700+ entries in 0.206s

mircea_popescu: the reason is that (in a translation of what koch-
gpg does into sanity) you take 2045 bits of rng for each possible prime, stick 11 in front and 1 in the tail and THAT is your 2048 bit prime candidate.
mircea_popescu: in other news : it was established in teh minigame torture rooms that in point of fact 4096 bit keys contain only 4090 bits of entropy at the very most (minus whatever koch-
gpg manages to shave off in other ways).
mircea_popescu: well, at first it was about lobbes warning people not to rely on the "control dials" as provided by koch-
gpg, for being unreliable ; then you wanted to talk about fps and then at some point and without warning anyone apparently pivoted to talking about pubkeys and signatures.
mircea_popescu: much like whether fps are or are not useful wasn't discussed by anyone but yourself. the original problem was that
gpg unreliably reported "key doesn't expire" to lobbes , when in fact it did expire.
mircea_popescu: koch-
gpg is an unreliable apparatus in the vein of random-shooting pistols etc.
mircea_popescu: at no point was this discussion about key identifiers. the fact that
gpg reports "no expiration" FALSELY, as it reports all sorts of false or otherwise stupid, misleading etc non-facts is at issue
mircea_popescu: if you don't have the keys, !!key name and then
gpg --import.
mircea_popescu: felipelalli BingoBoingo what are you two dicking about with already ?
gpg -aer name ; put it in p.benvulpes.com and that is all you need.
mircea_popescu: i expect ye olde "copy signature on anything,
gpg is happy"
mircea_popescu: the categorical alternative (literally what
gpg does now) fell on the grounds of "at least we don't need aes" ; the obvious "cut R into bits and use each" seems to my eye weaker, tho who even knows.
mircea_popescu: but basically, the only practical approach here is to actually import the
gpg implementation, warts and all, but modularily, and see later maybe it can be swapped out.
mircea_popescu: is it or is it not true a modular exponentiation in current
gpg takes, on your chosen machine, 0.26 seconds.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i believe the spawner is the same mother-of-idiocy, always pregnant, always knees spread, that spawned everythiong they do, from "voting" to "
mircea_popescu: (and in any case, this is also a major improvement over
gpg, which realloy only uses 2^16, and worked ok in the field for many years)
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-07-22#1689243 << depends what you mean by "rsa encrypted message". a) current rsa "encryption" as implemented by koch-
gpg et al consists of encrypting a symmetric key. trivial to test this against a number of rsa keys. b) conceivably item will include a courtesy key fp to help you know.
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: our cook's thermometer clearly indicates that the fault in koch's
gpg is located in the upper left cpu quadrant.
gpg is slated for a rewrite, actually, since it became obvious koch's a dedicated saboteur.
mircea_popescu: you can not promise
gpg is just aes. neither can they.
mircea_popescu: you don't know what stupid shit
gpg does to it while encrypting.
mircea_popescu: yes
gpg can generate key. so can you. keep that in mind.
mircea_popescu: this is trivially true and directly verified with eg irc, or
gpg, or any other item we deigned to use.
mircea_popescu: <mircea_popescu> you can extract packets but basically end up re=implementing
mircea_popescu: you can extract packets but basically end up re=implementing