700+ entries in 0.144s
mircea_popescu: so suppose as the premise that (all) people hallucinate "dragons" in so-and-so circumstances. there's nothing wrong with this whatsoever. all literature requires a premise ; the premise will be some thing not commonly seen. that's how it works, that's how it's supposed to work, it's not the fucking police blotter or an actuarial table, it's a story. no argument.
BingoBoingo: The police here never know when they are going to have to babysit ATM refills
BingoBoingo: Well, there's only one real police. Airport security is the airforce and water/beach security is the Navy/Tourism police
mircea_popescu: ahaha they give aks to traffic police ?!
a111: Logged on 2018-09-05 16:42 mircea_popescu: diana_coman do you recall the complaint of the police a few years ago that "you've got all these written exams, now we're stuck making police agents out of girlies, god help us" ?
mircea_popescu: diana_coman do you recall the complaint of the police a few years ago that "you've got all these written exams, now we're stuck making police agents out of girlies, god help us" ? ☟︎
PeterL: in US on the other hand, don't carry large amounts of cash when crossing the border or being pulled over by police
BingoBoingo: Police identify smuggled paraguayo by the packaging
BingoBoingo: Similarly I see nothing about the police busting folks trafficking "pasta base (cocaine chaw)" but they do occasionally bust folks taking cheap marihuana paraguaya to Punta Del Este
mircea_popescu: which points to some mindblowingly inept "gangsters" ; or i guess to some strangely inept yet very corrupt police.
mircea_popescu: in fact, i've yet to see a piece where teh police breaking up these truly dangerous drug rings found more than ~week's pay in cash.
mircea_popescu: they have these pieces here too, "police caught dope dealing ring, confiscated some dope and 20`000 colones in cash"
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile over here police keep demolishing houses in the ghetto https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/policia-demolio-la-casa-de-la-lider-de-los-chingas-20189112550
a111: Logged on 2018-08-29 01:56 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/paraguay-national-police-find-42-battle-rifles-swapped-for-replicas/ << Qntra - Paraguay National Police Find 42 Battle Rifles Swapped For Replicas
BingoBoingo: <hanbot> http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-29#1845365 << hahaha, but how many *police officers* were replaced with replicas?! << It's Paraguay, they were prolly sent to the front lines in Mato Grosso to fight the Emperor of the Brasileros with their clubs. ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2018-08-29 01:56 deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/paraguay-national-police-find-42-battle-rifles-swapped-for-replicas/ << Qntra - Paraguay National Police Find 42 Battle Rifles Swapped For Replicas
hanbot: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-29#1845365 << hahaha, but how many *police officers* were replaced with replicas?! ☝︎
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/08/paraguay-national-police-find-42-battle-rifles-swapped-for-replicas/ << Qntra - Paraguay National Police Find 42 Battle Rifles Swapped For Replicas ☟︎☟︎
asciilifeform: when ant specifically targeted, it's short shrift , 10y ago they would've tried you for your woman's illicit fox coat, or that d00d with the 'illegal wood' guitar, etc. today not even this needed , 'ooops police broke wrong door' etc
Mocky: flying police don't shoot down without permission of Allah
asciilifeform: hm, i suppose 1 possible theory, 'flying police' shot without Official order
asciilifeform: ( american highway police routinely shoot at getaway cars, creating massive pileup wreckage, is considered unremarkable )
asciilifeform: i thought usg police favoured machinepistols, with slow, blunt , unjacketed bullets, like the last reich
BingoBoingo: The newer (~1950s) 7.62 nato is quite a bit shorter. .30-06 is classic full size/full power. 7.62/.308 Nato is compact size/full power, being the bullet US police shoot people with in standoffs
BingoBoingo: The bigger wtf is what did they need a police force for? Place is clearly sized for a part time constable or two.
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/07/entire-police-department-quits-in-massachusetts/ << Qntra - Entire Police Department Quits In Massachusetts
mircea_popescu: lmao teh police state getting tough on spies ?
