1200+ entries in 0.104s
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-01#1731778 << cable comms work well in some situations, with spools and runners as deployed in ww2. yes cable can be cut -- by the time it is you're gone anyway. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: but anyway. the czechs had it even ebtter than teh romanians and so following.
mircea_popescu: anyway, back to the german lands lulz : the item in http://trilema.com/2017/jud-suss/ can be identified specifically ; but is also a composite of many different historical personages. one of which is a certain Moritz von Haber, a jew & banker who "was accused" by the local pantsuits of "too much influence", ended up shooting a bunch of the tards in a series of duels, including jorge von lasollaye and various others.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> anyway, who's your source for "company costs 800, visa costs 1200" etc ? << "Valet" service for incorporate and move called "Establish Brazil"
mircea_popescu: anyway ; the adventure of ludwig otto friedrich wilhelm, king and duke of bavaria, duke of franconia and swabia, count palatine of teh rhine is well informative. popular monarch, unwilling to flay pantsuit alive, "died mysteriously".
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's still an open thread god damned it. so re "in the hope they'll achieve usg agency status" above : the final socialism, usg's "ourdemocracy" came up with a gamified nationalization process : they naturally confiscate the domain leaders in all domains, under the guise of you know, "pension fund investments" and "consumer protection law enforcement". ie, there's a faux money and a faux legal prong which make sure ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, back to the bait and switch thing. reddit started life as a sort of 4chan with a jump, ie the little girl's not on the page, but you have to click. this wasn't accidental, because their phase 2 ("growth phase" eh) consisted of the exact value proposition : add your crap to reddit, watch people click on it. once growth stopped they dropped the bait, switched to "we will control the conversation in this ever-so-importan ☟︎
diana_coman: when he was too little to talk I would just say he's fine, thank you or shrug mainly; now I can let him reply and usually he innocently floors them anyway so win
mircea_popescu: anyway. the principal protector of sane alimentation in europe is not the ro orthodox church, but the "Corrupt" and "lazy" french farming lobby.
mircea_popescu: anyway, as far as the foreigner speaker is concerned, the pons asinorum is mastering the ɨ/i and ə/a dychotomies. takes failure rate from 100% to maybe 60% just liek that. then the dypthongs/tripthongs/quadriphtongs (yes, romanian has that). contrary to intuition, the special consonants are not difficult.
mircea_popescu: anyway, prolly get their lowest thing and expand it when you see enough traffic to justify it.
hanbot: 15 mins. anyway, they credited it, should be fine and dandy
mircea_popescu: it's complicated with a matter of relative sizes and holy roman provinces, but anyway.
a111: Logged on 2017-10-13 17:47 mircea_popescu: but anyway, apparently taking a few heads here and there creates exactly no conception of own vulnerability in the rest of the heads.
mircea_popescu: anyway, here's the proposal : be it proposed that it is actually cheaper to explain to the brighter among the reality winners what exactly they never learned of history and theory, so that they renounce on their own power the assorted bundle of idiocy and sheer nonsense that constitutes the difference between republican and pantsuit or ultrapantsuit ideology,
mircea_popescu: anyway, back to gia : women, in the http://trilema.com/2016/portrait-of-an-adult-woman/ adult woman sense, have some things to do in this world. like say http://trilema.com/2014/holy-shit-technical-analysis-is-real/#footnote_0_57849 ; these aren't jobs that can be done by non-women, and when they try the results are as sad as shakespearian theatre (not the text, the actual montage).
mircea_popescu: anyway, to underscore : i don't mean "cultural degradation" in some kind of paseist "o woe, things used to be great". no. rather, things used to suck and it finally became obvious what the problem is exactly. and as luck usually has it in such contexts, first you gotta throw out all the babies with all the bathwaters, then draw new baths, make new babies...
mircea_popescu: anyway. teh... "department of people deeply concerned with my continued welbeing" let's say is deeply concerned and humbly asks to please not do that again.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, apparently taking a few heads here and there creates exactly no conception of own vulnerability in the rest of the heads. ☟︎
mod6: so, that's what I'm spending time on now anyway. and, making good progress in a short amount of time. however, ya, many gaps i msure.
