600+ entries in 0.27s
asciilifeform: ( high in comparison with the naked 4**-x that is )
asciilifeform: 4**(-32) ~= 5.4210e-20 , probability of fatal misfire for 32 rounds of m-r
nicoleci: oh, there's all sorts. * You have been kicked from #sexe by Aquavelva (Banni: Tu es sur un canal shitlisté ici)
mircea_popescu: * chonkin (~katyab@c-75-67-100-34.hsd1.nh.comcast.net) has left #trilema << keks, too much is too much after all ?
nicoleci: in other lolz-- * Looking up chaostal.hackint.org * Connecting to chaostal.hackint.org ( port 6667... * *** Notice -- You need to use SSL/TLS to use this server
hanbot: (specifically : File: */mp-wp/wp-admin/custom-header.php Expected: 3e4322c7d8f1757f883a9f11abec332b8c952d7b050c801e4ba60e72853509f0603e0ea63b093dacf4ca158fe309043984900efa5ea0348c2d1cd9d0eb46388f Actual: 05f567bca8d936ec36e315dd8b667a8654fbcb256758165986810db3f5402d3a9fdf1d3d4bc00de626d627d7e997da9ee08e5261127a216199ce8ff661a4c600 )
asciilifeform: * $ prints, QY returns 'yes' verdict. >> grr, # prints
danielpbarron: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-03-21#1903847 << i did a lazy greping of *.php files for "function(" and haven't yet found similar cases. There are two other anonymous funcitons without a "use" but they also don't have any outside variables to use, so no harm. The rest of the hits are on "create_function" which is similar to an anonymous function but is not victim to the same upgrading problem (still ☝︎
asciilifeform: ( on a 32bit, 256 * 32bit , etc )
asciilifeform: 256 * 64bit on this particular machine, e.g.
a111: Logged on 2019-03-10 03:02 mircea_popescu: memory, of course, starts with byte 299008 (584 * 512) and extends as far as 512 bits bus can address, if you're installing that. meaning, all core registers are allocated as memory anyways. and that's fucking it.
mircea_popescu: memory, of course, starts with byte 299008 (584 * 512) and extends as far as 512 bits bus can address, if you're installing that. meaning, all core registers are allocated as memory anyways. and that's fucking it. ☟︎
trinque: could try umount build/*; umount build
a111: Logged on 2019-02-16 09:44 ave1: diana_coman, in system-linux-*.ads (in gcc/ada directory) you'll find the line: ZCX_By_Default : constant Boolean := False;
a111: Logged on 2019-02-17 14:49 mircea_popescu: see, engineers are worse than whores. a whore might pretend like she's not working, but an engineer does inept shit like "/* This should optimize out, but it is wise to make sure this assumption is correct. Should these have different sizes, we cannot cast between them and the overlaying onto ERRATIC will not work. */" so as to ~pretend~ like he doesn't see WHY exactly he wants to take that code out. seriously, ooga-booga-bu
mircea_popescu: " /* Take care to ignore link-once functions that were removed. In these cases, the function address will be NULL, but if the encoding is smaller than a pointer a true NULL may not be representable. Assume 0 in the representable bits is NULL. */"
mircea_popescu: "/* The count field we have in the main struct object is somewhat limited, but should suffice for virtually all cases. If the counted value doesn't fit, re-write a zero. The worst that happens is that we re-count next time -- admittedly non-trivial in that this implies some 2M fdes, but at least we function. */" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: see, engineers are worse than whores. a whore might pretend like she's not working, but an engineer does inept shit like "/* This should optimize out, but it is wise to make sure this assumption is correct. Should these have different sizes, we cannot cast between them and the overlaying onto ERRATIC will not work. */" so as to ~pretend~ like he doesn't see WHY exactly he wants to take that code out. seriously, ooga-booga-bu ☟︎
mircea_popescu: gcc_assert (sizeof (const fde *) == sizeof (const fde **));
mircea_popescu: nt that does the exact same thing, but will resolve to the same library as implements __register_frame_info_bases. */
mircea_popescu: "/* ??? Glibc has for a while now exported __register_frame_info and __deregister_frame_info. If we call __register_frame_info_bases from crtbegin (wherein it is declared weak), and this object does not get pulled from libgcc.a for other reasons, then the invocation of __deregister_frame_info will be resolved from glibc. Since the registration did not happen there, we'll die. Therefore, declare a new deregistration entry poi
ave1: diana_coman, in system-linux-*.ads (in gcc/ada directory) you'll find the line: ZCX_By_Default : constant Boolean := False; ☟︎
asciilifeform: but nuffin re sjlj in gcc/common/config/aarch64/* .
