700+ entries in 0.296s
mircea_popescu: can you tell me what's 13 * 17 ?
mircea_popescu: * Trying Connection timed out
mircea_popescu: * About to connect() to p.bvulpes.com port 80 (#0)
mircea_popescu: * Trying connected
mircea_popescu: * About to connect() to therealbitcoin.org port 80 (#0)
a111: Logged on 2018-09-28 21:31 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in lulz, "* You are banned from this server- You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information," YEAR OLD listing in some obscure bs "database".
mircea_popescu: meanwhile in lulz, "* You are banned from this server- You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information," YEAR OLD listing in some obscure bs "database". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: well in any case, 1.3 surcharge * 1.4 risk of loss means almost 200% the price.
phf: hmm, i have the path set, but i don't have either of the ADA_* vars
ave1: note that all asm code was first in suckit-ip.* but I moved it to the syscall, the suckit-ip stuff will move to linux
mircea_popescu: among all the (cloudflare), *.deploy.static.akamaitechnologies.com, *compute-1.amazonaws.com, *bc.googleusercontent.com etc etc, it should be quite evident why usg's been pushing "https everywhere".
mircea_popescu: * Connected to ossasepia.com ( port 80 (#0)
mircea_popescu: * Trying connected
lobbes: */etc/conf.d/net I mean
mircea_popescu: why, cuz born with 8 fingers so 72 * 33 = 3036 ?
mircea_popescu: anyway, it's shockingly rare to see kiddo come up to instructor with anythiong but "i wanna be * commander". because http://btcbase.org/log/2018-09-08#1848730 amirite, erryone's a lord and there's no serfs anywhere. ☝︎
a111: 2018-08-23 <phf> 1st of emigres to go straight into natostan * were serious world-class talent, others worked cashier jobs
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform dreams of living in a thing where he could have pit, crane... << Paraguay!
asciilifeform: make: *** [checkgcc6] Error 1
asciilifeform: *** Your GCC is older than 6.0 and is not supported
mod6: * Gracefully restarting apache2 ...
asciilifeform: sed -rn "/\# Kitty Sex Sprite/{:a;N;/\#End Animations for Kitty's Body during Footjobs/{/.*/p;d};ba}" Kitty_Animations.rpy > xfer-anim.rpy << ahahahahawaaat
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform that's the criteria, that 173 and 174 share no factors. if they do -- then x * factor +y and x +y * factor both work.
asciilifeform: err, n2_a * q2_a + n2_b * q2_b = n2*q2
asciilifeform: in turn both of the piles that went into n1 (and likewise n2) satisfy same recurrence, n1_a * q1_a + n1_b + q1_b = n1*q1 ; n2_a * q2_a + n2_b + q2_b = n2*q2 .
asciilifeform: observe that the final 2 piles always satisfy the form n1*q1 + n2*q2 = S , where S is the sum of the masses (n_x * q_x for all x)
mircea_popescu: numerically : (0..100], (0..80], 17, 19. 1 * 17 + 5 * 19 modulo (1+5) = 4.
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform specifically via diophantine : if a and b is a natural interval then a*p + b * q (p, q arbitrary constants) will not admit factors ever so often (when they sum to a prime)
asciilifeform: (80+55) = 9 * (10+5) , new quality is 9, integer
phf: 1st of emigres to go straight into natostan * were serious world-class talent, others worked cashier jobs
mircea_popescu: "if everything's uncomputably large then therefore i no longer have to be able to say 7 * 69 = 483 within a second or so"
mircea_popescu: the examples can i nfact continue. before i wrote down grep -Po '"nickname":.*?[^\\]",' for http://trilema.com/2018/fetlikeslol/#selection-97.20-97.53 i reviewed the expert sex changes. do you know "you should really use xml module to parse xml" is included in ~EVERY~ ~SINGLE~ ~GOD~ ~DAMNED~ ~COMMENT~ ?!?!?
