1383 entries in 0.816s
pete_dushenski: hey, prejudice exists specifically because you're "reunited". << heh. i made a similar point in the soviet-harvard article
assbot: It’s called the Soviet-HARVARD illusion for a reason and that reason is Joshua Greene. | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski ... ( http://bit.ly/1xH5UI9 )
pete_dushenski: http://www.contravex.com/2015/01/08/its-called-the-soviet-harvard-illusion-for-a-reason-and-that-reason-is-joshua-greene/
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: i'm expecting to end up in an inca-style, rather than soviet-style, camp
asciilifeform: at some point, usd will no longer be a 'convertible' unit. completing its transition to equivalent of the soviet ruble.
decimation: asciilifeform: like the 'soviet embassy bug': http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thing_(listening_device)
asciilifeform: let's imagine the good ship Mircea, a four-reactored former soviet nuke sub;
asciilifeform: quotes the dollar officially at 12 bolivars. meanwhile, black rate is ~17 << mega-lol!! >> at one point, iirc, 'vanity' exchange rate of soviet ruble was 12 per usd.
mircea_popescu: "Money soon became worthless. We returned to an exchange. For a tin can of tushonka (think Soviet spam), you could have a woman. (It is hard to speak of it, but it is true.) Most of the women who sold themselves were desperate mothers."
mircea_popescu: to the typically corrupt latter soviet system where that hero is a hero of the union.
decimation: re: tank's top < " That was Stalin's hall-mark, his style - that splendid disregard of differences, that levelling of friends and enemies that made him a unique figure in the whole of human history. Another thing for which the Soviet court did not condemn Potapov was that in 1945 - still in his broken spectacles tied with string but this time with a tommy-gun in his hand - he rode into Berlin on the back of a Red Army tank; this was
asciilifeform: spending btc is like fissioning away old soviet Pu.
decimation: forward soviet!
mats: http://www.mortarinvestments.eu/products/tanks-2/t-72-42#currency=USD << get your own soviet tank for only 50k USD!
mats: 'Each United States diplomatic facility that [is in] ... the Russian Federation, or any country that is a former member of the Soviet Union shall be constructed to include a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility.'
asciilifeform: soviet prison camp where uranium was mined.
asciilifeform: the results must go into soviet-style production by the megatonne.
asciilifeform: picture if - the equalistas will step up their game now. i recall there already was talk of (soviet-style!) revocation of watson's degrees.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform dja recall soviet paints of the 80s ?
decimation took a course in soviet politics years ago and I left more confused about its bureaucracy
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform yeah, hence all teh soviet shiteating jokes.
jurov: i once read somewhere abou soviet culturai influence on east germany and they wrote "even some people had slavic facial features"
asciilifeform: http://www.foia.cia.gov/sites/default/files/document_conversions/89801/DOC_0000500644.pdf << usg gloats (internally) at great length and detail re: soviet computer industry. circa 1989.
assbot: Uknc MS 0511 MC Computer MS 0202 Complex Vintage USSR Soviet Russian Dec PDP 11 | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1vuuI5b )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://www.ebay.com/itm/UKNC-MS-0511-MC-Computer-MS-0202-Complex-Vintage-USSR-Soviet-Russian-DEC-PDP-11-/380857963982 << example of that pdp in natural habitat. same junk peddler.
assbot: K1602RC2 Vintage Quite RARE USSR Soviet Russian Magnetic Bubble Domain Memory | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSEnBr )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://www.ebay.com/itm/K1602RC2-Vintage-Quite-Rare-USSR-Soviet-Russian-Magnetic-Bubble-Domain-Memory-/151342346010 << to complete your project. yes, bubble memory. go find usa bubble memory.
assbot: KR1801VM1 USSR Soviet Russian Planar Clone of Dec PDP 11 Digital Main CPU | eBay ... ( http://bit.ly/1vSDb0H )
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: http://www.ebay.com/itm/KR1801VM1-USSR-Soviet-Russian-Planar-Clone-of-DEC-PDP-11-Digital-Main-CPU-/380993522876 << for you
assbot: Авиамарш "Всё выше" Soviet Air Force March - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1pRmu6m )
jurov: he dared to tweet “67 years ago Stalin defended from Hitler his right to suppress Soviet people.”
