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a111: Logged on 2017-05-19 20:27 mircea_popescu: anyway, to humor you and with absolutely no dispositive intent : let f(x) = 1/x ; let g(x) = 1/x*2. let x ->n. 0**0 = 1 implies x -> 1 when x->n.
mircea_popescu: anyway, there's significant linkage between eg "If you’re having trouble understanding what any of that means, there are two important points to consider. First, we don’t understand it either. Nobody does. This problem should have rendered it unpublishable in all peer-reviewed, academic journals." and, picking randomly, http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-19#1646034 / J. Michael Bailey lulz. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: how ~do~ you call it anyway ? the "hates men and capitalism" tomboy that'll beg and if desperate fuck for pay ? like that mentally ill nut with the "scum manifesto"
mircea_popescu: anyway, to humor you and with absolutely no dispositive intent : let f(x) = 1/x ; let g(x) = 1/x*2. let x ->n. 0**0 = 1 implies x -> 1 when x->n. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, danielpbarron original approach, ie with limits of functionals, is imo also the correct one. and in this perspective f ^ g when both f and g ->0 is properly undefined.
mircea_popescu: was pm for a few years. anyway, he wrote some derpage about "the state", and i wrote a scathing comment.
mircea_popescu: anyway, re other point : i dun believe there is such a thing as an autodidact. everyone that knows anything learned that thing, themselves. no one can learn outside of an environment, and there is no deeper relevancy to convention of the time than that -- convention of the time. dude who learns in dark room is going to be weird one way, girly that learns in room with other girlies and teacher is going to be weird the other wa
mircea_popescu: but anyway, a fine summary of modernity is "the time when middle class status went from owning $x in property to owning $x in property AND generating $y in income".
mircea_popescu: anyway ; afaik the whole reason tex exists is because sometime in early 80s/ late 70s knuth got some galley proofs from the new photo process and hated them
mircea_popescu: "oh but mp, you wouldn't be linking to me anyway" "and this says what about you ?"
mircea_popescu: anyway, that was the original "sting" re silk road, some narc pretended to be a seller there ("hacked account, ie social engineered) and tried to sell pound of coke, nobody was buying so dork in charge decided to buy it on his own accouint. to "save face", because apparently "drug marketplace" that can't place a pound somehow has some face to be saved
mircea_popescu: "leveraging the synergies" or how's it called, "ironing out the waste and inefficiency" ? anyway. why need apple when has windows and intel ? samsung can make the tablets as usg.intel profit center.
mircea_popescu: (amusingly -- flaubert allegedly spent $longinterval trying to decide which temperature reading is the correct number, between 19 and 17 or somesuch. or maybe it was proust. anyway.)
a111: Logged on 2017-05-17 13:47 diana_coman: it certainly fits it perfectly, yes; and overall it also fits the more general pattern: the moment everyone gets to do it, one can tell that "it" is a. only a pale shadow of itself, b. going to shit full-speed ahead anyway
diana_coman: it certainly fits it perfectly, yes; and overall it also fits the more general pattern: the moment everyone gets to do it, one can tell that "it" is a. only a pale shadow of itself, b. going to shit full-speed ahead anyway ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway. the reason i point out burma is because the coup was successful, and the country is industrializing at chinese pace.
mircea_popescu: anyway. to be perfectly fair and generally speaking sane : the actual technological need driving the modern hybrid craze has ~nothing to do with the declared reasoning (envirobs) and everything to do with the desperate attempts of engineers who noticed they have a pile of ~useful items to arrange them in an optimal configuration.
mircea_popescu: anyway, to revisit upstack : putting "quantum computing" in the same pile of failed technologies as stem cell research is beyond idiotic. holy hell, every woman that ever was pregnant got the embryonic boost, measurable and measured, wtf.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-14 15:11 asciilifeform: and 'dead bitcoin', esp. if it dies on enemy's terms, would imho be a technogenic catastrophe, quite comparable to, e.g., chernobyl. ( not for mircea_popescu 'i'm rich anyway, fuck everyone' , and not for other folx, who might not even have any; but for the concept of 'gold sans the guard labour')
diana_coman: you might want to check out #eulora too and the game itself anyway
mircea_popescu: anyway. the idea was, rather than actually drill the idiots we recruit into soldiers, cheaper easier and lazier to just give them a gun. and since they're idiots anyway, we "optimize" gun into peashooter. our democracy progressing continously towards further heights of socialism.
