539 entries in 0.74s
mircea_popescu: dumb orcs had a very feudal system of allocating the cunt - whereby the pretty ones would be married off and then used by the guy's bosses.
asciilifeform: well, 'dumb orcs' had 2, explain that.
mircea_popescu: (the part where mosul is a town apparently made out of villages i can understand - so is buenos aires. the orcs dun do urban life.)
asciilifeform: orcs tend to be practical folk. witness, e.g., palestine, even there - they understand rocket.
asciilifeform: iirc they hired some local orcs
mircea_popescu: anyway. german state/govt has a point : peons are replaceable. if they won't fuck - there's orcs somewhere that will.
trinque: orcs
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the orcs picked scarcity over ersatz.
asciilifeform: lizards want orcs in convenient corrals.
asciilifeform: because the one i live one is a bit different. the orcs compete to swallow max saheeb cock, while feigning 'rebellion.'
phf: one day orcs perhaps will use it to last through the night, as a kindle
asciilifeform: meanwhile, 'orcs want to be #trilema', https://archive.is/dHnYS
asciilifeform: mats: https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3031638-Select-Slides-FINAL-PMR-4-24-13-Redacted.html << lulzy. idiot orcs.
asciilifeform: poor sad ru orcs never knew how to correctly wreck 'rotten capitalist' west.
mircea_popescu: ukr chicks put out, ukr is the lol of all orcs, even the muscovi losers.
asciilifeform: betcha 9/10 orcs' favourite city in usa is miami.
asciilifeform: low-tech orcs - yes, shoot smack
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-07#1516321 << talmudism. they 'just want to' arbitrarily do whatever, to whomever, like orcs, and the window dressing of 'rule of law' is annoying, more importantly - too expensive to afford nowadays ☝︎
asciilifeform: the cost, to the rest of the planet, of those particular orcs remaining among the living.
asciilifeform: reagan was on the throne, lispm's - running, sciam - in print, usd - worth something, sought after by orcs..
mats: and orcs pop off rounds for virtually any reason anyway, so why bother
pete_dushenski: asciilifeform: walls are kinda thin and flimsy for that purpose. the orcs with 'strong retard' muscle will bust through those barriers like a steam train through a sheet of tin foil.
BingoBoingo: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-19#1505672 << submarine/boat can't promise this anymore. Niantic will put a poke-a-man stop near your nowhere and orcs follow. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: and as phf can no doubt tell you, only orcs vocalize /ʎ/ as /ʃ/. and the worst kind, too.
mircea_popescu: and in other wtf, anglos write naTion and noTion but nevertheless say naSHion and noSHion. because NOT ONLY do they have the romanian t, and s, which they don't bother to write down, but they also do the t, -> s, conversion like a buncha southern idiot plainsdwellers. romanian also spells nation and notion, but reads it like orcs one removed, natzion, notzion. fucking welchers do it like orcs twice removed, sh directly.
asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-07-12#1501890 << hey, orcs are poor, they dun have a centralized bureau of packet log ☝︎
asciilifeform: (because orcs are simple folk and this was the easiest thing to do)
asciilifeform: betcha the orcs occasionally really do mortar straight up.
gabriel_laddel: asciilifeform: Can't stand orcs.
trinque: orcs have no pretense to being something better
asciilifeform: funnily enough, i liked the orcs.
asciilifeform: i especially liked this kind of motorcycle that the local orcs ride, it looks like it is made for a boy, their arses just nearly touch the ground !
asciilifeform: but i suspect that pretty much all orcs learning the language had same thought
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: from my reading, the shriveled orcs who populate egypt from mircea_popescu's tales thereof
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: usg has this 'orcs are dumb' thing going. and isn't even always wrong - e.g., winblowz at natanz centrifuge plant
asciilifeform: orcs dun make market rate
mircea_popescu: i guess the ustards imagines itself in the glorified position where all non-orcs are friendly.
