, realized that the traditional outlandish bulk of 1000+w shortwave transmitter, is unnecessary if you only care to transmit millisecond bursts a couple times per hr ; can have fairly compact and inexpensive item, not normally seen in 'heavy' pirate radio experience )
asciilifeform surveyed what remains of shortwave , it's mostly empty, and what remains is largely these derps, 'texas can you hear me' 'this is utah, we can hear you' etc etc ☟︎☟︎
a111: Logged on 2018-05-25 03:16 asciilifeform late evening, listening to elderly ukrs derp on shortwave re horror of their neet chillunz derping on ipnojes; where to read re antennae design; putin.
asciilifeform recently set up a (rx-only , for nao ) shortwave thing
asciilifeform: and if comes the hour that we need 500 clean boxes, for whatever, e.g. unattended shortwave relays, there they are.
BingoBoingo: having grandchildren to derp about on shortwave takes time.
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 'legal' shortwave is ~useless , iirc we had the thread.
asciilifeform late evening, listening to elderly ukrs derp on shortwave re horror of their neet chillunz derping on ipnojes; where to read re antennae design; putin. ☟︎
asciilifeform: incidentally asciilifeform was going through notebooks and found a theoretical nugget that iirc hasn't been posted. 1w of shortwave, using the error code discussed in prev thread, can propagate trans-continentally ( i.e. easily new york to montevideo ) . and can easily come out of unattended ( solar, thermal-charged ) box , at ~day intervals, hanging from tree in woods, illicitly glued into wall at tower construction site, etc
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu has quit (Read error << where's that shortwave!111
asciilifeform begins to suspect that mircea_popescu is a good candidate for that shortwave thing
l0de: they have the ability to greatly degrade all shortwave communications
l0de: at the point where shortwave communications pose an existential threat to usg
l0de: If shortwave was the problem, the USG could render the entire thing unusable with relatively trivial effort
l0de: additionally shortwave is jammable, unreliable, and lossy
l0de: every single thing happening on shortwave is of interest to them
l0de: shortwave is problematic for a lot of reasons
mircea_popescu: as far as mostly 1 is concerned, there's significant interest in shortwave, which is why it's a recurrent thread in the logs.
l0de: often we're hitting shortwave stuff
mircea_popescu: Techman there's a lot of interest in shortwave here, as per say http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=%22shortwave%22 ; i suspect we have a lot to talk about. but can be tomorrow or whatever, there's no rush.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-21 18:08 asciilifeform: i'll admit ftr that this item was one of the underlying seekrit crackpotteries behind asciilifeform's interest in shortwave
a111: Logged on 2017-12-18 01:18 phf: "The l0de radio hour is a long-running live call-in show that irregularly broadcasts over the internet, and to pirate shortwave and FM stations. It is hosted by Lode Ray Dio, a gypsy hustler with a long history of fraud, grifting, and treason. The show is notable for its frequent cancellations, obscene and bizarre content, and a high rate of listener suicide."
asciilifeform: i'll admit ftr that this item was one of the underlying seekrit crackpotteries behind asciilifeform's interest in shortwave ☟︎
phf: "The l0de radio hour is a long-running live call-in show that irregularly broadcasts over the internet, and to pirate shortwave and FM stations. It is hosted by Lode Ray Dio, a gypsy hustler with a long history of fraud, grifting, and treason. The show is notable for its frequent cancellations, obscene and bizarre content, and a high rate of listener suicide." ☟︎☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: ( if it's shortwave -- i'll say right nao, it won't work, and the chinese 'up-converter' box -- defo wontwork )
asciilifeform: shortwave. from festung mircea_popescustein's 500kW transmitter.
mircea_popescu: "oh but mp, other people do it via shortwave radio" "good for them."
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: likewise i can see logbot being used without ircbot -- with, say, shortwavebot
asciilifeform: the sad thing is that ( at least until we get, e.g., the shortwave net, going ) there are some boxes of fixed size, that in practice gotta be sat down into if at all possible
asciilifeform: ( or at any rate refuted, and can then link to refutation when asciilifeform is long dead and some other d00d asks 'hey wai not shortwave relays' etc )
asciilifeform: incidentally re : http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-10#1735809 << e.g. pyongyang, or teheran, or any other 'fortress' could easily make btc by transmitting arbitrary bits on shortwave, for coin ☝︎
ben_vulpes: shortwave!
asciilifeform: try it with ordinary shortwave. dun pick up ~0.
asciilifeform: ( and that few watt, spread over entire 30MHz of shortwave )
a111: Logged on 2017-11-01 17:57 BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. << Undersea cables for most work, run them between cool kids (China/Chile, etc), keep shortwave because pantsuit process of "What's they point they fall back to shortwave"
BingoBoingo: <asciilifeform> shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry. << Undersea cables for most work, run them between cool kids (China/Chile, etc), keep shortwave because pantsuit process of "What's they point they fall back to shortwave" ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-09-22 14:31 asciilifeform: 1) every old lappy comes with a high-quality DAC fit for shortwave! the vga card.
