193 entries in 0.597s

mircea_popescu: (among teh great advantages of ye log import : sql search for "
power" "
rangers" now yields 94 rows in set, all of the Forum logs for X format. yippee! i kinda do vaguely regret however not bothering to immortalize the original gushing fan on tardstalk, "oh, you guys are like
power rangers!!!" in excited response to the perceived great acumen displayed by hearn fucking up bitcoin while everyone else was watching manga)
BingoBoingo: ^ In what the
power rangers are up to (Living in terror of the XY Pink Ranger, Vivir in Mierda(TM)(R))
mp_en_viaje: (the whole "
power rangers" thing started with
an event in 2013, when some usg agents masquerading as bitcoin developers (mike hearn, etc) wilfully introduced a bug which split the network while the other morons (wuile, maxwell, etc) failed to notice. the thing had to be undone through miner collu
mp_en_viaje: (prb is the name given to the one remaining group of scammers masquerading as bitcoin developers, in memory of their "
power rangers" heritage. numerous others have meanwhile discontinued, too many to merit enumeration.)
trinque: retrieving from
power rangers can be snipped off trivially
mircea_popescu: i mean, maybe all local wot failed to sign a patch portage deemed essential so it downloaded it from
rangers.net. yes ?
mircea_popescu: we can talk of
power rangers in bitcoin because they got fucking squashed. but nobody before thought "o hey, you know what knight, stallman, richie etc ALL have in common ?! FUCKING
mircea_popescu: btw, BingoBoingo do you happen to have anywhere saved the original reddit "you guys are
power rangers!!!" idiocy ? iirc was during hearn's wrecking fork.
mircea_popescu: i suspect by the same methodology "women's rights" will be a byword for bdsm and "#metoo" another way to say "idiot" in another decade. god knows "you guys are
POWER RANGERS!!!" reddit gushing went exactly that way.
mircea_popescu: remember back in 2013, when the
rangers genuinely thought htey had an existence, of their own and by themselves, entirely outside of my say-so ?
a111: Logged on 2018-10-13 16:14 mircea_popescu: which is why all the "oh noes advertise ip" bla bla machinery is always a sign of idiocy on the part of "designer". trbi needs "ip backflow" like i need
power rangers in my living room.
mircea_popescu: which is why all the "oh noes advertise ip" bla bla machinery is always a sign of idiocy on the part of "designer". trbi needs "ip backflow" like i need
power rangers in my living room.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: this is an absolute certainty. the only part up in the air is when, but absolutely, everything the
power rangers do will get reverted, as a matter of course.
BingoBoingo: And Segwit can't in the form the
Power Rangers settled on arbitrarily slice shit off of transactions or blocks. Segwit is an opt-in evil. It can only tickle your butthole if you let it in.
ben_vulpes: how many
power rangers did you kill today...
mircea_popescu: and evidently the
power rangers made the wrong cut. it is FINE to have a "light node" consisting of block and tx ; no spy.
rothbart: how is it that the
power rangers are all BLIND to this?
shinohai: Well at least in the eyes of teh
power rangers mircea_popescu: in fact, the difference between
power rangers and "ethereum developers" is entirely nil, which is why the "ethereum community" is flattering itself into relevancy : they compare themselves to the
power rangers, and come to the conclusion that "similar kind, dispute to be resolved by headcount".
mircea_popescu is not entirely convinced the ~implementation~ of segwit as executed by the
power rangers will even work. because that's what they do, it woul;dn't be the first time. or the second. it'd be like the 5th time, which is how many soft forks they did.
mircea_popescu: and let
power rangers add the warnings, "our altcoin isn't universally accepted, always make sure and ask"
trinque: 2, entirely likely the
power rangers changed the wallet format
BingoBoingo: My favortie part is "MP preventing Segwit" when instead the
power rangers were compelled to Segwit a certain way leaving Bitcoin alone.
mircea_popescu: if
power rangers weren't terminal fucking retards it's altogether unlikely anyone'd even know the name.
