1100+ entries in 0.281s
jurov: https://thefreeonline.wordpress.com/2016/07/11/berliners-defy-massive-siege-by-police-defending-rigaer-94-and-autonomous-revolution-from-market-gentrification/ meanwhile in berlin
asciilifeform: 'In a related case, authorities nearly 100 miles away in Lancaster County arrested the parents of the 18-year-old, with police saying the couple had “gifted” their daughter to Kaplan for helping them out of financial difficulties. She was 14 when her first child was conceived, the criminal complaint said.' ☟︎
deedbot: [Qntra] Shots Fired At D.C. Police Oficers - http://qntra.net/2016/07/shots-fired-at-d-c-police-oficers/
mircea_popescu: "Police responded to a call about a child who was acting out, kicking holes in walls and punching doors." << everyone FROM portland should also be stabbed. in the eye!
mircea_popescu: "Guests at a local hotel requested police check on suspicious banging and thumping noises from an adjacent room. Officers found another guest who was simply unpacking." << people visiting portland should be fucking stabbed. seriously just how fucking bored do you need to be.
mircea_popescu: "A caller reported seeing a person in a rabbit costume oddly walking around. Police located the individual who was trying out a homemade wolf/dragon costume." o man these are fucking great :D
a111: Logged on 2016-07-12 03:08 ben_vulpes: http://www.oregonlive.com/forest-grove/index.ssf/2016/07/forest_grove_police_log_15.html << see july 10
asciilifeform: 'Police received a call that a man was sitting by a tree and staring suspiciously at a local bank. The man was trying to get out of the rain.'
asciilifeform: speaking of which, i'm still waiting for the inevitable orc vs. police gamez.
ben_vulpes: http://www.oregonlive.com/forest-grove/index.ssf/2016/07/forest_grove_police_log_15.html << see july 10 ☟︎
asciilifeform: 'Two court bailiffs were killed and a police officer shot Monday inside a southwestern Michigan courthouse when an inmate broke loose and got his hands on a deputy's gun, officials said.'
a111: Logged on 2016-07-11 15:09 mircea_popescu: for that matter, as being a "police officer" is the one ustard nobility class they recognize, i wonder how many derps are "police officers" in name only. seems like a pretty decent deal, sign up with the pd dept, show up an hour a month or so, in exchange get weapon and shoot whoever.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, as being a "police officer" is the one ustard nobility class they recognize, i wonder how many derps are "police officers" in name only. seems like a pretty decent deal, sign up with the pd dept, show up an hour a month or so, in exchange get weapon and shoot whoever. ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2016-07-11 14:33 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500953 << a policeman lives in 'upscale' something or other?! and lemme guess, this was reported as 'police brutality' ?
a111: Logged on 2016-07-11 12:25 mircea_popescu: "Meanwhile Tyler Gebhard (WOT:nonperson) invaded the home of a police officer in Lakeshire, an upscale suburb in south west St Louis County, Missouri." <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-22#1106480
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-11#1500953 << a policeman lives in 'upscale' something or other?! and lemme guess, this was reported as 'police brutality' ? ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: "Meanwhile Tyler Gebhard (WOT:nonperson) invaded the home of a police officer in Lakeshire, an upscale suburb in south west St Louis County, Missouri." <<->> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-04-22#1106480 ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: a man reportedly called 911 and when a police officer arrive at the << arrived
a111: Logged on 2016-07-10 00:53 asciilifeform: 'A 59-year-old woman who was a senior official at a Washington think-tank was fatally stabbed in Baltimore’s Roland Park neighborhood as she was walking her dogs Friday night, police said.'
asciilifeform: 'A 59-year-old woman who was a senior official at a Washington think-tank was fatally stabbed in Baltimore’s Roland Park neighborhood as she was walking her dogs Friday night, police said.' ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: one battalion is barely adequate to police the base at constanta.
