mod6 is into rockchip \o/
mod6: so far, great. just logged in.
mircea_popescu: also, very hard to beat the 1.x bucks a card thing here.
mircea_popescu: i don't get it. so you wrote a linux thingee which materializes some hardware into any arbitrary box ?
mircea_popescu: whereas what would be useful would be a linux thingee which TAKES SOME BINARY, and does that for any arbitrary simm.
mircea_popescu: well now like that, then yes very much helpful. i could buy 10k simms here, read them, put them into al arge blob file and have the item there ready.
mircea_popescu: and like this i expect it'd be very much a killer app, "pizarro destroys facebook authentication. make your facebook acct here, 0 cost"
mircea_popescu: maybe we manage to get some countries entirely banned from facebook.
mircea_popescu: seems you still need a few parts emplaced. but i expect the masses would love such service.
mircea_popescu: because apparently lotta butthurt over facebook "banning" etc.
mircea_popescu: the whole fucking point of existence is to make life unlivable for the poor after all.
mircea_popescu: which is how i ended up brewing my own in the first place.
mircea_popescu: i've not been following the subject, is "simm" item even broken ? what is it, a rfid chip i expect ?
mircea_popescu: yes but basically, it's just the same crap as found in a contemporary rfid
mircea_popescu: yes but small and power dependent, so iirc takes minutes to crack one.
mircea_popescu: now, not entirely clear that it's worth it to bother. so the story is, you buy however many of these, say $2 each, then put them through a machine to be cloned, then have server select the right one at a time... meh.
mircea_popescu: you end up with costs over ten bucks a number, and all this so what, so you can make a facebook acct worth exactly the same as facebook inc, ie 0 ?
mircea_popescu: this kinda reminds me of a discussion re romania's 1980s automotive industry, "a car back then, brand new dacia, cost about $800 in real money"
mircea_popescu: "it was WORTH about that much, also. you seen the shits ?"
mircea_popescu: "this is why communism went away, it used up 2k worth of fuel and 5k worth of metal to produce $800 worth cars"
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, im sure there's plenty $800 "investments" from 1972 that still haven't fully amortised.
mircea_popescu: not disputing the fu factor of "we don't care about your blather, republic uses your sims and phones as cumrags". but meh, we dun have the hands on deck for such excursions into wank qua cool.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-20 22:57 ben_vulpes: pinochle: for .003 btc/mo you can get a shared shell on a real fuckin workhorse of a machine
mircea_popescu logs into trilema admin panel, after a whole day. autocanned spams = 12. pending items = 0. win.
ben_vulpes: !!v F3DA79D6B20116885BDE05129E761731F5A561410EF11AF98CE68AFF730CEBCA
deedbot: ben_vulpes rated pinochle 1 << sophisticated infiltrator
ckang: ben_vulpes: have you done any test on the reliability of those USB3 drives?
☟︎ deedbot: shurdeek voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 05:19 ckang: ben_vulpes: have you done any test on the reliability of those USB3 drives?
ckang: ah thats what i was going to ask
ckang: i was considering using this and spinning a board at one point
ckang: but the fx3s is still pretty pricey in low volume
ckang: most servers are going to that setup though
☟︎ ckang: all our new dells do anyway
ckang: granted we still use usb drives...
ckang: even with low writes, every usb seems to fail after a year of being plugged up and running
ckang: granted its mostly consumer grade stuff, samsung
ckang: mostly use them for esxi host, not a big deal if it dies fortunately
ckang: do you have the drive model by chance?
ckang: the ones I have are samsung usb3 dont advertise wear leveling
ckang: hmm actually i have a few of those in use now
mod6: feelin better today? got some rest?
mod6: feel free to relax for a few days if you need to recover from mega-flight
deedbot: avgjoe voiced for 30 minutes.
avgjoe: thanks, i'm registered on deedbot
lobbesbot: avgjoe: Sent 1 day, 21 hours, and 32 minutes ago: <BingoBoingo> I don't talk to strangers in private
avgjoe: so i'd like to ask what happens if there are other "avgjoe" logged on irc and my client change a bit the username to log me in
☟︎ avgjoe: is there a way to register the username on the channel?
avgjoe: when i log in it says: Your host is[],
avgjoe: ok, i just wanted to report my experience installing TRB. On debian stretch after installing all the dependencies listed on , i've modified on /etc/apt/sources.list the repo to the jessie one, then installed gcc and g++ 4.9, then reversed back to stretch
avgjoe: after installing the deps, i had to set export CPPFLAGS="-P" , otherwise it fails in the middle
avgjoe: then started the bitcoind with LC_ALL=C in front of the command and started syncing
avgjoe: so far is working properly on debian 9 just modifying the repo (because stretch repo hasn't gcc 4.x)
avgjoe: my question is: if i add nodes that aren't on the trusted nodes list, what are the risks?
☟︎ BingoBoingo: <avgjoe> my question is: if i add nodes that aren't on the trusted nodes list, what are the risks? << Unknown, generally desirable to get more connections. The idea of the list is to provide a minimum number of non-evil nodes to help you stay in civilized communion.
avgjoe: but aren't new blocks fetched from evil implementations?
avgjoe: someone (not my server, but some other trb instance) is going to get from who these blocks?
☟︎ BingoBoingo: Maybe? Maybe not? The question is do the blocks validate as good.
