127 entries in 1.091s

diana_coman: mircea_popescu: not until I get rid of cs or move it to
gnat and
build it statically
a111: Logged on 2019-07-17 12:25 asciilifeform: the incident where i glued together rk pilot plant, to only ~then~ find out that nobody knows when the fuck proper
gnat will actually
build arm binaries w/ working threading, was instructive.
a111: Logged on 2019-07-17 16:38 asciilifeform:
http://btcbase.org/log/2019-07-17#1923088 << the circular situation of
gnat , where 'need
gnat to
build gnat', is the third reason for the mips approach -- arch with 100 fixed-length instructions, simplify the eventual rewriting of backend so can ditch gcc dep.
trinque: there are likely challenges around getting a
gnat on there with which to
build itself.
mod6: so I never was able to
build the ave1 musltronic tools on cuntoo, because no working
gnat, I just bundled them up after I built them on a gentoo machine that had a working AdaCore 2016.
trinque: we agree. I contend that folks are going to have to
build e.g. v,
gnat, in order to move forward, which is why I'm asking for ebuilds
mod6: asciilifeform: I changed all of the CC, CXX, LD to point at all of the binaries located in the tarball I extracted from the
build of Ave1's
GNAT, like this one: /opt/20180924/x86_64-linux-musl-native/bin/gcc
a111: Logged on 2019-04-22 14:29 spyked: asciilifeform, unfortunately 2GB (max. supported by motherboard) might still not be enuff. ideally I would plug in ave1
gnat build and use it to
build a minimal system, but will prolly have to bootstrap the whole thing on another machine.
spyked: asciilifeform, unfortunately 2GB (max. supported by motherboard) might still not be enuff. ideally I would plug in ave1
gnat build and use it to
build a minimal system, but will prolly have to bootstrap the whole thing on another machine.
☟︎ hanbot: trinque, /sys fails with "/usr/
build/sys: target is busy." lsof doesn't match anything tho.
a111: Logged on 2019-02-12 13:12 bvt: during the
gnat build, the sjlj runtime is built, so it should be possible to switch to it and test.
diana_coman: I also tend to remember asciilifeform had at some point a signed
build; anyway, if it's still needed I can pack ave1's
gnat, yes; possibly he'd need both the "static-only" (i.e. latest version) and some previous version
ave1: I'll park that and start running the
gnat build script.
mircea_popescu: seems we're en route to discover that all
gnat builds depend on ~this one bridge
build~ that was done by a meanwhile dead graybeard sometime in 2001.
diana_coman: for sanity I just checked by the way that the exact same machine DOES in fact
build successfully
GNAT with those same scripts without the sjlj added requirement
diana_coman: ave1 or anyone else more experienced in rebuilding ave1's
gnat with a previous incarnation of same: I'm trying to
build using the scripts in ada-musl-cross-2018-09-24.tgz on a machine that has as only existing and perfectly working !)
gnat a previous ave1
gnat version; I ran as the readme says simply ./
build-ada.sh absolute_path_to_dir but the whole thing fails because it doesn't find some libs such as libgmp.la; a closer look at the outpu
bvt: during the
gnat build, the sjlj runtime is built, so it should be possible to switch to it and test.
☟︎ a111: Logged on 2019-02-05 01:00 asciilifeform: the ultimate win would be to get something other than
gnat ( say, an adatron implemented in cl... ) that can
build something resembling a working
gnat. but sadly i suspect this is yrs away.
