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mircea_popescu: i think they named a crater on moon after them.
asciilifeform: so massive sense of 'to the moon', apparently, among the adherents.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2017/05/cost-of-running-shitware-continues-bull-run-to-the-moon/ << Qntra - Cost Of Running Shitware Continues Bull Run To The Moon
mircea_popescu: also moon not real. so following.
hanbot: <mircea_popescu> dutches demanding less than a pig would be workable economcially. but chronical rotinculo/mortidafame who imagine they should get the moon on a golden platter, these aren't economically interesting. << googled rotinculo definition, got a suggestion of trilema articles to read
mircea_popescu: dutches demanding less than a pig would be workable economcially. but chronical rotinculo/mortidafame who imagine they should get the moon on a golden platter, these aren't economically interesting.
mircea_popescu: but he was more or less irrelevant. moon, knight etc.
asciilifeform: nobody starved, but the lispm was abandoned, the way moon rocket was.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-09 22:37 mircea_popescu: ~any 16 yo figures out her chief order of business is trashing the damend thing, why's it take moon 50 years ?
mircea_popescu: ~any 16 yo figures out her chief order of business is trashing the damend thing, why's it take moon 50 years ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: but anyway, leaving this hot coal for a moment -- why the everloving fuck did it take them so long to lose virginity! yes, EVENTUALLY moon "finally we take this tech private". but how fucking unobvious can it be that mit is exactly the equivalent of hymen, there to insulate girl from control of her own cunt ?
mircea_popescu: why didn't moon follow knight, then. wtf is going on.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yes. why didn't everyone follow ? moon was eminently followable.
mircea_popescu: bitcoin-assets split sold with the rest. why didn't moon's corp ?
asciilifeform: pretty sure that, e.g., d. moon, saw 'finally we take this tech private, make an honest corp' as breaking off from mit
asciilifeform: most of the heavy lifting was done by a dozen or so people, however. (david moon, richard greenblatt, tom knight, buncha smaller ones ) ☟︎
ben_vulpes: make stirling engine of moon beams
mircea_popescu: most "bad relationships" are exactly that. bitter moon (the film) if anyone saw that crap is best summarized as "two subbies arguing who should top that evening".
BingoBoingo unsure if this is *MOON* or *Crashing*
asciilifeform: it simply isn't athing, like there is no used chewing gum on the moon.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyone doing the rembrandt moon game has thousands of different ones, does not care.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: it's a 'rembrandt', was expected to go 'to the moon'
Framedragger intends to set his mind to some p2p/gossipd stuff come summer, if moon phase aligns with karma etc.
asciilifeform: nonsense like 'let's flush write cache once in a blue moon instead of normally', 'let's let the db corrupt and SURE I PROMISE WE CAN RECOVER' is what winblowz world is built from.
mircea_popescu: every dick and jane's expectation that "we did it reddit" is the faint echo of, man walked on the moon and generally speaking drove a wedge forcing a reevaluation of the celestial peerage. "as eternal as the nile flood" is no longer equal to "as eternal as the tide".
BingoBoingo: "I had seen the moonwalk [not the pedophilic stage dance, but the actual walk on the Moon that orbits Planet Earth] recently and therefore believed in what was essentially magic."
asciilifeform: and in yet-other noose, last d00d who walked the moon, reported dead.
asciilifeform: no moar in cpudom than in moon launches.
a111: Logged on 2017-01-07 18:31 Framedragger: mircea_popescu: ah, that's pretty cool. i see what you mean - you can see craters and the dark side still being the moon... collective delusion / cognitive dissonance something something! (and btw i meant the album but both work well in this instance..) :)
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: ah, that's pretty cool. i see what you mean - you can see craters and the dark side still being the moon... collective delusion / cognitive dissonance something something! (and btw i meant the album but both work well in this instance..) :) ☟︎
ben_vulpes: howl at the blood moon or something i have no iea
mircea_popescu: Framedragger i "really got it" coupla nights ago, out walking, splendid full moon with abendstar in opposition. and it was SO OBVIOUSLY a fucking planet, lit by the star in part that i really had nfi what people had been doing prior. it's fucking obvious omg!
