500+ entries in 0.233s
a111: Logged on 2015-05-07 00:09 asciilifeform: http://dpaste.com/0M8QV5T.txt << signed manifest (by me)
a111: Logged on 2015-05-20 00:29 mod6: take a look at this: http://dpaste.com/0SQPBKC.txt Is there any reason when allocating the space for p & q to do Eulers totient they would initialize the space with 'p' and 'p', instead of 'p' & 'q'?
a111: Logged on 2015-05-08 01:24 asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: http://dpaste.com/2E0CYZQ << example of binary shenanigans that i like to give
mike_c: log search turns up nothing useful but a dead dpaste. matchstick game?
a111: Logged on 2017-06-20 16:30 phf: building wot for all comers will suffer the same fate as pgp. since nobody's using it, it turns into an arms race of easy to use, or "innovation" also known as masturbation over technical minutiae. i sort of realized this when i tried applying tmsr solutions to my cypherpunk friends: "no we don't need to research the difference between signal and telegram, just encrypt it to my gpg key and post it on dpaste or whatever." eliminated all the technical di
a111: Logged on 2017-06-20 16:30 phf: building wot for all comers will suffer the same fate as pgp. since nobody's using it, it turns into an arms race of easy to use, or "innovation" also known as masturbation over technical minutiae. i sort of realized this when i tried applying tmsr solutions to my cypherpunk friends: "no we don't need to research the difference between signal and telegram, just encrypt it to my gpg key and post it on dpaste or whatever." eliminated all the technical di
phf: building wot for all comers will suffer the same fate as pgp. since nobody's using it, it turns into an arms race of easy to use, or "innovation" also known as masturbation over technical minutiae. i sort of realized this when i tried applying tmsr solutions to my cypherpunk friends: "no we don't need to research the difference between signal and telegram, just encrypt it to my gpg key and post it on dpaste or whatever." eliminated all the technical di ☟︎☟︎
phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-06-06#1666464 << assbot did archival back then https://archive.is/http://dpaste.com/3YZ2895.txt ☝︎
a111: Logged on 2016-03-03 17:24 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/3YZ2895.txt << preliminary crib sheet
PeterL: asciilifeform: is your gentoo recipe published somewhere? I tried searching the logs, but all I found was an expired dpaste?
a111: Logged on 2017-02-24 04:15 a111: Logged on 2016-03-03 17:24 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/3YZ2895.txt << preliminary crib sheet
a111: Logged on 2016-03-03 17:24 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/3YZ2895.txt << preliminary crib sheet ☟︎
thestringpuller: !~later tell danielpbarron: https://dpaste.de/eWi5/raw
a111: Logged on 2016-03-16 18:41 trinque: http://dpaste.com/179T4JC.txt << bad press with polarbeard_add_getpeerinfo_rpc.vpatch
shinohai: !~later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/19B0HZY.txt
adlai: !~later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/19B0HZY.txt
whaack: i asked for one a long time ago but i never got the game working and didn't save the dpaste message unfortunately
adlai: !~later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/128GK4N.txt
a111: Logged on 2016-03-03 17:24 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/3YZ2895.txt << preliminary crib sheet
adlai: !!deed http://dpaste.com/3VFZXYN.txt
adlai: deedbot: http://dpaste.com/3VFZXYN.txt
mod6: <+asciilifeform> mod6: look here: asciilifeform_zap_hardcoded_seeds.vpatch should have been orphaned in your flow << i think it actually is, quite: when I have the sig for dnsseed moved to duck-fuck-soup, and i check the ante and desc for zap_hardcoded:http://dpaste.com/2QCN3Y4.txt
mod6: http://dpaste.com/0EW5AV7.txt
mod6: for completeness here is what happens today with my 'v', if you pull people out of .wot, but leave all the sigs in .seals: http://dpaste.com/1HYHBEA.txt
mod6: http://dpaste.com/29E2V55.txt
a111: Logged on 2016-12-17 18:44 mircea_popescu: mod6 you gotta get a blog. how am i gonna link a dpaste in 6 months ?
Framedragger: this was meant to be a reaction to http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-17#1585136 - the dpaste link had been archived, this would help an operator to quickly retrieve that archived url. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: mod6 you gotta get a blog. how am i gonna link a dpaste in 6 months ? ☟︎
mod6: To start a bit deeper of a discussion surrounding what we talked about with 'infrastructure' for V, if it's necessary or not, or whatever. I kinda put some thoughts down; http://dpaste.com/2S08M67.txt
mod6: http://dpaste.com/25AZT9N.txt
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-12-11#1581272 << wouldja dpaste the whole pile ? ☝︎
mats: trinque: http://dpaste.com/33BFW4N
adlai: !~later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/0JHFARG.txt
kmalkki: got teaser for smartprobe: https://dpaste.de/3FNu/raw
mod6: does anyone else have this issue running asciilifeform's lamport example diff commands? http://dpaste.com/00VJ9E2.txt
mod6: http://dpaste.com/2X6CFM6.txt
adlai: http://dpaste.com/1R0SW2N.txt
adlai: !!deed http://dpaste.com/2EX9RJF.txt
adlai: deedbot: http://dpaste.com/2EX9RJF.txt
adlai: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/16F3VP1.txt
adlai: !!deed http://dpaste.com/34AS43W.txt
adlai: deedbot: http://dpaste.com/34AS43W.txt
mod6: asciilifeform: http://dpaste.com/3YP79KE.txt << looks good, thanks for the updates!