mircea_popescu: way to rob yourself of your own , hard earned benefit, usg.fetlife, usg.blue, usg.*
lobbesbot: Logged on 2018-08-12 20:01:43: *** Joins: adamg (~adamg@
BingoBoingo: Typical Uruguayo seed vendor term of sale: * Por favor, tenga en cuenta que cualquier tipo de auriculares, audífonos y articulos de cuidado personal no estarán cubiertos bajo esta política de devolución debido a la cuestión de higiene.*
phf: according to `mkdir t; cd t; wget --quiet http://ave1.org/code/zfp/v/patches/{zfp_1_examples,zfp_2_noc,zfp_genesis}.vpatch; for i in *.vpatch; do cmp $i ../$i || echo fail; done ` everything's fine
mircea_popescu: * Topic for #freenode is: We know about the spam. Please see https://freenode.net/news/spambot-attack for a detailed statement. | User mode +R blocks PMs from unregistered users. Activate it with: /mode <YourNick> +R | Welcome to #freenode |
mircea_popescu: * Now talking on #freenode
BingoBoingo: * neo-cool21 has quit (Killed (Unit193 (Spam is not permitted on freenode.)) << Oh the IRC-Cops have a filter nao?
mircea_popescu: * Topic for #fraudsters set by phf!~phf@unaffiliated/phf at Tue Jul 31 10:12:25 2018
mircea_popescu: * Topic for #fraudsters is: The order of the day is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them.
mod6: !Qcalc 0.02083824 * 12
mod6: !Qcalc 0.02083824 * 3
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: these dun run on i-*, they're for the intel macs
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform went into several pharmacies in BingoBoingostan, saw ~100% herbal/snakeoil crapolas. possibly they keep the real pharma behind counter. << They carry real stuff, but you have to ask. Barrier is "know the name of what you want"
asciilifeform copies over /lib/modules/*
asciilifeform: * trinque's ~kernel~ builder << to be specific
asciilifeform: the interesting from 'iron gnat' etc pov, is the *.asm .
a111: Logged on 2018-04-20 18:33 mircea_popescu: the numbers are worth the mention : if you get 500 old truck/high power car batteries, literally, and you put them in 4 lines (gets about 49 - 50V or so), you now have somewhere in the range of 500 * AT LEAST 50 Ah in your hands. that's 25 KWh for the more common measure.
asciilifeform: ( K-*** is su designator system )
mircea_popescu: /************* DO NOT ALTER ANYTHING BELOW THIS LINE ! **************/
mircea_popescu: can you answer this ? is the "emacs is fun to customize, and comes with guarantee that it will solve any x hour problem in x * 1.17 ^ your age hours" ?
cnomad: uid [ultimate] Kiboneu <*@kibon.eu>
mircea_popescu: eventually went to specialist store, bought 3 meters of double-width towel substance, had them rodeando it. 3 * 3500 + 3000 for the work = ~30 bux. now i have a proper beach towel, can seat five.
swiftgeek: ram and cpu *
swiftgeek: * signifies device paulk is connecting from
swiftgeek: asciilifeform: ask paulk-*
swiftgeek: (PMH-* )
mircea_popescu: $ip_port = explode(",", ereg_replace("^.+ \\(?([0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]{1,3},[0-9]+,[0-9]+)\\)?.*".CRLF."$", "\\1", $this->_message
asciilifeform: ave1: has aarch64-linux-musl-* stuff
asciilifeform: ( without which, lulzily, won't even see usg.google.* )
a111: Logged on 2018-05-27 20:10 mod6: !Q calc 0.00598863 * 35.38714671
mod6: !Q calc 0.00598863 * 35.38714671 ☟︎
mod6: !Q calc 0.13520700 * 35.39160115
BingoBoingo: * were they
douchebag: ssh-keyscan -t rsa github.com | sed "s/^[^ ]* //" > github.pub
BingoBoingo: * asciilifeform spent week in the company of BingoBoingo , and confirms that the most serious problem currently is morale , d00d needs some light in his pillbox << That was actually a high point for the morale. The boost carried over well into the next week. Definitely the high point of the post-bedbug era.
mircea_popescu: !W (+ 1500 200 (* 5 150) (* 4 (+ 200 400 100 (* 28 (+ 35 1.0 6.89 34.99)))))
ben_vulpes: !W (+ (* 112 96) (* 4 1000) 2500)
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, 3 btc is like 30k, 4 * 8 + 2.5 is like 5k, did we misplace an order of magnitude somewhere ?
diana_coman: (in case anyone wonders: ref there is to google cloud's "/* we like this prime */" )
lobbes: ah, there I got a egogg: make: *** No rule to make target `bitcoin'. Stop.