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/07/french-police-deploy-tear-gas-to-contain-riots-after-african-world-cup-victory/ << Qntra - French Police Deploy Tear Gas To Contain Riots After African World Cup Victory
asciilifeform: ( copper telco exchanges are still , last i knew, stuck on nixon-era 'police tap box' , writes to... tape )
mircea_popescu: then and only then, and so on. the wonders of the police state rediscovered anew for each new crop of idiots.
asciilifeform: but perhaps it sufficed as 'police arm'
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/07/british-police-warn-of-nerve-agent-attack/ << Qntra - British Police Warn Of Nerve Agent Attack
BingoBoingo: In other news from back home "Swansea business owner said he had 'an atomic bomb and a knife' during arrest, police say" >> https://archive.is/eWEoi
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in peculiar deaths, "Dr. Andreas Niederbichler, 42, put cocaine on his penis before the unnamed 38-year-old woman went down on him. Police say Niederbichler did the same thing with three other women."
asciilifeform: 'At the time of arrest, law enforcement had already seized approximately $437,000 in cryptocurrencies from Powell' << do they have some very speshul hot irons installed at police station nao, or how else 'time of arrest' cokemachine.
a111: Logged on 2018-06-25 06:15 mircea_popescu: this habit of "i'll publish" is on the record having killed more smart men than the police.
mircea_popescu: this habit of "i'll publish" is on the record having killed more smart men than the police. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: try as he might (not that he does), /me can't summon any sympathy for the "oh, it should be someone else's job, if i see police coming in i don't pick a rifle and man a post, hurr" barnacles.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Wasn't too big of concern in her zone. Anyways the SOP there is crew drives truck to apartment building, sweeps whole building for valuables. Police follow and sweep building for valuables.
mircea_popescu: he understands what the state is, and for. he understands how the police works, and why. he however thinks going with the plebs in eritrea is a working plan. how the fuck!
mircea_popescu: and he understands that police is either there to keep the niggers in line, in which case it is a legitimate organ of the state, or fails in this its only duty, in which case both it and the criminal gang backing it are strictly abominable.
asciilifeform: 5bux at toy store buys you a 'oh noez he was armed!11' and a phree police firing squad, for the pathological coward. etc
mircea_popescu: lmao BingoBoingo! "The five young men have been ordered to inform police every time they release new music," << anyone recall ye olde soviet struggles with "rock music" ?
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile a Police officer attempted to get a firearm into "Penal de Libertad" (The Freedom Prison) by stuffing it in a Nintendo https://www.subrayado.com.uy/funcionario-intento-ingresar-un-arma-escondida-una-consola-videojuegos-n506311
mircea_popescu: phf, "bounty $100 paid for any information of whereabouts of dangerous criminal, except if he shoots the police and escapes"
mircea_popescu: Some of the emergency measures, notably beefed up police powers, are to be made permanent under a bill that has been approved by the lower house of parliament, the National Assembly.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: 'serial killer' is a saint, to the police state, supplies neverending flow of serfs eager to bend over and get arse searched, 'for security'
a111: Logged on 2018-05-22 22:24 ben_vulpes: unrelated, "She had initially hesitated to work on criminal cases because she was unsure of legal and ethical issues, especially if people uploading their DNA to GEDmatch were unaware police were trawling through the database." https://archive.is/6zrLD#selection-1651.70-1651.284
ben_vulpes: unrelated, "She had initially hesitated to work on criminal cases because she was unsure of legal and ethical issues, especially if people uploading their DNA to GEDmatch were unaware police were trawling through the database." https://archive.is/6zrLD#selection-1651.70-1651.284 ☟︎
mircea_popescu: transparently, the reason the old man even did the film, and what they tgold him to be in it etc, is because he wanted to put the following phrase out there where i could reach it : "that in a few years, the right wingers will use the narcotics pretext to create an international police state".
asciilifeform: the 'i'd rather make 50k as a free man in sunlight, even if running from police, than 500k under fluorescent lights writing usg reports'
mircea_popescu: some dumbass spanish redditard, yes, becuause who buys fucktickets from inept pigheads, some dumbass 45yo stackexchanger, expert sexchanger, some fucktard "computer engineer" DARED, not merely to steal the woman of a convicted murderer running a prostitution ring, but then not even go into hiding in fuckbumstan. no, he went with her ~to the fucking police~.
