81 entries in 0.275s
feedbot: http://trilema.com/2020/our-democracy-or-rather-mostly-theirs/ << Trilema -- Our democracy, or rather mostly theirs.
mircea_popescu: but you can't expect game makers to solve problems fucking "our democracy" altogether hasn't managed to even verbalize or conceptualize, let alone even take the first steps towards solving.
trinque: guy had no notion of WoT, of gossipd, or anything. he's firmly an "our democracy" believer
mircea_popescu: in the way of "in our democracy" and "rights of all people" and so on. it's emergent in teh anglo.
BingoBoingo: Our democracy however does not care to speak at all about parallels between protagonist of film who is a "bedsheet ghost" and Klan uniform which is also "bedsheet ghost"
BingoBoingo: aPo reviews for "our democracy", pussygrab 2020!
mircea_popescu: i fail to see how any of it is anything other than "protect me from men". from credit cards and parking lots to "legal system" and "our democracy", the whole exercise is entirely borne out of and predicated upon "please god let it never be the case mp says something to me"
BingoBoingo: In other victories for "our democracy" a minor Preetling arrested by local constables http://www.bnd.com/news/local/article153608214.html#wgt=trending
mircea_popescu: anyway, the whole tjhing with the "bretton woods agreement" / "our democracy peace and un" is an attempt to predicate the meaning on an authority predicated on the meaning, through the avenue of "we hate war". nice and good but can't work, and so it surprisingly does not work.
mircea_popescu: the lengthy pile opf chairs that is "our democracy" falls apart the moment you kick any prior out.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-20 19:16 mircea_popescu: Framedragger come to think about it, the logic actually follows. nature is red in tooth and claw. the hysteria of "removing the red from nature's tooth and claw", usually sold by the "our democracy" lunatics as "rule of law" or equivalent, directly runs all the way to "male penis is not reproductive organ but social construct".
mircea_popescu: for instance : the reason for eg, "trump is nazi" narrative is possibly mostly based on the observation that country of russia bothers and disturbs country of our democracy just like country of muslim bothers and disturbs the good country of africa and therefore the russians must be nazis and probably the muslims are also spies! notwithstanding that they have serious problems with comprehending basic crypto etc. trump must be
mircea_popescu: country of africa (good) ; country of muslim (neonazi) ; country of russia (spies) ; country of china (daddy!) ; country of our democracy.
mircea_popescu: trinque very much indigenous. see rosas, for instance. guy is EXACTLY a "bad tyrant" by the "our democracy" bestiary ; was ELECTED. with genuine majority.
scriba: Logged on 2017-05-20: [19:16:12] <mircea_popescu> Framedragger come to think about it, the logic actually follows. nature is red in tooth and claw. the hysteria of "removing the red from nature's tooth and claw", usually sold by the "our democracy" lunatics as "rule of law" or equivalent, directly runs all the way to "male penis is not reproductive organ but social construct".
mircea_popescu: Framedragger come to think about it, the logic actually follows. nature is red in tooth and claw. the hysteria of "removing the red from nature's tooth and claw", usually sold by the "our democracy" lunatics as "rule of law" or equivalent, directly runs all the way to "male penis is not reproductive organ but social construct". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: gotta keep up with our democracy n'est pas.
a111: Logged on 2017-05-18 01:52 ben_vulpes: on a floor where very nearly every door features a black lives matter and "in our democracy love wins"
mircea_popescu: our democracy is based on love!
ben_vulpes: on a floor where very nearly every door features a black lives matter and "in our democracy love wins" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: fucking ridoinculous "our democracy" bs.
mircea_popescu: contrary to what "the people" of "our democracy" have in mind, nobody made cars "so that" little miss humpernickle can take her groceries home easierlier.
mircea_popescu: maintaining "our democracy" compatible prisons is too expensive ; not maitaining them produces the sops problem, which is a surer "democracy" solvent than austrian painters named adolf.
mircea_popescu: prisons have this very interesting fermentive effect for democracies. basically, it's easy enough to pretend like "our democracy" while the bread's still flowing ; once that stops, as it always does -- suddenly it's impossible for the "our democracy" pretense to insulate itself from the authoritatian restructuring the prison drives into society.
mircea_popescu: anyway. the idea was, rather than actually drill the idiots we recruit into soldiers, cheaper easier and lazier to just give them a gun. and since they're idiots anyway, we "optimize" gun into peashooter. our democracy progressing continously towards further heights of socialism.
mircea_popescu: to quote the true avatars of this "our democracy" retardation, "we could build a cabin like that!" "well... not us. but two men could."
