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mp_en_viaje: hat you do in your "inner struggles" as well, dick about with the visible corrosion around the clamps.
trinque: bvt: not trying to be a pedantic dick over here, but it's v that's the boundary around the other stuff, not the other stuff around v
lobbes: Mocky: lol, sounds fun at least. Listen, I owe you a lunch one of these days (I still feel like a dick for making you wait that last time). I'll be out of state until January, but if you're free sometime early next year I dun mind making the trek up to your neck of the woods
mp_en_viaje: until that time comes, it's the optionality show on days of his lives channel, no problemo. like for instance he could... what could he do ? he could never miss a day of tv, or jury duty, or sucking dick at the airport, or whatever the fuck else (by which "else" i do mean ~same~) they do in the zone.
mp_en_viaje: http://logs.ossasepia.com/log/trilema/2019-10-21#1947428 << irc bouncers utterly ideal for this job, they attract the sorta limp dick "ddos" that separates the latechcos from the adults.
mp_en_viaje: following the logic, if what you're trying to do is build something, a mommy's about as useful to you as a dude. think it through, you can fuck the dude in the ass just as well as her -- better, allegedly, though i've never tried the fags do claim once you go boybutt you don't go back. and just as allegedly it's a lot more fun to suck dick than clit -- which incidentally i can well see, theoretically, there's more to it if nothi
trinque: sure, if money were root, I'd just get really good at sucking dick, but if honor were everything I'd not also eat.
ossabot: Logged on 2019-10-18 10:37:28 mp_en_viaje: it's llike watching silviu gherman pick up chicks. "hi i am from the dick people"
mp_en_viaje: it's llike watching silviu gherman pick up chicks. "hi i am from the dick people"
mp_en_viaje: there's no room for "i feel my dick should be able to go where mp's goes on the grounds of... well, it being MY dick"
mp_en_viaje: but you deliver it in a fortnight and then i can hang everyone who doesn't similarly, for being a wayward dick-in-hands.
mp_en_viaje: now there are only 3 possible ways not to get a girl pregnant in America today. A, never fucking meet her, 2, never, ever let her touch your dick and Charlie, fuck her exclusively in the ass, never allowing her grab your pecker except with the inside of her sphincter, using a condom, spermicide and flushing her out with a God damn fire hose when you’re done and finally, but most importantly get a fucking vasectomy now boy!
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2019/thelastpsychiatristcom-the-biggest-dick-ever-adnotated/ << Trilema -- thel....com - The Biggest Dick Ever. Adnotated.
mircea_popescu: ">100 chicks on campus want to suck dick on their knees, can't because 30 nobody would even spit on cockblock all they see"
mp_en_viaje: they're also not counting my dick going down their throat.
mircea_popescu: s invented the tatu "lesbians" or that ro retired gangster invented "inna" (and yes he married her) ; then he woke up, smartened up, and simply sampled the goods : shakira and j-lo ever shared a bed while sucking his dick as yet-unknown stags.
mp_en_viaje: apparently they think "xxl" means 1 cm width and 25 cm length. cuz totally, my dick comes on a spool or some other european retarded shit
mp_en_viaje: it's easy to play along and pretend, "oh, there's all these people getting their dick sucked nowadays, it's almost as if mine's sucked too", electron-cloud sorta reasoning.
BingoBoingo recalls a "U waz dick washers" meme
mircea_popescu: that the inane cocksucker does spent as much as one waking hour at any point doing anything besides sucking our collective dick for this is in itself such an immoral affront to any sense and all sensibility as few pantsuits could ever hope to match.
mp_en_viaje: entire fucking country has nothing but tiny dick condoms, i'm like, bitch, where the fuck do you keep the large ones, they're like what large ones.
mircea_popescu: only fucking social function of old women -- either train the young sluts, or eat the boi dick.
mircea_popescu: somehow, however, this isn't "acoso callejero". dudes poking them to "hey, my dick's here", that never happens. confusion reigns.
trinque: this some serious dick-cheese and cum-socks tier c, gotos and all.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> maybe just link it ; but even so i'm nopt sure what "uch offers and promises none of these cities would abide the tin woman passing his dick pic around to all her friends that aren't him" means. << ties into the second archive link where... gossip rags are trying to monetize his sexts
mircea_popescu: maybe just link it ; but even so i'm nopt sure what "uch offers and promises none of these cities would abide the tin woman passing his dick pic around to all her friends that aren't him" means.
asciilifeform: but it dun have much use case on pc, unless yer building dick^H^Hskless box for special purpose ( e.g. router )
mircea_popescu: in ro the expression'd be rather negative, "i got nothing". cuz "o pula" works also as universal negation, "do you have any money ?" "i got dick"
mircea_popescu: wanna be a man, then gotta be a man. for example, wanna be a restaurant maitre d', then you're stuck apologizing to the people that ordered 19 oz ny steak and got 1.5 oz cafeteria hoof cut. and so on. posturing brings with it the cost of sucking all the dick you earn the sucking of in the usual course of the business you're posturing with.