mircea_popescu: with any luck, it happens young. like for instance through the age-old process of, orcs come through rampaging village, rape everyone, surviving kid is faced with the cold, sad truth that "if those assholes were any good, they'd be still alive".
asciilifeform: 'civilized humans' laugh at primitive orcs, who had their party-exclusive wankatrons where everybody could see them.
asciilifeform: non-jew orcs.
mircea_popescu: afaik they let orcs in that sorta job.
mircea_popescu: apparently this is a permanent item, usg-born orcs forcibly integrated by usg, revert to the tribal arrangements that are adequate to their needs and capacities.
mircea_popescu: it's not supposed to work in THAT sense. fuck the orcs, who cares. it's supposed to work in THIS other sense.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: only done re orcs. in usaschwitz protesters are part of ecosystem, cultivated to prop up illusion of 'controversy' and 'political process!111'
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell pete_dushenski http://www.contravex.com/2016/04/28/for-some-embarrassment-is-rare-for-some-its-sous-vide/ << i lollered the healthly lol of schadenfreunde, for while i loathe the inept orcs i live among, it consoles me to read orcish adventures in the northern lands. you got some grammar issues in teh letter tho.
asciilifeform: it was astonishing, ~0 orcs.
BingoBoingo: Who knows alf mebbe you even get to make friends with some orcs?
mircea_popescu: meteors, cancer, orcs, other ones, women, drinking, boredom...
asciilifeform: orcs ?
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: We don't usually get massive pileups and these pipe explosions are infrequent. House explosions happen anywhere orcs are allowed to go feral while playing homeowner
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: in english world, ^ ~the~ orcs.
gribble: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=uruk-hai | In J. R. R. Tolkien's fictional epic, "The Lord of the Rings," the Uruk-hai (Black Speech meaning Orc folk) were a new breed of Orcs that appeared during the ...
asciilifeform: humans, orcs, politicos, pretty much every other name ever appearing in a fishwrap, is in there somewhere.
mircea_popescu: for that matter, "how to be rich" is idem problem solved, by orcs even.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: the egyptian orcs ?
asciilifeform: ( giant, flattens thousands of orcs by wielding an old piece of junk, for as long as he can )
ascii_field: if 10,001 orcs show up at the gates
mircea_popescu: there's record in the history of the church of virgin in flock of virgins that gave herself to orcs so that the others may be kept, and they fucked her to bits, so she's now a strange sort of martyr.
asciilifeform: and we're in a monastery, trying to preserve a few tidbits, while orcs hammer on the gates.
asciilifeform: but mircea_popescu is right, and this is a disease suffered by nearly all orcs.
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-02-2016#1413445 <<< well, "defended the decision". said to an audience of derps "you are too stupid to have cool things, orcs. stick with the clubs you know." and they nodded because a) who the fuck knows what weirdo foreigner is saying and b) what difference does it make to orc anyway ? no indoor voice to begin with, what ability to modulate behaviour by sounds ? that comes after. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: nevertheless, a streetwalker is a streetwalker whether she fucks bums or healthy virile orcs.
asciilifeform: incidentally, how come mircea_popescu dislikes 'ndranghetta ? it's orcs doing healthy virile orc stuff, no ?
asciilifeform: actually i have a very clear model of how orcs relate to humans
asciilifeform: well if the whole appeal of orcs is 'not yet radiation damaged'
mircea_popescu: Islamists opposed the law because "neither elected MPs nor the government has the authority to change the law because these institutions could misinterpret the word of God". <<< check it out alf, the orcs get it.
