866 entries in 0.901s

BingoBoingo: Anyways in Chapter 5 of the Big Book "How It Works" they mention the goal is spiritual
progress, not spiritual perfection.
mircea_popescu: what's the
progress on this deeply uncontroversial technical solution ? hm ?
mircea_popescu: as a sign of bitcoin's
progress in the intervening coupla years, the amir taaki v2.0 can marginally spell, and in a very flat, vulgar manner express himself in writing.
gribble: diablod3 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 16 weeks, 4 days, 4 hours, 7 minutes, and 59 seconds ago: <DiabloD3> its a work in
progress pete_dushenski: the
progress since october 2014 has been nothing short of impressive
mats: no, work in
progress trinque: also would be good to have curl output some
progress info when downloading. it otherwise appears hung when pulling down boost, or did to me.
BingoBoingo: pete_dushenski: Works in
progress tend to stay in the logs and occasionally get buried there
mircea_popescu: It is a shame that the
progress of important innovation has been stalled because of generalized public concerns about data misuse.
mircea_popescu: Throughout sophomore year I read all I could about startups, and about things like finance, marketing, strategy, economics, design, technology etc. The following summer I started learning some HTML, CSS, JS and PHP, but didnt make much
progress (I also started a very early version of the website that Im writing this post about)."
ben_vulpes: Please reach out to me with any technical questions you have, any questions about how Git works or how to use it, or to review your
progress and provide feedback. We take pairing and education seriously here, and are very happy to extend this support to you during this exercise.
mircea_popescu: <nubbins`> jurov seems you're making some
progress << ironically, the operator= nonsense was JUST linked in a basic piece about how c++ sucks that we've all read and yet it made nobody else click.
jurov: hard to say. my style of work is more like throwing shit to wall than some systematic
progress nubbins`: jurov seems you're making some
progress nubbins`: think it was a git issue.
progress BingoBoingo: Car radio
progress report: buttons are getting more responsive. Will likely finish the can on the radio some warmer night next week.
phf: there's a nice demo of Lucid xemacs based c++ environment that does all kinds of dynamic things. '95, since then, much
phf: but yeah i switched back to writing cweb, and made
progress on it, but the amount of careful thinking that's required with c, lisp prototype would not have bought me anything.
adlai: funkenstein_: "sucking less" is multidimensional, you can have
progress away from the origin (MRCA?) without imposing an absolute ordering of betterness across all individuals
assbot: Logged on 19-11-2015 11:05:17; jurov: i more deeply comprehended why mircea disdains "
progress",it's eloquently explained there
jurov: i more deeply comprehended why mircea disdains "
progress",it's eloquently explained there
☟︎ BingoBoingo: asciilifeform: THey are still works in
progress. There's myostatin antibodies being tested in rats that... have some serious side effects. Turns out at a certain point being "muscle obese" is not that different from being "fat obese" when it comes to cardiac outcomes
mircea_popescu: ben_vulpes lost business + maintenance = "technology of
progress is the future"
btcdrak: "In talking with miners and companies, one thing I’m hearing repeatedly is “we will wait for the second conference in December. If there’s no
progress by then, we’ll switch to BIP 101”.
phf: so gossipd is "in
progress", but fella's not been heard from in a very long time. gpg has not been started, but ascii presumably has a lot of ideas about it. then there's pie in the sky projects, like fabricating own cpus or rsa over udp routers.
mircea_popescu: then again, it took the internet 30 years and it took bitcoin 3 for the same result, so i guess there's
mircea_popescu: let alone that bitcoin is and was from the onset conservativism in a pill and rejection of two centuries of "
progress" in the most absolute form imaginable.
punkman: you got a point there, but perhaps the movement always exists, a counterweight to "
BingoBoingo: It's amazing how much failure gets passed along as "
progress" in USistan
pete_dushenski: and in still other news, "Apple has published a workaround after some iPhone and iPad users were left stranded in the middle of the iOS 9 update process. The Cupertino giant has acknowledged multiple complaints that devices were unable to
progress past the "Slide to Upgrade" screen when moving to the latest version of iOS. Apple's remedy: wipe your device and hope you made a backup."
mircea_popescu: In a recent speech, Travis Kalanick, chief executive of the ride-hailing company Uber, said that
progress brought by his company had to be in harmony with stability, words often used by Chinese officials to signal the dangers of social and political unrest. IBMs China marketing materials use phrases like building a harmonious society and the Chinese dream, the latter a phrase coined by Xi to signif
mircea_popescu: t, as such, nor any "
progress" in the sense of "levelling up to krishna" and supersizing your karma serving.
mircea_popescu: if every person on earth wrote just 50 lines of code, which is a very small number of lines of code to write for the
progress world etc,
mircea_popescu wouldn't mind using that on a few skulls, so.
pete_dushenski: right, finance your own future and that of your children =
progress pete_dushenski: ;;later tell trinque wd on deedbot-, as ever. any
progress with the bitbet integration ?
assbot: Logged on 09-09-2015 06:49:05; mircea_popescu: nd him were worthy of being told about it. for all you know the notions of "
progress and science" incumbent in the perspective you propose are so much masturbatory jizz, and in point of fact intelligent people share their thoughts exactly like a comedian shares his routine : to friends, in a social environment, for the same reasons in the same ways.
mircea_popescu: nd him were worthy of being told about it. for all you know the notions of "
progress and science" incumbent in the perspective you propose are so much masturbatory jizz, and in point of fact intelligent people share their thoughts exactly like a comedian shares his routine : to friends, in a social environment, for the same reasons in the same ways.