mod6: anyway, don't worry about it. just nuke the post I made, and I'll dump the unsigned text inthere.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-05 18:19 trinque: if the thing doesn't render readably without JS it was written by morons, and who wants to read anyway
a111: Logged on 2017-05-05 18:19 trinque: if the thing doesn't render readably without JS it was written by morons, and who wants to read anyway
trinque: if the thing doesn't render readably without JS it was written by morons, and who wants to read anyway ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's the right move from a cattle herding perspective. refund the current crop and promise them vip seats atthe next one. gotta keep the promise flow.
Framedragger: yes, infantilism, and a general pattern, but it wasn't just "accounting" back then, it was mp billing multiple spends as "cartel research", and other shareholder disagreeing with this. but anyway, after actually reviewing logs, my interim conclusion is "forest is deep, and don't sign a zero asset contract framedragger"
mircea_popescu: Framedragger bitbet ended up short ~same btc, idiot chorus went "well since mp happens to be doing the accounting for it, and he's rich anyway, he should make whole our delusions as how the world works. because we have parenting issues from a bad childhood and also are so fucking speshul."
mod6: anyway, seems a common theme with me and ada. starting to wonder if my compiler version is fubar or someweird shit.
Framedragger: it would, however, require having more than one physical box at-the-ready. which is fine and how providers work anyway, but the matter becomes cost-effective only at some degree of scale, then.
mircea_popescu: "oh, i'm too fucking good to send some opterons to be racked and btw we begged for less cock. or more. or something, anyway FOR LITERALLY YEARS!!11"
mircea_popescu: diana_coman let's consider this : late april, you can go lower or higher. if you're competent you take your pick, if you are not competent and so can't follow the competent YOU DO NOT GO. you don't fucking go anyway, relying on your group numbers, and then of fucking course if you bigfoot about HIGHER than the other guys end up... causing an avalanche.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: did, with and without numlock. and the thing you're trying to catch in code (e.keyCode) is 0 in both cases. however, e.which is correct (and is more 'canonical' here anyway). but i'm on laptop currently; but that shouldn't make a difference
Framedragger: mircea_popescu: web archive says 2012, when i click its link it takes me to http://web.archive.org/web/20130310014945/https://factorable.net/ (note, 2013), but i think it's because there was no change between its first archived instance (23 oct 2012) and this 2013. anyway, no proof, sure
mircea_popescu: yes you have the traditional model where quad talks to computer, and computer says "your next freq is X and encrypt to key Y" and it's all fine. but now quad can talk to quad, and pick an X just as good as computer'd have picked it. yes this is worthless if Y is weak anyway -- but if Y is not weak anyway it is in fact valuable, even if it might be irrelevant for arbitrary usecase Z
mircea_popescu: anyway, re the earlier point - there's a very strong line dividing the case where "your idea will never work, but you can have an A anyway" because obviously you can't write a functional description of business but nevertheless that should not stop you from trying ; and "your idea if you can call it that means you can never get anything other than an F no matter what you do", because apparently you separated from human cultur
mod6: mircea_popescu: anyway, as far as dog, 100 years ago; your dog got cancer? you take it out and shoot the poor thing.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, either approach discussed is ridiculous. i don't need valgrind to emulate a processor and then guess how long things' take ; i don't want gprof's sampling either. just awk the codebase to add a printf after each instruction spitting out time and recompile. that's it.
mircea_popescu: and besides, you were here every day anyway even when it didn't pay you anything.