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu's point re: orcs is well-illustrated in the mega-compendium. observe how the crackpots who can barely string coherent words together, actually sit closer to the dirty truth than the 'educated' folk
asciilifeform: also i will note that orcs are, where typically found, trained-dumb in a number of easily identifiable ways.
asciilifeform: and i fully understand why mircea_popescu is fond of orcs.
mircea_popescu: but herein we find the elixir of my tolerance of orcs that perhaps bedazzles you alf. this is it : they may be stupid, but at least they're not TRAINEDLY dumb.
mircea_popescu: they can't make a plane or maintain the roads, but by god have you seen how superior their flashlights are over the orcs' ?
mircea_popescu: i follow the palaiologos tradition. whereby the orcs are a slightly more complex thing.
asciilifeform: from pelevin's yarn, where the precisely 'sandvaginated' folk living in antigravity sphere called themselves 'human' and, derisively, the still healthy folk below on the ground, 'orcs'
mircea_popescu: which is why the prisons are full of orcs with "booze and women put us here" rather than the other way around
asciilifeform: that's the thing with orcs, they are very easily bought.
mircea_popescu: ascii_butugychag you know, the orcs that don't have alphabet because their mommies were sluts or something.
ascii_butugychag: but i can't speak for mircea_popescu's orcs, aha.
mircea_popescu: <asciilifeform> http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-01-2016#1373716 << actually, living in a perplexing (to non-orcs) symbiotic vendetta balance with enemies is the common thing. << no because jurov knows shit about the noncivilised world having taken wives out of their ranks and such. ☝︎
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=17-01-2016#1373716 << actually, living in a perplexing (to non-orcs) symbiotic vendetta balance with enemies is the common thing. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: anyway, to get back to things : 1. a thriving middle class means very strictly, ruined-usg-everything as well as scandalously oppressed orcs. this is what it means, this is what'll happen because middle class is not negotiable.
asciilifeform: orcs are met with in the orc stall in the barn
ascii_field: theodor dalrymple (british) had a piece describing a scene he witnessed as a medic in liberia, where enraged orcs sawed the legs off, and carefully too massive shits into, a rare and very costly concert piano
mircea_popescu: (what apparently nobody wants to mention is that the "good" oop now corrupted by teh evil orcs was really a child of desperation. pretty much born out of the mit through c-section, in the classical sense)
pete_dushenski: must be moar like party orcs. HOW NOT !!1
pete_dushenski: why would softies want to bash heads with tried and true orcs again ?
mircea_popescu: burn the orcs, rape their women, stgart over.
mircea_popescu: once 100 young male able bodied orcs move in, there's going to be 500 more kids the next decade, and not enough money to pay for halfd that many abortions
asciilifeform: earnest orcs aren't a neutron bomb, they don't do 'clear', they leave behind writhing mess of breeding scum and 'international komyooonitiiii' charitycase
mircea_popescu: this isn't a confrontation between orcs and culture. this is a confrontation between earnest orcs and pretentious orcs, and my heart goes out to the earnest set.
mircea_popescu: the problem is they've lost control, the orcs are running amok, and as a result there's not going to be any donations, there's not going to be any electoral support and moreover the opposition can mop up the entire democrat tammany hall machine.
assbot: Logged on 03-11-2015 20:19:08; ascii_field: the orcs are welcome because they spread chaos and destroy the competition of usg
mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=03-11-2015#1315028 << the orcs are accepted because if you don't fuck your wife, someone will. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: germany took the eastern orcs 20 years ago, what did it do ?
asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=04-11-2015#1315231 << you don't need that many orcs to turn a germany into an england ☝︎
ascii_field: the orcs are welcome because they spread chaos and destroy the competition of usg ☟︎
ascii_field: so what, god opened the borders and set up the specially-designated 24/7 trains full of berserking orcs ?
asciilifeform: meanwhile finland hands out free moneyz to orcs, http://yle.fi/uutiset/kela_to_prepare_basic_income_proposal/8422295
funkenstein_: orcs
assbot: Logged on 18-10-2015 16:20:12; asciilifeform: i'd trade it all for pen, paper, and zero orcs
mircea_popescu: (note that the 0 orcs in THAT case comes from lack of differentiation. there's a lot fewer retarded children at 2 weeks than at 2 years of age. guess why ?)