BingoBoingo: If the blocks are good, they are Bitcoin Blocks. If not, they are some sort of altcoin (but probably not capital A Altcoin) blocks
avgjoe: ok i understand, so i shouldn't worry if for instance i connect to a segwit node, my node will try to chop off the irrelevant parts of what it receive, correct?
avgjoe: so the trusted nodes list is more useful on the initial startup when there are a lot of blocks to download and it'd be easier to just have nodes that doesn't send unnecessary info (like segwit payload)?
BingoBoingo: Segwit nodes usually have been bricked to the point of not successfully connecting to the Bitcoin network
BingoBoingo: And Segwit can't in the form the Power Rangers settled on arbitrarily slice shit off of transactions or blocks. Segwit is an opt-in evil. It can only tickle your butthole if you let it in.
avgjoe: other curiosity i've not found on logs: what does it means bastard block on the debug.log?
☟︎ BingoBoingo: It may be a good block, it it will have to try getting accepted again once the node is aware of its daddy
BingoBoingo: This keeps bastards from unproductively filling up RAM
deedbot: shurdeek voiced for 30 minutes.
mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, btw, ask darwin if he ever saw "beyond the forest" ? possibly bette davis' best movie (which, predictably, she hated doing, thought was terrible when done, luckily for the world jack warner existed and the hallucinations of choice and self-determination of 1940s pantsuits went straight nowhere)
☟︎ trinque: this is what happens when you don't have phf's three generations of bidet before piano.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: trinque, reviewed red dragon with girl yest, there's that scene when the nut confronts blake's drawing, derpy museum guide in the background "200 years old!". drew some laughs, fuck me, we held 800 yo manuscripts. europe is fulla them.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> trinque, reviewed red dragon with girl yest, there's that scene when the nut confronts blake's drawing, derpy museum guide in the background "200 years old!". drew some laughs, fuck me, we held 800 yo manuscripts. europe is fulla them. << I prefer the original filmed version "Manhunter", Very 1980's product.
mircea_popescu: trinque, : "I guess the guy thought Mad Max wasn't fabulous enough." << this. this is where your divine nature shines through. it's fucking perfect, i've been gasping for air the past minute.
mircea_popescu: fabulous, right, because we weren't supposed to notice madmax is gay interest for the sort who "go viking".
trinque: lol yeah, serious gay vibes throughout.
mircea_popescu: good quality humour always includes a pinch to heaping spoonfuls of ~providing something in short supply~. the pantsuit tards translate this as "speak truth to power", but it's utter bullshit. the politics of humour are uninteresting from a humor-centered perspective ; but the economics of humor are not -- because economics was blessed by god originally with this and only this its attribute : you will forever be field-relevan
mircea_popescu: and have you noticed how little PATRONIZING of gays is available on the discoursive shelves of today ?
mircea_popescu: that's my own explanation for myself as to what has just happened to me, for the record. "the guy thought..." in context.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo, hard to say no to hopkins etc. << Sure, but the original film has a much better deviant
mircea_popescu: yeahj the red dragon script is terribad, all that woman-interest bs with 4tehchildrenz etc.
BingoBoingo: The Tom Noonan fellow more than makes up for Hopkins absence
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 18:26 mircea_popescu: danielpbarron, btw, ask darwin if he ever saw "beyond the forest" ? possibly bette davis' best movie (which, predictably, she hated doing, thought was terrible when done, luckily for the world jack warner existed and the hallucinations of choice and self-determination of 1940s pantsuits went straight nowhere)
BingoBoingo: There's also a made for TV adaptation spanning three seasons which no one has time for in 2018 that turns the script into an overt love story between the FBI profiler and the Republican psychiatrist to fill time
BingoBoingo: Show ends with Jack and Hannibal erotically slicing up the FYIAD fellow and cliff diving to presumed death or a cancelled fourth season of their love story
BingoBoingo: Also possible. Maybe it was for spreading very 1980's stereotypes of homosexuals?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 16:29 BingoBoingo: The node is unaware of the block's parentage.
phf: that darwin fish conversation was quite pleasant, thanks for reposting it danielpbarron. i skipped it in logs, because of the high tit noise
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 18:30 trinque: this is what happens when you don't have phf's three generations of bidet before piano.
BingoBoingo: !!Up archytus_ Who is your daddy and what does he do?
deedbot: archytus_ voiced for 30 minutes.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 13:38 ckang: most servers are going to that setup though
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, anyway, it's not EXACTLY no reason. gotta keep the market churning.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 15:43 avgjoe: so i'd like to ask what happens if there are other "avgjoe" logged on irc and my client change a bit the username to log me in
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 16:00 avgjoe: my question is: if i add nodes that aren't on the trusted nodes list, what are the risks?
mircea_popescu: the point of trusted nodes isn't "don't link to other nodes or bad things weill happen". the point is "always have these in your connection to stay sane", because a major attack vector towards bitcoin is separation, ie get two sets of nodes adrift in different realities.
mircea_popescu: << blocks are immutable by implementations ; this is both the source of the observation that "bitcoin corrupts absolutely", ie, it is superlative to anything the usg can come up with ; and the whole fucking point of the protocol in the first place. can trust evil people to do your shit, because bitcoin promises it will enforce upon them the dilemma "either be ENTIRELY impotent, or els
☝︎ a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 16:22 avgjoe: someone (not my server, but some other trb instance) is going to get from who these blocks?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 16:29 avgjoe: other curiosity i've not found on logs: what does it means bastard block on the debug.log?
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 22:04 mircea_popescu: << as he said, blocks which have no known parent in the extant blockchain are bastards. the other concept is orphans -- blocks who have a parent in the tree, but no descendents at current height.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-21 21:36 mircea_popescu: if they didn't do that, they'd do "euro 5"