assbot: Logged on 20-08-2014 06:37:37; asciilifeform: soviet scientist declares, 'we've invented a shit-to-food converter.' 'does it work?' 'sorta. spreading on bread: worlks!!11! eating - not quite yet.'
mircea_popescu: they'd make great soviet bureaucrats, if only there existed a soviet soyuz for them to run into the ground.
asciilifeform: as i understand, this is why countries that inherited, bought, stole, etc. some xxx quantity of soviet aircraft yy years ago, tend to fly some small handful z of them at a time
mircea_popescu: <undata> the trend is as asciilifeform describes << how could it not be ? who the fuck ever heard of soviets in soviet russia.
mircea_popescu: jurov czechoslovakia isn't soviet russia tho or what are we talking about here
assbot: Foreign trade of the Soviet Union - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1y9zs0H )
jurov: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foreign_trade_of_the_Soviet_Union pediwikia mentions grain imports specifically
jurov: and since soviet govt boasted about being "governed by science" here we are
assbot: Logged on 15-06-2014 02:28:38; asciilifeform: 'the Western blok... preferred to view the Eastern European nations as victims of Soviet aggression, ignoring the simple and manly fact (that would have been instantly understood by a Roman) that Soviet legions, without anyone's help, took possession of Eastern Europe via force of arms, answering aggression with aggression. And the Roman would an absurdity - he could not comprehend, in the name of wha
mircea_popescu: they could be Time Africa / Soviet Union / Best Korea just as well.
mircea_popescu: my point is, in a socialist system, be it us-socialist or national-socialist or soviet-socialist or anything it may be
asciilifeform: now, it's abundantly clear that usd is on its way to 'zimbabwean', 'vanity' currency status like soviet ruble
decimation: asciilifeform: can you imagine a similar conversation at a soviet university at the kgb recruiting desk?
undata: that even sounds like a soviet labor camp
asciilifeform: undata: do you know how soviet nukes and spacecraft were assembled?
asciilifeform: wow no specifically soviet refs
asciilifeform remembers very fine soviet chocolates 'bird's milk'
asciilifeform: s never met any Soviet citizens, leads a lonely, introspective life, far from other people, and is by profession a forester, fisherman, lighthouse-keeper, security guard or railwayman. In many cases such an agent will be a physical invalid...'
asciilifeform: 'A portrait of an ideal agent for spetsnaz emerges something like this: a man of between fifty-five and sixty-five years of age who has never served in the army, never had access to secret documents, does not carry or own a weapon, knows nothing about hand-to-hand fighting, does not possess any secret equipment and doesn't support the Comunists, does not read the newspapers, was never in the Soviet Union and ha
mircea_popescu: <decimation> I imagine this is pretty much how the soviet government worked too << not exactly. http://trilema.com/2013/regulation-for-our-lord-regulos/#footnote_0_51832
decimation: I imagine this is pretty much how the soviet government worked too
asciilifeform: aha i'll wait for somebody to asciiart my old soviet magazine scans, yes.
saifedean: well, it is very soviet, but it's more subtle than 'using grant money to coerce lies'
bounce: soviet science best science
mircea_popescu: because this sounds so very soviet...
asciilifeform: approximately: 'the soviet den of thieves / to council it did go; / the soviet den-of-thieves / to enemy, said 'no!' / we turned that bitch right in / to the chaps at kgb / since then, at not one prison / i ever him did see! '
asciilifeform often reads vintage soviet magazines, and was recently surprised to find mention of 'warmocalypse' in 'химия и жизнь' circa 1991.
asciilifeform: 5bn in bezzlatron. use soviet figures (converting to modern 'weights and measures' is a separate voodoo) for a bit closer to reality.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform: considering that folks are -still- grinding down soviet army installations for metals... << soviet military complex was objectively larger than us ever got tho. cheap plentiful raw materials.
