1500+ entries in 0.179s
veen: anyway lesson here is that heavy, slow, and high-drag config means shoving a metric fuck ton of air around, and said airmass remains energized for a long while
Framedragger: anyway, it's true, not the most interesting piece; was relevant and lulzy enough for me; guess i'm timid
mircea_popescu: but anyway, my point was that there's actual effectual activity, and then there's the specific sort of pointless makework which self-referentially tends to capture people.
mircea_popescu: anyway, and hence http://trilema.com/2013/stage-n-bitcoin-exists/ and all the other countless mallets to the head of the agents of usgistan.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-14 15:11 asciilifeform: and 'dead bitcoin', esp. if it dies on enemy's terms, would imho be a technogenic catastrophe, quite comparable to, e.g., chernobyl. ( not for mircea_popescu 'i'm rich anyway, fuck everyone' , and not for other folx, who might not even have any; but for the concept of 'gold sans the guard labour')
asciilifeform: and 'dead bitcoin', esp. if it dies on enemy's terms, would imho be a technogenic catastrophe, quite comparable to, e.g., chernobyl. ( not for mircea_popescu 'i'm rich anyway, fuck everyone' , and not for other folx, who might not even have any; but for the concept of 'gold sans the guard labour') ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, totally on my list of people to visit later and piss on the shoes on.
asciilifeform: anyway i described an algo that wasn't retarded and doesn't pull in 10,000 lines of open sores ???. and it's as if this neverhappened, for some reason.
mircea_popescu: Framedragger dun worry about it. lordship coming up for discussion soon anyway, and ima propose you (an' some other fellows), so.
asciilifeform: and anyway now that the bizarre kabuki re ' asciilifeform must not get the src !' is blown (is it blown ? or is there yet moar..?) maybe folx can publish, like sane people
mircea_popescu: ftr it's still not altogether clear to me what went on ; and bad indexing still parsimonious explanation anyway.
asciilifeform: 'When Intel first invented the TSC it measured CPU cycles. Due to various power management features "cycles per second" is not constant; so TSC was originally good for measuring the performance of code (and bad for measuring time passed). For better or worse; back then CPUs didn't really have too much power management, often CPUs ran at a fixed "cycles per second" anyway. ...'
Framedragger: yeah, i see what you mean, and everything. i'm not convinced that phuctor db is using the most it can from postgres, but neither you nor me have time to investigate this presently, i guess (and i may not be able to do a great job there anyway)
mircea_popescu: well, anyway, i suppose it is a good thing the intelligent people involved could you know, pursue their own self-determined will and etcetera. who knows how many glorious flights of amateur rc airplanes this obviously reasonable arrangement gave the world!
Framedragger: (and if you now say 'db is lost cause anyway' while not linking to code/config *again*, i'll grit teeth angrily)
mircea_popescu: i'm a low information fucking voter, bitcoin is a) unreadable and b) a humongous uncomprehended problem anyway!
mircea_popescu: anyway, to come back to it : there's a particular vacuum occuring in bitcoin, 2016-2017 so far, whereby the technically competent are relatively improductive, and the inept, instead of standing to attention before them, are stuck producing the inane bs they produce
mircea_popescu: anyway, re static : in context "static" denotes "how much comes from the disk as opposed as through cpuization", there's no other measure. a page stored as files with the extension .html is ~slightly~ more static than a page which is stored as files with the extension .txt in a directory structure that is their de-facto index and are then mixed together into a thing whenever a page is called.
mircea_popescu: anyway, at the time i turned it off it was widely connected, and spamming the debug log 10lines/sec sort of rate
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's about a girl who can't take seriously any online dweebs who attempt to immitate her style without comprehending the substance and under the guise of a very thin excuse omit to address their thanks plainly. or something like that.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the encryption scheme is like this : you generate a large graph with a hamiltonian cycle ; and a homomorphic graph.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the importance of cutting short the gypsy's pretense that he lives in an alt-country ; the grubfilth's pretense that he has an alt-hygiene, the neoprotestant's pretense that he has an alt-religion (discoivered it himself, he did!) and so on is key. a "vegan" is not someone who "has an alternative cookbook" but an imbecile who doesn't know how and what to eat. and so on.
mircea_popescu: it's been dead for about a year or so, but anyway, "oh i know, i'll make yet another fake wot website. because i'm a jew and we're fucking stupid congenitally." or some shit.
jurov: looky, i am just saying that right now it eats, say, a minute per block, which is 144 minute unreachability daily anyway. and am proposing short term tradeoff of having the unreachability shorted once per day.
