254 entries in 0.582s
mircea_popescu: Short Term Steps Use the Intel and ARM optimized SHA256 routines, which increase SHA256 speed by about 80%. << NO.
asciilifeform: sha256(blk0001.dat) is equal to the expected value.
asciilifeform: sha256(blk0001.dat) for this run: 7aac5826b91b4f87a2e9534e0e38e8d64ed21aff8a4eb8ff8dde4e726e67fe1a
punkman: I think you just gotta SHA256 the deed bundle and use that as the private exponent
trinque: Hasimir: deedbot records the sha256 of gpg signed messages into the bitcoin blockchain
asciilifeform: davout: no, i meant that it is actually not hard. as in, go and read definition for sha256
asciilifeform: for the benefit of log readers, i will point out again, that a sha256 hashing circuit is dwarfed, complexity-wise, by all but the simplest 'homework' cpu, gpu, whatever other ic product
mircea_popescu: sha256 is as long as tringque's.
asciilifeform: what's the sha256 ?
mike_c: comodo sha256 cert good through 11/15
danielpbarron: there's yer answer: it's sha1; not sha256
mod6: yep, got that too... but check the sha256's of the dl'd patch files, see if they match the checksums that the ml inserted into the file name.
mod6: <+ascii_field> the patch, note, did not remove all (there is a 'what is my ip' thing in there ) << ah, i recall. ok and this is what initiated the conversation about SHA256 addy's as opposd to dotted quads right?
felipelalli: ok, I'll try: I'd like to use OTC as a global "blacklist". But it is bad for that because a scammer won't create an account on OTC, or if his reputation is bad, he'll erase it. So we could create a "standard" like for example: br-8d255152 where "br" is the country code ISO and 8d255152 is the first 8 chars of SHA256 of user country document (in Brazil we call CPF and in Australia ID)
Adlai: doesn't reduce the total number, but fuck using decimal for sha256
trinque: pub/priv-key encrypt either works or doesn't, sha256 either works or doesn't
danielpbarron: Add FingerprintHash option to ssh(1) and sshd(8), and equivalent command-line flags to the other tools to control algorithm used for key fingerprints. The default changes from MD5 to SHA256 and format from hex to base64.
asciilifeform: Adlai: and srsly, sha256 as a callout?! it's a pg or 2
asciilifeform: cat: ./chicken/bitcoin-0.5.3-no-crud.sha256.manifest: No such file or directory
asciilifeform: cut: ./chicken/bitcoin-0.5.3-no-crud.sha256.manifest: No such file or directory
kakobrekla: jurov for otp? sha256 of a paragraph i made up from non-dict words plus some pseudo random bs that changes each run
davout: you can just sha256 your content, make an address out of that, send a bitcent there, and since that's how deedbot is supposed to work, you get your stuff deedbot-timestamped before deedbot even exists
davout: just sha256 it and send that to the bot
decimation: asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: re: deterministic wallets << the ware that someone dropped in the chan a few days ago was amusing: you enter you die rolls on the command line (history!) and then it converts to 'diceware' string, and then it takes a sha256 hash
cazalla: anyway, his timeline is still fucked up, bitmain didn't even ship scrpt miners back in october nor can you mine scypt coins with sha256 asics despite him claiming otherwise
jurov: sha256(ip) alone can be bruteforced easily
nubbins`: http://www.xorbin.com/tools/sha256-hash-calculator http://lenschulwitz.com/base58 https://brainwallet.github.io/ https://www.base64decode.org/
nubbins`: http://www.xorbin.com/tools/sha256-hash-calculator
punkman1: nubbins`: sha256 of raw genesis deed is 9c68d5c322a3f4212112c5eb1a68dffdb49d105c34256bf219581da524c90522
assbot: Logged on 28-10-2014 06:51:56; punkman: if you base58decode the deed hash, you get a sha256 hash of raw deed
punkman: if you base58decode the deed hash, you get a sha256 hash of raw deed
punkman: just sha256 the BXZ... string
punkman: sha256 of bundle: 07014e56d4c34fb7962db64e2cdf5ebcd3f8eca891a0ea697cc5f46f55d1da9d
BingoBoingo: sha256 of my guess on which trilema url hanbot wrote about 86e9f3b06d8abfde4f1323725907a4c9ccb6017d7ec35250f63ba735b6edbd08
nubbins`: var hash = Crypto.SHA256($('#pass').val(), { asBytes: true });
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
mircea_popescu: http://www.xorbin.com/tools/sha256-hash-calculator << this agrees with me btw.