mircea_popescu: which, considering the sad confluence of not dumb people who (self servingly, and shamelessly), "think" bitcoin code is perfect (hey, alpha dun wanna be bothered, yes ?) and imbeciles who "are being like suparheoes
power rangers"... is a virtual certainty.
mircea_popescu: and then the usual usgtards were all over "oh, wow, you broke it and then you were "right on it and omg fixed it you're like
power rangers" and so...
mircea_popescu: the one during the original split with the idiots who were there baptised as
power rangers BingoBoingo: Still
power rangers don't get to add faggy pinky stuff to node handshake.
jurov: "errors" : "URGENT: Alert key compromised, upgrade required" lmao
power rangers leaked?
trinque: filters out some
power rangers right there
mircea_popescu: davout trb does not implement any of the prbisms. this means that ANY innovation included by the
power rangers is a "while it lasts" thing, and building on top of it is setting one up for tears.
ben_vulpes: hey, the
power rangers wanted 20mb blocks for whatever reason. i want indices.
thestringpuller: like libsecp256k1 or whatever crap those
power rangers created
thestringpuller: i imagine though best case scenario,
power rangers takes mod6's patches and merges it into prb
thestringpuller: isn't ironic people say shit like this, but then luke-jr joins the channel to get "support for hardfork". then immediately after being shut down is like "okay guys. they still hate us
power rangers. I don't think we should talk about hard forks any time soon, cause it ain't happening"
mircea_popescu: this is vaguely reminiscent of the
power rangers sucking themselves off on reddit about how great they were at testing some shitlibrary they wrote.
mircea_popescu: trinque the idea more or less is that once you get rid of the
power rangers, maintenance becomes 10k easier a task.
mircea_popescu: wanna complain, go negrate the set of
power rangers that made this idiocy possible, da fuck already.
assbot: Logged on 05-03-2016 20:10:03; mircea_popescu: not with the wanna-be ceos and assorted "captains of industry" ; not with the wanna-be coders and assorted "
power rangers" ; not with the wanna-be journos and assorted redditards ; not with the wanna-be sikrit agents and assorted nsa tools.
mircea_popescu: not with the wanna-be ceos and assorted "captains of industry" ; not with the wanna-be coders and assorted "
power rangers" ; not with the wanna-be journos and assorted redditards ; not with the wanna-be sikrit agents and assorted nsa tools.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: PeterL ask vessenes and the merry friends/captains of industry/
power rangers/etc
mircea_popescu: and all of them secret agents, astronauts,
power rangers and teenage neutered minja turtles or w/e it was.
punkman: did the
power rangers ever find a remote code execution vuln?
mircea_popescu: the
power rangers have esentially gone down the path of "well... let's just not do checking", which is exactly in line with us fashions.
thestringpuller: the
power rangers seem to be able to line up gullible investors better than zuckerberg and that napster guy...justin timberlake was it?
assbot: Logged on 17-01-2016 22:12:09; BingoBoingo: In other news/goalposts
power rangers appear to be targeting a complete OpenSSL excision by 0.13
BingoBoingo: In other news/goalposts
power rangers appear to be targeting a complete OpenSSL excision by 0.13
☟︎ BingoBoingo: That's how USG works, just fishing new Hearnias everytime the dumber
power rangers rig up a fresh truss to pretend the last one wasn't a problem.
mircea_popescu: a) the expectation is, as you've seen, that i'll get an accountant out of bed and on my own dime fix the mess
power rangers made because hey, why not, it's a decentralized protocol which means some idiots break it and the world fixes it
mircea_popescu: generally the reason
power rangers keep wanting to hide the chain and the validation mechanisms is simply that
assbot: Logged on 13-01-2016 01:01:16; mircea_popescu: the lisp
power rangers failed to lead the wave in implementing opengl correctly twenty years ago
mircea_popescu: the lisp
power rangers failed to lead the wave in implementing opengl correctly twenty years ago
☟︎ mircea_popescu: (they focus on the domain and fail to comprehend the limit. it's how we neded up with the
power rangers in the first place.