shinohai: Will the "it ties my dick in a knot and slaps my mother" be a feature in next version of bootstrapper?
trinque: "doesn't know where the kernel lives" or "kernel starts logging things and hangs when trying to mount root" or "it ties my dick in a knot and slaps my mother"
BingoBoingo: Today they are places you can plop down a US stick and plastic "habitation" without eating an insurance dick for risk on mine subsidence
trinque: ah I've chopped peppers then got dick out. isn't so bad
BingoBoingo: Either you have a numbing agent that isn't a vasoconstrictor and then what's an odd sensation on top of bliss or you have strong vasoconstrictor and "HOLY SHIT DICK IS SHRINKING" which adds possible complications due to fucking with circulation. could end up with priaprism clotting
mircea_popescu: erryone got a compass. however, the two most widely sold models point squarely to Mom and own dick.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform so then, british empire was "enhabsburgated" because albert the dick ornament clearly too dumb to tie own shoes ? or was it asteroided, seeing how, well, the germans fucked them.
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 18:37:15 <mircea_popescu> and, this is the bomb : they were alone, so there could be an empire. because most females mated with powerful males died before reaching the 2nd half of maturity (and especially old age), the female view was ~not represented in society~. dick was alone, not merely personally, but politically, there was no one there to efficiently argue his position.
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 18:31:07 <mircea_popescu> leaving aside how period couples easily did a week of abstinence, i retorted this was not so, but rather to be true to life : most of the kids in dick's position had no mother
BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: It doesn't, but at some point when you might choose to load lolcat, lolcat will be served from cache unless you proxy the lolcat request through Japan like a dick
mircea_popescu: there's no fucking benefit, the world was better off when there were four computers about total and the fucktarded secretutes sucked dick in office bathrooms instead of derping about how "you don't understand computers" because their stupidphones cut off fields silently and THEY ARE TOO FUCKING STUPID TO REALISE this is a problem, and specifically of theirs...
trinque: spykedbot is apparently still here, but spyked went off dick-in-hand elsewhere?
BingoBoingo: Also a local news story with a moral "Don't stick your dick in dry old bags kids": https://www.elobservador.com.uy/nota/un-menor-fue-apunalado-en-su-cuello-por-su-amante-una-mujer-de-50-anos-20181119155554
BingoBoingo: Anyways Dick Cheney can't assume he's not going to be arrested if he goes to certain other countries either.
mircea_popescu: Mocky so are you gonna tell the "Daos" dorks how lulzy they are, what a republic is, and how it's been wearing them for dick ornaments this entire time ?
mircea_popescu: literally sounds like cognate of pula, dick. but is ancient latin. can also have viermuiala (wormization)
mircea_popescu: understand : woman saying "i don't have sex" is a fine approximation of "i don't have sex [unless you convincingly ask me to]". meanwhile "i don't suck dicks without permission" connotes "well, you were passed out, i asked three times like the jews, in all directions, and as there was no answer i figured...welll... here's a dick..."
BingoBoingo: Sometimes you gotta eat a bit more Moorish dick before you can stop eating Moorish dick
Mocky: #eulora for one. personally i thought the asciiart dick bird dunking a basketball was a bit much but hey
trinque: "oh, should shave/eat/get dick sucked for wildcatting like a boss"
mircea_popescu: because the moron utterly has to http://trilema.com/2017/the-practical-costs-of-hallucinated-freedom/ ; can't simply come fucking here, register a key, do something useful as ordered. no, none of that, business school produces more special cuntlets than miss america competitions, he gotta sing his own fucking tune. because this is actually possible, every dick, tan and harry can come up with marching tunes.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2018-06-22#1828640 << literally, "Christ, you are as dumb as a sack of dead cats. You&#39;re nothing more than an idiotic little boy with his dick in his hand. How about you drop your dick, because it&#39;s as limp as your sense of humour I&#39;d rather set myself on fire and die screaming than have you touch me...but I&#39;m sure other women have told you that Everything you enjoy, everything you think ☝︎
BingoBoingo: Maybe some people just like walking around with a dick that smells of lanolin without using lotion?
fromdeedbot: if my aunt had a dick, she'd have been my uncle
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> wait, who else ate dick on beach ?! << Who hasn't https://archive.is/0KDXf
mircea_popescu: wait, who else ate dick on beach ?!
