600+ entries in 0.174s
mircea_popescu: same exact youth that then go and bludgeon police into the ground. rinse, repeat, scale up, take over.
chonkin: My perspective is that we are concentraing on the role of police in society, which Marx had a very cynical take on identical to some postings here. I wasn't placing his bust on a pedestal or defending the body of his works
BingoBoingo: You seem to be very aware you live in an oppressive police state. What's keeping you in?
chonkin: So if your ideas overlap with Karl Marx, you say "ON this particular point we agree about police and their use in modern society." Leave it at that.
chonkin: Karl Marx goes -- hol 'up --- the feudal class hiearchy persists in capitalism with armed thugs protecting the landlord's cache of capital. e.g. "the police"
chonkin: "Serve and protect" is in some kind of police oath.
BingoBoingo: US police pointedly do not protect "property" in the general sense. Ambitious College bound urban youth steals your bike. What follows is police steal the bike from the stealing kid, then sell your bike at auction.
mircea_popescu: much like a restaurant's "waiters" are the remnant of what used to be the lords' servants following them around, only mutualized, so is the police.
mircea_popescu: chonkin, that "the police" is the name for this historical institution consisting of the muscle lords pooled together is the plainest reality.
mircea_popescu: the fact that the police exists to protect the powerful from the maraudingly idiotic is unrelated to marxism, and well predates it.
chonkin: Marxism suggests the police exist to protect property, not people
chonkin: But yeh, there is a little flavoring of Marx in the idea that police exist to corall and control the underclass. Flavorings that sort of rise ot teh top of the bowl and stick to the outer edges
asciilifeform: otoh if someone tips off police that you have a http://btcbase.org/log/2017-05-10#1654285 in yer closet, there'll be two dozen squad cars in 10 minutes. ☝︎
asciilifeform: chonkin: both on paper and with naked eye, the 'what is police for' q is not any kind of puzzler. it is obv. other than to the willfully blind.
chonkin: The counter argument to this cynical indictment of modern socity that police are there to "keep the proletariat in check" is to say, "No! Police are brave proud protectors of the public who put their lives on the line to blah blah blah and serve and protect and be Superman and Marvel Superheroes against the forces of evil and crime!"
mircea_popescu: im not sure what the problem is. the police is organised by the king, and yes, its function is the maintenance of the kingdom in order from the king's pov.
chonkin: Now take that conclusion and put it in a bowl and mix with a beater until a fine foam is formed ---> [14:38] <+mircea_popescu> amusingly enough, that's not even false. i'm sure they're arrested more, the fucking function of police is to keep the underclass in check. wtf else are cops for than to arrest the poor ? and well, in the us blacks are usually it.
asciilifeform: chonkin: police have 0 to do with specific plebe and his problems with specific thief or axe maniac etc. they are there to uphold the regime. somehow this is clear to people in ru, zimbabwe, etc. but ameritards have various elaborate illusions on the subj.
mircea_popescu: but never for police.
asciilifeform: from horse's mouth, 'the duty to provide public services is owed to the public at large, and, absent a special relationship between the police and an individual, no specific legal duty exists'
mircea_popescu: well, yes. the matter still stands, police aren't held to specifically do anything. there's a lengthy string of cases going way past the 70s.
chonkin: Lawyers explain in their special language that the police ON DUTY POLICE OFFICERS WITH BADGES AND GUNS are under "no legal obligation to protect anyone from harm even when they are aware it is happening"
chonkin: so vis-a-vis : [14:38] <+mircea_popescu> amusingly enough, that's not even false. i'm sure they're arrested more, the fucking function of police is to keep the underclass in check. wtf else are cops for than to arrest the poor ? and well, in the us blacks are usually it.
chonkin: [14:38] <+mircea_popescu> amusingly enough, that's not even false. i'm sure they're arrested more, the fucking function of police is to keep the underclass in check. wtf else are cops for than to arrest the poor ? and well, in the us blacks are usually it.
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: AHA http://qntra.net/2015/03/local-police-arming-robots/
chonkin: No "you are surrouned". No "hands up this is the police" None of that. Target was identified and *eliminated*. Dispatched.