asciilifeform: gcc/common/config/arm/arm-common.c: /* Honor the --enable-sjlj-exceptions configure switch. */
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 3 ** 10
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 2 ** 21
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 4 ** 21
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 49 ** 21
asciilifeform: * derp is now known as shinohai
asciilifeform: * shinohai is now known as derp
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 1800 * 3500 / 24 / 3600 / 35000
a111: Logged on 2019-02-04 17:11 mircea_popescu: https://web.archive.org/web/*/zenofeller << /me went an' searched
mircea_popescu: https://web.archive.org/web/*/zenofeller << /me went an' searched ☟︎
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 15:42:41 * Disconnected (Remote host closed socket).
mircea_popescu: Jan 30 15:42:41 * Closing Link: pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
asciilifeform: cat * | grep -P '\S' | wc -l in ea. dir does the job.
mircea_popescu: find . -name '*.php' | xargs wc -l or w/e it is you want
asciilifeform: while it boils : btw log readers can ignore the earlier arithm, it is entirely off ( asciilifeform computed r * 2^s = n instead of r * 2^s = n - 1 ... )
a111: Logged on 2019-01-26 08:58 diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-25#1889973 -> didn't rummage as too late yest but woke up this morning with this: when a= n-1 step 2.2 aka y=a^r mod n becomes y= (n-1)^r mod n; using for instance binomial expansion you have (n-1)^r = n^r + rC1*n^(r-1)*(-1)+rC2*n^(r-2)*(-1)^2+....+rC(r-1)*n*(-1)^(r-1)+(-1)^r; since the whole thing was "mod n", of all those terms you are in fact left with only the last one, aka y = (-1)^r mod n ; r is odd so
diana_coman: http://btcbase.org/log/2019-01-25#1889973 -> didn't rummage as too late yest but woke up this morning with this: when a= n-1 step 2.2 aka y=a^r mod n becomes y= (n-1)^r mod n; using for instance binomial expansion you have (n-1)^r = n^r + rC1*n^(r-1)*(-1)+rC2*n^(r-2)*(-1)^2+....+rC(r-1)*n*(-1)^(r-1)+(-1)^r; since the whole thing was "mod n", of all those terms you are in fact left with only the last one, aka y = (-1)^r mod n ; r is odd so ☝︎☟︎
mircea_popescu: first fucking thing on the scam's landing page being "* Note: The base commission is set to 50% to reduce affiliate fraud from newbie affiliates. After 90 days and 10 sales you can request to be moved to 60% commission tier."
mircea_popescu: usg.cosplay ~= usg.*
mircea_popescu: so like wiki-*
mircea_popescu: * deedbot has quit (*.net *.split) <
hanbot: * shinohai has quit (Quit: No, I do not belong to The Most Delusional Republic) << the amusing part being that it'd seem that's the only republic you -do- belong to.
mircea_popescu: * shinohai has quit (Quit: No, I do not belong to The Most Delusional Republic)
a111: Logged on 2019-01-15 17:36 asciilifeform: the output is n1 * n2 * ... n_n , cuz you represented'em as ~probabilities~
asciilifeform: the output is n1 * n2 * ... n_n , cuz you represented'em as ~probabilities~ ☟︎
mircea_popescu: /mode #trilema +b *!*@173-26-3-1.client.mchsi.com
BingoBoingo: * was not built by
a111: Logged on 2019-01-07 16:04 mircea_popescu: nes, #Malware #cybersecurity Specialist and Author at @Hacker_Combat * Real-Life News Reader" << https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/958699043579871232/ntdF9E5X.jpg perfectly punchable amir taaki face) and so well... it's either his irl gf or his online fursona, whichever.