Framedragger: iirc same evening included me "really getting" dark side of the moon, "like really getting it you know?"; but eh, it was beautiful so can't complain.
phf: there's a set of hoops that one can jump through in order to delete own linkedin account, and then they still resurrect it every time they update their privacy policy or when the moon is just right. "414 million users"
ben_vulpes: moon landing of cryptocurrencies
asciilifeform: hey it's a better deal than 'live on the poles' or 'under ocean' or 'on moon'
BingoBoingo wonders how many hamplanets need be flung into Venusuvian orbit in order to make a credible moon that spins that bitch around faster.
BingoBoingo starting to think that mebbe Venus just needs a moon
ben_vulpes: gabriel_laddel_p: it's a pun on moon hotels
mircea_popescu: wasn't that the moon ?
mircea_popescu: why's everyone always skip over venus ? mars is too hot ; the moon is too small. neither make any fucking sense.
asciilifeform: 'TRUMP hotels on the moon and mars, for starters. For those who want to ENGINEER this (and much, much more), email me at: gabriel valeth laddel @ gmail dot com, using the subject line “MAGA: THE SPACE RACE IS ON”'
phf: discussing the moon phases of successful appstore game releases with their shamans, i spent about an hour shoulder surfing one of the "main devs". guy was trying to get a texture to render without artifacts (ultimately it's a texture mapped to a surface in opengl and if you don't want the opengl's scaling to kick in you have to get the size just right), and literally everything that he was saying was in terms of "i read this one
mircea_popescu: adlai your attempts to state "the moon math" for $item resulted in knowledge that... "not possible to put into bitcoin" ? this is mixnonsense wtf. math is math.
asciilifeform: ( in all fairness, moon probe, arpanet, etc -- also pyramid )
thestringpuller: !~later tell cazalla I see you playing pokemon moon!
ben_vulpes: relatedly, there are interesting fault lines at work in the left: anti-sex activists masquerading as feminists (see the CoC mentioning "sexualized language") vs the rad-fems who are cooking a whole pile of wtf for the left's pet "feminists" on the topic of "but i love cock and babies and mothering and what precisely is wrong with that and no you chicks with dicks can't come to my moon party"
asciilifeform: can't speak for others, generally i like to be in the business of supplying moon biters, but also would not mind giving idiots gigantic guns with which to shoot themselves.
mircea_popescu: the problem of interpreting structures of meaning without survivors is not trivial. which is why i said inept historian - the monumental tasks more often attract the idiots who don't comprehend scale than actually talented people who can take bites of reality the size of the moon.
asciilifeform: or maybe i graffiti'd it on the moon. or in corpses in group photo in afghan. wherever.
mircea_popescu: yes, the one with the "i'm going to describe the object according to genus and species i already have because lulz, my mom fucked herself to the moon"
mircea_popescu: the moon is right here.
asciilifeform: where, in this model, is the moon ?
mircea_popescu: trinque importantly - powerless. that the algae swing with the tide doth not mean anything about the algae being the moon.
mircea_popescu: the concept you're describing is sound, the example you use is utterly idiotic. for one thing "validating" that a video was watched is necessarily a void concept ; for another who even fucking cares if they did. in the path between a and b you've introduced a "simplifying detour" of the format a->moon, moon->b, which is pluriously dysfunctional - there's not even any reason to believe moon exists in any space where a and b ca
mircea_popescu: "find out if we really went to the moon"
a111: Logged on 2016-10-19 17:23 adlai: pairing is the main moon math behind mumblejumble. one of my secondary hopes in going to milan was to leave with some rough understanding of pairings, but it has yet to crystallize.
adlai: pairing is the main moon math behind mumblejumble. one of my secondary hopes in going to milan was to leave with some rough understanding of pairings, but it has yet to crystallize. ☟︎
asciilifeform: in general, anything that is 'luxury' and not propped up by the great inca, rockets 'to the moon'
mircea_popescu: maybe they could be joined together at the hip. have moon rocket carry baby to term.
BingoBoingo: To the MOON!!!
pete_dushenski: mircea_popescu: aha. and manned moon landing.
shinohai: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-09-25#1548447 <<< bwahaha I didn't think about how r/btc would take any article critical of theymos and send to moon. ☝︎
asciilifeform: and the hardware ~is~ shit. boot up one of these (if you can actually get it to boot.) and say hello to 1 fps graphics, disks without dma (you don't know what these feel like until trying personally), nic that works when the moon is full strictly, etc. ☟︎
phf: mircea_popescu: problem is that when you do a execution like ./foo on unix, ~unix~ expects "foo" to contain certain bits and do certain kind of work to appease unix upfront. that work is specific not to "x86" but to "linux v 1.1.2, compiled on full moon, by three blind monks"
shinohai: *Alibaba and the 4 moon-thieves
ben_vulpes: moon?