Framedragger: asciilifeform: yeah so i hear, and even have coupla bookmarks from recommendations should the opportunity require, heh. anyway good to know
mircea_popescu: and it would be out of the question doing business with nato-reich located dcs anyway, for basic moral reasons.
mircea_popescu: anyway. small planes (ie, single pilot) make emergency landings (ie, landing otherwise than in flight plan) for all sorts of reasons. chief among them bad weather -- the small shits have icing problems and are really dependent on atmosphere playing nice with the nutshell, and in the more responsible also the pilot deciding he's tireder than he thought.,
mircea_popescu: anyway, the hamilton-carnegie us has a) little to do with the jpmorgan-rockefeller us, and also entirely nothing to do with the jackson-nixon-bush us.
danielpbarron: asciilifeform, http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/foIIo/?raw=true ; I don't recall the original amount, and I don't know that I ever paid you for them anyway. I think even then it was to be a gift. I did pay nubbins, and he never sent them, and was supposed to refund payment, but I don't think that ever came either
mircea_popescu: anyway. i'm transylvanian if anything, which is an ethic group, if you must, and which has about as much to do with "romania" as say http://trilema.com/2013/the-greatest-accomplishments-of-the-french/#comment-92869
mircea_popescu: anyway. this is what i currently use to epxlain random string production, like "motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/the-large-bitcoin-collider-is-generating-trillions-of-keys-and-breaking-into-wallets" or like http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-14#1643409 or everything in between ☝︎
mod6: I'll write up something and put up the pics somewhere. making thumbnails is a pain in the ass... but will do it anyway.
mircea_popescu: anyway, on meditation there's substance to Framedragger 's protest, though perhaps not the sort he'd like. the impulse to "generosity", ie unqualified giving is how people end up in trouble / how the whole mess was engineered in the first place. when you've two oxen yoked to the same cart and one's smaller, sickly and can't pull, some people will naturally have the correct reaction to whip it to death. others will naturaly ha
mircea_popescu: anyway, macroeconomically speaking i fully expect us to enact trade barrier simply because the us population is desperate for some protection. if it CANT buy the chinese crap because it's not allowed it gets to not buy it ; if it can it has to come up with some way to justify not buying it on its own and it's way too dumb, soft and useless for that. so in this perspective tariffs are +ev politically.
mircea_popescu: anyway, my bad, was bitcoin "related" stuff. it's shocking identical to 5 years ago except new faces and new names.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-10 16:37 phf: well, right, but you're not going to learn how to db by ~running~ databases. the whole "db" thing is an illusion anyway. rtrees, btrees, indexes, locking mechanisms, mvcc are all concrete algorithms, that you can implement in an adhoc manner for your task at hand and actually see how they work and what they do.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-10 16:37 phf: well, right, but you're not going to learn how to db by ~running~ databases. the whole "db" thing is an illusion anyway. rtrees, btrees, indexes, locking mechanisms, mvcc are all concrete algorithms, that you can implement in an adhoc manner for your task at hand and actually see how they work and what they do.
phf: well, right, but you're not going to learn how to db by ~running~ databases. the whole "db" thing is an illusion anyway. rtrees, btrees, indexes, locking mechanisms, mvcc are all concrete algorithms, that you can implement in an adhoc manner for your task at hand and actually see how they work and what they do. ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, today watched sunset by the pool, with dog and woman. dog is a friendly pitbull, woman has nice tits. there could be worse fates.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-10 01:05 mircea_popescu: but as a side point : i went to town yest, bought jug of milk. guy kept trying to warn me it's not milk! i bought it anyway. it is FABULOUS buttermilk. best i ever had. also got a strong sheep cheese and a mellower one. i am happy like i've not been in a long time - finally, food! like god at home made it!
mircea_popescu: but as a side point : i went to town yest, bought jug of milk. guy kept trying to warn me it's not milk! i bought it anyway. it is FABULOUS buttermilk. best i ever had. also got a strong sheep cheese and a mellower one. i am happy like i've not been in a long time - finally, food! like god at home made it! ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, imo the principal point of the discussion is that knowledge, any knowledge, enacts a partition upon the world. this is the only difference - chucka and man are distinguished not by skin color, not by anything else but the overpowering fact that chuka doesn't know what to do with the rtg ; or with pushkin ; or with etcetera.