asciilifeform: !Qcalc 0.050 * 300
a111: Logged on 2018-05-04 15:00 asciilifeform: jurov: the way it works is, every time /rss pg is generated , we go select mods from factors order by whenfound desc limit N ( n is 20 currently ) ; call this M, it is a list of moduli affected by that factor being known. afterwards , ~each~ of these lists is tested against the set of ~gpg keys~ , in the shape of select * from gpgkeys where [the list from earlier] && mods , and this yields up a list of most-recently-popped ~keys~, w
asciilifeform: jurov: the way it works is, every time /rss pg is generated , we go select mods from factors order by whenfound desc limit N ( n is 20 currently ) ; call this M, it is a list of moduli affected by that factor being known. afterwards , ~each~ of these lists is tested against the set of ~gpg keys~ , in the shape of select * from gpgkeys where [the list from earlier] && mods , and this yields up a list of most-recently-popped ~keys~, w ☟︎
asciilifeform: ( btw, all of the nosuchlabs/pub/* linx , work again ! )
ave1: I've run on multiple systems (ubuntu and redhat), procedure has been to unpack the adacore binary file, set path and go (no ADA_*_PATH)
BingoBoingo: * wondering why Thanos wasn't gloating
phf: perhaps try select * from moduli left outer join (select distinct unnest(mods) as mod from factors) as foo on moduli.idx = foo.mod where foo.mod is null
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform, " select * from moduli where idx not in (select distinct unnest(mods) from factors)" << 1.make a new table ; 2.run "select distinct unnest(mods) from factors" and dump the result into this new table ; 3. index it by idx ; 4. run your select as an outer join between moduli and the new table.
phf: with foo as (select distinct unnest(mods) as mod from factors) select * from moduli left outer join foo on moduli.idx = foo.mod where foo.mod is null;
asciilifeform: phf: eggog, missing FROM-clause entry for table "module" LINE 1: ...tors) select * from moduli left outer join foo on module.idx...
phf: mircea_popescu: maybe try this with foo as (select distinct unnest(mods) as mod from factors) select * from moduli left outer join foo on module.idx = foo.mod where foo.mod is null;
trinque: asciilifeform: what's the shape of *
phf: oh i suppose with tmp as (select distinct unnest(mods) as mods from factors) select * from moduli where idx not in (select mods from tmp);
asciilifeform: LINE 1: ...ds) from factors) select * from moduli where idx not in tmp;
phf: with tmp as (select distinct unnest(mods) from factors) select * from moduli where idx not in tmp;
asciilifeform: i have a proggy which wants to select * from moduli where idx not in (select distinct unnest(mods) from factors) ; but this runs in geological time. for no afaik good reason.
trinque: can then do something like find /path/to/www -iname '*.php' -exec chmod g+x {} \;
mircea_popescu: the numbers are worth the mention : if you get 500 old truck/high power car batteries, literally, and you put them in 4 lines (gets about 49 - 50V or so), you now have somewhere in the range of 500 * AT LEAST 50 Ah in your hands. that's 25 KWh for the more common measure. ☟︎
BingoBoingo: * ascii_lander mercilessly ripped audio & gpu out of the rockchip kernel build. because wai. << I am going to have to introduce the word "flensing" to the venezolana en Viernes
BingoBoingo: * mircea_popescu honestly thought this is the default, but apparently gentoo thinks /home should be 755. << Gentoo defaults are a strong case for a cuntoo split, even before getting into V and other Republican causes
ascii_lander: presumably d00d cares re the 77 ( or how many nao ) * 0.02
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes, so then, invoice me for 75 * 4 + 50 an' send the boy his details ?
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 1024**3 / 8 * 3600 * 24 * 365 / 765 / 1024**2 = 5276611.764705882
mircea_popescu: !~calc 1024**3 / 8 * 3600 * 24 * 365 / 765 / 1024**2
jhvh1: mircea_popescu: 1024**3 / 8 * 3600 * 24 * 365 / 765 * 1024**2 = 5801695990553756672
mircea_popescu: !~calc 1024**3 / 8 * 3600 * 24 * 365 / 765 * 1024**2
mircea_popescu: not what i mean. here it is : if you have n nodes in ip a.b.c.*, each node from outside will pick ONE a.b.c.* node to talk to.
zx2c4: * shrug *