204 entries in 0.649s
decimation: asciilifeform: http://atlantic-cable.com//Cables/1957HAW1/ < "The polythene-insulated coaxial type cable is designed to provide the same number of telephone channels, namely, 36, as the first transatlantic telephone cables, the greater part of which were also produced by Submarine Cables Limited."
BingoBoingo: punkman: Techtonically atlantic coasts, generally much safer
ascii_field: funkenstein_: i am always entertained by folks commenting 'he does not know history of computing', when themselves they do not even know most of it, because it happened on the wrong side of the atlantic
assbot: When PARRY Met ELIZA: A Ridiculous Chatbot Conversation From 1972 — The Atlantic ... ( http://bit.ly/1C8yDEq )
ascii_field: funkenstein_ lives on atomic battleship in north atlantic ?
mircea_popescu: ;;google guy that crossed atlantic in a barrel died in new york, slipping on banana peel
asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: ever find it interesting that there are wankatronic societies like the 'amateur space' thing linked earlier, but nobody (has admitted to) sending a 100% amateur-built unmanned machine across, e.g., atlantic ?
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform it's kinda funny to me how many of these "online magazines" copied after the atlantic sprung up everywhere. they almost look like all the boost-baseds "bitcoin businesses", except they're driven by scammers who scam the dod instead of scammers who scam idiot bitcopiners.
mircea_popescu: The term was coined by the physician and writer Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., in an 1860 article in the Atlantic Monthly.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform "In the United States polite letters was a cult of the Brahmins of Boston, with William Dean Howells at the helm of the Atlantic." << Release Date: August 20, 2006 [EBook #3190]
mircea_popescu: tell you what, the fact that he can't round up gawker, atlantic, wp and anyone else who ever wrote his name in print and shoot the lot
mircea_popescu: "Organized by Bruce Fenton of the Bitcoin Association and Atlantic Financial, participants in the first annual Satoshi Roundtable include top executives from companies such as Blockchain, BitGo, BitPesa, Chain, ChangeTip, Coinapult and MegaBigPower, as well as noted VCs in the space such as Erik Voorhees and Roger Ver."
assbot: The Selling of the Avocado - The Atlantic ... ( http://bit.ly/1ztVJGz )
mircea_popescu: it's so amusing for me to see the situation of 1980s japan imported pretty much all over the north atlantic.
assbot: Logged on 18-09-2014 16:10:16; gribble: Autosaurus - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff7aj2ZItuk>; Adbusters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adbusters>; Sim City: Auto-Saurus-Rex, Volcano, UFO's in Spacington! - Spacing ...: <http://spacing.ca/atlantic/2012/06/08/sim-city-auto-saurus-rex-volcano-ufos-in-spacington/>
mircea_popescu: Matt O'Brien is a reporter for Wonkblog covering economic affairs. He was previously a senior associate editor at The Atlantic. He is also an idiot soon to be permanently unemployed.
assbot: Same Performance, Better Grades - The Atlantic ... ( http://bit.ly/1u69c2D )
mircea_popescu: what atlantic really means is "why are there so few black scammers in bitcoin, because that's all we know about anyway". and the reason couldn't possibly be "because they're just more honest than whitey"
assbot: The Atlantic: Why Are So Few Black People Using Bitcoin?http://t.co/SEd8fZWC37
assbot: Why Are So Few Black People Using Bitcoin? - The Atlantic ... ( http://bit.ly/1428soe )
BingoBoingo: thestringpuller: The atlantic doesn't know you exist http://t.co/uHfcEi8KRg
decimation: http://sgforums.com/forums/10/topics/303042 << "It has been said that during the Falklands War, 400 miles east of Terra Del Fuego, or Cape Horn, South America in the Atlantic, after the Gurkhas landed, it was sufficient for the RAF to drop leaflets over enemy Argentine positions, merely saying that the Gurkhas have landed and are sharpening their Kukris, for the conscript Argentine army to flee for their lives."
asciilifeform: jurov: i even know what mircea will say now - that poor choice of profession, should instead drill for oil in the north atlantic, or fight in syria.
asciilifeform: who the fuck cares whether uss fucktarditz is on its way to the north atlantic
assbot: The Dutch Village Where Everyone Has Dementia - The Atlantic ( http://dpaste.com/2Q2H2QX.txt )
asciilifeform: the Atlantic Ocean.'
