711 entries in 0.628s
mircea_popescu: so then all
strings S must incluide the antecedent hash. and in this definition string S = foo.txt ; nothing else.
Framedragger: (note, some of those version
strings contain OS string, some of them don't; these TXTs store versionstrings-as-they-were-seen, without any ssh-server/OS version separation.)
mircea_popescu: jurov pity, because i'd have asked for "all
strings are unicode
strings". should have fixed it right and proper.
mircea_popescu: "but mp, it was simple when i made it" "yes, if i define three letter
strings as various pieces of literature, i'll be able to "write" whole books by saying agafufu. so what of it."
jurov: MIME avoids this by generating unique magic
strings as delimiters after the fact. but you don't want to, i guess.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-08 15:38 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the things to scan, that very often are found: 80 (
http), 443 (ssl), and if either found, the page; if ssl -- the cert id
strings (see l0gz for how) , and lastly, ftp (yes, believe or now) and telnet greetings.
mircea_popescu: "o look, mp often signs 85 kb
strings of random letters"
mircea_popescu: the very evident "new york times, washington / huffington post etc do not produce
strings worth more per megabyte than any other markov process" is elided in favour of "we shall label this failure of ours in terms of an external phenomenon and posture really convincingly about it". really, is it "being investigated" ? who the fuck is the agent in that agentless phrase and who the fuck's gonna supply the army.
mircea_popescu: a similar situation to how compression works great on literature and poorly on (proper) random
gabriel_laddel: The way this will work: an invite-only IRC channel with a +v voice model is used to send s-expression
strings between networked CLIM applications.
a111: Logged on 2016-11-14 12:27 mircea_popescu:
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-14#1566990 << there is no such thing as "tld". there's just
strings. if you query r-dns for "fucksgoats" you get ip for "fucksgoats". if you query for "hurrdurr.fuckgoats" you get ip for "hurrdurr.fucksgoats". if you query for "Pwgaf,H6X/LJ8yt..OLjoNn+kyfFsOG5a?FpPbf!uxOS6" you get ip for "Pwgaf,H6X/LJ8yt..OLjoNn+kyfFsOG5a?FpPbf!uxOS6".
mircea_popescu: at first, gossipd replaces the current "talk to servers to admin your
strings" which happens, essentially, over substitute-email and
http-sessions. mircea_popescu: "but that part wouldn't be the first to relate. the part that'd first to relate is that you gotta talk to these servers to admin your
mircea_popescu: i suppose, but that part wouldn't be the first to relate. the part that'd first to relate is that you gotta talk to these servers to admin your
strings. and well... talk over... what.
Framedragger: (i mean, there could be caching servers, but they'd have to have the same up to date map of all
strings to IPs.)
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-14#1566990 << there is no such thing as "tld". there's just
strings. if you query r-dns for "fucksgoats" you get ip for "fucksgoats". if you query for "hurrdurr.fuckgoats" you get ip for "hurrdurr.fucksgoats". if you query for "Pwgaf,H6X/LJ8yt..OLjoNn+kyfFsOG5a?FpPbf!uxOS6" you get ip for "Pwgaf,H6X/LJ8yt..OLjoNn+kyfFsOG5a?FpPbf!uxOS6".
☝︎☟︎ jurov:
strings are fine, but the characters. noone knows what character is.
BingoBoingo glad satoshi called it the wallet and not the purse. Imagines "How to cut the purse
strings" on Trilema.
adlai: the only namespace is
strings .bitcoin/blocks/*
trinque: so when I want to "join" across all this data I get to munge
strings like some barbarian
jurov: PeterL has
strings, not integers anyway
ben_vulpes: in other open sores chuckles "The encoded
strings in the tests were created with Andresen's unmodified code, so they are correct. Probably."
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but it is not bash's fault that unix uses null-term
mircea_popescu: (in this particular case, it's a case of "according to the empire worldview, the correct crypto would be based on creating privkeys out of public
strings, with a dab of emperor's own pubes" "this may not exist ; here's the proof")
phf: and it's definitely ~not~ the case of spreading works. python made a very right and sane distinction between
strings and bytes. and the interaction of the two requires awareness. the mistake that they made is to make the conversion implicit, which lets people pretend like underlying problems don't exist, and when it breaks ~like it should~ blame it on python
mircea_popescu: phf Framedragger anyone else with suspect load - may be worth your time to go through logs for those
strings, may illuminate vulnerabilities.
mircea_popescu: "there are 9 4096 bit
strings for any given privkey to which you can not encrypt or decrypt."
