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http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-11-12#1951078 <-- I have an old
thinkpad with an intel 3000 (works decently for games that don't ask for the latest shaders & crap) and perhaps I could get my hands on other GPUs. the problematic point is that I'm spending a considerable portion of that allocated 10hrs in saeculum, without physical access to the hardware. so would have to work out some routine for
mircea_popescu: ok, so to be perfectly clear --
thinkpad x60, released by lenovo cca 2006, comes with Intel Core Duo T2400 / 1.83 GHz processor, which is a 32 bit processor.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> vaguely relatedly, is there such a thing as a 64 bit laptop that's acceptable as far as anyone knows ? << I don't hate the
thinkpad x120e, AMD E350 Bobcat chip
phf: eink screen, 4:3 aspect ratio, old
thinkpad keyboard, 1 week battery life :p
verisimilitude: I'm having issues on my
Thinkpad with it. I didn't have all of the software installed here.
mircea_popescu: well like it or not, it's old crap. the
thinkpad sitting sadly on a chair is...like 2gb ram and a fucking pentium
swiftgeek: hl`: softbrick in
thinkpad provides resistance against evil maids :)
swiftgeek: libreboot
thinkpad doesn't have it easy, neither BSDLs nor XOR test chains are described for our montevina targets
swiftgeek: IBM didn't make a single
thinkpad since at least T20
swiftgeek: we pretty much understand in full depth what
thinkpad is
mircea_popescu: i spent what, 0.3% or so of this year in airplane. had
thinkpad with multiple batteries loaded up with films etc by diligent travel assistant / cocksucker. in the overhead tray it stayed.
shinohai is still trying to source a nice 2005
thinkpad mircea_popescu: for some reason i had it in my head you had ironed out (or maybe just fought and were defeated ?) blank screen idiocy on
mircea_popescu: anyway, i;m not dedicated enough to getting old games to run on that
thinkpad to chase this further. i'll just use a different box.
phf: asciilifeform: what was the
thinkpad you were saying good "except the monitor", 80 something?
Framedragger: trinque: it's a small LED which shines down upon the most awesome
thinkpad keyboard before lenovo ruined (fuck chiclet)
adlai: doncha remember, "sl_ seriouslt this is not mircea ... i saved the emails last year from when mircea donated for my
gernika: My
Thinkpad t43 appears to have one.
BingoBoingo: but mircea_popescu's
thinkpad is not a computer. It is a bedtime video player.
trinque: lenovo has destroyed the
thinkpad line, mind, but if comparing to a toshiba, probably better
phf: asciilifeform: have you had your hands on
thinkpad 755cd?
assbot: Logged on 29-10-2015 09:39:35; mircea_popescu: i got a perfectly fine
thinkpad, asciilifeform doesn't think much of it as a... what's he call it, "workstation girlfriend" ?
mircea_popescu: i got a perfectly fine
thinkpad, asciilifeform doesn't think much of it as a... what's he call it, "workstation girlfriend" ?
☟︎ AgentScully: someone in Mexico City went through the trouble of stealing a $200 tops
thinkpad I had, thank god my hard drive was encrypted because who knows what kind of smut I lost.
assbot: Logged on 03-10-2015 16:34:52; AgentScully: I used to. but I am currently using only linux on an outdated
AgentScully: I used to. but I am currently using only linux on an outdated
☟︎ phf: i actually think apple killed
thinkpad shinohai: I miss my
thinkpad, trying to get a friend in Indiana to sell me one of his old ones.
trinque: felt the same way about a pentium 3
thinkpad I had
gernika: asciilifeform - I haven't tried it. Running it on an old
thinkpad. Got msdos 6.2 working in parallels - but parallels is literally a virus.
BingoBoingo: From the inclusion of a TPM, the
ThinkPad was lost sort of shit here.
BingoBoingo comparing the comparative merits of the
thinkpad X201s and X220
Adlai: williamdunne: scalpl (my thingy) spent a year on a
thinkpad x30 without a harddisk, i think you're doing just fine
mircea_popescu: "So what the hell do we buy now? HP's quality has hit rock bottom and is starting to dig, Lenovo is doing their best to destroy the
Thinkpad brand, Asus is incapable of making a device without at least one fatal flaw... is Apple the only one making laptops that aren't garbage anymroe?"
unbalanced: I'd buy a used
ThinkPad but who knows how diddled that would be now from 4 years of some shlub surfing porn?
BingoBoingo: unbalanced: My online machine is still a 2011 vintage cheapo
thinkpad. Love it.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: 6 year old al macbook is slow, but a bit weighed down with junk, still mechanically solid << loving cheapest
thinkpad of 2011 still. working on hoarding fans for it and learning enough hardware diddling to do cell replacement in battery apparatus
Adlai: remember, my "server" is a
thinkpad ca 2002, so every cons counts
undata: I had a pentium 3
thinkpad that was a tank compared
undata: the
thinkpad brand is dead
BingoBoingo: undata: I had to get the screen replaced on this one under warranty << My 4 yo
Thinkpad will probably be getting its third fan soon.
Adlai: the IBM
thinkpad is good too, and still running like clockwork, 12 years later
Adlai likes his lenovo
thinkpad joecool: chinese killed the
thinkpad though
BingoBoingo: mike_c: A proper keyboard (portable machine or not) ought to have a
Thinkpad style clit.
bitcoinpete: fluffypony: with that
thinkpad you should be able to get some ipo action on havelol --> fluffysquirkle industries
BingoBoingo: fluffypony: Depending on the old
Thinkpad, aerospace grade hardware is a possibility
fluffypony: ;;later tell bitcoinpete I have an old
Thinkpad at home...I'm thinking of putting a Bitcoin wallet on it and telling people that my cold storage "leverages military-grade hardware"
punkman: bounce,
thinkpad keyboards are easy to get