BingoBoingo: It's even been pointed out here before. After the "mysterious" amaclin fellow malleated transactions to high-s the
power rangers started operating some nodes that automalleated everything passing through to low-s
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: there is this comic called "The Boys" where superheroes are just a thing. Anyhow super heroes cause more trouble than what it's worth. To solve one problem the fuck up 100 other things, so "The Boys" are sent in to keep the peace. I've realized the
power rangers do exactly that. Very public displays of "whatever fix", which ends up breaking 50 other things that have to eventually be fixed.
BingoBoingo: Well, for tsmr's history more effort was directed towards understanding USG social engineering with the
power rangers than the various US patriot militias.
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=07-01-2016#1361875 << you can, if you don't care about the risk someone will send you a new payment and miners will rearrange a block so that it goes t otheir fee. incidentally, this property of the correct design combined with the baseless butthurt of the
power rangers over address reuse (in which they simply follow unthinkingly the humours of satoshi) suggests to me that the derp
☝︎ BingoBoingo: trb and others pre-
power rangers derping on the matter sign whatever s value
BingoBoingo: <ascii_butugychag> it was trotted out prematurely and made a bit of a splat, but afaik is more or less cemented in now << July 4th was DER encoding. I don't think that involved low-s. Low-s panic was a bunch of derps malleating to high-s and since
power ranger client defaulted to low-s a bunch of services that did the zero-conf thing Gox-paniced, because no one could expect.
Power rangers then established malleate to low-s nodes.
mircea_popescu: the more inclined to break the protocol the
power rangers become, the less important it is to actually maintain all the warts.
mircea_popescu: here's the thing : the delusional notion that their lives aren't on the line is what makes people do most of the fucktarded shit they do. it certainly is the case with the
power rangers.
Power rangers are claiming this wasn't introduced until 0.9
brg444: about that, of course "there is nothing new in this world" but I thought this part was particularly lulzy : dude was having lunch with the
power rangers (adam back, gmaxwell & gavin) and asked "why do we hire Bitcoin" to which Back & Maxwell replied "monetary sovereignty" and Gavin "because I feel warm and fuzzy when I make a payment".. smh
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2015 04:13:30; mircea_popescu:
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-09-2015#1263077 << continuing our series of "
power rangers are retarded lol", today's installment : bitcoind's idea of "passwords" allows digita and lowercase characters. no symbols no uppercase. not only does this mean a bitcoind pw is half the strength of a normal pw, but (the actual likely purpose of this retardation) it makes it trivial to identify wallet pa
http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=05-09-2015#1263077 << continuing our series of "
power rangers are retarded lol", today's installment : bitcoind's idea of "passwords" allows digita and lowercase characters. no symbols no uppercase. not only does this mean a bitcoind pw is half the strength of a normal pw, but (the actual likely purpose of this retardation) it makes it trivial to identify wallet password lists. ESPEC
☝︎☟︎ mircea_popescu: incidentally : the only thing this faux controversy has actually shown, is that the antiquated model of governance inherited by the
power rangers from satoshi plainly does not work.
mircea_popescu: so you say "they came as locusts" ? so did we. ask the
power rangers.
trinque: not that it matters, but since I haven't been looking, I wonder if reddit has completely turned on satoshi by now, in favor of the
power rangers mircea_popescu: next we're going to center bitcoin around the
power rangers or some equally deranged shit,
shinohai: All the versions of therealbitcoin.
Power rangers are fine.
mod6: other versions as in .. from us? or from
power rangers?
mircea_popescu: you will perhaps notice wireshark is taking a saner view of btc protocol than the
power rangers mircea_popescu: asciilifeform actually, yeah. my detachdb forces proper flushing of db ops to disk such that the disk is always consistent. this was (mostly) the behaviour pre 6. the
power rangers came up with a retarded scheme where they held about half of txn in memory in an ad hoic cache
mircea_popescu: course we nuked dns meanwhile, but the
power rangers will have problems.