BingoBoingo: But yes. US is a dangerous police state
chonkin: White* police officers closed distance on the "scary black man with the gun" and murdered him
chonkin: While police officers closed distance and murdered him
chonkin: The police rolled into there, targeted him and just murdered him flat out
mircea_popescu: sovok police mostly arrested georgians, too. cuz not every wanna-be bank robber can end up stalin, what.
mircea_popescu: amusingly enough, that's not even false. i'm sure they're arrested more, the fucking function of police is to keep the underclass in check. wtf else are cops for than to arrest the poor ? and well, in the us blacks are usually it.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-22 19:37 feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/03/macron-order-french-soldiers-to-join-police-for-19th-week-of-yellow-jacket-protests-with-authorization-to-open-fire/ << Qntra -- Macron Order French Soldiers To Join Police For 19th Week Of Yellow Jacket Protests With Authorization To Open Fire
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/03/macron-order-french-soldiers-to-join-police-for-19th-week-of-yellow-jacket-protests-with-authorization-to-open-fire/ << Qntra -- Macron Order French Soldiers To Join Police For 19th Week Of Yellow Jacket Protests With Authorization To Open Fire ☟︎
BingoBoingo: Not usually police risk, but risk of other bums "Don't ruin a good thing retard"
a111: Logged on 2019-03-13 13:19 asciilifeform: spyked: seems like the joke is on the folx who shot the shoemaker , who ~maybe~-sent police if he thought you had particular kind of bits on paper , and then spread legs for nato reich, who send police if they think you have ~another~ kind of bits, on yer hdd..
mircea_popescu: it's not any uglier than 1, police plaza in new york
a111: Logged on 2017-05-31 16:28 asciilifeform: and if someone wants to mention godel etc -- ethical engineer MAY NOT cite godel, EVER, just as a police detective MAY NOT cite the supernatural and admit a hypothesis of miraculous theft from a safe
asciilifeform: spyked: seems like the joke is on the folx who shot the shoemaker , who ~maybe~-sent police if he thought you had particular kind of bits on paper , and then spread legs for nato reich, who send police if they think you have ~another~ kind of bits, on yer hdd.. ☟︎
spyked: returning briefly to http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-11#1901372 : back in the early 2000s, most file transfers in ro were done via local 'dc++' hubs, the largest hosted in uni politehnica of bucharest campus. wasn't all that horrible, with the exception that orcs had no notion of wot, so they were all suprised when police started raiding the dorms (accompanied by "anti-piracy campaign" orchestra, of course) ☝︎
feedbot: http://qntra.net/2019/03/french-ophthalmologists-demand-police-rubber-ball-bullet-ban-after-epidemic-of-eye-injuries/ << Qntra -- French Opht...ists Demand Police Rubber Ball Bullet Ban After Epidemic Of Eye Injuries
mircea_popescu: "Durkan proposed the incentive program last month, saying Seattle needs to jump into the nationwide competition for experienced police officers. Her plan came at a time when historically low unemployment and retirements of baby boomer officers, combined with high housing costs and a negative image of policing nationwide, are said to be driving competition for recruits regionally and nationally."
mircea_popescu: https://www.officer.com/training-careers/hiring-promotion/news/21070244/seattle-may-offer-15000-hiring-bonuses-to-attract-police-officers << in other lulz, http://trilema.com/2016/sad-times-in-the-fiat-empire-apparently-you-cant-give-the-dollar-away-these-days/
mircea_popescu: the deeply "big zone bipedals ain't more human than any other cattle" feel of the pice is indicative. not of "police brutality", tho.
BingoBoingo: The police here are so much more pleasant than back home. Even in small town USA(TM)(R) new recruit cops would stop me during late night/early morning walks to ask what I was doing. Here if the police even care to address me, nothing more needs to be said than the traditional exchange of "todo bien? todo bien."
mircea_popescu: that old http://trilema.com/2014/in-which-you-become-grain/ discussion is not an idle consideration. this is the fundamental structure of everything, from baltimore gangland, where the police shoots the 20-gun tribes to make room for a dozen 2-gun tribes, to whatever you pick, "Merchandise scores in the theme park stores" and Disney is the king of the hill.
BingoBoingo: http://archive.is/Cb06Q << 12 arrests over 72 grams of drugs during an incursion by Uruguayan police into the separatist republic of Cerro
BingoBoingo especially enjoyed the police intervening in the combine demo derby for "attempted murder" when the hot driver loaded up the bin with stolen utility poles
BingoBoingo: Also in local news the police apparently raided the wrong house yesterday and a lulzy tape of herps hammering for minutes on the mundane for here front door gate before entering is lulzy tape.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-02 04:50 mats: also, 'The Supreme Court’s decision in Herring v. [U.S.] authorizes police to defeat the Fourth Amendment’s protections through a process we call evidence laundering [...] when one police officer makes a constitutional mistake when gathering evidence and then passes that evidence along to a second officer, who develops it further and then delivers it to prosecutor' https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2558737
mats: also, 'The Supreme Court’s decision in Herring v. [U.S.] authorizes police to defeat the Fourth Amendment’s protections through a process we call evidence laundering [...] when one police officer makes a constitutional mistake when gathering evidence and then passes that evidence along to a second officer, who develops it further and then delivers it to prosecutor' https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2558737 ☟︎
BingoBoingo: And the locals shot a second police officer this week. Monday's in Villa Española. This one in La Blanqueda.