mircea_popescu: (in case it wasn't obvious, diff between political and technological is based on whether people have an incentive to emulate the fix anyway)
mircea_popescu: anyway, no need for "desried block" and "max block" both. just the latter suffices.
veen: seems gpg tried to sovereignty-wash a source of entropy and here it is bearing your criticism anyway
a111: Logged on 2017-02-22 07:26 mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a common thread going through the google go ai, attempts to "secure the banking system against risk", the surveillance state / internet of things / smart cars and so on.
mircea_popescu: anyway. to get back to the point of interest : it is entirely possible to produce a 'i eat toe fungus!', signed, sincerely, 0x8A736F0E2FB7B452. ; but it is not possible to hide the fact that this was a fake from the owner of the privkey and anyone who has his pubkey.
mircea_popescu: anyway, what did the pravda say, what is the "big" and non-alt-right conservative ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's a common thread going through the google go ai, attempts to "secure the banking system against risk", the surveillance state / internet of things / smart cars and so on. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: we were talking about cognitive capability ; not about "the dutch invented the tulip tradegood and everyone was stuck being immitator -- for a while anyway"
mircea_popescu: the face thing is a step in the direction of argentina : it doesn't work, nobody knows how to fix it and it's not anybody;s fault anyway so let's adapt.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, the sheer insanity of this, you know, dork who supposedly "is a ceo" and "we something or the other billions of dollars something or the else other companies corporate business like real men and with suits!!!1" nevertheless has the fucking time to go on campaign trail. and the absence of mind to do it AFTER the election.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the idea is more, every few blocks has this "fresh homemade pasta!" "pasta factory!" "el palacio de la pasta!" bullshits and they're so shockingly bad i can't begin to imagine wtf they're thinking.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the point being, for the anglos, that the axe is the tool you use to chop down forest, and the axe handle is made of wood.
mircea_popescu: anyway. certainly not "next". they've been whining about him since day one, he'd have been 1st, 2nd and 100th, if only could. but the noise is soundly muted out of apparent desperation.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the bs is pretty thickly laid out, apparently dude at the center of all this is usg agent who got 20mn to try and overturn the govt but then stole the money ? or somesuch
mircea_popescu: anyway, the advantage of the above approach, at least from a "teach smart kids biology, physics and systems design" pov, is that it scales extremely well. discussion can be made as short or as infinitely complex as the bright young mind has patience for.
mircea_popescu: anyway, that's kind-of the hope, i guess, with all the "loyal disloyalty" and "leaks from wh" bs, that maybe he's doing something. except -- he isn't.
Reuel: And hardware isn't 100% safe either... ah I am drifting off anyway
a111: Logged on 2017-02-08 00:28 mircea_popescu: but anyway, yes, they won't fucking yield, mostly because being a libertard means you have absolutely nothing else, so what exactly would be the difference between yielding and blowing oneself up ? they would, isis style, if they had the guts.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, yes, they won't fucking yield, mostly because being a libertard means you have absolutely nothing else, so what exactly would be the difference between yielding and blowing oneself up ? they would, isis style, if they had the guts. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: but anyway -- the 44th us president will be known as hussein bahamas long after he's forgotten in any other sense. everything else will go, that much stays. he's called whatever the fuck we say he's called, and in his case this is a lot better than any alternative.
mircea_popescu: anyway, to go back to the faggots vs faggots point BingoBoingo , i somehow expect the hatwearing hipsters would fold exactly as described above. they don't strike me as the kind to get their nose broken, pick themselves up the floor and get back into the fight by any stretch.
mircea_popescu: anyway, now that they've engaged seems doubtless a showdown between us's own "noblesse du robe" and the "most powerful man on earth" will last the decade.
a111: Logged on 2016-12-19 18:48 mircea_popescu: anyway, to be fair here : the russians have no interest in waiting ; putin might be uncharacteristically meek, but in general a half dozen us ambassadors starting with the resident in manilla within the next week-10days is perfectly possible. at which point obama actually having the gall to call natl emergency and set aside the transfer of power is not entirely inconceivable. after which the russians WILL sink all the us carr
mircea_popescu: foregone conclusion anyway, i see zero possibility of outfits like iab / conde nast / the atlantic / new york times / guardian / etcetera borrowing in the future. they won't be able to finance ops, and so it's myspace time for them all.
mircea_popescu: anyway, i guess in desperation bash script to curl for trilema.com/2016/ and then hit each article once.