mircea_popescu: kinda what this is about, yes ? admirable translation from english into orcland of bureaucratese, so that the overarching goal of esl bureaucracy (integration of worldwide police state at speed that exceeds integration of worldwide world in general) can be supported.
mircea_popescu: so get a load of this : i'm going uphill in the pitch darkness, you know, these complete hairpin curves, and WHAM! there's a fucking police truck, parked, searchlights etc, on THE WRONG WAY
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/airstrip-one-to-arm-rural-police-as-insecurity-grips-the-land-of-ingsoc/ << Qntra - Airstrip One To Arm Rural Police As Insecurity Grips The Land Of Ingsoc
asciilifeform: jurov: what , exactly , happened ? the wire unwound ? police showed up and burned down house ?
phf: http://qntra.net/2018/05/german-police-capture-89-year-old-wwii-surviving-politcal-dissident/ << politcal
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/german-police-capture-89-year-old-wwii-surviving-politcal-dissident/ << Qntra - German Police Capture 89 Year Old WWII Surviving Politcal Dissident
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2018/05/german-police-hunting-89-year-old-civilian-wwii-survivor/ << Qntra - German Police Hunting 89 Year Old Civilian WWII Survivor
mircea_popescu: here, the police are lovely chaps. mostly give out directions.
jossi: Police, everywhere
sarah443: The police are a joke, if you have ever seen that show 'First 48'
mircea_popescu: eh. the quality of police work has so terribly degraded in the past half century, if anyone does ANY PLANNING AT ALL it's a murder that'll never get solved. ☟︎
MDude: Hey, I'm a police offic-*rining from my concealed earpiece:"SHIT, DAMNIT, HE'S TRYING TO TRICK YOU."*
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo i remember a "bitcoin police" lol ?
BingoBoingo: trinque: Remember the "Reddit Police" DDoS bot?
mircea_popescu: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/06/us/baltimore-police-corruption.html << and in other news, turns out baltimore is becoming the first city liberated by republican militias from the terrorist self-appointed usg ?
asciilifeform wonders if the tight little red bag around d00d's head is standard police kit nao
asciilifeform: 'Authorities were outside the hotel early Wednesday when Conditt got in his vehicle and drove away. They followed him until he pulled into a ditch and blew himself up, police said. The blast injured a SWAT officer.' etc
mircea_popescu: the disadvantage, of course, is that you have to now police a private, hand-cobbled dns, because ips change.
mircea_popescu: oh, and also, the police here utterly don't gaf. car doing 150 in an 80 zone, highway patrol right there, couldn't be arsed.
mircea_popescu: and illegally, it's la-ish. police ends up in "balacera" with rando orc criminals biweekly.
mp_en_viaje: you should see how fucking deserted the streets are. maaaybe five people per mile, of which four police. DANGEROUS
ben_vulpes: subject of controlling supply: https://nypost.com/2018/01/21/police-union-slashes-number-of-get-out-of-jail-free-cards-issued/
BingoBoingo: And in other news, a police car exploded near the Brazilian border https://www.elobservador.com.uy/bomberos-explosion-auto-policial-fue-intencional-n1160744
mircea_popescu: but what fucking "ingenuity", the last immigrant irishman long retired from the police force, what are we talking about ? "oh but mp, i went to a walmart called MIT, it says it's the premiere technical institution in the world right there in its brochure! surely i can come up with something technological!" "you mean like... a website ?" "yeah!" "totally, move to silicon valley and revolutionize the technowhatever" "SHIT YEAH!"
mircea_popescu: pre stonewall inn gay men were ~police-beating-dummies, and post well... media whores. this "gay men, real men" thing may be a conflatioin with the west coast biker/leather bdsm gay scene, but
asciilifeform: ( beloved plaything of -- at this point -- even smallest american police precinct )
mircea_popescu: police car parked in between the lanes, "hey, is that da polis ?" "shit, it is" "well... they're not chasing." "in truth i was only doing 100, the limit's 80. just 20 over... that's kinda stickler fare..." "you were also doing 130 earlier, in the 60 limit zone" "shit, i was ?"
mircea_popescu: how about overturn police car, empty govt employee innards, replace skin with gasoline from tank, burn that ?