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
punkman: sha256 collisions?
jurov: bitcoin solves it by using double sha256, otherwise it's solved by using HMAC
jurov: punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key << ever heard of hash extension attack?
decimation: so if I'm reading that correctly, the list of sha256 hashes of all the deeds would allow one to 'detect deeds'
assbot: Logged on 26-10-2014 20:32:15; punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key
assbot: Logged on 16-10-2014 14:00:51; mircea_popescu: btw, cazalla bingoboingo and everyone else in the same situation : if the blob gpg spits out when you sign contains a SHA1 you are using the older, and perhaps not all that secure digest algo. you should move on to sha512 either with --digest-algo SHA512 or else edit gpg.conf to insert personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256
Apocalyptic: by the way are SHA1 gpg-signed messages considered read ? I read somewhere one might rather use sha256 or higher, don't know if there's any merit to that claim
punkman: deeds are sha256 hashed, hash is b58encoded, b58encoded hashes of all deeds are joined with ",", that string is sha256'd again and that's the private key ☟︎
punkman: so if someone wants to do some independent verification, hash "BXZKQx2iLYyRpUCmdWCqJBvgUdvqWH4EE8TV1ns3pxLZ" with sha256, convert to big int, make Bitcoin private key with big int, verify the key's address is 149LB8VYaT1BdMLyQUL92Kj6KrJfNwcp64.
assbot: 77 results for 'sha256' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sha256
mircea_popescu: !s sha256
asciilifeform: find . -xtype f -print0 | xargs -0 sha256sum > ../bitcoin-0.5.3.sha256.manifest
jurov: cut -d ' ' -f 3- bitcoin-0.5.3-no-crud.sha256.manifest does
asciilifeform: sha256 == aab1f8ea8c7f131ff69dfa3b9437ba35531018be760132dd6373f41a591f6382
mircea_popescu: well that's interesting, https://codeload.github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/legacy.tar.gz/v0.3.21 spits out a turd that's sha256: 8c62d735a13d89c25c35996c828bcee96aa6e00adcffd294c494ae8d8b5924bb
asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: best i turned up is: bitcoin-0.3.21-linux.tar.gz (leeched jun 2 2011) - sha256: 7e49fd93e9db98d57df31b789eb3cc46e94854958c86961514ff5cb1c7264071
mircea_popescu: btw, cazalla bingoboingo and everyone else in the same situation : if the blob gpg spits out when you sign contains a SHA1 you are using the older, and perhaps not all that secure digest algo. you should move on to sha512 either with --digest-algo SHA512 or else edit gpg.conf to insert personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 ☟︎☟︎
punkman: for existing deedbot, the whole bundle goes through sha256, then that hash is manipulated to create a public address
MolokoDesk: the hashing spec is just SHA256 of the file converted to a bitcoin address.
asciilifeform: sha256(lenat-leaks.tar.gz) == cf3a34181d3dff597f1d3fbd7f5678d65263720dbe6ce14dc814ff714d729015
punkman: 20 BTC for breaking this js wallet: https://keybase.io/warp/warp_1.0.6_SHA256_e68d4587b0e2ec34a7b554fbd1ed2d0fedfaeacf3e47fbb6c5403e252348cbfc.html
RagnarDanneskjol: hey jdanks - cant remember, you got sha256 equipment?
kakobrekla: devcoin is sha256
MolokoDeck: bot sits in here. People point it at a cryptocontract with multiple signatories. it verifies the signatures. if they're good it creates an unspendable bitcoin transaction with the address encoding the SHA256 hash of the contract. When that transaction clears and is on the blockchain, it notifies the IRC channel and gives the URL of a logged copy of the document, it's associated hash, and a pointer to the blockchain transac
MolokoDeck: then the bot would return an SHA256 hash of the document, encode it as a bitcoin address and make a minimum non-spendable transaction, and log to a repository or blog the document with the sha256 hash and the transaction ID containing the encoded hash, and the block number it's in. It would wait to get a confirmation before doing this so the transaction would be in the blockchain.
