375 entries in 1.115s

ben_vulpes: mircea_popescu: what, you think i'm so foolish as to try semantic analysis on..
.all of the scripts?
mod6: right, they said something about C/C++/et
.al that have a loop construct such as 'do/while' 'for' 'foreach' etc, as a defect in the lang. lol
dbclk: well.
.allowing me to have a voice here
gmaxwell: 4-digit btc would have been like ..
.all of the ethereum presale, no?
danielpbarron: !v assbot:danielpbarron.unrate
chetty: you know its interesting how argentina demonstrates normality .
.all of the hoopla about what if 'greece' or whoevers todays whipping boy defaults ..not much, life goes on really
decimation: but clear channel et
.al. conspired to effectively make that illegal
mircea_popescu: !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate
decimation: asciilifeform: no, it was more the fact that turing et
.al. had the pole's cryptanalysis to crib off of
decimation: later google et
.al. jumped on the bandwagon
decimation: nasa et
.al. spend money on usg think tanks to try to come up with a protocol that will magically switch between store-and-forward and low-latency as the channel permits
chetty: <jurov> strip mining of human resources is usually not the best strategy// strip miners .
.also know as gubermint
decimation: asciilifeform: but it is possible to get decent (if not 'mazerati'-grade) instrumentation without swallowing winblows << except agilent et
.al. comes with windows
decimation: asciilifeform: cisco et
.al. have been making $$$ selling versions of this kind of thing with crapware
cazalla: "When you're finished being self-obsessed..Then let me know.
.All my crushes are about you"
decimation: someone should start a bitbet that disney et
.al. will get congress to save mickey mouse again
mats: www