douchebag: The url of the encrypted file w/ credentials for the vps is missing
douchebag: Okay so ben vulpes sent me that link
douchebag: thanks to lobbes bot I found an archive of it
douchebag: and thought I lost the gpg message that contained my credentials
douchebag: going to generate an rsa key for logging into it now
douchebag: I've always used Arch and I currently use MacOS as my primary OS
douchebag: What are some of the reasons you prefer using it?
douchebag: Yeah, I never really got much into Gentoo because it always takes so damn long to install everything from source
douchebag: I'm installing vim on the rockchip box right now
mimisbrunnr: Logged on 2018-04-22 17:04 asciilifeform: you didn't ban xorg
mod6: Ugh! Hopefully you can get some extra rest this weekend then.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-28 00:17 asciilifeform: << in noose lulz. ' “We don’t care, we think you’re a criminal, and I’m sorry but Microsoft wants your head on a platter and I’m going to give it to them.” Those are the words that the US attorney said to me in that meeting, face to face.'
mircea_popescu: eh, they have this whole menagerie of "trutfully relevant and working sir!" patent medicines.
mircea_popescu: it's reached epileptic trees level of self-referential nonsense by now.
mircea_popescu: and through it all, perhaps the most amusing part, their wholly spurious pretense that ~everyone~ gives a shit ; fly it in the face of plain and ubiquitous evidence that a single soul that does can not be found for love or money.
mircea_popescu: fly it in the face of all evidence all it will ; in the mental patients' inner world, "law enforcement" is as much a thing as any other structured delusion.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-27 15:23 lobbes: Neato spyked. I'm sure I'll be putting your guide to practical use once it comes time to implement the self-voicing bit of the eventual tickerbot I'm building
spyked: you ain't seen nothing yet. just wait till I publish my other coads.
a111: Logged on 2018-04-27 15:41 mircea_popescu: the crime and the punishment are indistinguishable in all divine systems.
spyked: also asciilifeform ^ re same, is it normal behaviour for some links to be posted twice on rss? I guess it does that when it finds >1 factors for the same key? asking because my experimental rss uses post links as IDs, so it posts at most 1 factor for a key.
spyked: to reproduce this: search for e.g. 741F83D180F194CFCEBD19BAD698A5DCAE9DFFB03F14A1687DC41D44706846DD in ; will discover that there are two <link>-s to the same key.
spyked: to anticipate a potential discussion on this: phuctor's feed is actually in "Atom" format, so it does have a unique "id" tag; maybe I should be using that as an identifier (and, respectively, the "guid" tag in RSS feeds) instead of the link.
BingoBoingo: Holy fuckballs the "seasonally appropriate" rain has apparently arrived
a111: Logged on 2017-07-17 02:23 mod6: asciilifeform: yah, gentoo is looking for a package maintainer for gnat.
mircea_popescu: in other crazy shits, inspect girl's workout agenda, encounter item "abduct. 4x 12 43kg" and shudder.
mircea_popescu: if i want to move my eulora server from jam to gnat i am stuck... doing what ?
a111: Logged on 2016-11-17 15:06 mircea_popescu: trinque can deedbot rss parsing be unprincipledly altered so that any succession of alphanum characters in excess of 16 spaces is replaced with first4[...]last4 ?
diana_coman: at any rate it's not the sort of thing I'd try directly on a remote machine as it messes up with the local gcc so this will be fun
mircea_popescu: incidentally, the move to uy has massively improved my personal server connection :D
BingoBoingo: <mircea_popescu> incidentally, the move to uy has massively improved my personal server connection :D << Many cabling maps were consulted picking a landing spot after discovering Asia has no connectivity
deedbot: her voiced for 30 minutes.
trinque: deedbot is also providing the reverse DNS and geolocation
spyked: oh I see. but then does the 16+ alphanum shortening apply only to phuctor, or to all the feeds?
trinque: shortening's happening on all RSS output
spyked: ah, so only the IP parsing is phuctor-specific then
mircea_popescu: you need better markup, as it is is confusing. is 3 or 4294967297 the factor shared by 2 or more moduli and which are htey.
☟︎ trinque: hey folks, deedbot wallet announcement. there'll be a planned outage starting at 3pm. I'm moving infrastructure over to a new location, with what I expect to be a more reliable fiber connection.
trinque: wallet commands will be unavailable for 1-2hrs, after which I'll announce when reconnected.
mod6: Cool, trinque: thank's for the notice.
phf: << i emailed guy "Robby Payne" on recommendation "they will know", haven't heard anything back. actually first time i cold called an online "specialist", not going to try that again
☝︎ phf: mircea_popescu: i'm not sure what i was trying to say there. that's not the first time i cold emailed someone, and also not the last one. i'm just making sure s/n doesn't stay too high
phf: asciilifeform: aha, i figured