mircea_popescu: anyway. there do exist utterly imbecile "revolutionaries" and "Activists" in the vein described for instance by that http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-25#1606755 article. but these are not either powerful ; or self-conscious. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: just because a bunch of irrelevant games are utterly broken means jack. a) eulora isn't broken and will kill them ; and b) nobody wants to play them anyway
mircea_popescu: anyway, the issue of fees hopefully limits the smallest practical unit to maybe 1k or so, which blessfully shaves 3 zeros from the problem, and at the right end
davout: and i really don't understand how keeping stuff around is sane when the functionality is an operator knob-turn away anyway
mircea_popescu: anyway. there's a bunch of moneys for the us to build nuclear reactors and oil pipeline process ; to lay train track ; some to do dumb shit like walls with mexico, hospitals, etcetera. exactly none to continue with the present "derechos" bullshit.
mircea_popescu: somehow that hair doesn't bother. but anyway. you find yourself with each foot in a different rowboat, because on one hand you don;t want everything to be high quality code ; and on the other you think shitty quality code normalizes it and begets more of the same.
mircea_popescu: anyway, re qc, bonus lulz for the huy-guy : so the chinese are trying to do it over satellites, because currently it's been demonstrated over much shorter distances. and the dod bright lightbulb (seriously, he is probably the smartest guy there, seeing how he has a blog) went "oh, this would allow safe key transfer, well tell you what, the army could DoS the system!"
mircea_popescu: anyway, check him out, everyone wants his porn industry to be "the reliable bridge" between "pure STEM R&D" and "free market consumerism". everyone's a tindr, getting the weird shy boys in the slimy wet bed of expectant females, dontchakno. hurr durr an' a bottle o' dross.
mircea_popescu: anyway, https://archive.is/0yq1G is the actual published item if anyone cares. tl;dr : dorks aware of which side bread is buttered created a silicone lattice with captive phosphorus on a plane, put wires on top and bottom and can now pump electrons into the so captured phosphorus. this DOES SOMETHING (tm).
mircea_popescu: anyway. adult woman has specific talipes equinus variant, none of this "i grew up on farm and walked around barefoot on mud whole life" uma thurman style feet.
mircea_popescu: and what is with all these peasant feet anyway. they don't have heels where these women live ?
mircea_popescu: anyway. all pointer references to read must be offset:size or no dice ; all pointer references to write may be offset, and will write mod size ; all pointer allocation specifies size and receives offset.
mircea_popescu: anyway, so krebs has sob story about how republic successfuly denies empire comms ; and wants to add some sort of "but we pay to house some random bums for the rest of their lives so it's all ok"
mircea_popescu: anyway, as far as "online web industry" is concerned, definite signs of a trumpocalypse. sort-of how there was a pre fdr and a post fdr or a pre lincoln and post lincoln america ; there's going to be i suspect a pre-trump and a post-trump web
mircea_popescu: anyway. these "engineers" making their own bed... seriously now ? MEN WITH JOBS! JERRY! AND SECRETATIES!
mircea_popescu: anyway, the trade in women was the first, historically, and throughout history in aggregate remains the most notable trade arrangement. it is neither exceptional not an improper subject of the discussion. exactly in the same way you settle all trade, you settle your nuptials ; and vice-versa.
mircea_popescu: "we said the exact thing that someone was going to have said anyway in those circumstances and this should be recorded with a name associated." dude... why the everloving fuck already.
a111: Logged on 2015-09-09 05:01 trinque: started with math, said "what if we didn't have any order of operations except those explicitly stated, and also "wtf re: infix anyway?"
mircea_popescu: nevermind why mommy didn't love you ; she wouldn't have fucked you anyway, and she'd have sucked at it if she had fucked you. forget all that, nobody cares, go find better behaved womenz an' make your own harem.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's definitely a living in... well, pimping the girls, i suppose. most cam talent is utterly incapable of about half the stuff it has to do and entirely unmotivated to do the rest. if you do for them what shop management does for mcdonalds ewelets a la http://trilema.com/2013/compliance/ you can in principle increase their income 10 to 100 and eat half to two thirds of that.
mircea_popescu: anyway, this shift from "spend your free time getting better and let the others acquire that as best they can" to "spend your free time giving yourself for free and forget improvement" is very much the reason america even needs to be made great again. r&d ended up cut out of the loop as it were ; who wants the time of some dork "as she is".
mircea_popescu: anyway, it was part of the ro agitation towards the ukraining of the austro-hungarian empire and giving it some parts.