whaack: Greetings I'm trying to get a trb node running and I've gotten stuck during sync at block height 212033 any help would be appreciated here is the last 1k lines of my debug.log dpaste.com/03P772C
a111: Logged on 2016-09-29 02:18 mod6: asciilifefor some good news (your seal verifies with your genesis vpatch), and some bad news (your genesis vpatch contains timestamps): http://dpaste.com/2TCT5ND.txt
mod6: asciilifefor some good news (your seal verifies with your genesis vpatch), and some bad news (your genesis vpatch contains timestamps): http://dpaste.com/2TCT5ND.txt ☟︎
adlai: !~later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/3BJPW7M.txt
mod6: so here's my using 'init' to sync trb, and trinque's ircbot, then using both. trb with the default 'patches' and '.seals' and ircbot with the non-default: http://dpaste.com/2EFW6G4.txt
mod6: http://dpaste.com/0S1WFK9.txt
mod6: asciilifeform: examine this for a minute: http://dpaste.com/1PZHHA8.txt
a111: Logged on 2016-03-03 17:24 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/3YZ2895.txt << preliminary crib sheet
phf: mircea_popescu: having hard time finding relevant bits, since thread diverged many times. a long standing criticism of dpaste was "all these pastes are going to make log not as useful", when ben_vulpes released his wotpaste there was discussion about expiration and how to mitigate it. fwiw i don't remember where it went from there
mod6: hrm, didn't seem to work on my end: http://dpaste.com/2XB8ZEV.txt
mod6: http://dpaste.com/01M9WSY.txt
hanbot: so mod6 asciilifeform ben_vulpes & etc, i was testing the wrong derned thing (V99995), switching to the V99994 actually requested nao. did have asciilifeform's 01ABFFC7 key, artifact for anyone interested: http://dpaste.com/2J85RB5
mod6: do I need to load from wotpaste or dpaste? or can I load from mod6.net?
mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/0Q6D90C << hijacked page.
mod6: http://dpaste.com/0S4PBCT.txt
thestringpuller: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/2ZFV6T0.txt
trinque: $deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt
trinque: $deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt
BingoBoingo: $deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt
BingoBoingo: $deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt
trinque: $deed http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt
mircea_popescu: deedbot http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt
BingoBoingo: deedbot: http://dpaste.com/18W3YQY.txt
mod6: http://dpaste.com/1HXXN6G.txt
hanbot: for that matter Framedragger i start on that dpaste out of curiosity, run into "Getting out of the way: The most basic level is based on avoidingchallenging others’ delusions, and factoring them into your own thinking. The “organizing” merely involves arranging matters so things and people you care about are moved out of the way of an impending train wreck."
asciilifeform: http://dpaste.com/1SH9EQA.txt << lulz from horse's mouth
shinohai: ;;later tell mod6 also worked on Deb http://dpaste.com/0S4VX30
thestringpuller: http://dpaste.com/3T730DW.txt
mod6: thestringpuller: so, one thing i can tell for sure from your dpaste is that you're not running the latest trb tree.
thestringpuller: http://dpaste.com/1CJEY3T.txt ^^
mod6: get a load of this: http://dpaste.com/1T5SZCA.txt
mircea_popescu: now obviously, we could change it to take dpaste input ? the only snag is, i dunno we want LONG tickets anyway.
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 aww, you didn't choke on the submit part did you ? just gpg --encrypt --armor -r bingo and put the text into dpaste or wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com << ah, no. my writing isn't good. so lol, it's difficult for me.
mircea_popescu: mod6 aww, you didn't choke on the submit part did you ? just gpg --encrypt --armor -r bingo and put the text into dpaste or wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com
mod6: clearsign+encrypt -> dpaste ?
BingoBoingo: encrypt sign and dpaste
shinohai: ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/1YZ90BF
mircea_popescu: hey ben_vulpes can has links to home and to raw right under the wotpaste header ? like dpaste does it ?
shinohai: Try now, working for me. If not I'll dpaste it
a111: Logged on 2016-05-24 04:13 mod6: well, I've got tbot now checking if a person is in L1, and if they are currently voiced before it'll answer commands: http://dpaste.com/3GA9QJJ.txt
mod6: well, I've got tbot now checking if a person is in L1, and if they are currently voiced before it'll answer commands: http://dpaste.com/3GA9QJJ.txt ☟︎
funkenstein_: mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/034JCC9
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/1ZY126A dunno if worth your time, but anyway. << If they wanna write the steps are available. Dun see the point of the kink exchange
mircea_popescu: BingoBoingo http://dpaste.com/1ZY126A dunno if worth your time, but anyway.
felipelalli: deedbot- http://dpaste.com/110RSQS.txt
felipelalli: deedbot http://dpaste.com/110RSQS.txt
felipelalli: deedbot http://dpaste.com/2Q5NW4S.txt
hanbot: <mircea_popescu> in other lulz, http://dpaste.com/0YXY6DY << what's a cock & ball torture worksheet anyway?
mircea_popescu: in other lulz, http://dpaste.com/0YXY6DY
mod6: http://dpaste.com/1K5W83D.txt
asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://dpaste.com/247510B.txt << don't die of laughter.
asciilifeform: http://dpaste.com/2H60PT0.txt << plaintxt
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu et al: http://dpaste.com/2BV2PW0.txt
mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/1GFYZ4G << badly set-up ssl
mod6: shinohai: since we're talkin about it... looks like 'funken_prikey_tools.vpatch' had key.h based off genesis, instead of mod6_der_high_low_s.vpatch : http://dpaste.com/0DWTN8S.txt
mod6: shinohai: that dpaste above was for you, should be good to go, need to recompile the orchastra with this included and test a bit...
mod6: http://dpaste.com/1ABFB3E.txt