mircea_popescu: but anyway, thinking about it, it'd seem to me the only possible explanation of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-09#1641002 is that the golden dozen lacked ~any conception whatsoever~ of the enmity of mit. like dodo birds, went happily to the necessary eventual slaugther because failed ot perceive usg must be destroyed not ignored. in a field arbitrarily (and perhaps not exactly accidentally) limited in this manner, they cultiv ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, to take the thing back to rms and friends : socialism is not a political choice, it's a psychological defense. it expresses itself in fundamentally defective individuals. tis what it is.
mircea_popescu: slaves, idem. if you couint every nigger at mit, derping about "we're one, man" and "i should have money anyway" then yes you get the figures, but if you count THAT as slavery god help youi.
mircea_popescu: BenBE the problem is that others may attempt to use it and involve you thereby. which is also the whole of their business plan, i'm sure you realise. anyway, the whole thing's moot : proper wot exists, we're using it, the soup can go hang.
mircea_popescu: seems if you were going after ecdsa you'd attack the curves not the keys. kind of a wasted effort seeing how the curve authors already know the holes and why the fuck would i bother when blacklisting works so well. but anyway.
mircea_popescu: anyway, that's my stance : it is pointless to inquire in the mathematical security of x.509 and related source schemes, because they are not secure by design anyway.
a111: Logged on 2014-08-13 14:40 asciilifeform: 'They tend to show up late at parties because they figure they can always steal the cake anyway, so why bother go early ? Let the suckers figure out first - on their own dime - where the good cakes are, then just swoop in and collect... This means the only way they can get in is if you let them get in. Don’t let them get in for cheap - they have no business here.' (mp's http://trilema.com/2014/people-us-dollar
mircea_popescu: anyway, im dumping teh table as a sql and will be wanting to hack it up. but i have no tools with which to identify the CUT HERE spot
mircea_popescu: i still have nfi elephantiazis hit that poor file that it ended up 40g, but anyway, im moving the whole shebang on a tb partition and will see wtf myisamchk does.
Framedragger: anyway http://siphnos.mkj.lt/phuctor-stats/ will continue to rehost phuctor stats (including http://siphnos.mkj.lt/phuctor-stats/phuctored.html), and will see about more lenient update times (5min is excessive anyway)
mircea_popescu: but the solution is relatively simple anyway. "honey, you're not going to """college""", you're going to either riadh or beijing, and if by the time you're 20 you're not either married or coming back with a million you're not my daughter.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the whole "i write books" aspirational occupation is a macula of dumb just all of itself. i keep mentioning tucker max because he tried (and claimed to succeed) and utterly failed at the thing.
mircea_popescu: anyway, only interesting under the angle of "idiot empire raided open source forum, pretends to have "discovered" things and to "give credits" to itself etc."
mircea_popescu: and bitcoin replication isn't the best of topics for this theory anyway.
a111: Logged on 2017-04-02 09:36 diana_coman: it seems that academia meanwhile went even faster downhill than I thought possible; at this rate it will soon produce colouring books and "educate" people on how pencils are not even good for much besides making marks on paper (for which one can use their hands anyway! there's one chapter on that plus 10 on history of mark-making and its perks)
diana_coman: it seems that academia meanwhile went even faster downhill than I thought possible; at this rate it will soon produce colouring books and "educate" people on how pencils are not even good for much besides making marks on paper (for which one can use their hands anyway! there's one chapter on that plus 10 on history of mark-making and its perks) ☟︎
jurov: Thank you ben_vulpes and BingoBoingo for support but I'm kinda on ongoing sabbatical anyway.
mircea_popescu: the beach goes to both atlantic and pacific though, and the mountain's really a volcano, but anyway
mircea_popescu: anyway, cr geography is very california-like. there's beach and mountain.
mircea_popescu: anyway : the nedeflorena looking character on the left is some wanna-be poet, ie unmarrigeable and unskilled but by now too old boring female. the other one is an ambitious sort, trying to make money by selling crap, in this case vegan food. she's at some point a decade ago briefly attempted to exploit for pr reasons this mentally deranged cat lady suzanne-something, who claims to be the "suzanne feeds you oranges" in leonard
asciilifeform: anyway erlang is imho only worth discussing as part of a larger pattern -- industry after industry independently discovered that c -- and its entire approach to logic -- is poison ☟︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, fucking tard. "my name is mircea_popescu ; i've been using chairs pretty much every day since the late 70s, and recently i started getting involved in this fantastic chair community"
mircea_popescu: but anyway, back to the upstream : https://archive.is/9zD8D#selection-9.3336-9.4865 the whole thing is rather damaging of bernstein's own standing and credibility. he engages in this sort of behaviours, he isn't much of a man, and certainly the sordid tale of his misbehaviour disabused me of any intention of rating him on the basis of his work. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: anyway. polonium doth naturally exist and accumulate
mircea_popescu: if you're doing all the trenching anyway, actually documenting it is not much more load, and totally worth it.