Framedragger: pre-planning and worrying hasn't worked much thus far anyway
ben_vulpes: "Anyway, the experiment more or less failed. I began to suspect the reasons behind JSP's ugly appearance had less to do with Java than with the crazy idea of mushing two unrelated languages and syntaxes together."
mircea_popescu: anyway, /me tires of #rust. there's been 500 join/parts and strictly one line ("<clmg> How do I borrow a vector mutably while iterating over that vector? Is it possible?") in the past 3 hours.
mircea_popescu: so : if you're EVER GOING TO BE an adult, the idiocy outside doesn't matter. and if the idiocy outside matters, you weren't ever going to be an adult anyway. entirely disjunct sets
mircea_popescu: so the point is essentially moot. yes, if anyone gave a shit "they'd form their whole worldview through watching cnn". the problem is that the people watching cnn aren't goingto ever form a worldview anyway, and the people who will ever have formed a worldview don't watch it.
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, me reads " Eric, a year ago I came to similar conclusions. Watching the chaos on the mailing lists and IRC channel,", proceeds to join #rust, is shocked by the sound of utter silence. maybe the guy meant join/part spam, who knows. nice going anyway.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the point is mostly block timing / discovery. you can compare when various anon nodes see blocks to evaluate both the network and any hostile activity.
adlai: it's just one example. some knowledge is too specialized to appear in general aggregations; and it's also way too easy to estimate who is germinating which ideologies if you have access to eg which news they read. anyway, i'm supposed to be prepping for my lab tomorrow... this is the fun one, where we dick around measuring boring stuff but end up with ice cream
Framedragger: sure. and that's the best one can have for the time being, and, *given trust*, it works nicely (dare i say, in a community-like aspect). and trust is unavoidable anyway and maybe the best instrument for civilisation. (also, need coffee)
mircea_popescu: and iirc reported a bug or something. anyway.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the reason it's a tree is ~because we say so~, not because in and of itself it ~is~. there's no way for a pile of code to be a tree outside of the will of the people writing code.
phf: i think if you shutdown kernel will give a grace period to stuck userspace processes and then kill 9 it anyway
a111: Logged on 2017-01-07 20:48 mircea_popescu: anyway, entertaining the thing as you describe at face value : if indeed your concern is a sort of bastardization as conceptually constructible from the foregoing, then the correct move is to build your masamune on musl and attach a license that forbids the empire (such as for instance the trb license ; or else one stating to use must be in l2, or rated by you, or any such thing). this will mostly protect you both technically
mircea_popescu: anyway, entertaining the thing as you describe at face value : if indeed your concern is a sort of bastardization as conceptually constructible from the foregoing, then the correct move is to build your masamune on musl and attach a license that forbids the empire (such as for instance the trb license ; or else one stating to use must be in l2, or rated by you, or any such thing). this will mostly protect you both technically ☟︎
mircea_popescu: im not even sure what this difference is supposed to mean, but anyway. my own key uses the master and i've not had any problems, so there's that.
mircea_popescu: nah, seeing how a) it's the first time and b) he's nobody anyway
mircea_popescu: in gpg you mean ? nah, and i wouldn't trust it anyway. ok to wait, it waited for a year before masochist guy found the rake in grass to step on
mircea_popescu: anyway, not especially difficult to resit at all, IF and ONLY IF one understands that the niggers aren't human.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> honestly i have nfi what a "doorbell" is for. police doesn't knock anymore anyway and everyone else should make a fucking appointment. << apparently they are for backfeeding current into switched circuits they are wired off of when said circuits are "off"
mircea_popescu: honestly i have nfi what a "doorbell" is for. police doesn't knock anymore anyway and everyone else should make a fucking appointment.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the general idea above being : you take all the sane parts of working hash functions, and ditch the insanities. so - no magic numbers, inside boxes, as boxes count, etc. use modulo-arithmetic and iterators, and one long cipher box.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, this is actually a point - maintaining a stable irc connection is both informative and good preparation for the tasks ahead.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the great gain is that no two elements need/have write access to the same thing by this scheme. in point of fact one way to look at current trb/prb is to say that they have "write locks" on all the fucking time and deadlock.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-03#1595712 << you've never defined the level of "cleanly" contemplated here ; and for all practical purposes it's not relevant (ie, any uncleanliness in the result is already present in the current soup anyway) ☝︎
mod6: anyway! glad to have the help, and the experience from someone who uses this end of bitcoin quite a bit.
asciilifeform: and yes, it is only accessible via rpc anyway
mod6: anyway, yeah, as I said in #trilema-mod6, i see this as low-priority and SUPER high risk. but I'm open to suggestions how to implement this properly and safely.
mircea_popescu: anyway, india looks ripe for a blowout and habitability within a decade, so.
mircea_popescu: anyway, phf 's notion of "recourse" is a lot more important than directly obvious in context ; it's a direct restatement of the "opposable" concept used in discussing deedbot payment design, and altogetgher the trestlework of sanity in operations.