mircea_popescu: nes, #Malware #cybersecurity Specialist and Author at @Hacker_Combat * Real-Life News Reader" << https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/958699043579871232/ntdF9E5X.jpg perfectly punchable amir taaki face) and so well... it's either his irl gf or his online fursona, whichever. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 3 * (5*7*11*13*17)+1
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 7 * 11 +1
asciilifeform: not x * (primorial + 1 ) lol
asciilifeform: aah it was x * (primorial) + 1 obv.
asciilifeform: there was, however, warez. asciilifeform got most of his msdos-goldenage stuff from alt.binaries.*
asciilifeform: meanwhile: $ wc -l libffa/* >> 4559 total ; $ wc -l ffacalc/* >> 1226 total .
a111: Logged on 2018-12-22 00:16 asciilifeform: * mircea_popescu has quit (Ping timeout << lol didja try an' run the test and overheat yer box
asciilifeform: * mircea_popescu has quit (Ping timeout << lol didja try an' run the test and overheat yer box ☟︎
asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: for added lulz, given http://btcbase.org/log/2018-12-07#1878844 , one actually ~could~, in principle, bake 'rsa pnoje' ( in the sense that, e.g., 2048 * (1/.296) ~= 7kbit/s , moar than enuff for voice ) ☝︎
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 101 * 211
mircea_popescu: fwiw, /me has settled on 221 as the perfect number to build "what is asym crypto" around. experimentally, NOBODY knows it's 13 * 17 nor manages to find out.
a111: Logged on 2018-12-10 14:27 mircea_popescu: * IMPORTANT: config file '/etc/hosts' needs updating. << da fuck is that.
mircea_popescu: * IMPORTANT: config file '/etc/hosts' needs updating. << da fuck is that. ☟︎
trinque: can speed things up by copying /cuntoo/packages/* to the packages folder in the bootstrapper dir
asciilifeform: then will be 0.296 * ( 64 / 2048 ) = ~0.009 encrypt , and as for decrypts with crt,
mircea_popescu: !Qcalc 1872/2048 * 0.296
asciilifeform: for ~decipherment~ if one were to use crt, that'd be a 2 * 0.296 = 0.592s .
a111: Logged on 2018-11-30 03:22 asciilifeform: ... or that the #define ULT(a, b) ((a ^ ((a ^ b) | ((a - b) ^ b))) >> (sizeof(a) * 8 - 1)) macro dun turn to barf in the preprocessor on acct of some esoteric beard shaving from dennis richie ?
asciilifeform: ... or that the #define ULT(a, b) ((a ^ ((a ^ b) | ((a - b) ^ b))) >> (sizeof(a) * 8 - 1)) macro dun turn to barf in the preprocessor on acct of some esoteric beard shaving from dennis richie ? ☟︎
asciilifeform: in unrelated lulz, $ wc -l libffa/* >> 3930 , $ wc -l ffacalc/* >> 1184 ; and story not even finished yet. ( tho ch1's 'RSA occupies around 3000 lines, incl. comments' was not a lie, it's exactly what the minimal rsa of ch9 weighs... )
a111: Logged on 2018-11-26 14:19 phf: vpatch is picky about what it accepts, it's basically only a/foo/* b/foo/*, where's vdiff can accept a totally random stuff like /foo/bar/qux diffed against /dev/null or whatever. right now even diffing two straight files e.g. vdiff x y will produce a non-pressable vpatch. this is all not so much a bug as an unexplored aspect of vdiffing which is also part of the whole rename tracking.