mircea_popescu: (anyway, ftr i do not dispute the "So this exemplifies that MP makes mistakes, is reckless, duplicitous, and may be borderline lunatic/sociopath who could lose his mind at some point and totally REKT Bitcoin. We do not have decentralization with Satoshi's PoW." concept. examples are not needed ; mp is indeed all the above and more.)
diana_coman: anyway, gotta say that mod6's script and docs were great and very, very helpful
mp_en_viaje: anyway, the striking thing a bout the afghani dwelling is that it's not a hut. it's a tower, if need be essentialized to a pillar, but basically a machinegun pillbox. AROUND IT like around the medieval castle the women's items, huts and bread ovens and children/goat/pig stys are build. but the dwelling is basically this donjon.
mircea_popescu: anyway. strong law-and-order ticket, repressed the bums (social group that today in the us masquerades as "students") and so on.
mircea_popescu: anyway. this'll do fine for a stock answer to the people inquiring why $random-"standard" isn't supported. the account is delinquent. they owe a lot of money and are trying to defraud us of it.
mircea_popescu: anyway. sarge explained to me that it's not done here. and also wanted to know if i "consume"
mircea_popescu: anyway, to my eye the amusing thing is that if you get a nude hottie out in the open, what'll happen is the half dozen boys that'll dare approach will a) be symbolically protected by their magical uniform garb and b) ask for the perturbation in the force be removed OH PLEASE GOD MAKE IT GO AWAY.
mircea_popescu: "won't shit get randomly bent and displaced and you only get the residual friction anyway ?" "YEAH!!!"
mircea_popescu: and yes, everyone but asciilifeform is aware hammer-carpentry is ~windows-computing but anyway.
mircea_popescu: anyway, the difference between imponade and the idf is that the imponade relies on failure of those imponed upon to evaluate ; whereas the idf relies on the fundamental problem of the cost of evaluation -- sometimes it's huge.
asciilifeform: anyway it isn't a 'replacement for emacs', and serious emacsists do sometimes spit, 'i can do this from TRAMP' etc.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform anyway, they COULD NOT enjoy life as chicken handlers, because they'd do dumb shit. there's a reason situation with 1k droolers with chicken coop 20 chickens each turned into 1 chicken farm, 20k chickens, designed by 1, ran by 10, and 989 droolers on ipads waiting for the counter to count down.
mircea_popescu: anyway. typically pirate war against the crown wants you know, the fortress of martinique. and gibraltar.
mircea_popescu: and for that matter, who's to say a simple move to 64 bits doesn't resolve the problem altogether. but anyway, i'm more making a point than proposing a technical solution.
mircea_popescu: anyway, "disagreement-verbiage" so to call it is the stuff of life. i have tons of it with my slavegirls, and they're very literal chattel slaves, not as much as a stitch they own outright nor as much as a private fold in their heart. nevertheless...
mircea_popescu: but whatever, "who could have predicted" and "nobody wants a govt job anyway so you can't fire us."
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-17#1628783 << to briefly revisit : contrary to what general public might expect (tm), if brother and sister conceive together the result is going to be a perfectly fine baby by any standards. yes it's possible they spawn a monster, but not likely, and moreover this is possible anyway. (for instance : rh negative women (but not positive) impregnated by rh positive man can and often do develop aut ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, the pill is not equivalent to "get pregnant and miscarry". it prevents nidation (ie, the implantation of the fecundated ovary into the uterine wall). pregnancy can at the earliest be deemed to have begun once the morule starts signaling (hormonally), which is days away from this moment. it'd be proper-er to say it gilds their womb.