asciilifeform: 'Dallas Police Chief David Brown called the incident "a well-planned, well-thought-out, evil tragedy," adding, "We are determined to not let this person steal this democracy from us."' << lel!
trinque: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-police-gunman-idUSKCN0ZO2JO << rather, this one
trinque: http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-police-idUSKCN0ZN0MF << wahhahaha, "acted alone"
mircea_popescu: well then... if local police can be inconvenient, then lizard hittler is quite vulnerable ? and there could be... other problems it could have ?
mircea_popescu: what makes you think there exists a difference between "feds" and "local police" ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform i recall vaguely some debates cca 2013, prior to the gendarmerie fallback, with me saying the us police is going to get butchered and you saying wake me up when.
mircea_popescu: are we waking alf up re police getting butchered or not yet ?
deedbot: [Qntra] Multiple Ambush Attacks On Police Officers Today - http://qntra.net/2016/07/multiple-ambush-attacks-on-police-officers-today/
BingoBoingo: Reed’s statement was issued Thursday afternoon, hours after social media users expressed outrage about the Atlanta Police Department’s contention the scene was consistent with a suicide. An autopsy has not been performed."
BingoBoingo: http://www.ajc.com/news/news/local/police-body-found-in-piedmont-park-a-suicide-victi/nrtJq/
asciilifeform: past few years. "Today I will give myself the space to grieve for Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and every other black person that has been executed and all those that will be executed by the police, until we finally say enough is enough and put an end to the terrorism that we call modern day policing," '
asciilifeform: 'Calling in black is essentially an excuse for a day of self care, wrote Slack engineer Erica Baker in a Medium post called "Processing." The move comes in the wake of the murders of Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, two black men who died at the hands of police officers just this week. Their deaths aren't anomalies by any stretch: Eric Garner, Freddie Gray and Tamir Rice are just a few of the names that have made headlines in the
asciilifeform: 'Officers said Murdock banged his own head against the metal cage inside the police car. '
asciilifeform: 'Former Illinois Congressman Joe Walsh declared "This is now war" and called for President Barack Obama to "watch out" in a Twitter post reacting to the Dallas shooting that killed five police officers and injured seven. "This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you," he wrote in the tweet, which has since been deleted.'
mircea_popescu: no more us army, no more us police, nothing.
asciilifeform: http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2016_27/1611816/ss-160708-dallas-police-shooting-08_40853e7282ab7e261e2f1662efde0027.nbcnews-ux-1024-900.jpg << love the face
asciilifeform: http://media1.s-nbcnews.com/j/newscms/2016_27/1611836/ss-160708-dallas-police-shooting-04_40853e7282ab7e261e2f1662efde0027.nbcnews-ux-1024-900.jpg << great again !
asciilifeform: http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/01/police_robot_burns_down_house/?mt=1467993035014 << somehow i missed this gem.
asciilifeform: http://www.popsci.com/police-used-bomb-disposal-robot-to-kill-dallas-shooting-suspect?src=SOC&dom=tw << according to volkischer beobachter, the machine includes bomblets for setting off suspected bomb
asciilifeform: afaik no u.s. police precinct Officially issues frags.
mircea_popescu: some derpy chick by the name selin goren got raped by a bunch of arab immigrants, liked it, reported to police that she was robbed by a group of german men.
a111: Logged on 2015-09-02 04:15 asciilifeform: the discreditation of local police apparatus, for its eventual demolition and replacement by unified fed gendarmerie, is going on schedule.
asciilifeform: not postmen, not patent clerks, but police, firemen, etc
mircea_popescu: apparently, they want them back so bad, it's even worth destroying the police over it.
asciilifeform: it's internal security, guardia civil, whatever. in usa they both, for historic accident, are called 'police'.
mircea_popescu: that is not police.
mircea_popescu: no mobility, deeply useless as police vehicle. that's an army truck.