asciilifeform: anyway the above was written in a few hrs. and it is not difficult to see why thrown out.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the whole meeting went in that vein, ceausescu pointed out to soviet troops still at praga, gorby was liek "oh, that is a bilateral matter" "da, stiu, este un acord bilateral incheiat dupa ocuparea cehoslovaciei" (yea, i know... post-occupation bilateral). then gorby says they can't agree in this matter and ceausescu agrees with him.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a pile of disinfo and general crap surrounding the events. as an example : on 2-3 dec gorbachev hung out with bush on a soviet ship. on 4th, there was the wasaw pact meeting. gorbachev was well excited of whatever, the new bulgarian (mladenov, his college pal) and generally the western press coverage.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, it's a great postmodern moment you know, failed mangod and his broken phoneline to reality. "hello ? hello ? *mutters under breath* this is a provocation"
diana_coman: I get that, yes; it's anyway more than there currently is available otherwise; and not insignificantly more at that
mircea_popescu: phf` anyway, we're getting, imo, the smallest lockable, stand-alone item. whichever that is. in no case less than 4u, except really, we much prefer to discuss by the kw and gb, as seen in the convo earlier.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this is why you get rack : so you can specify something like 14.4KW and 24 Gbit link and then sort it inside.
mircea_popescu: hy not advertise honestly? Nonprofits are allowed a 3% management fee so VC firms can still afford disgusting salaries and daily crudité delivery. Maybe that decreases the likelihood that endowments and pension funds allocate assets to Silicon Valley, but LPs allocate less than 0.5% of their funds to this subset of private equity anyway. Venture capital is already a tax writeoff." << check out who gets how the whole pile of
mircea_popescu: anyway, the lulzy part is that it's so plainly obvious who's the gf and who's the hired ho.
mircea_popescu: anyway, re the broader point : if you say one middle class individual couldn't, in his spare time and with his spare cash build a thermonuclear weapon during his lifetime starting 1980, you may be true.
mircea_popescu: anyway. reality winner is ugly and unintelligent. these are bars, first to interest, then to potential. so no, 0 interest.
mircea_popescu: anyway, but the above line re "consolidated into" is there to explain how exactly $item became shit : at time t0, there existed $item, and it was respectable. at time t1, misguided "pluralism" allowed a bunch of rank imbeciles, such as here typified by charles f wilson, to open $rakim-and-his-black-chix-code, $faggots-fashion-law-review etcetera. then at time t2, the foregoing useless items "got consolidated" into $item. the
mircea_popescu: anyway, lulzy throughout. "we were old enough to fight in vietnam, but not old enough to vote, which is lulzy, notwithstranding we whined a lot more than we fought, AND ALSO LOST THAT WAR THOUGH BEING SAD FAILURES!!! ; then the vote thing was fixed, but it was fixed in the wrong way -- by lowering emancipation age it meant daddy no longer has to pay! UNFAIR!"
diana_coman: asciilifeform> diana_coman: as one who lives 20min from the fuhrerbunker, asciilifeform is not someone to lecture folx on 'time to move'. but i dun think anybody could ~pay~ me enuff to live in rotherhamistan... <-- on one hand most non-brits here (and yeah, it's an area with some 25%+ non-brits) anyway are a positive thing overall; on the other hand there is this (been repeatedly told) very British dream of retiring (with good
mircea_popescu: but anyway : the "wounded man ties up 3 soldiers", other than the baked in presumptions that these are the caring kind of soldiers and the inept kind of wounded, also neglects to mention that ricochet has killed more peopl;e than direct fire since the invention of gunpowder. and by a factor of 10 to 100, not piddly.
mircea_popescu: anyway, fwiw slavsky is identified as Yemelyan Mikhailovich Yaroslavsky. and reich is likely zinaida, esenin's wif.
mircea_popescu: anyway, numerically, mit&co burned some money to try and make the dead cat bounce towards .11, failed miserably within an hour, .1 looking doubtful.
cazalla: it was claimed that for them to steal the .is domain, it'd have to go to parliment or some shit but they just skipped that and nuked it anyway heh
mircea_popescu: anyway. my point is that the idea that "a practical implementation of the axion of choice always exists" is way WAY further out there than simply thje axiom of choice. WAY. because even "trivial" things (find the coprime n powers that sum to cube) are in point of FACT, know, proven, concrete poured and long dry, strictly incomputable.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, there's a difference between "it in principle exists" and anything useful.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo anyway, why is the idea WH was supporting strange ? didn't like, trump beleete his support tweets and errythang ? << http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2017/09/27/trump-teaches-gop-senators-importance-of-selling-by-example-learns-limits-of-his-brand/
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo anyway, why is the idea WH was supporting strange ? didn't like, trump beleete his support tweets and errythang ?
diana_coman: sure, nothing wrong with that in itself; still for FG as it is and given "it's underpriced anyway" ...surprising; that's it, all of it
mircea_popescu: anyway. i spent one semester teaching myself. it helped a lot that i was one year junior to the people i was teaching and had great relationship with provost.
