87 entries in 0.705s

a111: Logged on 2019-07-31 00:24 asciilifeform: imho actually a mistake to think of e.g. f35 as 'product' that 'has a price', as if it were toyota -- what instead is that the parasitic toad at any given time demands x %% of the
printolade, and produces/pretends to produce certain # of golden toilets, and x / # is then 'price'
mp_en_viaje: cuz everyone's a lawyer and lotta
trinque: asciilifeform: what volume of
printolade does pizarro need per month?
printolade is a finite resource then ?
ReadErr: not gonna lie, im lost as to what
printolade is
mod6: sometimes its a tmsr-ism like '
pete_dushenski wonders what was etymology of '
printolade'. it's a great term!1
Framedragger: (not sure what "good philosopher" would even mean these days, most of "modern philosophy" is same ol' "research journal"
printolade anyway)
a111: Logged on 2017-05-17 20:48 asciilifeform: not only this: the very same ratshack actually died once (i went to the same liquidation sales, bought the furniture, etc) and then somehow came BACK from the grave, (no prizes for guessing how --
printolade) undead, to live for another 3y
ben_vulpes: "you know, if you can squeeze a tenth of a percent of a performance increase out of their chips over the course of your career there, you'll be sitting pretty with that dumptruck of
printolade showing up at your house every two weeks!"
ben_vulpes: no individual may be credited with leaking
printolade. it -- leaks.
adlai: thestringpuller: if your net worth's center of gravity lies close to the
printolade axis, it's negative on hard currency scales
mircea_popescu: Bugpowder seems it has some chance to become the next usg-sponsored wanna-be bitcoin thingee. that's usually good for a ride, fed still has a lot of
printolade to spread around.
mircea_popescu: what will they spend on ? upkeeping roads ? "social justice" ? building really REALLY large cyclotron much better option than anything the us did with its set of
printolade in the same interval.
mircea_popescu: but you're right, they won't. and you're right, ofcourse -
printolade. which also happens to be EXACTLY what mr engineer is paind in, anyway. which is EXACTLY why he won't.