Blazedout419: mircea_popescu --> https://www.miningrigrentals.com/rigs/sha256
MolokoDeck: I'm not sure there's a quantum algorith for SHA256 that's particularly leveraged, but there are supposedly turing-complete quantum gate computers that could accellerate that. Let's not go into that.
danielpbarron: start learning how to sha256 by hand
mike_c: depositor insurance: the insurer publishes a list like this: coinbr insured accounts - sha256(act_id): amount, sha256(act_id): amount
mircea_popescu: decimation here's more. sha1 is implemented as "sha1sum". sha256 however is implemented as "sha256". then sha512 is... "sha512sum"
assbot: [SHA256] Altcoin | Page 22 | Bitcointa.lk
mircea_popescu: Rassah https://bitcointa.lk/threads/sha256-altcoin.250774/page-22
BayAreaCoins: I'm more interested in the mining power behind it and the networks on going security. Total supply : * 2734040 HUC Hashrate : * sha256 : 2 818.74TH/s * scrypt : 13.30GH/s
asciilifeform: sha256: 0a289db22cfb90ccd84c609a70e1188b75086b9ebcde062aa5bf5bc54a9c7da3 ninjashogun.txt
jurov: Crypto.SHA256(window.screen.height, window.screen.width, window.screen.colorDepth, window.screen.availHeight, window.screen.availWidth, window.screen.pixelDepth, date, timeZoneOffset, navigator.userAgent, all browser plugins, all mime types of the browser, cookies, language, browser history, browser url) to xor that in to the random bytes.
mircea_popescu: The header is signed with the coinbase transaction's private key, and the hash (SHA256(SIG(header, privkey))) of that signature is smaller than a second difficulty parameter Y.
punkman: yo dawg I heard u like difficulty: "The header is signed with the coinbase transaction's private key, and the hash (SHA256(SIG(header, privkey))) of that signature is smaller than a second difficulty parameter Y. "
pankkake: sha256, and everything the same as Bitcoin
mircea_popescu: remind me, what are the chain characteristics ? sha256 ? how many per block, how frequent blocks ?
gribble: The Real Altcoin (ATC) - Never mine another altcoin again.: <http://www.therealaltcoin.org/>; The Real Altcoin (TheRealAltcoin) on Twitter: <https://twitter.com/TheRealAltcoin>; [NEW CASINO! SHA256] Altcoin - Bitcoin Forum: <https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=443108.0>
Naphex: so.. if the difficulty adjusts itself to do sha256 for 10 minutes, isn't bitcoin backed by TIME?
Vexual: u tink someone clever will make a sha256 chip to end the game ascii?
punkman: no idea, they have sha256 though
ozbot: [SHA256] Altcoin | Page 22 | Bitcointa.lk
mircea_popescu: https://bitcointa.lk/threads/sha256-altcoin.250774/page-22 << check out the expert herps.
mircea_popescu: fluffypony: is there a firm love for sha256 as an algo? << 512.
fluffypony: is there a firm love for sha256 as an algo?
Naphex: signature is hmac-sha256 with secret, from field 1 to uuid
Naphex: or break HMAC-SHA256
artifexd: I imagine it would work with any sha256 coin.
ozbot: [SHA256] Altcoin
ozbot: [SHA256] Altcoin
ozbot: [SHA256] Altcoin | Bitcointa.lk
artifexd: https://bitcointa.lk/threads/sha256-altcoin.250774/
fluffypony: rithm: I think I'm going to try random sha256 hash collision instead
tg2: I stand by my analysis though that it won't be near as prolific as sha256
asciilifeform: 'Current/Next gen bitcoin/sha256 asics are already at the forefront of manufacturing process, they cannot get more power efficient without waiting for a new manufacturing process to be available (14nm)' << nah
tg2: Vs 1000x more with sha256 asics
Ademan: asciilifeform: RAM for what? SHA256 doesn't need much memory
mike_c: how the fuck is anyone supposed to find a sha256 hash with 16 leading zeros? bitcoin mining is absurd.
ozbot: [SHA256] Altcoin