deedbot: http://trilema.com/2016/two-moon-junction/ << Trilema - Two Moon Junction
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: CoroCoro Comic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoroCoro_Comic>; # corocoro hashtag on Twitter: <https://twitter.com/hashtag/corocoro>; Saturday: Pokémon Sun & Moon - CoroCoro Reveals + Zygarde ...: <http://www.serebii.net/news/2016/11-June-2016.shtml>
mircea_popescu: it's simple : you get a girl, strip her naked, make her bend her bubble butt towards you, then you take a magic marker, write I on one half moon, C on the other
mircea_popescu: it's more than that. it's also a lengthy list of "technology". it goes like this : "to make the earth banana shaped, buy this and bury it in the desert. then the next full moon measure the parallax of neptune with this tool. then depending on that paralax go into any of these states...." and then there's an endless list of further instructions.
mircea_popescu: i once covered myself in such copios amounts of kohl off a single pretty moon of a face it took a week to take it all off.
mircea_popescu: at least your moon unit dweezildruid is level 60.
asciilifeform: most usa 'expats' are as close to escaping truly as i am to the moon by jumping with all my might.
asciilifeform: picture mircea_popescu were asked to design a bridge. 'just part 50% of the moon's mass right ~here~...'
asciilifeform: moon is terrible example, for that reason.
mircea_popescu: isn't this the same "color of my spleen and i can't see who landed on the moon on my own desk" argument ?
mircea_popescu: go, replicate moon landing.
asciilifeform: ^ 'Ban Ki-moon publicly acknowledged Thursday that he removed the Saudi-led coalition currently bombing Yemen from a blacklist of child killers — 72 hours after it was published — due to a financial threat to defund United Nations programs.' << lel
gribble: smickles was last seen in #trilema 2 weeks, 6 days, 14 hours, 8 minutes, and 57 seconds ago: <smickles> $s moon
mircea_popescu: that's it. it exists BECAUSE you could add a rail to a steam engine. it doesn't exist TO anything, for all anyone cares it could be to go to the moon or washington as well as better circle the wagons or hunt mountain goats.
mircea_popescu: of course, as the legendary fool who's shown the moon and looks at the finger, people will then debate "what did it", in terms of, you know, if only we flavoured communism shit with THIS vanilla bean!
mircea_popescu: basically, instead of trying to achieve the moon-height skyscraper by investing in material rigidity, invest instead in a sort of... fault tolerance i guess you'd call it.
mircea_popescu: e moon while liquidating shoters. Dan Larimer actually talked about attempting doing that himself once in the past when BTS was in the dumpster but he chickened out. Him and Vitalik have been speaking a bit these days and maybe he gave Vitalik the idea."
asciilifeform: or only when moon is full.
mircea_popescu: point to the moon, vc tard will look at the finger. then gouge his eyes out, and he'll thank you for nothing happening.
asciilifeform: this is rather like, e.g., rutherford's observation that electron doesn't fall out of its orbit by radiating away energy, and hence is not analogous to orbiting moon.
a111: 446 results for "moon", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=moon
smickles: $s moon
asciilifeform: to the -moon !
mircea_popescu: you ever read bitter moon, say ? or i guess saw the movie, which was terrible, but i suppose still carries ?
BingoBoingo: Well, and some of them like fucking horseweed seemed to have never really cared much about glyphosate. Then there's Japanese knotweed which glyphosate will kill, but only if sprayed during the first new moon after the autumn equinox.
BingoBoingo: Too early to tell, but it only too MPEx what, a month of beta then 30 BTC, 50 BTC, moon?
shinohai: "Dear Elon Musk, please fund an expedition to settle once and for all the argument of whether or not the moon is made of cheese of petrified ejaculate from space giants."
a111: Logged on 2016-05-05 13:13 mircea_popescu: how do you know the moon isn't actually made of petrified ejaculate ?
asciilifeform: the moon does not default to spoodge in my head.
mircea_popescu: how do you know the moon isn't actually made of petrified ejaculate ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: yes, perhaps the moon is made of cheese.
davout: moon bounce is a thing apparently
a111: Logged on 2016-04-15 16:03 mircea_popescu: phf a) can has 100 rather than 20 finds for search ? b) http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=moon&page=16 is last page notwithstanding that 16 * 20 !> 500