213 entries in 0.79s

ossabot: Logged on 2016-06-28 10:49:54 mircea_popescu: possibly same garbage dump
cisco went
ossabot: Logged on 2016-08-17 14:52:13 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform people stopped buying new
cisco cca 2012 anyway.
ossabot: Logged on 2016-09-10 09:16:45 mircea_popescu: hard to properly word a "company not around" clause is the problem. according to usg, ibm and
cisco are both "still around".
mp_en_viaje: so yes compiled, but ~of course~ uses vps (with any luck, "kubinetes '''deployment'''"), and also coca cola and also
cisco router and also and also.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-23 19:03 mircea_popescu: "Poking at making an open source version of the
Cisco toolchain again, from publicly available sources. (No,
Cisco isn't paying me to do this, most of those engineers are off for the holidays and not even answering their work email. I'm doing it because I'm disgusted with the FSF and would love to undermine Mepis II any way I can.)" << nuts.
mircea_popescu: "Poking at making an open source version of the
Cisco toolchain again, from publicly available sources. (No,
Cisco isn't paying me to do this, most of those engineers are off for the holidays and not even answering their work email. I'm doing it because I'm disgusted with the FSF and would love to undermine Mepis II any way I can.)" << nuts.
☟︎ Mocky:
cisco's hiring 2 miles down the road, "Colorful hair? Don’t care. Tattoos? Show off your ink. Like polka dots? That’s cool. Pop culture geek? Many of us are. Be you, with us! #WeAreCisco #GIS #SDx" good luck with that, lol
mircea_popescu: so communicate that, how hard can it be. "oh,
cisco, so last century. white man has made even more cornell-ian cornell nao."
mircea_popescu: in any case -- our objerction to the microshit/
cisco/cornell pile is that they're NOT NEARLY WHITE ENOUGH, for our tastes.
http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-19#1864270 >> I don't have everything sorted in my mind. I don't know yet what they need or perceive that they need. or how to position myself with respect to the microsoft/
cisco/cornell they have respect so much.
☝︎ mircea_popescu: because we're not really into measuring shitty nat routers on
cisco customer walls per se.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform you understand, item by
cisco/friends not amounting to a rockchip plant sells to usg.tards for 100k sorta money.
Mocky: I've never been, but a look at job listings for mexico city features tons of amzn,
cisco, jpmorgn, ibm, honeywell etc.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-18 11:59 ascii_lander: 'we do not have isolation' is more honest than 'we have
cisco-powered isolation'
a111: Logged on 2018-05-06 15:57 asciilifeform: it is in the conveyor, along with 'where from?' stat in 'factor/123' page (e.g. 'debian collection', '
cisco', etc)
mircea_popescu: yeah, they lost that whole thing. intel's getting
ascii_lander: 'we do not have isolation' is more honest than 'we have
cisco-powered isolation'
☟︎ ascii_lander: afaik nobody other than
cisco and juniper, neither of which i will deal with, sells this item as a prepackaged product.
ckang: if you consider the cost being router/switch and avoiding
cisco ckang: with a
cisco like interface
mircea_popescu: in other openssl gets prizes, today
cisco got lenin prize for secure communications.
mircea_popescu: trinque talk about "octet quad too hard". check THIS shit out ; i expect qualification here actually exceeds
cisco qual.
http://btcbase.org/log/2017-10-19#1726719 << here's model : intel box B behind
cisco switch S. NSA N sends magic packet M. S notices packet it received does not match rules operator O set ; S notices M matches rules N baked in and so S lets packet M pass in spite of this breaking its submission to O. B receives packet M, acts accordingly, breaking its submission to O. perhaps B also responds, with packet M'. S notices M' does
☝︎ BingoBoingo: Own in the sense I manage the settings on the appliance instead of trusting DC to not assign the task to their jolo. And at desired connection speeds switch handles the routing, unless you wanna go
erlehmann: > Last weekend, in an attempt to get Sky's NOW TV video player (for Mac) to work on my machine, I noticed that one of the
Cisco executables contains a private key that is associated with the public key in a trusted certificate for a
cisco.com sub domain.
mircea_popescu: (i don't mean, item you buy from
cisco. i mean, computer.)
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the "not on
cisco equipment" part == "incompatible nic".
cisco's not special in that way, just particularly visible
Framedragger: not sure if falun gong really had done much at that point. but
cisco wiretapping was used to track 'em down and kill 'em
Framedragger: i still say 'fuck you
cisco' for pitching (and later selling) customised surveillance infrastructure to china by saying that its shit can "combat ‘Falun Gong’ evil religion and other hostiles" (sic)
Framedragger: isn't internet backbone basically juniper +
cisco still? :(
mircea_popescu: of course this leads them to buying no less than two
cisco 5596UP. that's 25 grand.
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> basically, the whole medieval period lived on hobo wine. cheap, sweetened, etc. the exact thing, midnight thunder or w/e it's called. << Thunderbird, Night Train, Mad Dog, Wild Irish Rose, and
Cisco. RIP Ripple.
BingoBoingo: The legally mandated disclaimer on
Cisco reads: "This is not a wine cooler 8 servings"
mircea_popescu: hard to properly word a "company not around" clause is the problem. according to usg, ibm and
cisco are both "still around".
mircea_popescu: html5 had a fighting chance as "not just text" ; it lost. this shit is dumber still, with a larger ground to cover still, with less talent and intellectual capacity involved ; and with the corporate nonsense that formed the original impetuus, from apple "app store" to
cisco via intel/amd fritzchips etc dying left and right. the bottom's already fell out of apple store, there's no revenue made, and all these idiots can go back
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform people stopped buying new
cisco cca 2012 anyway.
mats: don't remember if i mentioned this, but a friend of mine that works at
cisco says their calea team is expanding the scope of their work beyond what's in the letter of the law
fromphuctor: in particular i have the SUSPECT that router from juniper and
cisco might build random keys that are not random at all
mod6: <+mircea_popescu> mod6 here's the problem with "Bitcoinos" : you will want it adapted for bitcoin needs, which necessarily means it won't be your tool of choice for doing almost anything else, which necessarily means maintaining it will be a pain in the ass. << agree. I think that what I'm getting at is maybe it ends up being like
cisco ios.