BingoBoingo: On this side of the river they keep the streets labeled while doing 100% pinched mains current. At least until the police do one of their post-dawn raids on a local "boca de pasta" and the electricity police accompany to "regularize" the pinched mains.
BingoBoingo: And police dude killed responding to a rapiña (which is a type of robbery) https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/mataron-a-un-policia-en-villa-espanol-2019128195541
asciilifeform: police pick up at leisure, when occupant is half-dead from hunger/thirst
BingoBoingo: The US isn't Uruguay. The US can't afford to make ferrocement the residential building material. How will the police break in?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: Right. They'll also wank over what kinds of traps. Gotta deal with USG and local conservation police... Gotta plan your havest anticipating how many of what kinds of critters are going to find their way into your traps
asciilifeform: iirc coupla yrs ago i linked to photos i took at a 'police expo' where all of this was proudly exhibited to gawking public
mircea_popescu: south london according to "senior police").
BingoBoingo: Meanwhile in local lulz, confiscated drugs liberated from the police in motorcycle snatch and grab https://www.teledoce.com/telemundo/policiales/en-san-jose-robaron-145-envoltorios-de-droga-que-habian-incautado-a-un-hombre-minutos-antes/
BingoBoingo: Update on the Christmas tradition known as "Hay ladrones por Navidad. Ladrones de los barrios pichis van a Pocitos a robar": God damn this place is rural. Two off road style 4-wheelers seen being ridden by kids in the streets and Police tucked away everywhere drinking Mate and dicking around on their cell phones.
asciilifeform: cattle dun revolt, and castrated cattle dun even stampede. during obummer reign, police pushed, what, 10mil ameri-sads out of 'their' houses, which left to rot; and at cost of what, 1, 2 dead sheriffs ?
BingoBoingo: In other news, USG doesn't know how to do police raids. US police don't even bring the power and water companies with them as a matter of course.
diana_coman: asciilifeform, you know, that sounds like good-old commie style: it's banned, but local police will close eyes for so long as x
asciilifeform: tho yer thinking of 'comparison microscope' ( like at old-style police stations for ballistics ) rather than interferometer
a111: Logged on 2018-10-04 00:02 asciilifeform: i recently got hold of local uni's 'student newspaper', it apparently consists ~100% by weight nao of 'police report : someone wrote 'nigger' on a whiteboard' .
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> i am willing to swear no traffic systems work as intended in any orcistan. << Walking back from the place where rent is paid, there was ancient looking sad bus with police escort. Another U-17 female soccer team. First bus I have seen with police escort.
mircea_popescu: hm... in retrospect, this logic doesn't work any better when i apply it than when dutch police does.
a111: Logged on 2015-02-16 06:45 mircea_popescu: read one police report of crime x, you've read half of them. read ten, you've (practically) read them all. clinical psychology is only interesting to the patently insane, as a practice. otherwise all the notes say endlessly the same five or six things. there just aren't that many things to say.
BingoBoingo: Kinda curious what the police mean by a kilo of hashish considering that's a substance which has gone through some reddit "we R innovators" stuff in the past five years
a111: Logged on 2018-04-10 03:06 mircea_popescu: eh. the quality of police work has so terribly degraded in the past half century, if anyone does ANY PLANNING AT ALL it's a murder that'll never get solved.
mircea_popescu: police picking them up, you know, "you ok sr ?" "i'm fine. i'm fine. it's ok." "did you see a huge clucking airplane coming behind you flapping its wings, hopping up and down and clucking ?!"