a111: Logged on 2017-04-29 12:43 mircea_popescu: aaand in not-really-news : avalance in retezat (romanian mountain) killed a few kids that were european and world record holders in mountain-related items. ro "our democracy" media railing about how the trainer (also father of one of the victims) "forced his two daughters to break record after record while training in EXTREME CONDITIONS!!!1 ONLY TO SATISFY HIS OWN EGOTISM!!1111"
mircea_popescu: things like "there's no gsm signal therefore survival chances are minimal" tend to give him away. seeing how you know, gsm, our democracy and his assorted ineptitudes were invented slightly after retezat stood there.
mircea_popescu: aaand in not-really-news : avalance in retezat (romanian mountain) killed a few kids that were european and world record holders in mountain-related items. ro "our democracy" media railing about how the trainer (also father of one of the victims) "forced his two daughters to break record after record while training in EXTREME CONDITIONS!!!1 ONLY TO SATISFY HIS OWN EGOTISM!!1111" ☟︎
mircea_popescu: (the "our democracy" religious-science needed some weird.)(
mircea_popescu: theirein included, the "our democracy" aparatchicks.
mircea_popescu: now, in this situation, random item with delusions of agency (in "our democracy" terms "a person") is stuck with the following problem :
mircea_popescu: either that or masturbatory fantasies of an "improved trilema" with "moar freedom" of the "our democracy" type.
Framedragger: because gotta serve all the our democracy right here and now?
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-05#1637792 << this for the record is quite false. there's a lot of research published, up until when the "our democracy" imbeciles saw themselves in the position of "running things" and they came up with the current pseudo-academic nonsense. i suppose "bologna system" +- a decade or two. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: so in idiots this decays to "what should i do here ?" "uh i dunno, but X is more friendly to our shared delusions of equality, humanism and our democracy!"
mircea_popescu: that while not all of the us livestock is fit for either sexual slavery or "our democracy" whatever the fuck they would call their current activities ; "raising awareness and waiting for their day" whatever it may be -- nevertheless sexual slavery is a much more legitimate ASPIRATION than whatever they aspire to, namely "our democracy" or "speaking at a conference" or w/e the shit.
a111: Logged on 2017-03-29 06:33 mircea_popescu: "we represent the whole world*!!!" * as understood by whatever 3rd echelon bureaucrat in the us dept of our democracy that "handles" "canada".
mircea_popescu: much like opting to have a natural compost pile in a shady spot in the garden instead of fertilizer and "modern our democracy" will result in a much better ecosystem, with birds and earthworms and so on ; just like a good cheese and yogurt diet rather than taking peptobismol will result in a happier digestion ; just so havinga house full of linens rather than nylons will result in a much happier overal environment to live in,
mircea_popescu: "we represent the whole world*!!!" * as understood by whatever 3rd echelon bureaucrat in the us dept of our democracy that "handles" "canada". ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-27#1632872 << that's pretty much the required blue pill. it's either this or else no possiblity of "our democracy". kinda what the whole "toxic ideas" is all about : here's the set of notions that make an indefensible, unfundamented belief in our religious tenets untenable. ☝︎
mircea_popescu: girl hacker or no girl hacker it'll still be save the flying pandas, guns kill people, abortion doesn't kill people, can't say nigger and our democracy etc.
mircea_popescu: our democracy!1
trinque: "our company" just like "our democracy"
mircea_popescu: hey, nobody cares "our democracy" was built by no less a man than mussolini.
mircea_popescu: meanwhile at the other end of "our democracy" female state, https://www.quora.com/What-is-best-way-to-get-traffic-for-new-Hindi-blog
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform whassat ? "being what we'd have called nazi and a threat to our democracy had trump lost" ?
mircea_popescu: "can't say our democracy is a waste of everyone's time". ooops...
mircea_popescu: asciilifeform the fundamental problem with "human rights" / "our democracy" ie humanism -- if mothers empower sons to escape fatherly punishment, the incentive on the 2nd sons is to be mothers rather than fathers.
mircea_popescu: trinque> hm. no, I see your point. the "market" being mostly determined by malefactors burning govt funding. << sadly the ONLY pill to this is an end to "humanism" and thereby "our democracy" resulting in mass poverty, not mass consumerism.
mircea_popescu: this is not a fair statement. modern "western world" / "our democracy" is what you get when girls are ineptly forced to shoulder the WHOLE task.
a111: Logged on 2017-02-27 22:04 mircea_popescu: i certainly don't keep nodes for "our democracy", as discussed recently.
mircea_popescu: i certainly don't keep nodes for "our democracy", as discussed recently. ☟︎
mircea_popescu: http://archive.is/jaM2c in other things that just happen and aren't anybody's fault, also known as "inept our democracy diplomacy"
mircea_popescu: is this fake science ? i would like to know before i click if some dork in "our democracy" approved these findings.
