577 entries in 0.727s
Diablo-D3: you can stream the json over telnet
Ukto: json far easier an faster
jurov: yes! it shows in statjson in only 2 to 20 seconds !
smickles: mircea_popescu: would you not like it if I had a ~500 iteration loop which called statjson until it saw the order pop up, if at the end of the 500 iteration it haddn't, it would just assume it got executed?
mod6: My original plan here was just to display the order id's through the JSONSTAT
jurov: you have to call statjson and match the order later
mod6: ahh, yeah, nothing with GSON. i tried to get my head wrapped around how to use it with android and the funky mpex json, but I couldn't make it work
thestringpuller: like for instance I was reading in JSON from a server that had data on it
mod6: it connects to mpex (currently just over inet, tor ability is coming, probably in beta, tor works with perl version) and grabs all the JSON and parses it.
mircea_popescu: mpex.co/mpex-mktdepth-jsonp.php
thestringpuller: mpex.co/mpex-mktdepth-json.php
mircea_popescu: <mircea_popescu> thestringpuller mpex.co/mpex-mktdepth-json.php
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: where is the market depth json waaaaaah
mircea_popescu: thestringpuller mpex.co/mpex-mktdepth-jsonp.php
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: where is the depth table json
thestringpuller: mircea_popescu: is mpex-vwap.php the only stat json that's publicly availabe
Ukto: i would then have to connect to a bitcoind or json from somewhere to get diff
Ukto: the actual api-json listing will be quite a bit nicer
jurov: besides, live.coinbr.com rather uses RSS and JSON directly from source
Ukto: yeah, tweet/json trades
Diablo-D3: or json or csv
Diablo-D3: sends help as a json command
jurov: did anyone get any data in "exercises" part of mpex jsonstat reply?
Ukto: and send your fucking json api call
Ukto: have sto setup the json api..
mod6: im so excited for the JSONSTAT cmd, thats the only other thing I need to implement really.
kakobrekla: i dont think those come in the json
jurov: yes, mentioned something about gpg-encrypted json
mircea_popescu: jurov, i think i'ma replace all ints with ? in statjson
mircea_popescu: that's not forbidden. but it would be weird to require exchanges to accept both json and xml imput
FabianB_: well, yeah, by hand it's nicer than json
mircea_popescu: json would seem like undue burden
FabianB_: data as json in both directions would seem more consistent
FabianB_: STATJSON returns data as json
FabianB_: mircea_popescu: why are you standardising now that you start using json with one returning json and all other non-json?
mircea_popescu: no json afaik
jurov: nah, i don't feel like bitching today again, after that yesterday's letting off steam over jsonrpc :)
mircea_popescu: He used the http://bitcoin-24.com/EUR/trades.json to get into the System.
jurov: http://live.coinbr.com/trades24.json?mpsic=S.MPOE
jurov: something like http://live.coinbr.com/trades24.json?mpsic=S.MPOE ?
smickles: mircea_popescu: do STAT and STATJSON have independant 'last hour before last stat's?
mircea_popescu: anyway. should i put up a cannonical json response ?
mircea_popescu: for the record : {"Header":[ {"key1":"value1" }, {"key2":"value2" }]} | http://jsonlint.com/ => Valid JSON
thepulledstring: I use gson for all my json needs
jurov: already have jsonstat parser for your bots?
thepulledstring: JSON is fo' haters
jurov: so... i'll appreciate donations of jsonstat samples (can be redacted, i'm just interested in format of all the parts)
jurov: cause i'm working on processing STATJSON
smickles: OMG, mircea_popescu that statjson will make things so much easier, and the md5, but what exactly is the md5 of for each secton?
mircea_popescu: smickles you go STATJSON lol
mircea_popescu: you know... stat in json
smickles: what's this statjson i heard mentioned?
sgornick: ok, I'll look at statjson.
mircea_popescu: the plain stat is scheduled for an overhaul, but this won't happen for a while yet to give people who are using it atm to provide 3rd party services to migrate to statjson first
mircea_popescu: this was just added in the statjson
mircea_popescu: jurov mod6 statjson now includes exercises list too.
jurov: OK, exporting json interface should not be a problem. i planned to do one anyway for mod6's adroid app
mircea_popescu: jurov : that's gonna be in the json :D
mod6: this speeds that whole thing way up. i have a bunch of reuseable code from the other JSON parsing stuff it does.
mod6: Well, the JSONSTAT i'll grab once that's done and i'll be able to use that. the STAT screen is one remaining that I haven't designed yet just because I knew i'd have to just do it line at a time parsing or what not
mod6: so one would just use JSONSTAT instead of stat and then per the reqest they get an pgp encrypted/signed JSON output of the STAT?
mod6: mircea_popescu: so there is JSONSTAT nao!? :D
jurov: what is "md5Checksum" from JSONSTAT for?
mircea_popescu: one point : the format for stat might change in the future, but not too soon. i expect everyone who uses stats programatically to move to statjson in the coming months.
jurov: STATJSON, eh?
mircea_popescu: introducing the new command, STATJSON
rg: jsonrpc.php already exists
maximian: Get a JSON dump of my transaction history
smickles: i meant 'easy' as in not having to write some code whic polls a json line and parses it and such
smickles: remembr how you asked for anythng conceivable to include in the vwap json?
smickles: mircea_popescu: i think your bot's bids/asks arn't showing up in the json again
smickles: lol, id in ht asset vwap json?
mircea_popescu: ;;later tell kakobrekla hey listen, can you introduce !ticker for mpex too ? you'd have to read http://polimedia.us/bitcoin/mpex-vwap.php, it's a json and just parse for the symbol. it allows concurrency and goes pretty fast.
mircea_popescu: you'd have to read http://polimedia.us/bitcoin/mpex-vwap.php, it's a json
mircea_popescu: yeah there's rss and jsons too
kakobrekla: your json?
mircea_popescu: why not parse the json srsly ?