BingoBoingo: cable, and satellite providers, as well as to consumer smartphones through the Wireless Emergency Alert system," reports Android Police. From the report"
mircea_popescu: mind that police detective is not liberal profession. this is SPECIFICALLY what it means : that not at liberty to consider all possibilities. that's what makes a technical profession.
asciilifeform: recall the 'police detective may not entertain hypothesis of miraculous disappearance when confronted with empty safe' ?
a111: Logged on 2017-05-31 16:28 asciilifeform: and if someone wants to mention godel etc -- ethical engineer MAY NOT cite godel, EVER, just as a police detective MAY NOT cite the supernatural and admit a hypothesis of miraculous theft from a safe
gabriel_laddel: police were impressed with me
asciilifeform: re subj of link, seems like uniquely poor idea from opsec pov , for some reason usg likes to search arse ~first~ , sometimes even they leave the rest of the 'patient' alone. as with the famous fella pictured in old thread, who ate a pistol inside a police station, while already booked, on camera
mircea_popescu: 5. the white man gets really fucking pissy about it, and like, does really mean things to the blacks. 6. the ~millitant~ black secret police uses this to provove a war between the "racist" and "non-racist" whites, which are conveniently dumb and also evenly matched.
mircea_popescu: ~all of the pantsuit only has one economic utility left, and that is to "police" the web for anything deviating from their worldview.
mircea_popescu: this is what's gonna be the new response to police "arrest" : you DID first send a PM right ?
BingoBoingo: In other news: "Kenwanna Randolph, a 24-year-old woman from Chicago, was traveling northbound on Illinois Avenue approaching Mill Street when she reported not seeing the officer’s emergency lights or hearing the siren. The front of Randolph’s Ford Fiesta struck the passenger side of the police car, causing major damage to both vehicles, police said. "
asciilifeform: 'Under its own policies, Facebook should have flagged these ads, and prevented the posting of some of them. Its failure to do so revives questions about whether the company is in compliance with federal fair housing rules, as well as about its ability and commitment to police discriminatory advertising on the world’s largest social network.' << ohnoez, plebes illicitly trying to practice freedom of association
a111: Logged on 2017-11-17 20:59 ben_vulpes: unrelolted: http://www.fox2detroit.com/news/local-news/detroit-police-officers-fight-each-other-in-undercover-op-gone-wrong
asciilifeform: ( iirc later was found that ~only~ police had been present at this particular shootout )
a111: Logged on 2016-07-17 19:58 asciilifeform: 'Mr Vancel said the men were shooting at each other before the officers arrived. "This was not a 'come at police' situation they weren't targeting the police at first - I don't assume so - because these were men out here shooting at each other in an empty parking lot until the police showed up and it turned into a gun battle," he added.' << lel
ben_vulpes: unrelolted: http://www.fox2detroit.com/news/local-news/detroit-police-officers-fight-each-other-in-undercover-op-gone-wrong ☟︎
mircea_popescu: and in other emergencies / what is yahoo good for ? https://www.yahoo.com/news/police-suspects-overwhelming-gas-shuts-down-interrogation-153853856.html
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform honestly, i believe there's 0 expectation on the part of us army that anyone under that flag will ever fight again. "you wanna shoot, join the police wtf! army is for "assisting local combatants"
asciilifeform: ( what whatever reason, convincing police to shoot is a popular suicide method in usaschwitz. rather like it was in orig auschwitz. )
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform incidentally, notice how it's all males ? how about some fucking gender equality ? where's the "women in police shootings" workgroup ?
asciilifeform: http://www.tampabay.com/news/publicsafety/crime/Police-Lakeland-man-71-refused-orders-dies-after-police-confrontation_162282650 << fresh one