mircea_popescu: the computation of just how bad "science" awareness among the "our democracy" crowds must be that no "ripped penis right out of socket" jokes emanated in twenty years of cancerous male-hating "comedy" is left for the reader.
mircea_popescu: what fucking "rational" and what fucking "basis". trump impeachment = open hunting season for "our democracy" "civilised" cucks. the http://trilema.com/2016/stfu-attention-whore-culture/ will roll right over.
mircea_popescu: clearly the jew pig did a great turn for our democracy.
mircea_popescu: in simple words, "the only hope of an our democracy surviving the republican age is if some mechanical method to turn noise into sense is devised"
mircea_popescu has seen this time and again, IN POINT OF FACT, experimentally, throughout his 15 years!!!! of slavekeeping career. "our democracy" western girl shows up, shorter than she could have been and fattier than she should be. switches to sane diet, her fat turns out "resistant" because hey, body used it as burial grounds for all sorts of radioactive waste. eventually it all clears out and her ACTUAL, genotypical body type eme
mircea_popescu has seen this time and again, IN POINT OF FACT, experimentally, throughout his 15 years!!!! of slavekeeping career. "our democracy" western girl shows up, shorter than she could have been and fattier than she should be. switches to sane diet, her fat turns out "resistant" because hey, body used it as burial grounds for all sorts of radioactive waste. eventually it all clears out and her ACTUAL, genotypical body type eme
mircea_popescu: it's not just a case of "it's our democracy when we do it and corruption when russia does it" ; the linguistic shenanigans are at the very core of libertard program. "it's denying victim their living experience when you tell susan j fowler or whatever other coreboot-broad-of-the-day that she's just not very birhgt and didn't work very hard ; but it's nothing when dangerous homosexual etc"
mircea_popescu: "illegal" is rapidly becoming a set item with "our democracy" and "human rights" etc to simply denote the current embodiment of racism.
mircea_popescu: if i lived in india i'd strike gold rounds, with my face on one side and my crown on the other. and if the "indian our democracy" doesn't like it, they can eat hot ieds.
mircea_popescu is always very suspicion of the female professions, from religion to "our democracy" to aluminum siding salesmanship that "are open to everyone"
mircea_popescu: no dude, it's like, on reddit. and our democracy. what do you mean!
mircea_popescu: you mean, "the civilised our democracy" ?
mircea_popescu: aha. our democracy will do nothing better than waste its resources.
mircea_popescu: that's what built the british empire, that's EXACTLY what built european civilisation, and i would much rather cut a limb off any three year old than ever again encounter any of these unchecked, unhumbled, unhinged monstrosities "liberal our democracy" produces.
mircea_popescu: "our democracy" fellows, very vocal in a crowd.
mircea_popescu: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-01-31#1610175 << pence and half the cabinet ?! what is this, our democracy ? ☝︎
mircea_popescu: jesus turns out the "our democracy" folk had been living in a full on play-by-the-ear dictatorship since the 70s ? they have nfi how anything works do they ?
jurov: “Mr. Snowden fled into the arms of an adversary and has sought refuge in a country that most recently made a concerted effort to undermine confidence in our democracy.”
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/12/the-wail-of-our-democracy-a-holiday-roundup-xtend-special-edition-tmr/ << Qntra - The Wail of "Our Democracy"! A Holiday Roundup Xtend Special Edition (TM)(R)
deedbot: http://qntra.net/2016/12/lower-korea-makes-our-democracy-weird-again/ << Qntra - Lower Korea Makes "Our Democracy" Weird Again
PeterL: 5. In her inaugural address, Hillary Clinton promises to “wrest back control of our democracy and economy from the moneyed interests that have taken over both.” << how many different ways can the socialists say "seize the means of production"?
mircea_popescu: yes, but does it protect our democracy ? hm ? HM ?
mircea_popescu: aka deese putins dun understand how teh our democracy works!
mircea_popescu: because when they do it, it's all good. just when others do it it's "an attack on our democracy"
asciilifeform: 'About a week ago, House Republicans snuck an anti-LGBTQ measure into the National Defense Authorization Act. When Democrats fought back with an amendment to take out the discriminatory language, Republican leadership extended the voting time and flipped some of their members' votes to defeat it. Our democracy must be better than this.'
assbot: gloomdoom comments on Poverty Inc. argues that Wall Street and the banking industry’s portrayal of "business as usual" is undermining our democracy, shattering the lives of working class families and the poor, while endangering the very environmental balance of the planet. ... ( http://bit.ly/1JMMwfa )