phf: but to your point specifically, i was thinking that if you provide only one argument, right now vdiff errors out, so i think it would be better if it produced genesis. e.g. vdiff foo could produce a a/foo/* false b/foo/* 123 vpatch
phf: vpatch is picky about what it accepts, it's basically only a/foo/* b/foo/*, where's vdiff can accept a totally random stuff like /foo/bar/qux diffed against /dev/null or whatever. right now even diffing two straight files e.g. vdiff x y will produce a non-pressable vpatch. this is all not so much a bug as an unexplored aspect of vdiffing which is also part of the whole rename tracking. ☟︎
asciilifeform: * amstan_ is now known as amstan << lol! that d00d is still here, i can't properly picture why
a111: Logged on 2018-10-30 19:50 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ok, how about this : let K being the key n bits long (say 512), and let f(x) = 2 * K[0] * x ^ n + 3 * K[1] * x ^ n-1 + 5 * K[2] * x ^ n-2 + 7 * K[3] * x ^ n-3 + 11 * K[4] * x ^ n-4 +...+ 3643 * K[n-2] * x ^ 2 + 3659 * K[n-1] * x + 3659. f(x) will produce a pile of bits, this pile is cut in half and xored together, the result is cut in half again. one such half is returned as the prng output ; the other such half
asciilifeform: and you dun have to hardcoad it; simply replace Output(X, Y) := Rotate_Left(Input(X,Y), ( (T+1)*(T+2)/2) mod Z_Length); with Output(X, Y) := Rotate_Left(Input(X,Y), ( (T+1)*(T+2)/2) and (2**Keccak_L - 1));
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform ok, how about this : let K being the key n bits long (say 512), and let f(x) = 2 * K[0] * x ^ n + 3 * K[1] * x ^ n-1 + 5 * K[2] * x ^ n-2 + 7 * K[3] * x ^ n-3 + 11 * K[4] * x ^ n-4 +...+ 3643 * K[n-2] * x ^ 2 + 3659 * K[n-1] * x + 3659. f(x) will produce a pile of bits, this pile is cut in half and xored together, the result is cut in half again. one such half is returned as the prng output ; the other such half ☟︎
mircea_popescu: :) *
mircea_popescu: no no, x is xor * is multiplication (in the sense that if the key is 0 at that offset, the rb dun get applied)
asciilifeform: so, this is exactly the previous scheme, but with * rather than xor ?
mircea_popescu: To obtain P back from E without K : P[1] = P[1] x K[1] * P[1] x K[2] * P[2] x K[3] * P[3] x K[4] * P[4] x K[5] * P[5] ; P[2] = P[2] x K[1] * P[2] x K[2] * P[3] x K[3] * P[4] x K[4] * P[5] x K[5] * P[6] ; and so following all the way down.
mircea_popescu: E[i] = K[0]*P[a] x K[1] * P[b] x ...
mircea_popescu: P[n] = K[0]*P[a] x K[1] * P[b] x ...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform this isn't much of an argument, let alone "proof". + and * also conserve entropy, yet y=x/2 - x/2 +4 does not.
mod6: *#dFnwQ831i&
asciilifeform: bvt: linux kernel is fundamentally retarded, it expects null-termed rubbish, at times, at other times, char * and length, not to mention a pile of untyped ptrs inside structs, really oughta eat ada structs , ada fixed strings, properly typed arrays, etc instead
mircea_popescu: this is the argument against "indepenent owners" among the orcs, too, and in general -- they'll do insane things like keep property 10% occupied for $pricepoint, and ignore that $pricepoint * .1 comes to less net than $half-pricepoint * .6
asciilifeform: or if yer doing voice, 100*10**9 / ((9600 / 8) * 60 * 60 * 24) / 365.0 ~= 2.6 ~years~ of 9600 baud voice, with 100G card.
a111: Logged on 2016-06-10 18:07 asciilifeform: ;;calc 10**12 / ((9600 / 8) * 60 * 60 * 24)
asciilifeform: aha, gets buckets of printolade and dresses up as 'income', like other usg.tbtf.corps.*
asciilifeform: * deedbot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) << trinque ?
asciilifeform: * i cut
asciilifeform: * billymg (~billymg@ has joined #trilema << oh hey welcome to rk, billymg
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform in more general considerations, http://btcbase.org/log/2018-10-10#1860386 << why the fuck are they doing the satoshi * thing! ☝︎
mircea_popescu: piece of shit does not know what ffmpeg -i *.x *.y could POSSIBLY mean
mircea_popescu: just in case anyone else's making audio cd's for the car, for i in *.mp3; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -f wav "${i%}.wav"; done
mod6: *#trilema
mircea_popescu: some clever bits of math permit one to encrypt a message with the use of that 221 so that only he who knows 13 * 17 =221 can ever get it back out.