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mircea_popescu: it seems to me, that if i make a request of anyone and anything - a woman, a shopkeeper, a
dog, a bee, and that request is not satisfied,
a111: Logged on 2017-03-01 00:10 ben_vulpes: not the pipes necessarily, but the garden;
dog; wife; child; engines of my own...
ben_vulpes: not the pipes necessarily, but the garden;
dog; wife; child; engines of my own...
☟︎ mircea_popescu: incredibly, mindblowingly, the
dog's expression was EXACTLY that of a very bored girlfriend/wife. how the fuck is this even possbile is beyond me.
mircea_popescu: makes a huge difference, in that you ain't got a submarine
trinque: somebody short locked inside, maybe a
dog to the right
trinque: maybe a
dog in there chewing on him or something
mircea_popescu: but of what. i had "high res" scan of andalou
dog in my hands, the real mccoy. 99% compressed it looked exactly the same the original's just that bad.
mircea_popescu: they're not even going to try and defend obamacare ; or global warming. that's pretty much it. they're being outflanked on education $$$, there's literally nothing left. desperation moves from umd or the conclave of "tech giants" are just that, beaten
dog sqealing because stepped on.
ben_vulpes: snoop
dog and martha stewart, in mashups from the fourth planet
mircea_popescu: dumb old bitty has no problem taking half hour of doctor's time to whine about her
dog's feelings ; dumb bahamas from kenya has no problem droning at the navy about "climate change" and other being-a-superhero idiocies.
BingoBoingo: "Our opposition simply folded in front of Brexit like shit-smeared toilet tissue and posted itself politely into the municipal recreation ground bin full of
dog muck that is the future of the parliamentary Labour party." << lolBrits
mircea_popescu: which fundamental reasons entirely consist of "alf the bee
dog with his magical black and white spots vision managed to read the expliciting of the < vs <= difference SIX TIMES and ignore it every time"
simonpenner: I've a cat. I love. I used to have a
dog (ex's
dog), I loved him. Both are good
simonpenner: well foxes are like a hybrid
dog/cat with the best of both worlds
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform is a
dog that thinks himself a cat
ben_vulpes: eheh in other dependent hacks,
dog wanted to destroy things the child was throwing, so i gave the child a lemon to throw around.
dog will chase, but not retrieve the lemon.
mircea_popescu: which is why he joined the army, too, trying to bait that absent father ; and which is WHY the candy thing. didn't want the fucking candy anymore than i do. just wanted to see if
dog may be enticed to bark in the exact manner that'd get it shot ?
a111: Logged on 2017-01-24 01:51 phf: (fwiw last time i checked in with clasp, it was also
dog slow, probably a combination of insane technology tower and lack of optimization strategy, that all goes back to original point "writing lisp is hard")
phf: (fwiw last time i checked in with clasp, it was also
dog slow, probably a combination of insane technology tower and lack of optimization strategy, that all goes back to original point "writing lisp is hard")
☟︎ phf: well, you can probably write an evaluator for lisp core (and host something like sicl on top), but the result is going to be
dog slow, at which point you'll have to work out an optimization strategy that's not going to leave scaring. that's a long and careful project, an anathema in open source
dog if that's a jet fighter i'm the ceo of apple
a111: Logged on 2017-01-17 13:25 mircea_popescu: at was denial and delusion. I am a genetic mistake. I'm a complete waste. I am disgusting. Here to forever be the "duff" (designated ugly fat friend). Equivalent to a pet
dog." << riight, and i'm supposed to provide the gallons and bushels of wsod required to make this pass as in-character, somehow ? how!
mircea_popescu: at was denial and delusion. I am a genetic mistake. I'm a complete waste. I am disgusting. Here to forever be the "duff" (designated ugly fat friend). Equivalent to a pet
dog." << riight, and i'm supposed to provide the gallons and bushels of wsod required to make this pass as in-character, somehow ? how!
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "the best argument against open source is a five minute interaction with the average internet
phf: the whole point of "no child left" is to skew literacy rates through standardized multiple choice. "by the end of this course you will recognize the words
dog, cat and food. this will also be in the test"
mircea_popescu: well imagine those schmucks, born in 1910, starved duyring puberty, while orphaned by influenza, then spent their adult years at war, by the time they were 40 they had a cot of their own and enough fleas to satisfy their
dog best friend, because woman was old and ugly already when they met.
mircea_popescu: if i don't agree with what you mean by
dog, pointing to the tv set is unlikely to resolve much.
phf: i don't grok referencing encyclopedias in general. if i don't know what "
dog" is, i can probably source it myself
a111: Logged on 2017-01-07 18:17 ben_vulpes: lol omfg rescue
dog food from child, only to be blessed by cries of anger when
dog takes banana from child
ben_vulpes: lol omfg rescue
dog food from child, only to be blessed by cries of anger when
dog takes banana from child
☟︎ ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: counteroffer impending, rescuing
dog food from child
mod6: know someone this happened to once, apparently diesel was shooting flames of unleaded out of the tailpile, while running like
dog-shit (excessive knocking etc).