asciilifeform: phf: these were issued to all md police precincts some time after gulf war 2
phf: actually, saw some police cars rolling around recently, that were straight out of Half Life 2. fully black, matte, all angles tanks
phf: they have city court, district court and state court, and a police building. i've not seen this many police cars patrollin in my life. even in russia
phf: i used to live in dodgy part of west philadelphia, and as i would make my way to civilization you'd start encountering campus police on patrol, which i realized is exactly like medieval sentries. these chubby, mostly ineffective guys and girls doing their rounds at 2am. "2 PAST MIIIDNIGHT. ALL IS SAFE"
shinohai: "A William P. Tatem Elementary School teacher called police on June 16 after a third-grader said a fellow student made a racist comment about brownies" Good to know we are safe.
mircea_popescu: (also why police state is a self-limiting failure mode)
mircea_popescu: police still publishes these i imagine. day and half worth of intern's time.
mircea_popescu: mats those seem to be proper judges tho, we're looking for the glorified police station detectives aka "magistrate" judges.
mircea_popescu: there's absolutely nothing wrong with "police brutality", just as long as the brutalized are the losers. rape is actually right and proper, just as long as the only rape victims are poor women and their children, whatever sex or age. etcetera.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-24 03:21 asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu l0ltr0n1cs: http://deadgirlface.tumblr.com/post/146308969208/quoms-superluminalflower-the-orlando-police
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-24#1489184 << the gall of the asswipes is galling. really, "what we do should be on ~arbitrarily picked victim~" ? how about fucking mateen is ON the police ? ☝︎
asciilifeform: 'The question of possible deaths by police fire arose soon after the shootings. One survivor, Norman Casiano, 26, told ABC News that he was shot by police when he crawled out from his hiding place in the bathroom after he thought it was safe.'
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu l0ltr0n1cs: http://deadgirlface.tumblr.com/post/146308969208/quoms-superluminalflower-the-orlando-police ☟︎
asciilifeform: anyway the police are useful idiots in this play.
mircea_popescu: and who are the pink shirt faggots ? police ?
asciilifeform: (standard, apparently, police gear in usaschwitz, now.)
asciilifeform: which is even lulzier than 'police blew hole then shot everything that moved'
asciilifeform: in order for mr. snackbar to make any of the pictured holes, he would have had to climb out, police - cheering him on from behind his back, while he fired back into the hole.
asciilifeform: Official Truth is that mr snackbar was inside. police dynamited hole, and - Officially - waited for ~him~, rather than victims, to emerge, then fired
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the orlando police carry h&k mp5
a111: Logged on 2016-06-15 03:15 asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo https://pp.vk.me/c636216/v636216329/1018c/a3teM2ELOb8.jpg << supposedly, the hole blown by police at orlando postal. notice the police bullet marks.
mircea_popescu: why'd police shoot up a gay bar ?
asciilifeform: incidentally rumours of a good chunk of the gay bar corpses having 9mm police holes in'em continue to circulate.
mircea_popescu: as in the joke with the romanian police and the bear, "give me this djinn for a week"
Framedragger: reading those convos made me recall a funny story: http://www.newyorker.com/humor/shouts-murmurs/l-p-d-libertarian-police-department
ben_vulpes: portland police too! imagine that.
ascii_deadfiber: if ben_vulpes smashes mirrors in view of md police, he will end up paying.
mircea_popescu: much like the us police, for that matter. lafond has the whole story of "police is useless in a defensive role, which is ironic"
BingoBoingo: Although some sheriffs departments have police cheifs too when the sheriff is a figurehead that doesn't run their department.