billymg: hi all, this past week i've been able to take advantage of the holiday vacation time to get a local workbench set up. i now have a proper
gnat so was able to
build phf's vdiff. i also have my blog running locally which makes it a lot easier to work on and test changes
a111: Logged on 2018-12-03 20:52 lobbes: Since this was my first time using vtools, I used diana's "starter v" with the
build.sh. Script ran fine, and vtools such as ksum are working. I installed
GNAT from
https://www.adacore.com/download (the x86-64 GNU Linux). I'm on my debian box, gcc version 4.9.2
lobbes: Since this was my first time using vtools, I used diana's "starter v" with the
build.sh. Script ran fine, and vtools such as ksum are working. I installed
GNAT from
https://www.adacore.com/download (the x86-64 GNU Linux). I'm on my debian box, gcc version 4.9.2
☟︎ phf: well, it's also a reason why bug wasn't caught in development. a sequence of wtfs: linux man page says mktemp should be 3 or more X's, so project builds on a non-musl
build. meanwhile POSIX mandates there to be exactly 6 X's, so a musl
build fails to produce a random string, returning instead a blank one, which is when
gnat decides to not only generate a temp file but also do cleanup.
mats: depending on how that goes, i'll explore different power plants, and if THAT goes well, there's a
gnat port to
build future ffa-gossipd
phf: ave1, asciilifeform or other ada specialists, how did you bootstrap a
gnat on aarch64? is there some binary that's floating around (because adacore doesn't seem to have linux-aarch64
build) or is it bootstrapped using a cross compiler on a x86 linux?
ave1: asciilifeform, yes that was my first reaction too. It does does something with word copying though and also individual files can be
build without any of the extra
gnat checks. So maybe the ada versions can be stand-ins so long as a native asm based version has not been written.
trinque: I suppose I should've said instead "had there been a
gnat v-tree, eucrypt would never find itself in a position where
gnat had moved, and nobody can find the
gnat to
build eucrypt"
a111: Logged on 2018-05-15 21:28 asciilifeform: diana_coman: steps to replicate: 0) on a machine WITH A WORKING
GNAT (e.g. adacore's , and it must be in your path already ) 1 ) download the tarball from
http://ave1.org/2018/building-gnat-on-musl-now-with-partial-and-parallel-build-support 2) unpack tarball ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15.tgz , go to the dir 3) mkdir bin << this is where the built binariola will live 4) ./
build-ada.sh /home/foo/temp/ada/ada-musl-cross-2018-05-15/bin
ave1: As far as I can see, the culprit is this part "-I/opt/
gnat/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.9.4/rts-native/adalib /opt/
gnat/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/4.9.4/rts-native/adalib/../adainclude", It contains a space in the "-I", so now gnatmake thinks it needs to
build an "adainclude" which will fail. I'll look into how these vars a set. (It's the ADA_INCLUDES flag in the makefile).
ave1: asciilifeform: the exact same line in my
build output shows almost the same -I directories, except all end with adalib/../adainclude, that last part '../adainclude' seems to be missing on your side. I will start a rebuild with some extra logging on that line. I will get back to it tomorrow. In the mean time, I have only set the path to the adacore
gnat tools and I do not have any other
GNAT* flags or CFLAGS or LDFLAGS etc. etc.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-29 01:38 asciilifeform yet again, for 3rd time in 2 yrs, attempted and failed to
build a 'zero foot print runtime' for
gnat -- to abolish the 3MB of liquishit it shits into every executable.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-29 01:38 asciilifeform yet again, for 3rd time in 2 yrs, attempted and failed to
build a 'zero foot print runtime' for
gnat -- to abolish the 3MB of liquishit it shits into every executable.
a111: Logged on 2018-01-10 15:26 ave1: (also like
gnat, gprbuild 2016 needs gprbuild to
build etc)
ave1: (also like
gnat, gprbuild 2016 needs gprbuild to
build etc)
☟︎ trinque: part of the exercise will be to get a statically linked adatronic gcc, with which to
build gnat from inside the musl system.
a111: Logged on 2017-11-29 01:38 asciilifeform yet again, for 3rd time in 2 yrs, attempted and failed to
build a 'zero foot print runtime' for
gnat -- to abolish the 3MB of liquishit it shits into every executable.
a111: Logged on 2017-12-10 02:43 asciilifeform: the sad fact re
gnat is that there is no known way to
build a
gnat without an existing (built)