138 entries in 0.619s
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-19#1946970 << yes, yes, it's settled, it's settled. mod6 is just doing his trademark wanna-be friends to all things, running in all directions at once sorta deal.
asciilifeform: ( i dun have a trademark on the phrase, naturally, but still a lul )
asciilifeform: there's scarcely a corpse in the graveyard deader than bolix -- the fucking ~trademark~ lapsed
asciilifeform: and from this, goes to have power of attourney and trademark rights? bit of a climb eh
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 13:00 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835518 << linus is not immortal, and i expect that he will lose control of kernel -- just as he stupidly lost control of his trademark to 'linux foundation' (y'know, with gavin on staff) -- even before dies
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-24#1853434 << importantly, did not even do the item which was all that was needed "there are some muppets out there misusing my trademark, they're scammers and do not deal with them" ☝︎
asciilifeform: linus in principle had the right to sue for immediate desist of use of his trademark. did not do it.
asciilifeform: could argue that he already begun quisling when he permitted 'linux foundation' ( sponsor of such 'luminaries' as gavin ) to make use of his trademark
a111: Logged on 2017-09-13 19:29 mircea_popescu: that "trademark" is now owned by unilever, as you might've guessed, and it's used to sell items in qatar, as you might've also guessed. the point being that the poor rich arabs are trying to salvage whatever's left of the tsar's pile of salvaged material, today.
a111: Logged on 2018-07-17 13:00 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835518 << linus is not immortal, and i expect that he will lose control of kernel -- just as he stupidly lost control of his trademark to 'linux foundation' (y'know, with gavin on staff) -- even before dies
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-07-17#1835518 << linus is not immortal, and i expect that he will lose control of kernel -- just as he stupidly lost control of his trademark to 'linux foundation' (y'know, with gavin on staff) -- even before dies ☝︎☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: which is the real lulz behind that "decimation of american productivity". usg.blue lost "american" trademark, did not REALISE this ; lost also tax immunities, and HAD NO IDEA. only approximation is a cow so dumb it only notices someone cut off its legs when trying to stand up.
BingoBoingo: Well, figure they get saved for ability to say Ghandi's trademark line: "Our words are backed by nuclear weapons"
a111: Logged on 2017-09-13 19:29 mircea_popescu: that "trademark" is now owned by unilever, as you might've guessed, and it's used to sell items in qatar, as you might've also guessed. the point being that the poor rich arabs are trying to salvage whatever's left of the tsar's pile of salvaged material, today.
mircea_popescu: that "trademark" is now owned by unilever, as you might've guessed, and it's used to sell items in qatar, as you might've also guessed. the point being that the poor rich arabs are trying to salvage whatever's left of the tsar's pile of salvaged material, today. ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: it is thought to be a trademark of north kr, but really goes back to the time of confucius
mircea_popescu: but on the other side of the coin, "As you probably already know, but my trademark thoroughness still obliges me to say, AI stands for "Artificial Intelligence" and comes in two flavors, "deterministic" (like minmax) and "statistical" (like SVM). The combined efforts of various researches lead to an important breakthrough in this field, known to meteorologists as "the AI winter". This is the season when you can't get any VC m
asciilifeform: he oughta have yanked its trademark use permission immediately.
scriba: Logged on 2016-09-26: [14:59:14] <asciilifeform> (summary : seems like rms grew a spine for the occasion and it exercising the 'libreboot' trademark, and expelling the idiot with empty pockets)
asciilifeform: (summary : seems like rms grew a spine for the occasion and it exercising the 'libreboot' trademark, and expelling the idiot with empty pockets)
framedr_ghetto: btw if (tm)(r) is being used to denote those "trademark" signs (and not tmsr), it may be noted that (tm) is for an uregistered trademark and (r) is for a registered one. but i guess the reflexive-ironical use of these makes it fine :p
asciilifeform: or, my own 'trademark', to build systems that will survive one's own cokemachining and betrayal.
mats: "On June 3,2015 I learned that publicly available information indicated David BURCHARD, **** Duke Ct, Merced, California 95340, had registered or attempted to register and trademark the phrase "caliconnect." After obtaining this information, HSI Fresno investigators began to search Reddit and other publicly available websites for the username "caliconnect"
asciilifeform: at one point trademark at least strongly implied 'same thing your grandfather had'
a111: Logged on 2016-07-01 16:27 asciilifeform: (the owners of the trademark are cashing in, in the familiar american style, by selling exploding junk glass instead)
asciilifeform: (the owners of the trademark are cashing in, in the familiar american style, by selling exploding junk glass instead) ☟︎
asciilifeform: Errata, which I dubbed "exploding styrofoam," the corresponding phrase would be "a gas of electrons." The implosion of the secondary is driven by matter pressure, not radiation pressure. Incidentally, Dow Chemical complained that Styrofoam is a trademark, like Xerox, and that nuclear weapons do not contain Styrofoam. Point conceded; the foam is generic. ... I like the idea of a nuisance material, plastic foam, as the real secret of
asciilifeform: because trademark.