ben_vulpes: "help" is the motherfucking
dog whistle of the left
mircea_popescu: the next day, bee
dog saw a duck. because it wasn't blue therefore it was white and because it didn't have arms it therefore had claws and the bee
dog ran back to town and warned everyone of the white wolf
mircea_popescu: according to similar legend, there was once a bee
dog who saw a glass bottle. because it wasn't red it therefore was grey and because it wasn't fleecy it therefopre was toothy and so the bee
dog ran to town and warned everyone of the wolf.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 13:25 mircea_popescu: id they said nothing or this ? c) the principle "if you're going to say i'm a
dog explain why!" is sound, but this is sadly not always possible. an eminent example of a class of cases when this isn't possible is when someone says something in direct and seeming wilful contradiction of logic. d) statements about you by others are statements about the world-you object as perceived by them not about the i-you subject as perceive
a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 13:25 mircea_popescu: id they said nothing or this ? c) the principle "if you're going to say i'm a
dog explain why!" is sound, but this is sadly not always possible. an eminent example of a class of cases when this isn't possible is when someone says something in direct and seeming wilful contradiction of logic. d) statements about you by others are statements about the world-you object as perceived by them not about the i-you subject as perceive
mircea_popescu: id they said nothing or this ? c) the principle "if you're going to say i'm a
dog explain why!" is sound, but this is sadly not always possible. an eminent example of a class of cases when this isn't possible is when someone says something in direct and seeming wilful contradiction of logic. d) statements about you by others are statements about the world-you object as perceived by them not about the i-you subject as perceive
☟︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: two hours in, the girl being a sweet soul, asked if he might be invited over ? so sure, dude's been playing the
dog long enough, let him be invited over.
phf: it will run like
dog, but it will run
a111: Logged on 2016-12-12 02:51 phf: i will flatten this shit, or help me god. so far the solution i figured that doesn't require writing code or using dodgy third party software is to use the video as a material texture inside a sphere in blender. with some 3d space camera shuffling i can produce two separate video streams, one of knuth and one of slides, but the result looks like
dog so far.
phf: i will flatten this shit, or help me god. so far the solution i figured that doesn't require writing code or using dodgy third party software is to use the video as a material texture inside a sphere in blender. with some 3d space camera shuffling i can produce two separate video streams, one of knuth and one of slides, but the result looks like
dog so far.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2016-12-09 01:47 phf: pete_dushenski: sure, but my comment stands. when you read travel diaries in general they all have the same format, it's just this particular one reads like "in my country of Kazakhstan we shoot
dog, i couldn't find any places to shoot dogs in so called civilized england"
phf: pete_dushenski: sure, but my comment stands. when you read travel diaries in general they all have the same format, it's just this particular one reads like "in my country of Kazakhstan we shoot
dog, i couldn't find any places to shoot dogs in so called civilized england"
☟︎ mircea_popescu: they actually say this, "i'm a
dog lover". then you meet the
dog, and the general effect is "i love kids" guy with a fridge full of kid parts.
mircea_popescu: and this nation, that to my knowledge has furthest perfected the art of pointlessly but with extreme callous cruelty torturing man's oldest and best friend, nevertheless considers itself full of
dog lovers.
mircea_popescu: "whadda ya mean walk this
dog means, 20+ miles! nobody can walk 20 miles!"
mircea_popescu: except things like
dog vomit, or the previously discussed black alcohol modl. they've been here fopr a long long time now.
pete_dushenski: poor dpb is right. that attack
dog side of trinque is sumtin fierce! fun to see.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu>
dog. << lmao
a111: Logged on 2016-12-01 18:25 trinque: still didn't feel superhuman on either; more like excited
dog that has to sniff everything in a loop
trinque: still didn't feel superhuman on either; more like excited
dog that has to sniff everything in a loop
☟︎ Framedragger: in soviet russia, the
dog make redundant *you*
pete_dushenski: "it would still be unsurprising if they gave up on their fiction1 and began reporting magenta, dove gray, or old hot
dog as their exchange rate" << lol.
lobbes: heh, that was the second thing I did after learning how to view a directory in non-winblowz (this is even in logs!). Not hard, but laziness most likely is the problem of Gaboose. For all we know, he is a literal
dog with a smartpohne, never to be aware of this conversation
mircea_popescu: urban "
dog owners" are high on my list of insufferables, right up there with urban biking hipsters. this isn't to say that "police officers" shouldn't be shot on sight.
mircea_popescu: but they concerned with the proposition of alf the bee-
dog's bees, ie these things... they've a serious problem.
phf: pelevin's world the coming of the
Dog Pizdetc is an eschatological event, when you're going to finally have "vsyo", a word which means both "everything" and "the end".
http://btcbase.org/log/2016-11-10#1565225 << ru writer pelevin has a thing about
Dog Pizdetc, which in his world is a kind of diety, but pizdetc is a russian mat word derived from "pizda" i.e. vagina, and is used to signify the totality of negative and positive experiences. sort of like "how's it going? -- total pizdetc", i.e. everything has utterly failed. or "look at that car go! -- piiizdeeetc", i.e. holly shit that's awesome. so in
☝︎ BingoBoingo: Mad
Dog doesn't really count anymore since they "rebranded" with blig.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> basically, the whole medieval period lived on hobo wine. cheap, sweetened, etc. the exact thing, midnight thunder or w/e it's called. << Thunderbird, Night Train, Mad
Dog, Wild Irish Rose, and Cisco. RIP Ripple.
mircea_popescu: you know, when they shot a
dog in a bushel of wheat into space.
mircea_popescu: phf in my head, if the algo is correct but the problem too hard, then the problem is just too hard ; whereas if the algo is wrong for the problem, or badly implemented, then there's that. i suppose you could say "linear sort is
dog slow", though.
phf: mircea_popescu:
dog slow is same as intractable but applied to system design, solution that theoretically works but in practice takes too long to be useful. depending on the kind of algorithms involved
dog slow has different solutions, like if it's a linear algorithm, then you can solve
dog slow with a faster machine, but if it's a polynomial complexity algorithm, then
dog slow might be solved by putting constraints on inputs