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, of course they do. just, not for random dick.
a111: Logged on 2018-05-20 18:17 trinque: because dick-pulling comes before the republic. immature bullshit to be weeded out.
trinque: because dick-pulling comes before the republic. immature bullshit to be weeded out. ☟︎
trinque: stop pulling your dick and do some work, nobody cares
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, oh oh. for a moment i thought big black man had as much dick as nero, went and fucked husband and wife for a wedding blessing.
mircea_popescu: (for the innocent : "don't put your hands or your dick in the food". because to people familiar with latin and its derivatives, "manipulacion de alimentos" sounds 100% like the wrong approach to handling food.)
mircea_popescu: anyway, the fact that between 4th of may and 6th of may it churned ~2mn moduli and cracked 76 is, in the terms, context and for the mind of us limp dick "researchers" nothing short of staggering.
trinque: whether the thing has a "bite your dick off" switch, or bites your dick off by default, either way discussing degree of idiocy, I fully agree.
trinque: you came in asking for help with the one you already stuck dick in.
trinque: course he does; he's the white girl sucking black dick
ben_vulpes: "hey man how are you?" "oh just losing my dick in crypto"
mircea_popescu: like two-three meters out on the balcony, you know... at first i thought it's swooping in for my dick.
ben_vulpes: why bother fucking if your dick's going to pop out?
ben_vulpes: that's enough i'm going to stop slamming my dick in the drawer now
lobbes: Dick-pulling aside, it seems there is Schism 2.0 happening (which I think is fucking retarded but okay). Are there going to be two republics now or wat? This goes beyond a mere ISP, hence hard to enumerate the future.
asciilifeform: trinque: the flavour of 'emo' is unfortunate, but i for instance have an oath to mp that i have not been released from. and is the only reason i am still tuned in. the disposition of snsa after asciilifeform's pending anathemization , is a strictly practical matter, rather than 'pulled dick' thread.
trinque: gotta say this dick-pulling soup, sharing of our feelings, and etc., is tiresome.
asciilifeform: rack full of dick^H^Hskless blades, booted via lan for every shot.
mircea_popescu used to dick around on girls' ipad, playing games w/e.
mircea_popescu: stop hitting it with your dick!!
mod6: nothing looks funnier than two dudes on a bike, dick to ass.
mp_en_viaje: "african is only good for muscles/big dick" + "do not step on the grass" => parkour. "we tell you when you can have a drink" + "MILITARY SIKRITS" - this thinghow you call it
mircea_popescu: $900 writeoff for "expert" that didn;t as much as write on her tits, now $3k write-off for "month of pulling dick atop empty rack", the joys of business over here.
trinque ftr thinks it's nice to see someone that shows up and wants to do *anything* aside pull his dick
BingoBoingo: Apologies for the brainmush lemme disambiguate: That has worked so far, until the pretty girl who invited me to her place offered a beer and she met my "no" with a series of gentle teases. Since I was in her home when my dick asked "what's the worst that could happen" my brain wasn't ready to answer with "Look at all these other pretty girls"
diana_coman: mircea_popescu, everything also means dick or cunt, depending on pov
mircea_popescu: diana_coman obviously ; but the trick is that "meat" also means dick.
trinque: to date the guy has produced zero anyone uses, and I dunno why anyone entertains the larping and dick-pulling
shinohai: Now I am left wondering if there were ads all over ancient Greece selling dick-shrinking pills.
ben_vulpes: subject of circles where does this timecop feller and this otherguy with the uhf dick swinging habit all hang out?
mircea_popescu: and the problem with heuristics is -- they self-reinforce. BOTH if broken or if sound. proper knowledge only self-reinforces if sound, but heuristic approaches don't know their own dick from a hole in the ground.
mod6: apparently if you can suck your own dick...
a111: Logged on 2017-12-23 09:34 trinque: anyhow weevlos, and all you miserable, worthless 4chan fucks. the fact of the matter is there's less than one part per million worthwhile human being on this wretched planet, and while I spent my evening drinking pinot noir and chatting with a worthwhile lass that bought me Feynman's Lectures on Physics for xmas, you spent it pulling your dick on social media. when the world turns over, you will have much
trinque: anyhow weevlos, and all you miserable, worthless 4chan fucks. the fact of the matter is there's less than one part per million worthwhile human being on this wretched planet, and while I spent my evening drinking pinot noir and chatting with a worthwhile lass that bought me Feynman's Lectures on Physics for xmas, you spent it pulling your dick on social media. when the world turns over, you will have much ☟︎
a111: Logged on 2017-12-22 05:49 mircea_popescu: oh, 2 bitcent dick pix ? shall we do a today-only special ?
douchebag_: kk i got dick pick
mircea_popescu: aite, so write 4b1e6528 on your dick, take a pic, make 2 bitcents.
mircea_popescu: oh, 2 bitcent dick pix ? shall we do a today-only special ? ☟︎
mircea_popescu: you use machinery to turn data to comfortable representation ; the "human readable" is not about "being able to stuff my dick in power socket".
mircea_popescu: dick masterson
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform money is nothing without a dick.
mod6: Yeah, otherwise you get the ole dick-cheney to the face.
cazalla: can't remember when i first dick on tv, but he's as old as maddox surely when it comes to the net
cazalla: poor ol' maddox even went to court telling them dick said bad things about him, his gf, stole his ex-gf and on it goes, funniest thing maddox has ever done to date imo