mircea_popescu: hanbot nubbins` is just doing his trademark low hanging fruit thing, "what's the lowest effort thing i could possibly do to maintain the pretense i'm doing something". that's his coping mechanism with life, it "worked pretty well" or whatever, it's what he knows, it's what he does. there's a whole stack of these idiots running around like pointless chickens, i dunno that much need be explained.
asciilifeform: i still want to know why torvalds refuses to enforce his trademark
punkman: "Roll Tide is the rallying cry for the Alabama Crimson Tide athletic teams. The trademark to the phrase is claimed by the University of Alabama, with licensing and marketing by The Collegiate Licensing Company."
adlai: or is deedbot now trademark registry
assbot: Logged on 18-12-2015 05:24:47; asciilifeform: btw, mircea_popescu, ever ask torvalds why he doesn't shutter 'linux foundation' for pissing on ~his~ trademark ?
asciilifeform: 'The Linux Foundation and Linux Standard Base are trademarks of The Linux Foundation. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.' << how the fuq does this work
asciilifeform: btw, mircea_popescu, ever ask torvalds why he doesn't shutter 'linux foundation' for pissing on ~his~ trademark ? ☟︎
adlai rushes to the trademark press
BingoBoingo: ^ Trademark filing jsut because
mircea_popescu: anyway. i hadn't any idea such a thing as "British Board of Film Certification" existed. amusingly, i still don't. nice reddit name or w/e it was, facebook trademark.
mitch_callahan: a guy in the US bought the trademark and brought it back
assbot: "Y Combinator" Too Generic To Trademark | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1OkeUvJ )
BingoBoingo: http://qntra.net/2015/09/y-combinator-too-generic-to-trademark/#comment-58636
assbot: "Y Combinator" Too Generic To Trademark | Qntra ... ( http://bit.ly/1QMFpZ0 )
mircea_popescu: http://qntra.net/2015/09/y-combinator-too-generic-to-trademark/#comment-58525 << damned zeke party pooper ruining qntra agenda pushing!
assbot: Logged on 17-09-2015 19:55:51; mircea_popescu: well at least the shitheads didn't try to trademark the integral sign
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> well at least the shitheads didn't try to trademark the integral sign << Amazing where tiny bits of proto-sanity appear in USG
mircea_popescu: well at least the shitheads didn't try to trademark the integral sign ☟︎
deedbot-: [Qntra] "Y Combinator" Too Generic To Trademark - http://qntra.net/2015/09/y-combinator-too-generic-to-trademark/
pete_dushenski: “GoDaddy reasonably relied in good faith on the representations made by the registrants of the Accused Domains stating that the registration of those domains did not violate any third party trademark rights,” he wrote. “As a result, GoDaddy could not have used or trafficked in any of the Accused Domains with a subjective bad faith intent to profit from the AMPAS Marks until such time as GoDaddy received no
cazalla: ah so really nothing more than token measure by legal derpartment to ensure they maintain the trademark?
mircea_popescu: cazalla if it's ruled a genericized term they lose the trademark.
mircea_popescu: williamdunne better trademark than you know, trying to put a watermark on the pics.
mircea_popescu: trademark lol
williamdunne: For trademark holders only
assbot: Using a DMCA takedown notice to assert a trademark claim may lead to section 512(f) liability - Lexology ... ( http://bit.ly/1Duf0ed )
mircea_popescu: aite. so basically, i saw something, said something. fetlife misjudged itself, and sent a spurious "trademark infringement" claim to the dc.
asciilifeform: trademark or not.
assbot: Logged on 29-03-2015 04:01:26; decimation: apparently Arduino is self-destructing in a trademark lawsuit drama
decimation: apparently Arduino is self-destructing in a trademark lawsuit drama
decimation: same for south africa: "The chain was named after the United States chain F. W. Woolworth Company but, because of the contemporary trademark laws, the name was legally used without permission. No financial connection ever existed between the companies."
punkman: register bitcoin founation trademark, try to steal it?
jurov: when entlds started, i applied for some bitcoin.something but registrar considers it trademark
assbot: Help the GNOME Foundation defend the GNOME Trademark
BingoBoingo: Copyrastas, the panties broke trademark law or were counterfeit or something
asciilifeform: lol - what was the trademark?