mircea_popescu: anyone still know virgin atlantic branson dayton w/e his name was ?
asciilifeform: decimation: french method also works (sink to the bottom of the atlantic, with 1kg trotyl per 1kg of shell)
assbot: How Sugar Daddies Are Financing College Education - The Atlantic
The20YearIRCloud: We're less than a day away from the atlantic ocean, only 2 from the pacific
mircea_popescu: "let's save the environment by shipping natural gas across the atlantic because we're too bigmouthed to fit a cock"
gribble: Autosaurus - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff7aj2ZItuk>; Adbusters - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adbusters>; Sim City: Auto-Saurus-Rex, Volcano, UFO's in Spacington! - Spacing ...: <http://spacing.ca/atlantic/2012/06/08/sim-city-auto-saurus-rex-volcano-ufos-in-spacington/> ☟︎
assbot: Richard Florida - Authors - The Atlantic
mike_c: the atlantic is trying to steal my bitcoin
mike_c: da fuck with that atlantic article. i tried it in 3 browsers and it crashed them all.
mircea_popescu: assbot> Russia and the Menace of Unreality - The Atlantic << gotta love the english agitprop, this entire "the gauls don't really exist so clearly they couldn't be at the gates" thing.
asciilifeform: proud >> of 'the atlantic.'
assbot: Russia and the Menace of Unreality - The Atlantic
decimation: re: plane from Wisconsin that ended up in the Atlantic: http://mdcoastdispatch.com/2014/09/04/woc-based-boat-witnessed-weekend-plane-crash-fishermen-watched-as-f-16-jets-shadowed-aircraft-until-it-crashed/ << lol
mircea_popescu: "Earlier this week, NORAD also sent two F-16 fighter jets to respond to another unresponsive aircraft in the United States. This plane, which took off from an airport in Wisconsin on Monday, was bound for an airport in Manassas, Va., a community outside Washington. The plane crashed into the Atlantic Ocean, about 140 miles away from Washington."
assbot: Fighter jets respond to unersponsive plane flying over the Atlantic - The Washington Post
asciilifeform: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2014/09/05/fighter-jets-are-escorting-a-plane-over-the-atlantic/?tid=trending_strip_1
assbot: The Secret Pot-Growing Operations in America's Cornfields - The Atlantic
assbot: In Maryland, a Soviet-Style Punishment for a Novelist - The Atlantic
asciilifeform: drowning a box of strange in the atlantic is a considerably quieter operation than launching a rocket, however. so perhaps it wins.
asciilifeform: if you have enemies who will follow your sailboat around in the atlantic, you have other problems that must be dealt with first.
assbot: 53 results for 'atlantic' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=atlantic
ben_vulpes: !s atlantic
ben_vulpes: "Companies like Facebook want get as much of that money as possible, which means chasing users and reach.", "This personalization means that two readers of The New York Times may seen a very different picture of the world" << dear atlantic. not paying for competent proofreading is why your ad rates suck.
assbot: The Internet's Original Sin - The Atlantic
Rassah: at $22, thinking "bubble." I was wrong on that, but my car had 250,000+ miles on it and was almost dead, so *shrug*. I have never sold out any of my other coins. As far as anyone knows, I have lost them all in a boating accident, or when I accidentally dropped my USB stick into an airplane toilet and flushed it out over the Atlantic
assbot: Spain's Black Market Economy Is Worth 20% of Its GDP - Roberto A. Ferdman - The Atlantic
assbot: 4 results for 'atlantic media' - #bitcoin-assets search
mircea_popescu: http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=atlantic+media << a fine example of how well that works in practice.