mircea_popescu: work hasn't actually existed in 20 years, there's what we do, and redditard can't to anyway, and otherwise redditarding, which is entirely undistinguishable from simply being monkey in zoo.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-20 19:36 mircea_popescu: anyway, the above example of "alt-addition" is mostly based on the happenstance that in base 10, the set of digits that are also prime is {1,2, 3, 5, 7} and the set of digits that are not prime is {0, 4, 6, 8, 9} ie it just so happens to be a perfectly balanced split.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the above example of "alt-addition" is mostly based on the happenstance that in base 10, the set of digits that are also prime is {1,2, 3, 5, 7} and the set of digits that are not prime is {0, 4, 6, 8, 9} ie it just so happens to be a perfectly balanced split. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: tbh i liked my "all items are 4096 bit" world way better and wtf is this "multiplication doubles width" bs anyway!
a111: Logged on 2017-09-15 23:51 BingoBoingo: So this "Sally Hemmings And The Widower" Fanfic/novel, I'm not finding anyway to work crabapple metaphor into unifying narrative
a111: Logged on 2017-09-15 23:51 BingoBoingo: So this "Sally Hemmings And The Widower" Fanfic/novel, I'm not finding anyway to work crabapple metaphor into unifying narrative
mircea_popescu: anyway, the opportunity came and went, like these things do.
BingoBoingo: So this "Sally Hemmings And The Widower" Fanfic/novel, I'm not finding anyway to work crabapple metaphor into unifying narrative ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, to get back to the boxen : the correct solution to "how much box" is, on the basis of both practical observation (every time tought, either as science, or as art, or as political work worked to date ; not to mention coral growth and everything else) as well as theoretical understanding is to provide SPURS instead of walls.
mircea_popescu: anyway, since nobody apparently got the faberge egg bait, let's put it in the logs. so yes on the substance front i asked alf if he knows what it is because it is in fact stained glass, except with gold instead of lead and porcelain instead of glass, ie just like his properly cast key, piston-and-typeface in metal, bulk in porcelain.
mircea_popescu: because optimizations. which may piss you off, but it'll be done anyway ; and the process MUCHLY reminds me of how bitcoin mining degraded irl.
asciilifeform: ( incidentally reader might ask 'why not do montgomery? you're doing rsa anyway' and answer is not only 'maybe tomorrow, cramer-shoup and not rsa' but also that we do things such as primality testing , and other non-rsa op )
mircea_popescu: anyway, three points since i got a blowjob and apparently this inspires me.
mircea_popescu: (always and everywhere, the stupid poor. to them it makes sense, they've nothingh to lose anyway)
mircea_popescu: oin chain. on the basis of these mystery strings, OTHER PARTIES, which ARE IN NO WAY BOUND TO THIS, alloocate wholly imaginary bitcoins to the sort of imbeciles who buy into this scheme (always and everywhere, the stupid poor. to them it makes sense, they've nothingh to lose anyway)
mircea_popescu: but anyway, i think i said it before. and if i didn't, here it is again : curtis yarvin may be stupid, or else he may be evil, but in either case he's done more to ruin his country than quisling did to ruin his.
a111: Logged on 2017-09-07 06:09 mircea_popescu: anyway, physics is only broke in the us, and mostly because us is broke. euro physics is doing fine, spending about the entire us welfare budget on things like large lasers, ciclotrons and the like.
mircea_popescu: anyway, physics is only broke in the us, and mostly because us is broke. euro physics is doing fine, spending about the entire us welfare budget on things like large lasers, ciclotrons and the like. ☟︎
spyked: anyway, don't see why toolchain would need github deps. can fork and sanitize
mircea_popescu: anyway. the reason "chickenshit" and nobody cared about paying hoa in 1980 was that there wasn't anything whatsoever to do with the "money" anyway. much like in the us.
mircea_popescu: anyway, very much a http://trilema.com/2015/gerald-davis-is-wrong-heres-why/ : i was the first investor afaik, his site was going great, thgen the (canadian) government stepped in and burned down the respectable business of an intelligent citizen.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this makes 3 out of 3 not supporting this, and amusingly enough in each case for merits.
mircea_popescu: anyway. but the discussion does make it plain and obvious why "nonviolence", ie attemptingto limit whippings, is such an automatic companion to "freedom of meaningless choice" as to establish what to the cattle means "human rights".
fyr: Anyway I'm sure I can be talked into it eventually, but I don't have it set up /already/ and am not going to go on a multihour Fetchquest to that effect rn
fyr: Anyway I know I'm on the larp server for "not getting pwned by unspecified pgp-fearing non-Mossad is hard, reliable backups and Linux audio is easy"
mircea_popescu: anyway, small sub is problematic. there's this optimal size and domain limits for mechanical items. there's a smallest combustion engine, there's a smallest sub and so on.
mircea_popescu: in fairness 12 is not terrible anyway. avg line < 6 words is a great heuristic for "collection of monkeys and idiots"
mircea_popescu: anyway. people are way the fuck worse at science than they are at politics ; and women ESPECIALLY so. but the general population sucking is not a reason to ignore the field.