assbot: Logged on 03-10-2014 15:52:13; mircea_popescu: make thing infringing on mp's trademark. have mp notice you in google. mp files complaint with fb, yest. page suspended, today.
assbot: 78 results for 'trademark' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=trademark
mircea_popescu: !s trademark
decimation: but I think a trademark must be used.. in trade
mircea_popescu: yeah, that'll be the day trademark enforceability ends.
mircea_popescu: make thing infringing on mp's trademark. have mp notice you in google. mp files complaint with fb, yest. page suspended, today. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: violations of your legal rights, such as copyright or trademark. If you filed that
nubbins`: so your trademark "TM" thing shows up as Arial, dead-center
gribble: Dave's Cupboard: Lobster Slider Patties: <http://davescupboard.blogspot.com/2011/12/lobster-slider-patties.html>; Dave's Cupboard: December 2011: <http://davescupboard.blogspot.com/2011_12_01_archive.html>; Fictional products don't violate trademark laws - Boing Boing BBS: <http://bbs.boingboing.net/t/fictional-products-dont-violate-trademark-laws/39229>
assbot: Every Day Is Goof-Off-At-Work Day At the US Patent and Trademark Office - Slashdot
nubbins`: http://news.slashdot.org/story/14/08/11/1519201/every-day-is-goof-off-at-work-day-at-the-us-patent-and-trademark-office
punkman1: didn't thailand ban bitcoin for trademark infringement or something
mircea_popescu: much better brand than any derivative of a trademark you don't own/
assbot: Dogecoin Users Outraged Over Trademark
HeySteve: http://www.cryptocoinsnews.com/news/dogecoin-users-outraged-trademark/2014/06/23
HeySteve: Dogecoin getting copyright trolled - "Ultra Pro International, a case and sleeve company, announced plans to trademark the word “Doge.”"
ThickAsThieves: The Chicago Blackhawks declined to comment about the Washington Redskins' loss of trademark protection Wednesday
decimation: what's the difference between making a law condeming joe to death, vs a law that condemns the redskins trademark to death?
asciilifeform: e.g. the authority of the past N years, when the trademark was legal - where is it now.
decimation: Federal trademark law does not permit registration of trademarks that ?may disparage? individuals or groups or ?bring them into contempt or disrepute.?
assbot: U.S. Patent and Trade Office Cancels ‘Disparaging’ Redskins Trademark | Theden | Thedening the West
decimation: re: redskins trademark cancellation : http://theden.tv/2014/06/18/u-s-patent-and-trade-office-cancels-disparaging-redskins-trademark/
chetty: goes so nice with theft of redskins trademark
mircea_popescu: whoa uspo cancelled redskins trademark ?!
assbot: U.S. Patent office cancels Redskins trademark registration, says name is disparaging - The Washington Post
chetty: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/us-patent-office-cancels-redskins-trademark-registration-says-name-is-disparaging/2014/06/18/e7737bb8-f6ee-11e3-8aa9-dad2ec039789_story.html
mircea_popescu: jurov: bitcoin is registered trademark nao << always has been. by... mtgox. bcause... "it;'s better someone with bitcoin's interests at heart have the tm than someone random"
jurov: bitcoin is registered trademark nao
jurov: One or more of the domain names in your order contain a registered trademark. DAFUQ
mircea_popescu: This is the brand and trademark page for RUNWAY BEAUTY which was created on August 20th, 2007 by Runway Beauty, an CORPORATION. The trademark owner is located at 8637 E. Berridge ln. in Scottsdale, ARIZONA. Runway Beauty can be contacted at 480-361-5012, odci@cox.net
punkman: " After a 2009 trademark-infringement claim was brought by California's North Coast Brewing Company due to the name's similarity to their existing "Old Rasputin" beer of the same style, De Molen changed the name on the American export label to "Disputin" in a humorous reference to the controversy."
fluffypony: bitcoinpete: the IPO can include the patents and trademark registration, plus a strong "merchant adoption strategy" and "dynamic userbase growth path", as well as "a drive to be included in all modern dictionaries and encyclopaedias (eg. wikipedia, wiktionary)". We can call it S.SAUCE
Vexual: I think ass could call that trademark in law
mircea_popescu: not like i own the trademark.
mircea_popescu: neither are fiat bills (not in the sense of the physical bill, but in the sense of it being authorised, it'll get reprinted, and trhe bill is that trademark that spawns the authirisation)
fluffypony: davout: it was registered 4 months before bitcoin-central, so you'd probably have to go the trademark route + bad faith or demonstrate that you announced the name somewhere and the act of registering the domain was cybersquatting+bad faith use