BingoBoingo: Nah, "cities" have police chiefs. Counties have Sheriffs.
deedbot: [Qntra] California City Burns Through 3 Police Chiefs In 8 Days - http://qntra.net/2016/06/california-city-burns-through-3-police-chiefs-in-8-days/
shinohai: http://www.12news.com/news/local/valley/phoenix-police-officer-shoots-man-70-waving-toy-gun/246472448
mircea_popescu: these resulted in 1) 0 police interventions ; 2) 0 victims ; 3) a few dozen marriages
asciilifeform: http://www.jqpublicblog.com/fascist-internet-police-threaten-those-who-expose-generals-wastefulness << from same rag, lulzy
asciilifeform: '"He later told the nuns that police had tried to steal the money that he was trying to donate," Ritondo said. "There are dollars, yen, euros and a currency from Qatar ... It's a lot of money." He did not give an exact amount because the money was still being counted.' << l0l
asciilifeform: ;;later tell BingoBoingo https://pp.vk.me/c636216/v636216329/1018c/a3teM2ELOb8.jpg << supposedly, the hole blown by police at orlando postal. notice the police bullet marks. ☟︎
shinohai: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/14/world/europe/france-stabbing-police-officer-magnanville.html <<< Anarchy!
asciilifeform: 'Police claim the man refused to drop a pocket knife. In the video, the officer appears to kick something away from the man’s body, although no object can be readily seen. In typical police fashion, officers can be seen handcuffing the victims body as he lay in a pool of blood.'
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: 50 deaths and 53 injuries << take a guess, 1 bloke with pea shooter, or squad of police with schmeissers on full auto
mircea_popescu: this magical item that can charge your credit card to the max, has no duty to protect you (you have a duty to protect him). no fucking wonder every prole aspires to police himself.
asciilifeform: 'A local apartment com-munity had become a problem with unsecured vacant units, garbage, graffiti, attractive nuisances, and blight. The owner also routinely rented condemned units that had no power (cord was run from other units). Neighboring owners complained of rodents coming from the unattended landscaping and units. Squatters were found in units by the police department. Owner was cited...'
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-09#1479224 << BingoBoingo has it. the entirety of the us "drug on wars" thing reduces to "we gotta keep police largest street gang ~everywhere". it ~works. ☝︎
asciilifeform: i imagine in 20 yrs we'll be payin' for 'Police Pre✓™ Experience" where if you have membership card, they probe yer rectum with velvet, instead of hedgehog, gloves...
asciilifeform: '...there are many, many people whose stock in trade is their use of violence, in offense or defense. No matter what else happens, they will be employed, or self-employed... In Russia, there was a period of years during which the police was basically not functioning: they had no equipment, no budget, and their salaries were not sufficient for survival. Murders went unsolved, muggings and burglaries were not even investigated. The pol
a111: Logged on 2016-05-29 14:42 mircea_popescu: how is this stance different from "the nazi military police can't find as many gypos as they used to, so therefore flaying alive of gypsies for fun should be regarded as aperfectly normal passtime, and in no sense wrong, even if it was rare before"
asciilifeform: if mircea_popescu were awake, he would probably describe the process as 'what the fuck is so surprising, gas let into an empty container will fill it' or similar. nobody is blowing up the police stations in response, so there is no back-pressure and usg can do whatever.
asciilifeform: the peculiar, imho, thing, is that somehow tradition requires american police to actually charge folks who are taken to a police station. and so it is now important to rob them ~without~ arresting.
deedbot: [Qntra] Rural Police Recapture Funds Liberated In Social Engineering Coup - http://qntra.net/2016/06/rural-police-recapture-funds-liberated-in-social-engineering-coup/
asciilifeform: 'You know how mentally limited people who agree to work for vague international companies doing the "clerical work" of cashing checks end up with a visit from the police ? ' ( http://trilema.com/2015/thattommyhall-that-kickstarter-scamsite-this-internet-life/#selection-125.2-125.173 )
mircea_popescu: so yes of fucking course it creeps in, i can't be arsed to police the entire edge of the fucking world.
mircea_popescu: no, the police just beats people found stealing 3x as hard.
asciilifeform: 'A collection of bitcoins worth about £8m, which had been confiscated by police in Australia, will be auctioned off in June. The 24,518 bitcoins will be sold mostly in blocks of 2,000 - each with a value of about £680,000.'