Vexual: cazalla, remember these people probabl;y get real atlantic salmon too
mircea_popescu: nubbins` this is atlantic noob :D
nubbins`: also, what's pacific salmon like? i've only ever had atlantic :(
assbot: The Case for Reparations - The Atlantic
ozbot: New York Ideas - AtlanticLIVE - The Atlantic
asciilifeform: for example - moving into new house, i discovered a dangling stub where the old 'bell atlantic' copper ought to be.
mircea_popescu: e Romans did not make names, but transcribed them). I estimate that the third of the coastal villages spoke Semitic dialects. The modus of the Phoenicians was network, hence a system of trade links built on trust (you send merchandise to a relative who pays you back; you needed a certain amount of trust before the letter of credit). The region is large: it extends all the way to Mogador on the Atlantic coast.
asciilifeform: takes almost as long to get out of washington's airport as to do a great circle loop across atlantic.
ozbot: Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science - David H. Freedman - The Atlantic
ozbot: The Overprotected Kid - The Atlantic
ozbot: The Real Reason the Poor Go Without Bank Accounts - Lisa J. Servon - The Atlantic Cities
ozbot: The Myth of the Science and Engineering Shortage - Michael S. Teitelbaum - The Atlantic
nubbins`: fun fact, we dumped raw sewage into the atlantic until 2 years ago
ozbot: In Turkey, Renewed Anti-Government Protests - In Focus - The Atlantic
ozbot: Collapse of the Atlantic northwest cod fishery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
nubbins`: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collapse_of_the_Atlantic_northwest_cod_fishery
asciilifeform: any child who played 'mad libs' (or whatever it's called on the other side of the atlantic today) can understand 'lambda'
asciilifeform: i've no conclusive evidence! i live in an entirely different failed state, on other side of atlantic ocean.
asciilifeform: i thought it only existed on this side of the atlantic
BingoBoingo: Ah. Here we have Pacific farmed salmon and Atlantic mostly wild salmon. Usually though I prefer putting up with cooking to enjoy the local freshwater fish though.
nubbins`: suppose he's in a submarine in the middle of the atlantic
KRS-One: East coast, Atlantic = Best beaches until you get to Sebastian, Daytona
mircea_popescu: someone prefers sexually conservative parties, somewhere in that africa over there across the atlantic ?!
ozbot: Femen Stages a 'Topless Jihad' - In Focus - The Atlantic
BingoBoingo: Some are more and less offensive on different sides of the atlantic. Spaz is fine in 'Murica and a Offensive in Britain. Cunt is the reverse (except when dealing with slants as a full rotation is out of the picture)
asciilifeform: can't resist pointing out that, at least on this side of the atlantic, 'silicone' refers exclusively to the type of rubber sold under that name
mircea_popescu: seems stan beats atlantic media.
ozbot: David Bradley defends Atlantic Media's exclusive 'salons' - Michael Calderone - POLITICO.com
mircea_popescu: (atlantic media being d g bradley's publishing empire of nothing in particular
mircea_popescu: "Quartz, Atlantic Media’s mobile-first business site, launched on Monday afternoon following much fanfare this summer."
mircea_popescu: im sorry i don't have a handy link to the 1905 study asking the population of manchester if they'd ever fly across the atlantic in a plane.
nubbins`: it's heading east, i think it will be over the atlantic tomorrow night :)
ozbot: Behold: The World's First Digitally Signed International Agreement - Uri Friedman - The Atlantic
ozbot: The Ghostbusters Profile In "The Atlantic"
Gotyawallet: foggy and dreary sunrise on the atlantic east coast of south florida
Namworld: 3 days in an air pocket in a sunken boat at the bottom of the atlantic... must feel lonely
Namworld: http://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2013/dec/04/nigerian-rescued-sunken-boat-trapped-atlantic-video
truffles: Because early Canada's role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade was so minor, the history of slavery in Canada is often overshadowed by the more tumultuous slavery practised elsewhere in the Americas...
mircea_popescu: “Every big idea starts out sounding crazy. But not every crazy-sounding idea ends up being big,” Matthew O’Brien wrote in The Atlantic in a brilliant takedown of bitcon.
mircea_popescu: i think if i went on an inspection right now i couldn't find anyone that side of the atlantic in good shoes.
ozbot: How to Spot the Reptilians Running the U.S. Government - Philip Bump - The Atlantic Wire
BingoBoingo: mircea_popescu: Maybe this chemistry versus food thing continues across the Atlantic, and to things not entirely food. Or maybe I don't get enough pussy.
jurov: i think our halfway is the atlantic then
mircea_popescu: i thought labcoin was buying virgin atlantic.
mircea_popescu: it's like crossing the east river in a peanut. way more than crossing the atlantic in any sort of actual ship.
ozbot: 26 Years of Growth: Shanghai Then and Now - In Focus - The Atlantic