adlai is unfamiliar, digs, finds "When a shlimazl goes dancing, the musicians'
strings break"... or maybe asciilifeform meant "girl who can't dance says music sucks"?
mircea_popescu: mno. proof can be had on meaningful representations. not on random
PeterL: why not just use
strings of ints, it's the same thing, right?
mircea_popescu: "retroactively changes the meaning of text". what fucking text ?
strings including "emoji" ipso facto carry no meaning.
mircea_popescu: somehow the dot became so deeply "concat
strings" that i'd first check "who the fuck is regexping this" perhaps ; but it'd never occur to me to say "you know what - it saw a dot it's now looking at a class"
lru: a.b is asking for the 'b' property in the object a, which is undefined (the type, not the string), but since types can be automatically converted, and you're working with
strings, the undefined type may have been turned into a string depending on use
mircea_popescu: in other holy shit javascript, a.b where a, b are
strings results in the STRING "undefined" ; whereas a.concat(b) results in a string that's a followed by b.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile : i want a tag to turn numbers into images ; which i arbitrarily call svg ; and i want a tag to turn
strings into scientific notation (which does not JUST mean math, i want chemistry also.)
Corsets: May I ask why we're writing ID
strings on our chests?
mircea_popescu: but yeah, this is a pretty good model. "natural language is just like a computer language that had no // or quotations." "so how do i know magic
strings, and comments, from code ?" "your mother."
BingoBoingo: Because you can quarentine nonsense as isolated
strings and lol about them. If you can't do that they'd eventually start making you stupid.
mircea_popescu: it's not related with "
strings" other than, finally universally accepted proof they're nonsense.
a111: Logged on 2016-05-16 20:46 ben_vulpes: haven't we had this thread before, of that the network is not paricularly enumerable, and with the malleability of version
strings that counting them is somewhat less than pointless?
ben_vulpes: haven't we had this thread before, of that the network is not paricularly enumerable, and with the malleability of version
strings that counting them is somewhat less than pointless?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: can't be verified, of course, because he publishes some random
ascii_butugychag: 'ASN1
Strings that are over 1024 bytes can cause an overread in applications
mircea_popescu: there is absolutely no reason, nor can there be any reason, c compiler can't take two
strings, such as the decameron and the collected works of shakespeare, and multiply them together, as fucking numbers, and spit out the result. none.
mircea_popescu: which is how longhand multiplication even fucking works, on the basis of
strings-and-regexp pretty much.
adlai: includes proper seppuku, ie, privkey cleartext in `
strings -n 20 .bitcoin/etc`
phf: but yeah, it greps by space separated words, greps by quoted
strings (\" escape works) and recognizes from:foo, which composes. i.e. from:foo from:bar baz " foo bar " finds log entries from foo OR bar that contain both "baz" and " foo bar "
adlai tries calculating how much tighter to wind the five remaining
strings to compensate for the snapped e
mircea_popescu: davout> tl;dr: FROM_UNIXTIME() yields localized
strings, not GMT <<< time implementation is dumb. see also
davout: tl;dr: FROM_UNIXTIME() yields localized
strings, not GMT
mircea_popescu: so you can store things in
strings that aren't characters
mircea_popescu: or otherwise : why the fuck would i use anything but
strings if the only way to access elements is through a n-th reference.
mircea_popescu: to force a comparison, the difference between a republic and all and sundry other group organizing patters is that the republic is a complete algebra (ie, elements, defined operations) whereas the rest is (necessarily, and provably so) just a dictionary (ie, list, array) of
mircea_popescu: phf think on just one thing : i also train women to be human. oft they get a task to talk to random people. they NEVER get a fucking task to memorize and recite random
mircea_popescu: davout you pm deedbot with a list of
strings which it retains for the day, prints a cloud somewhere, one can click items in cloud to get list of days so tagged
mircea_popescu: if i take a buffer, split it up in words, and give you some and him some, and you convert them to
strings and give them back, i must be able to reconsturct the original buffer without possibility of error.
phf: i've been mulling over that question with logs. fwiw, entire log can be kept in memory for analysis, annotation, whatever, 180mb as utf-8 byte arrays. with unicode
strings takes up twice the memory on 16-bit cmucl, and ~~4 times on 32-bit sbcl. i'm not yet convinced that transcoding everything you get into string and then transcoding it back to a bytearray onto the wire is the best strategy
☟︎ phf: tinyscheme can't read
strings longer then #define STRBUFFSIZE 256, hmm