decimation: heh I think usg still pays for highly-enriched uranium from soviet bombs
asciilifeform: considering that folks are -still- grinding down soviet army installations for metals...
bounce: now how do I say "seelance, I keel yoo" in soviet russian?
asciilifeform knew it! mircea_popescu is running mirceabtc on soviet machine made of discrete germanium transistors!
asciilifeform: 'it takes a brave fellow not to be a hero in the soviet army.'
decimation: asciilifeform: I didn't realize that the soviet army was a 'volunteer' organization
asciilifeform: there was a soviet-era kids' book about a lil'bugger who gets turned into an ant as punishment for his idiocy
asciilifeform: much shorter soviet version:
asciilifeform: like the soviet one
asciilifeform: cuban << by aging soviet-trained confectioners, aha
bounce: what's special about soviet chocolate?
asciilifeform is not thrilled with the fact that poroshenko owns most of the remaining supply chain for proper 'soviet' chocolate, and the latter may soon be in short supply
asciilifeform: fine soviet chocolate.
adlai: in soviet russia, wot get inside of YOU!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform granted. still... a step forward, soviet! :D
assbot: Logged on 20-08-2014 06:37:37; asciilifeform: soviet scientist declares, 'we've invented a shit-to-food converter.' 'does it work?' 'sorta. spreading on bread: worlks!!11! eating - not quite yet.'
assbot: Logged on 10-09-2014 00:36:11; asciilifeform: kakobrekla: used own replica of old soviet mask, anode on eyelids, cathode on occiput
decimation: interestingly, it uses "AJ-26" engines, which were 'commercially purchased' by usg from... the soviet moon program
asciilifeform can't help but remember ancient, trashy soviet film about an inventor kid, who builds a magic time-machine thingie from a phone booth, and retrieves, inevitably - grandpa lenin - who smiles and approves of his life
mircea_popescu: quite a soviet moment.
asciilifeform misses cheap soviet caviar (not 'cheapened', but actually cheap, on account of geography)
bounce: soviet slide rule
asciilifeform: or soviet calculator
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: north apple is best apple << that'd be soviet 'agat' computer ?
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu won't give us his soviet calculator proggy, dooming us to rewrite it
decimation: asciilifeform: is that a picture of stierlitz in the upper right of the anti-soviet-portrayals-of-hollywood image you linked? if so, hilarious
mircea_popescu: these soviet jokes...
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: after this is over, you gotta tell us which soviet calculator you've been using, since '11, for your bitcoin needs.
decimation: asciilifeform: what was the name of that soviet agent who was like 'james bond'
asciilifeform: make your own tx, with soviet calculator.
kakobrekla: > Initially he was said to live in Siberia, but with the Informbiro crisis and the schism between Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union his home was relocated to Mt. Triglav, Slovenia's (and also Yugoslavia's) highest peak.
asciilifeform: Adlai: afaik, as with most soviet crackpots, no translation to english exists
asciilifeform: Adlai would be pleased to read the works of soviet academician Porshnev
asciilifeform: a highly armed, extremely disciplined military doesn't just vanish << where is soviet army ?
asciilifeform: kakobrekla: loltron. nah, we had an 'iskra' (8086 clone originally built for soviet tanks.) so no dice.
asciilifeform: using soviet mk-61 calculator.
asciilifeform: my father, as a private in soviet army, was trained, like many others, to take out 'silo' type missile installations with ordinary grenade. (how? jam the door by propping small explosive, e.g., grenade, under one rail. tricky bit is to get to the damn thing, across an ocean and under guard...)
decimation: lol "As Western intelligence services continued to register successes with the polygraph as a counterintelligence tool, Soviet propaganda on polygraph machines changed from "bourgeois hoaxes" to (tested research devices.)
asciilifeform: just like soviet partisans did (this aspect, naturally, was not emphasized in the children's books.)
undata: box them in soviet apartments