asciilifeform: shinohai: shortwave imho far moar realistic, practical, cheap-and-angry.
asciilifeform: ( why are there not digital shortwave crackpot stations
asciilifeform: by all rights they oughta be using shortwave, not www
asciilifeform: i think it assumed 'shortwave'
asciilifeform: relatedly, a shortwave ( or even ultralong wave! ) transmitter of genuine ( i.e. best-known-pov ) blox, would be a fine thing
mircea_popescu is somewhat nonplussed phf sits around "hackerspace" derping with baloons instead of making the shortwave-nat-over-other-peoples-cars thing fore instance.
asciilifeform at one point considered 'distributed shortwave' via 'accidentally bad cable' vga cards
mircea_popescu: shortwave, cuntwave, the works.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-21#1688405 << shortwave!!1! ☝︎
sina: "To craft a valid packet, a sender must collect a single auth string from the receiving node's lighthouse (via whatever means, can be a shortwave tuner), craft auth with it as described by Mircea Popescu earlier, encipher to receiver's RSA pubkey, and send." ?
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: i've heard you before and i hear you now. i just don't have much hope for extant internet. unreliable-low-bandwidth shortwave relay net almost seems like a longer term strategy here, no?
phf: it's hard to push anything interesting over shortwave though, unless you're prepared to do pirate broadcasting, because of crypto. can't broadcast encrypted stuff
phf: ben_vulpes: that's easy, someone always adds a shortwave bridge.
ben_vulpes: wake me up when they work over shortwave
ben_vulpes: throw the nic out, we're going to shortwave anyways
ben_vulpes: "gossipd? what dat. have you ever heard of i2p? what's an ethernet frame? shortwave?"
asciilifeform: btw stormfront on shortwave was pretty great.
asciilifeform: shinohai: lol, shortwave?!
asciilifeform: (btw i'd run ~that~ instead of shortwave, if i were a mad king)
a111: Logged on 2016-09-22 17:49 scriba: Logged on 2016-09-22: [14:31:38] <asciilifeform> 1) every old lappy comes with a high-quality DAC fit for shortwave! the vga card.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-22: [14:31:38] <asciilifeform> 1) every old lappy comes with a high-quality DAC fit for shortwave! the vga card. ☟︎
asciilifeform: 1) every old lappy comes with a high-quality DAC fit for shortwave! the vga card. ☟︎
asciilifeform actually listens to shortwave, it is a very mixed bag
a111: Logged on 2016-09-22 12:33 Framedragger: tty wifi dongles, but rather long distance shortwaves, etc.)
Framedragger: yeah i wouldn't transmit encrypted shortwaves from usa, that indeed sounds like doom
asciilifeform: a megawatt shortwave station is a castle.
Framedragger: shortwaves bounce around the ionosphere and all that
Framedragger: tty wifi dongles, but rather long distance shortwaves, etc.) ☟︎
asciilifeform: as a receiver it's pretty good (but no shortwave without a freq. down-converter, iirc)
asciilifeform: which is a quite useful thing, both for 'i can hear my keyboard across the street, wtf', other experiments, but also for picking up eventually mircea_popescu's shortwave.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu-signed vpatch can be made known over whatever medium. shortwave, if he likes.
asciilifeform: why not also build it into not only gossipd but a shortwave antenna, a kalash, a cement mixer, stradivari, and van gogh...
asciilifeform: (this also makes for a clean transition to comms over shortwave, hijacked tv satellites, or whatever other twist the future holds where packets come with NO return address)
asciilifeform: maybe it comes from shortwave picked up in soundcard hiss.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-29 16:55 asciilifeform: (and yes you can do blockchain over shortwave. after learning this algo, and not before)
asciilifeform: (and yes you can do blockchain over shortwave. after learning this algo, and not before) ☟︎
ben_vulpes: what is really at issue here is one's connectivity to the bitcoin network. so yes, power. also, shortwave.
ben_vulpes: but clearly these are all points that only dirigible captains may discuss over hawala shortwave.
ben_vulpes: shortwave for the blockchain, solar panels for time-arbitraged electricity, hole of car batteries for storage
ben_vulpes: anyways an entirely viable future is one wherein the various lords with computing gear remaining in the closet operate their own bitcoind variants as local banks, holding chits for the peasants and reconciling over shortwave gpggram
ascii_field: shortwave.
decimation: to the point that they can effectively jam shortwave for miles
asciilifeform: as for shortwave, virtually nobody owns their band properly speaking - the crackpot stations lease a time slot (typically, weekly)
decimation: I find shortwave to be more interesting
ascii_field: with soda & shortwave radio ?
assbot: Logged on 28-07-2015 12:22:21; jurov: there's a nutjob apocalyptic-prepper shortwave station, with 5-euro receivers widely available they seem to get some audience
decimation: and jurov is right, there are plenty of fairly successful shortwave pirates, apparently because nobody gives a fuck