mircea_popescu: kanzure this jan 2009 log is entertaining. i take it the ongoing decade has not resulted in any "some random company needs us to design them some manufacturing assembly equipment. We say we'll do it cheaper (or whatever), we license it all open source and so on, make our money from it, and apply it to what we need to get done in our tech-base of free stuff anyway."
kanzure: well, i agree, however you can include a private key in the scheme, and if the user is outsourcing their private key they are dumb anyway
mircea_popescu: anyway, amusingly enough that exact outlook, 'world of plenty', 'infinite resources', 'as soon said as done', 'just needs to be managed and komyoonitiorganized' resulted in the panic of 1837.
mircea_popescu: anyway. in my admittedly pedestrian clinical experience, it was NEVER the myokines that limit muscle mass. it's always kidney clearance, lung efficiency and liver capacity for glycogenesis in this order.
mircea_popescu: anyway, in practical terms i am politically powerful because i've successfully protected a bunch of smart people from idiocy for years, and they have the (pewrhaps unwarranted) expectation this may continue.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the other good illustration re effort/discipline for our needs here is of course the observation re possible symmetries, and how the subhuman cultures never actually discovered all of them. why noit ? they had decorative arts too, effort went in...
a111: Logged on 2017-08-16 19:33 mircea_popescu: a, great film. anyway, summary : dude (ie, inept manchild) and actual cowboy compete for cunt. the cunt is indescribably dumb (really, just mouthpiece for ideological choices of author), picks dude.
mircea_popescu: anyway. i'm rather looking forward to the 10k usd/btc doing 1 bitcent txfees and everyone from goldman sachs to goldman sachs salivating on the side.
mircea_popescu: anyway. goat finds it very easy to not think about the gun in the drawer in the house it's not allowed to go into. and so comes to conclusion man is ~goat.
mircea_popescu: anyway, rome is not really on the map for the sartorial gentleman. and the only thing that puts italy on the map is marcha, go pick a few pairs of shoes.
mircea_popescu: hmm, that last ref is unexpectedly useless. anyway, item discussed in logs recently (and historically), http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-30#1677546 etc ☝︎
spyked: anyway, I ordered three icesticks (because free shipping, and would rather pay for extra hardware than shipping)
mircea_popescu: anyway. the idea of forced ion exchange so the surface gets potassium-doped and thus micro-tensed and somewhat stronger is not bad.
mircea_popescu: spyked consider that most consumer products come kitted anyway, and when you buy a car your question is "well is the engine from mexico or brazil or germany ? is this the original transmission ?" etc.
spyked: anyway, the one and only advantage of UPB CS department is that for now it still has the resources to bring up smart people, most of which unfortunately turn into goog/fb/whatever employees. I don't think that's gonna last for long though. wish it did, but...
mircea_popescu: anyway, the relationship between "unit covering functions", riemann's work and fundamental number (set) properties is one of those things that tend to make people entirely disinterested in "deductive government" a la http://trilema.com/2017/because-thats-just-how-things-are/#selection-259.147-259.253 once grokked.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a lot of work that went into this "program needs list of prime for initialization" thing back when people still actually put thought and work into computers. see wheel factorization etc if curious.
mircea_popescu: it's lead not strontium. anyway, lead is not found in diet outside of civilisation, and microgram does are experimentally safe. so : the first microgram of lead is free.
mircea_popescu: a, great film. anyway, summary : dude (ie, inept manchild) and actual cowboy compete for cunt. the cunt is indescribably dumb (really, just mouthpiece for ideological choices of author), picks dude. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: well he's unreadable, but anyway, this guy seemed very incensed by him in the strangest of ways : as if what the dood made sense, and he disagreed.
mircea_popescu: anyway. fellow should read the above linked item and the discussion of causes and purposes, and try again.
mircea_popescu: anyway, ima try and pen a pre-rfc on tmsr-rsa, unless anyone has objections ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, to the general point : satellite comms are a very limited thing, and will definitely go the same way the old roman dinner (ie, fuckfest) went once the medievals discovered syphilis.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i shall go eat frozen pastry and fume.
mircea_popescu: anyway. his ro "diortosire" is a very well illuminated source, as to the original material, and if one speaks ro one benefits from reading it even if one can also read the septuagint in original.
mircea_popescu: anyway! rather than bickering over the obviously rhetorics involved, how about we in general agree that such a huge mass of a rare atom is eminently detectable and thassat.
mod6: my V doesn't use diff anyway, only patch, gpg, sha512sum, and wget -- and otherwise just standard shell tools such as echo, mkdir, rm, cat, etc.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the kenyan's legacy is one of the lulziest lulzfests in lulzhistory. so, he came to power on a mandate to close down gitmo, which he didn't do, and to roll back bush era power grabs which he didn't do. instead of doing what he promised he decided to do other things!