☟︎ mircea_popescu: some people
progress from there, some don't, and that's it.
jurov: coinbr
progress report: there's light in the end of tunnel, analysis of last two mixed up orders left
assbot: Logged on 05-09-2015 00:45:55; mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> >We are migrating the website to a new and improved and more dynamic site. Please excuse any broken links or choppy pages as we work! <<< one wonders wtf the progre thinks
progress actually is. "new improved more dynamic" = "broken". so whydja want it ?
mircea_popescu: <kakobrekla> >We are migrating the website to a new and improved and more dynamic site. Please excuse any broken links or choppy pages as we work! <<< one wonders wtf the progre thinks
progress actually is. "new improved more dynamic" = "broken". so whydja want it ?
☟︎ mircea_popescu: "
progress" means, smaller contingents of anything useful as time goes by.
punkman: "Top Judge Becomes Greece's First Female Prime Minister" <<
progress is what happens when everything gradually goes to shit
funkenstein_: punkman, yes. stringpuller: earlier version posted while ago (in logs), copypaste was able to "double vote". Work in
mircea_popescu: it IS technically possible we still see technological
n6: I still need support with Pogotron would you mind helping me some more ascii_field not sure what i'm doing and everytime the help dries up my
progress stops.
n6: mircea_popescu: appstore dev tools 2.6gb and no
progress bar. going for 6.4 off the website hope the command line tools just installed for later version don't fuck me.
n6: ascii_field: I'm install it from the app store.. they don't even have a
progress bar hope its installing.
funkenstein_: TEST2 script took some of the fun out of it, thing has the gameplay of "
progress quest"
ben_vulpes: n6: good way to make minimal
progress on everything
mircea_popescu: this "
progress" bullshit is dumb and must die. there's nothing in the future but a buggy, half assed, stupid reimplementation of the past.
mod6: i guess this thought was sort of a work in
gernika: punkman - I have the Ada 95 reference manual. Seems thorough. Also you can print out a copy of the GNAT User's Guide at Kinkos - which I've also done. Haven't actually made any
progress in reading it but... Seems good by looking at TOC.
assbot: Logged on 01-08-2015 18:51:53; davout: second kid arrived, private pilot license in
progress 70% pretty much sums it up :-)
assbot: Logged on 31-07-2015 21:50:52; hanbot: ascii_field hanbot, what are the remaining issues? << rotor.sh sez:
http://thewhet.net/han/rotorfail.txt (no patches) meanwhile mod6 has made
progress on RI on ubuntu so still working on "manual" stator build.
mircea_popescu: he was "being ironic", in current pop-parlance. had plato in fact and earnestly "bemoaned
progress" played straight, he'd have complained about the innovation of allowing teen boys not be raped (mostly championed by socrates, for that matter).
davout: second kid arrived, private pilot license in
progress 70% pretty much sums it up :-)
☟︎ hanbot: ascii_field hanbot, what are the remaining issues? << rotor.sh sez:
http://thewhet.net/han/rotorfail.txt (no patches) meanwhile mod6 has made
progress on RI on ubuntu so still working on "manual" stator build.
☟︎ ben_vulpes: trinque: make any
progress through keene yet?
decimation: just like usg claims all your ideas: "To promote the
Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;"
solrodar: ;;later tell ben_vulpes any
progress with the boost problem you had with my script? What was the problem anyway?
trinque: decimation: sort of an unsettling development, "
progress" not satisfied until history never even happened
trinque: artifexd: any
progress? eagerly awaited
decimation: I hope those 'bitcoin core' dumbfucks are happy with the
progress they are making
mats: with all this going on, are you making
progress on the cardano?
mats: contemplating hiring someone to work on it but it appears dignork has made much
progress mircea_popescu: trinque, asciilifeform, wimc : if client fails to
progress past 363736, the likely culprit is the db locks limit. look in derp.log (assuming standard derp) for "REORGANIZE\nREORGANIZE: Disconnect 6 blocks; 000000000000000006a3..000000000000000013fe\nREORGANIZE: Connect 7 blocks; 000000000000000006a3..0000000000000000014e\n\n\n************************\nEXCEPTION: 11DbException\nDb::get: Cannot allocate memory\nbitcoin i
HeySteve: once I'm done with Witcher 3, I want to see if I can make some
progress in figuring it out
mircea_popescu: that said, it'd be incredible cultural
progress for the us if it actually was a little funnier.
mircea_popescu is too old to fall for "
progress" and "future" tricks. i'm not paying for that.
thestringpuller: Blender Cloud subscribers can watch the creation
progress closely, share this with others, learn from it, and even contribute back to it.