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-19#1864040 << your favourite shoemaker used to have the police regularly beat these, and then detain them in workcamps. ☝︎
Mocky: evidently they no longer care unless you force them to care. like having a domestic dispute where police are called while living together unwed
BingoBoingo: "Police say they have shot and killed six raccoons since Sept. 1 in Belleville"
BingoBoingo: A special news story for alf on Police shootin Coons https://www.bnd.com/news/local/article219855365.html#wgt=qntra
asciilifeform would happily use elephant rifle, but not so great in 'civilized' city, 9000 police cars in 5min if one were to
a111: Logged on 2017-05-31 16:28 asciilifeform: and if someone wants to mention godel etc -- ethical engineer MAY NOT cite godel, EVER, just as a police detective MAY NOT cite the supernatural and admit a hypothesis of miraculous theft from a safe
asciilifeform: i recently got hold of local uni's 'student newspaper', it apparently consists ~100% by weight nao of 'police report : someone wrote 'nigger' on a whiteboard' . ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-05-31 16:28 asciilifeform: and if someone wants to mention godel etc -- ethical engineer MAY NOT cite godel, EVER, just as a police detective MAY NOT cite the supernatural and admit a hypothesis of miraculous theft from a safe
mircea_popescu: every hour you spend suing the government is an hour you don't spend burning down the police station.
asciilifeform: 'Taipei police reportedly next handed Wilson over to the National Immigration Agency. Though Taiwan lacks an extradition agreement with the US...' << unsurprise
BingoBoingo: Uruguay has a petite Miami light about 90 km east of Montevideo every summer. The police there even catch the street sleepers for redistribution to other parts of the country.
BingoBoingo: Milo was purely performative, like the Police Special Forces
a111: Logged on 2018-09-23 15:18 BingoBoingo: Tambien the visibility of the "Special Forces Police" has gone up as well. They Ride around in pairs on big Kawasaki adventure motocicletas or drive around in pairs in small SUV's with anti brick mesh over the windows. I have never actually seen them moving, They just seem to park at corners and sit to be visible
asciilifeform: ( the days when general-purpose jobless d00d could sign up in ameri-police, are long gone )
mircea_popescu: nah, see, problems with chechek is that she ALSO wants guy who reliably rapes the system/police/hermother.
BingoBoingo: Tambien the visibility of the "Special Forces Police" has gone up as well. They Ride around in pairs on big Kawasaki adventure motocicletas or drive around in pairs in small SUV's with anti brick mesh over the windows. I have never actually seen them moving, They just seem to park at corners and sit to be visible ☟︎
BingoBoingo: There were injuries among the police and "Prosegur" private security folks involved. Casualties among the bank robbers less certain.
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: They don't fire them anywhere near me. Further north and east recently they have gotten into at least one firefight according to the local papers, but hard tell what the police fired
BingoBoingo: Flock of traffic police in yellow vests in a crowd size that routinely gets Aloha Snackbarred in Europe expected to confront motor vehicles while less imposingly armed than daytime ATM cops
BingoBoingo: Imagine my surprise walking past and not seeing a single assault rifle or submachine gun among the group given the way the local police arm themselves for other occasions.
BingoBoingo: Wat do? Leads to a heavy presence of traffic police on foot wearing their yellow vests and covering about a quarter block area immediately around where the crash was the night before.
mircea_popescu: was this back wehn last of white police was fighthing "black extremism" ?
asciilifeform: 'There's also seems to be a brewing controversy of how last night's blaze came to be and whether it was set deliberately. In this clip, from KCAL 9 News in California, police can be heard saying "f*cking burn this motherfu*cker..."' << and ditto.
asciilifeform: 'If and when Dorner's body is identified, the LAPD will have to offer up some answers on the way this manhunt was handled—from Dorner's 2007 case, to the corruption allegations in his manifesto. And they'll have to explain why they fired upon innocent civilians who didn't even match Dorner's description. One civilian was shot by the Torrance police, and has since lawyered up...' << afaik all of this went to same /dev/null as mats's
mircea_popescu: looky, the mechanics of him being arrested were, from the pastebin : 1. dood saw a box of bruised bananas in dumpster, decided store will dump 100s of lbs, on the basis of experience ; 2. dood told self "i dodged that police cruiser hundreds of times, can do it again" ; 3. dood decided to cross after first pass of cruiser, rather than wait AS PER USUAL see if it comes back ; 4. when spotted, dood decided to run into blind all
BingoBoingo: In the case of casinos and cambios the science police are usually preceeded by the Special Forces Police who show up in the time between the robbers leaving and the science police standing around
BingoBoingo: The police are not to be confused with the science police who show up to places the police weren't and make a big show of doing something.
BingoBoingo: Then there's the police who are a sort of security guard that stand with rifles deterring crime or they attend parades dressed in riot gear.